Deportes y recreación al aire libre

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Deportes y recreación al aire libre (12827)

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  • When Running Made History
    Roger Robinson
    Robinson takes readers on a globe-trotting tour that combines a historian's in-sight with vivid personal memories going back to just after World War II. From experiencing the 1948 "Austerity Olympics" in London as a young spectator to working as a journalist in the Boston Marathon media center at the moment of the 2013 bombings, Robinson offers a fascinating first-person ac...

    77,68 €

  • Beating the Bounds
    Andrew Knox
    A walking guide to the parish of Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle, retracing the steps of the Parish boundary, once marked by the annual ritual of  Beating the Bounds. Illustrated with Ordnance Survey mapping and beautiful photography, this stylish pocket guide is a must for walkers particularly those with an interest in the flora and fauna of the area. ...

    24,81 €

  • Getting to the Other Side of Victory
    Donna Hopkins
       Donna J. Hopkins was the picture of health. As a competitive athlete, with a growing broadcasting career, life truly felt good. After a monthly self-Breast exam revealed a lump, her hopes and dreams were covered with the thick fog of pending survival, as the loneliness of “why me” began to take its toll.As if the road to survival was not enough the first time, Donna was not ...

    27,94 €

  • Rise up
    Dana H. Senders
    Rising up is not as easy to do as we think it is. This entitles us to do the things that we are meant to do. It's about overcoming the weakness in woman's basketball officiating. This also help us to figure out what to do when you have a chronic illness and how to succeed. As I rose up to do all the things that I could do I had obstacles to face. From the beginning of t...

    8,38 €

  • Rise up
    Dana H. Senders
    Rising up is not as easy to do as we think it is. This entitles us to do the things that we are meant to do. It's about overcoming the weakness in woman's basketball officiating. This also help us to figure out what to do when you have a chronic illness and how to succeed. As I rose up to do all the things that I could do I had obstacles to face. From the beginning of t...

    23,91 €

    I wonder what it would feel like to meet your family – your parents, siblings, aunts and uncles for the first time in the middle of your childhood? At a time when making friends, and being accepted is anxiety ridden and tenuous. What if you were damaged, fragile and angry? What if this was your last chance to be part of a family before being sent permanently to a group home for...

    20,01 €

  • So You Want to Hunt Turkeys?
    Pete Rogers
    This book attempts to be different from many others on this subject. After years of hunting and writing about hunting the wild turkey, I felt it time to compile a set of stories that all relate not so much to  the “how” to hunt wild turkeys, rather , more of the “why” we hunt wild turkeys.There are a few “how-to” sections for those who desire to have something to take away. But...

    24,99 €

  • The Confident Athlete
    Tami Matheny
    Many athletes have roller coaster confidence.  Their confidence is up when performing well and its down when performing poorly.  The Confident Athlete gives 4 basic building blocks to ensure you start and end each performance with a tank full of confidence.  You will discover simple yet powerful ways to build and maintain confidence.  The book will give you the tools to start e...

    10,97 €

  • Handbook of Research on Environmental Policies for Emergency Management and Public Safety
    Augustine Nduka Eneanya
    In a world of earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, it is evident that emergency response plans are crucial to solve problems, overcome challenges, and restore and improve communities affected by such negative events. Although the necessity for quick and efficient aid is understood, researchers and professionals continue to strive for the best practices and methodologies to pr...

    386,82 €

  • Global Mixed Gender Basketball
    Percy Miller
    In today’s modern, technological world, there has been more disconnect in communities than ever before. Neighbors send text instead of picking up the phone to have a conversation, children play video games online at separate houses, the mom and pop shops are closing down; to put it simply, the neighborhood is changing. And we are here to change that. Global Mixed Gender Basketb...

    26,78 €

  • The Athlete CEO
    Adonal Foyle
    In this book, Adonal Foyle presents seven matrices: Personal, Professional Sports, Family, Financial, Public, Charity, and Post-Career. The overall takeaway is that he wants athletes to appreciate what they already do on a day-to-day basis. By managing numerous elements of their lives, they are already doing the work of an Athlete CEO. It is the author’s hope that in reading th...

    16,33 €

  • Driving Incremental Golf Course Revenue
    Jeff Shavitz
    Are you ready to drive incremental revenue to your golf course? To help serve as your business coach, Jeff Shavitz, Chief Golf Officer of Clickit Golf, Inc., shares 140 thoughts to help increase your top line sales and profitability.Business is business whether you are running a golf course or any other type of company. Driving Incremental Golf Course Revenue shares principles ...

    31,70 €

  • Driving Incremental Golf Course Revenue
    Jeff Shavitz
    Are you ready to drive incremental revenue to your golf course? To help serve as your business coach, Jeff Shavitz, Chief Golf Officer of Clickit Golf, Inc., shares 140 thoughts to help increase your top line sales and profitability.Business is business whether you are running a golf course or any other type of company. Driving Incremental Golf Course Revenue shares principles ...

    26,52 €

  • Golf
    Ace McCloud
    Are you tired of anger and frustration on the golf course? Do you wish you could play more consistently?Whether you want to (1) learn basic golf techniques, (2) improve your consistency, or (3) master the mental part of the game, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Do missed putts drive you crazy?Stop doing the same thing while expecting different results. If y...

    9,30 €

  • 70 Powerful Weight Gaining Meal Recipes to Get Bigger Faster
    Joe Correa
    70 Powerful Weight Gaining Meal Recipes to Get Bigger Faster: These Meals Will Increase Your Calorie Intake through Large and Nutritious Meals to Help You Gain Weight Fast NaturallyBy Joe Correa CSN The largest number of people in the Western world is struggling with obesity which has become the leading cause for lots of different diseases. There are thousands of different diet...

    20,58 €

  • Squirrel Tales to Game Trails and Shore Lunches
    Ben Harpe
    Why do I hunt and fish? Because I derive enjoyment, satisfaction, relaxation, and pleasure from it, that’s why. I enjoy the planning, preparation, anticipation, excitement, camaraderie, and if I’m fortunate enough to be successful, the meals of wild fare. I enjoy the sharing, the stories and the memories.    In writing this book, I do not intend to make any bold or profound re...

    16,19 €

  • Wing Chun Masters
    Jose MFraguas
    Through conversations with many historical Wing Chun figures such as the Grandmaster Yip Man’s sons; Yip Ching and Yip Chun, and other top disciples of his like Wong Shun Leung, Willian Cheung, Victor Kan, Leung Ting, etc…the information in this book has never appeared anywhere before. The author, Jose M. Fraguas proudly presents “Wing Chun Masters”, with an amazing repertoire ...

    38,79 €

  • Up the Strait
    Wayne J Lutz
    Boating, hiking, and survival off the grid in coastal British Columbia, where mountains drop into the sea and people practice self-reliance and a different sense of purpose. Destinations on the Strait of Georgia that can be reached by boat, bicycle, all-terrain vehicle, and sea kayak. Contrarian views of the people and places of coastal British Columbia. A travelogue memoir bas...

    12,20 €

  • Recetas para Construir Músculo para Fisicoculturismo, para Pre y Post Competencia
    Joseph Correa
    Recetas para Construir Músculo para Fisicoculturismo, para Pre y Post Competencia: Recupérese más rápido y mejore su desempeño, alimentando su cuerpo con poderosas comidas para construir músculo y destruir la grasa Este libro le ayudará a incrementar la cantidad de proteínas que usted consume al día, para facilitar el aumento de masa muscular. Estas recetas le ayudarán a aumen...

    23,05 €

  • Devenir Mentalement Plus Résistant en Bodybuilding en Utilisant la Méditation
    Joseph Correa
    La méditation est l’une des meilleures façons de vous préparer pour atteindre votre véritable potentiel. Vous nourrir correctement et la formation sont deux des pièces du puzzle, mais il vous faut la troisième pièce pour avoir d’excellents résultats. La troisième pièce est la force mentale et c’est ce que vous pourrez obtenir par la méditation. Les athlètes qui pratiquent la m...

    25,89 €

  • Diventare mentalmente resistente nel Bodybuilding utilizzando la meditazione
    Joseph Correa
    La meditazione è uno dei modi migliori per raggiungere il tuo vero potenziale. Mangiare correttamente ed il costante allenamento sono due dei pezzi del puzzle, ma è necessario il terzo pezzo per raggiungere il tuo vero potenziale. Il terzo pezzo è la stabilità mentale che può essere ottenuta attraverso la meditazione. I bodybuilder che praticano la meditazione regolarmente si ...

    25,94 €

  • 90 Essens- und Saftrezepte um abzunehmen und sich noch heute vom Fett zu befreien
    Joseph Correa
    90 Essens- und Saftrezepte um abzunehmen und sich noch heute vom Fett zu befreien werden dir helfen, Gewicht auf natürliche Weise und effizient zu verlieren. Zu wissen was und wann man essen soll, macht einen bedeutenden Unterschied. Wenn du in der Vergangenheit nicht erfolgreich darin warst, das ungewollte Fett zu verlieren, kommt jetzt deine Chance dies zu ändern. Lies dieses...

    26,62 €

  • The Unknown Journey
    Joseph Anaman
    In this truly inspirational story and after fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma for over two years, Joseph Anaman relates how his body was overwhelmed by malignant cells and gradually began to shut down. He recounts his battle, first throughout a cycle of illness and recovery with radiotherapy. Then, fighting all the while against the disease and chemotherapy, he describes the desp...

    7,84 €

  • 40 Recettes pour la Perte de Poids pour un Mode de Vie Actif
    Joseph Correa
    Les 40 Recettes de Perte de poids pour un Style de vie Actif vous aideront à perdre du poids naturellement et efficacement. La connaissance de ce que vous mangez et quand vous mangez fera toute la différence du monde. Si vous n'avez pas encore réussi dans le passé à perdre la graisse superflue, c’est maintenant votre chance d’accomplir le changement. Lisez ce livre et comme...

    23,77 €

  • Le Programme de formation ultime au Bodybuilding
    Joseph Correa
    Pour les bodybuilders qui veulent développer une augmentation consistante de leur masse musculaire, ils auront besoin d’avoir un plan d’entraînement sérieux et auront besoin de le compléter par une excellente nutrition. Ce livre vous fournira un plan d’entraînement organisé et un calendrier.  Deux calendriers NORMAL et INTENSIF de ce plan d’entraînement sont inclus, au cas où v...

    27,38 €

  • 48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen täglichen Protein-Konsum zu steigern und dein Muskelwachstum dadurch anzuregen. Diese Mahlzeiten werden deine Muskeln auf eine organisierte Art und Weise stärken, indem sie deinem Speiseplan eine gesunde Menge an Proteinen zufügen. Zu beschäftigt zu sein, um richtig zu essen, kann manchmal zu einem Problem ...

    26,02 €

  • 51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen Körper nach deinen Wünschen zu formen und die Fett-Aufnahme zu reduzieren. Ein erhöhter Protein-Anteil in der Ernährung führt bewiesener Maßen zu einem gesteigerten Muskelwachstum und zu einer verbesserten Leistung in allen Lebenslagen. Deinen Körper mit mehr Muskeln auszustatten bietet dir viele Vorte...

    23,82 €

  • Understanding Aikido
    Jan J Sunderlin
    Understanding Aikido: Essential Information and Perceptions (Special Edition) presents an historical, cultural, and philosophical look at the development of the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Sunderlin focuses on the influences brought to bear on Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, and the subsequent cultivation of the latter's martial art as a vessel of Budo. The author a...

    63,06 €

  • Golf Instruction Made Easy
    Jerry Jones
    Before you’re ready to hit a course take a visit (preferably multiple) to a local driving range and gain some experience hitting balls. Use this book to guide you on making the right swing and how to develop your game so that when you get started you are in a great position to master the game. So as an aspiring golfer you need to practice in a safe and effective environment. An...

    10,50 €

  • Fut Sao Wing Chun
    James Cama
    Wing Chun is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It was made famous by Bruce Lee and his master, Yip Man. The most practiced form of Wing Chun is the Hong Kong version, which is streamlined and compact. However, older systems survive in China and one of them is the obscure art known as Fut Sao (Buddha Hand) Wing Chun. Fut Sao Wing Chun was brought to America in 1...

    18,04 €