
Humanidades (511889)

  • Coming Around
    Richard Rose
    While researching family history for his semibiographical opera Monte and Pinky, Richmond-based poet and songwriter Richard Rose came face to face with the fact of his ancestors’ involvement in the local slave trade. As a social and environmental activist, Rose became determined to explore and come to terms with the many consequences of the injustices in which his family took p...

    11,32 €

    Dr. Graham McLennan / Thomas W. Rogers
     Darwin’s Replacement is a culmination of 3 decades of research including significant input from 20 PhDs, 3 MDs, 9 DScs, 3 Mathematicians, 2 MScs., and 8 Independent Researchers.  What this book reveals:    The proven essentiality of a super-intelligent force for creating and sustaining living cell-parts, cells, and entities, including us.  Our Governments and the majority of...

    14,19 €

  • How Science Can Help Us Live In Peace
    Markolf H Niemz / James D Dunn
    Award-winning biophysicist Markolf H. Niemz puts into a nutshell what the top 3 scientists on earth have discovered. Charles Darwin: Animal and man are not two. Albert Einstein: Space and time are not two. Alfred N. Whitehead: The world and I are not two. The world we live in is non-dualistic. Nature is crying for peace, but we shut off foreign from native, poor from rich, othe...

    40,00 €

  • Indian Art & Culture
    Della Kew / P.E. Goddard
    Art and Culture of the Northwest Coast Indians. The Northwest Coast is the land whose aboriginal inhabitants are distinguished by their large rectangular wooden houses, totems and dug-out canoes, and their dependence upon the products of the sea for their food. They placed great value upon the purity of family descent and the virtue of benevolence in the disposition of property...

    31,20 €

  • A Gift Of His Mercy
    Katherine Hether
    It's winter in Utah and a snowstorm is creating blizzard conditions.  Stephen wonders who could be knocking at his front door.  It's a young child with no coat and no other adults accompanying her.  Joanna charms her way into Stephen's home and the miracles that occur over the next 72 hours transform his life.Stephen is a single father who lost the love of his life;...

    13,48 €

  • Worship in Spirit and Truth
    Jaerock Lee
    God tells us, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:45; 1 Peter 1:16), and desires each of us to wholly understand the laws on offerings recorded in Leviticus and lead a sacred life. I hope you will come to understand every aspect of offering in Old Testament times and worship in New Testament times. I also hope that you will examine the manner in which you worship, ...

    10,26 €

  • Heaven II
    Jaerock Lee
    “In order for us to receive the honor of staying close to God’s throne in New Jerusalem, our hearts have to resemble His heart that is as clear and beautiful as crystal.” In Heaven II you will find a great deal of secrets concerning heaven, such as the appearance of God who has existed from prior to the beginning of time, the throne of God, and the like. I believe that such det...

    11,06 €

  • Journey With The Holy Spirit
    Angela Scott Simpson
    ANGELA SCOTT SIMPSON asked the Holy Spirit to give her a deeper understanding of His Word and to help her to be a doer of the Word. God began a deep and intimate work in her heart. Journey With the Holy Spirit is a collection of her life experiences that the Holy Spirit used to teach her intimate lessons that brought the Word of God and His presence alive in her life. She speak...

    14,20 €

  • EXPLICANDO los pasos fundamentales para llegar a ser un cristiano
    David Pawson
    David Pawson tiene un ministerio de enseñanza mundial, especialmente para líderes de iglesia. Es conocido por muchos por programas de radio y televisión cristianos, además de ser autor de numerosos libros.Cada libro en la serie Explicando examina un aspecto importante de la fe cristiana, y está escrito de modo de presentar el mensaje  de la Biblia de una forma clara y sencilla....

    9,94 €

  • I Am Sparkle The Light
    Sparkle Simmons
    Sparkle Simmons was born and raised in Saint Louis, Missouri. In 1999, she started her own business as a professional clown. There was no need to choose a different name as a clown, "Sparkle" fit perfectly. She loved making children smile at birthday parties, clown classes, and visits to area hospitals.She earned her certification as an instructor for Global Relationship Center...

    19,56 €

  • Hayatım ve İmanım Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Karanlık dalgaların, buz gibi esaretin ve en derin çaresizliklerin ortasında Tanrı için eşsiz bir sevgiyle filizlenen yaşamdan çekip çıkarılan en güzel kokulu ruhani bir aroma.  3 ...

    12,83 €

  • Minha Vida, Minha Fé Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    A autobiografia do Dr. Jaerock Lee exala o mais fragrante aroma espiritual para seus leitores através de sua vida extraída do amor de Deus florescido em meio a ondas fortes, um jugo pesado, e profundo desespero. 3 ...

    12,67 €

  • Guide to Psychic Protection
    Rosemary Ellen Guiley
    Every day, people come in contact with negative forces – toxic individuals who radiate anger and hostility, energy “vampires” who suck up the vital force of others, and those who have grudges and resentments. In addition, hostile spirits and entities look for ways to pester and attach to people, creating havoc in lives and homes. Guide to Psychic Protection has everything you n...

    10,37 €

  • As a Man Thinketh
    James Allen
    Over a hundred years ago James Allen discovered that one’s thoughts profoundly affect one’s character, physical health, achievement and even circumstances, and penned this classic to help others discover this themselves.    Since then, his insight, a cornerstone of New Age thought, has been rediscovered many times. “This little volume, the result of meditation and experience … ...

    6,04 €

  • Apreciaciones sobre el esoterismo cristiano
    René Guénon
    Es por lo demás evidente que no se encuentra ninguna prescripción en el Evangelio que pueda ser considerada de carácter verdaderamente legal en el sentido propio del término; la frase bien conocida: «Dad al César lo que es del César» nos parece particularmente significativa a este respecto, pues implica formalmente, para todo lo que es de orden exterior, la aceptación de una le...

    23,32 €

  • Los Principios del Cálculo Infinitesimal
    René Guénon
    Aunque el presente estudio pueda parecer, a primera vista al menos, no tener mas que un carácter un poco especial, nos ha parecido útil emprenderle para precisar y explicar más completamente algunas nociones a las que nos ha sucedido hacer llamada en las diversas ocasiones en las que nos hemos servido del simbolismo matemático, y esta razón bastaría en suma para justificarle si...

    23,25 €

  • Formas tradicionales y ciclos cósmicos
    René Guénon
    Los artículos reunidos en el presente libro representan acaso el aspecto más "original" -también el más desconcertante para muchos lectores- de la obra de René Guénon. Se le hubiera podido dar el título Fragmentos de una historia desconocida, pero de una historia que engloba protohistoria y prehistoria por cuanto empieza con la Tradición primordial contemporánea de los comienzo...

    23,42 €

  • Símbolos de la Ciencia Sagrada
    René Guénon
    La civilización moderna aparece en la historia como una verdadera anomalía: de todas las que conocemos, es la única que se haya desarrollado en un sentido puramente material, la única también que no se apoye en ningún principio de orden superior. Este desarrollo material, que continúa desde hace ya varios siglos y que va acelerándose de más en más, ha sido acompañado de una reg...

    32,01 €

  • La Métaphysique Orientale & Saint Bernard
    René Guénon
    J’ai pris comme sujet de cet exposé la métaphysique orientale ; peut-être aurait-il mieux valu dire simplement la métaphysique sans épithète, car, en vérité, la métaphysique pure étant par essence en dehors et au-delà de toutes les formes et de toutes les contingences, n’est ni orientale ni occidentale, elle est universelle. Ce sont seulement les formes extérieures dont elle es...

    22,42 €

  • La Gloire
    Ruth Ward Heflin
    Si vous parvenez a saisir les principes de base de la louange, de l'adoration ed de la Gloire definis dans ce livre (et qui sont tellemente simples que nous passons, facilmente a cote) vous pourrez posseder tout ce que vous desirez, en Dieu.Ruth Ward Heflin sert le Seigneur depuis plus de 35 ans dans de nombreux pays. Elle a preche a des grandes foules et a egalement apport...

    18,16 €

  • Un Homme Qui Poursuit Les Vraies Bénédictions
    Jaerock Lee
    Le message de Jésus intitulé «Béatitudes» nous aide à réaliser ce qu’est la vraie bénédiction pour que nous puissions non seulement jouir de tous les bienfaits de ce monde, y compris la richesse, la santé, la renommée et l’autorité, mais encore que nous possédions la Nouvelle Jérusalem. 3 ...

    10,76 €

    Cornel Rizea
    What does it take to be a CITIZEN of HEAVEN? Does God really exist and is He really in control of everything? What is your understanding of the eternal HEAVEN and HELL? There is an internal struggle within all of humanity about the origin of life itself as well as the origin of all that exists in the vastness of our immeasurable universe. How did it all begin?Citizen of Heaven ...

    9,54 €

  • Manusia Daging, Manusia Roh Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Kitab Ayub adalah salah satu Kitab yang paling sulit dalam Alkitab. Biasanya, orang memikirkan Ayub dalam konteks tentang seseorang yang jujur dan saleh; yang sedang diuji oleh Allah tanpa alasan sama sekali; ia tidak mengeluh; dan ia melewati semua pencobaan dengan sangat baik serta menerima jumlah berkat dua kali lipat dari harta yang sebelumnya ia miliki. Namun, dengan pemah...

    15,30 €

  • Homme de Chair, Homme d’Esprit Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    Le Livre de Job est l’un des livres les plus difficiles de laBible. La plupart du temps les gens pensent à Job dansle contexte d’un homme qui était droit et intègre; qui a été testépar Dieu sans aucune raison; il ne s’est pas plaint, et il a très bienpassé tous les tests et a reçu une double portion des bénédictionsqu’il avait possédées auparavant. Mais avec ce type de vaguecom...

    11,29 €

  • The Pilgrim’s Progress
    John Bunyan
    The Pilgrim’s Progress is an engaging allegory of the Christian Life which has instructed and entertained countless adults and children over the past three hundred years.  As befitting a highly imaginative work, its style is simple and accessible.  This edition, complete and unabridged, containing Parts I and II, makes an ideal gift.“This wonderful work is one of the few books ...

    21,43 €

  • There's No Right Way To Do The Wrong Thing
    Christopher Gilbert
    Trustworthiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life! -C. GilbertIn today’s rapidly-changing global society, do you wonder what it means to make honest decisions, and hold yourself and others accountable in your personal, professional, and family lives? Do you want to know how you can become: more authentic in your relationships more transparent in your organizations be...

    16,12 €

  • Spirito, Anima e Corpo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Inizio del viaggio su Spirito, Anima e CorpoQuesto libro è pieno di conoscenza spirituale della quarta dimensione e offre risposte chiare alle domande su spirito, anima e corpo.Category SermonAuthor Dott. Jaerock LeePrint Length 260 Pages 3 ...

    11,80 €

  • Appointment with Death
    Jackie Shaffer
    DEATH. It’s all around us and no one can escape it. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair that we have to live with the results of one man's choice long ago in the Garden of Eden. In this book you will explore why Adam ate from the forbidden tree and you will embark upon a journey to an amazing truth. We tend to blame Adam for our “appointment with death,” but we must remember...

    12,36 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тяло II
    Jaerock Lee
    Посланията от „Дух, Душа и Тяло“ хвърлят светлина върху най-дълбоката същност на нашето „аз“ и ни учат за произхода на хората. Ние също ще бъдем способни да разбираме всички хора след като добре научим и разберем посланието. Ще научим начините за побеждаване на силите на тъмнината, които ни възпрепятстват, за да водим успешен християнски живот. Част 2 на Дух, Душа и Тяло по-спе...

    11,98 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тело Ⅱ
    Jaerock Lee
    С того времени как я принял Иисуса Христа и стал читать Библию, я начал молиться о том, чтобы глубоко познать сердце Бога. Бог ответил мне после семи лет многочисленных молитв и постов. После того как я открыл церковь, Бог, через водительство Святого Духа, разъяснял мне трудные для понимания отрывки из Библии и, в частности, дал детальные объяснения по теме «Дух, душа и тело». ...

    11,94 €