
Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Deportes y recreación al aire libre / Gimnasia (35)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Deportes y recreación al aire libre Eliminar filtro Gimnasia Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • O Dentista
    Deusivam Sotério Filho
    O jovem Deusivam cresce em uma pequena fazenda ao lado de seu irmão, Deybson, aprendendo desde cedo o valor do trabalho e da união familiar. Seus pais, Dona Maria e Seu Vanildo, ensinam a importância da educação e do esforço honesto para alcançar uma vida digna. Enquanto Deybson desenvolve uma paixão pelos animais e sonha em se tornar veterinário, Deusivam descobre sua vocação ...

    8,27 €

  • The Eurhythmics of Jaques-Dalcroze
    Emile Jaques-Dalcroze
    'Rhythmische Gymnastik' is the name by which the Dalcroze method is known in Germany, but whether or not the German words are adequate, their literal translation into English certainly gives too narrow an idea of the scope of the system to any one unacquainted with it. Rhythmical 'gymnastics,' in the natural meaning of the word, is a part of the Dalcroze training, and a not uni...

    8,70 €

  • El Camino Del Wing Chun
    João Carlos Moreno
    El Camino del Wing Chun: Un Viaje de Estudio y Descubrimiento Después de los 50El Camino del Wing Chun: Un Viaje de Estudio y Descubrimiento Después de los 50ofrece una mirada profunda e inspiradora sobre cómo la práctica de este antiguo arte marcial puede ser transformadora. Más que un cambio físico, el Wing Chun influye en todos los aspectos de la vida, demostrando que nunca ...

    16,59 €

  • Yoga, Despertando A Transformação Interior
    Kah Del Pintor
    Yoga - Despertando A Transformação Interioré o guia ideal para quem busca uma introdução prática e acessível ao mundo do yoga. Escrito a partir de pesquisas minuciosas, o livro oferece um caminho claro e passo a passo para integrar a prática de yoga no dia a dia de qualquer pessoa. Ele foi cuidadosamente elaborado para fornecer informações valiosas sobre os benefícios do yoga, ...

    16,59 €

  • Correndo
    João Tavares
    EmCorrendo pela Vida , somos convidados a embarcar em uma jornada de superação e autodescoberta por meio da corrida. O autor, um ex-sedentário determinado a viver além das expectativas impostas a ele, compartilha sua inspiradora trajetória de transformação e liberdade.Nesta obra motivacional e envolvente, o autor desmistifica a crença de que correr é um esporte exclusivo para a...

    7,89 €

  • Atividades Físicas
    Carla Marcio Marega José Antonio Maluf De Carvalho Giuliano De Sá Pinto Montenegro
    Esta obra, escrita por mais de 25 profissionais da área de Saúde, reunindo médicos, fisioterapeutas, enfermeiros e profissionais de Educação Física, visa mostrar os benefícios da atividade física para diversos públicos, desde crianças até adultos idosos, e como a prática do exercício físico pode ajudar a evitar inúmeras doenças que atualmente ceifam milhões de vidas, como doenç...

    46,75 €

  • Gimnasia cotidiana
    Roberta Cavicchioli
    * Los ejercicios que encontrará en este volumen están especialmentepensados para aquellas personas que disponende poco tiempo libre o que no pueden acudir al gimnasio* Mediante la práctica de la gimnasia isométrica, que consisteen poner en tensión los músculos mientras el cuerpo permaneceinmóvil, se tonifica el sistema muscular, se mantieneen forma y se desarrolla una gran ener...

    13,47 €

  • The Guide to Gymanastics for Children
    * Younger children can also do gymnastics without getting bored, as long as parents, teachers, babysitters or siblings are involved and become their monitors.* It can be started at home, but if the weather is fine, it can also be done outdoors, preferably in a meadow or on the beach. The desire to play, which is never lacking in children, will do the rest.* This book offers you...

    13,47 €

  • Curar el dolor de espalda
    Lisa Zanoli
    * Empiece a analizar cuáles son las causas de su dolor de espalda: ¿posicioneserróneas, sobrepeso, estrés, falta de movimiento, envejecimiento?* Las diez reglas para proteger la espalda y prevenir las lesiones, y los tresmétodos para devolverle el bienestar* El primer gran método es el de aprender a respirar correctamente: sencillosy benéficos ejercicios le otorgarán enseguida ...

    22,83 €

  • El gran libro del bodybuilding
    Bruno Davide Bordoni
    El bodybuilding es elentrenamiento para todos losdeportes. Permite alcanzar yconservar un nivel de saludóptimo, independientemente dela edad y el sexo. Todo ello con elrespaldo teórico de un largo yexhaustivo proceso deinvestigación científica.En su interpretación más amplia,no debe ser visto exclusivamentecomo una disciplina practicadapor unos pocos atletas de altonivel. Debe ...

    48,83 €

  • Trampoline Gymnastics Goalbook #14
    Dream Co Publishing
    Trampoline Gymnastics GoalbookSet your training and competition trampolining goals and achievements in this awesome trampoline gymnastics goalbook!Perfect for competitive trampolining events: Trampoline, synchronized trampoline, double mini-trampoline or tumbling.Featuring:* Pages for writing down your training goals and outcomes.* Pages for writing down your competition goals,...

    9,26 €

  • Gymnastics Notebook
    Dream Co Publishing
    Notebook for girls and womens gymnastics100 lined pages, lightweight notebook.Perfect for inspiring gymnasts to write their dreams, hopes and notes in!* Matching WAG training and competition record goalbook also available *   ...

    9,26 €

  • Chalked Up
    Jennifer Sey
    Updated With a New Introduction'I am grateful to Jennifer Sey for sharing such an honest account of her experiences as an elite gymnast. She has eloquently and fairly exposed a dark side to our sport that parents have long needed to be made aware of.'--Dominique Moceanu, Olympic Gold Medal Winning Gymnast Fanciful dreams of becoming the next Nadia Comaneci led Jennifer Sey to b...

    17,17 €

  • Exercises on the Flying Rings
    William J. Cromie / William JCromie
    This vintage book contains a 57-page introductory guide to gymnastics using flying rings. Flying rings refers to a gymnastics event similar to still rings, with the exception being that the person grips a pair of hanging rings and swings while performing various stunts. For each position dealt with in this guide there is a description, explanation, and instructions; as well as ...

    18,42 €

  • Manual of Calisthenic Exercises
    Herman John Koehler
    Herman John Koehler’s 'Manual of Calisthenic Exercises' is a fantastic guide to exercising and keeping fit using Calisthenics, a form of exercise based on the doing of various gross motor movements such as running, standing, grasping, pushing, etc. These movements are usually performed in a rhythmic fashion and require little to no equipment, making it perfect for those too bus...

    22,00 €

  • Gymnasts and Gymnastics
    John H. Howard / John HHoward
    'Gymnasts and Gymnastics' is a vintage guide to simple gymnastics by John H. Howard. Within it, Howard explains the benefits of gymnastics and offers simple, illustrated instructions for how they should be performed, explaining the techniques, apparatus, benefits, common mistakes, and much more. This vintage guide contains a wealth of information that will be of utility to thos...

    26,42 €

  • Trapeze, Long Horse and Rope Exercises
    William J. Cromie / William JCromie
    This volume contains a 63-page introductory guide to gymnastics using various apparatus including trapeze, long horse and rope. For each exercise dealt with in this guide there is a description, explanation, and simple instructions; as well as a photograph of the manoeuvre being executed by a professional. This volume is ideal for beginners or those looking for a simple introd...

    21,96 €

  • Home Gymnastics - For Young and Old - With 59 Illustrations
    Professor Hoffmann
    'Home Gymnastics - For Young and Old' is an illustrated guide to exercising and keeping fit at home. Originally written for an audience in the late nineteenth century, it contains practical explanations on why and how one should exercise, with instructions for different ways to exercise at home, callisthenics, and other forms of 'rational physical exercise'. This timeless volu...

    25,75 €

  • Gymnastic Exercises Without Apparatus - According to Ling’s System - For the Due Development and Strengthening of the Human Body
    Mathias Roth
    This vintage book contains an illustrated guide to various exercises and simple gymnastics that can be done at home without equipment. Its contents are based on a system developed by Pehr Henrik Ling ( 1776 - 1839), who is famous for pioneering the Swedish physical education and being the father of Swedish massage. This book will be of utility to those with an interest in exerc...

    18,31 €

  • Hand-Book of Calisthenics and Gymnastics - A Complete Drill-Book for Schools, Families, and Gymnasiums - With Music to Accompany the Exercises
    J. Madison Watson / JMadison Watson
    'Hand-Book of Calisthenics and Gymnastics' is a vintage guide to calisthenic exercises for children or students by J. Madison Watson, first published in 1882. Calisthenics is a form of exercise based on the doing of various gross motor movements such as running, standing, grasping, pushing, etc. These movements are usually performed in a rhythmic fashion and require little to n...

    28,39 €

  • Calistenia
    Jennifer Louissa
    Está a punto de descubrir una guía comprobada de ejercicios de calistenia para construir músculos magros increíbles y puede hacer estos ejercicios en casa o en la calle. En este libro, aprenderá todo lo que necesita para comenzar de manera segura en la dirección correcta. ¡Incluso descubrirá algunos de los errores cruciales que debe evitar al realizar estos ejercicios!Además, a...

    16,05 €

  • Rule Book of Games
    Vance Hawkins
    Gymnastics is a sport practiced by men or and women that requires balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and endurance. The movements involved in gymnastics contribute to the development of the arms, legs, shoulders, back, chest and abdominalmuscle groups. Alertness, precision, daring, self-confidence and self-discipline are mental traits that can also be develo...

    20,30 €

  • Aquagym
    Massimo Messina
    Unir los beneficios del agua, que modela el cuerpo, y los de la gimnasia, que lo tonifica: ese es el objetivo del aquagym, o gimnasia acuática. Nuestro cuerpo, como toda buena máquina, necesita un mantenimiento, y resulta necesario trabajar la flexibilidad y la fuerza, músculo a músculo. En el agua, la ausencia de peso permite trabajar con suavidad; el medio acuático hace posib...

    31,72 €

  • Adult Coloring Book Horror Fitness
    A.M. Shah / A.MShah
    Congratulations. If you are reading this, then you have been selected to join Horror Fitness. In exactly six months, 66 athletes that survive the 66,666 square foot Death Box will take on the Bodybuilding Zombies in the ultimate Horror Fitness challenge. As the garage doors drop to the floor, you will enter into the dark zone where 66 select Crossfit Vampires vultures will work...

    5,57 €

  • Adult Coloring Book Horror Fitness
    A.M. Shah
    Congratulations. If you are reading this, then you have been selected to join Horror Fitness. In exactly six months, 66 athletes that survive the 66,666 square foot Death Box will take on the Bodybuilding Zombies in the ultimate Horror Fitness challenge. As the garage doors drop to the floor, you will enter into the dark zone where 66 select Crossfit Vampires vultures will work...

    13,22 €

  • Spandex Simplified
    Marie Porter
    Sewing for Gymnasts is the third title in Marie Porter's Spandex Simplified series, and is all about designing and creating spectacular and durable leotards for gymnasts of all disciplines - Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Trampoline, Tumbling, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Aerobic Gymnastics, and more. This book is appropriate for beginner to advanced levels of sewing ab...

    44,47 €

  • Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Exercises
    Karen MGoeller / Karen M. Goeller
    Gymnastics Training Book: Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Exercises. The gymnastics drills and conditioning exercises in this book will help speed the learning process. Every gymnast must master the gymnastics skills addressed in this drills and conditioning book. The topics include running, vaulting, dance, uneven bars, and press handstand. In the uneven bars section there ...

    30,30 €

  • Cinmhactnkon No Mnehn
    Владимир Заглада
    С ГИМНАСТИКОЙ ПО ЖИЗНИГоды, События, ЛюдиДо распада Советского Союза Запад и страны социалистического лагеря соревновались не только в наращивании военной мощи, но и в борьбе за Олимпийское золото. Москва была не просто столицей огромной страны, но и мозговым центром спорта высших достижений. Мощная армия лучших тренеров, ученых и специалистов спортивной медицины, работающих на...

    44,44 €

  • With Gymnastics in the Life
    Владимир Заглада
    С ГИМНАСТИКОЙ ПО ЖИЗНИГоды, События, ЛюдиДо распада Советского Союза Запад и страны социалистического лагеря соревновались не только в наращивании военной мощи, но и в борьбе за Олимпийское золото. Москва была не просто столицей огромной страны, но и мозговым центром спорта высших достижений. Мощная армия лучших тренеров, ученых и специалистов спортивной медицины, работающих на...

    34,54 €

  • Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Exercises
    Karen MGoeller / Karen M. Goeller
    Gymnastics Training Book: Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning Exercises. The gymnastics drills and conditioning exercises in this book will help speed the learning process. Every gymnast must master the gymnastics skills addressed in this drills and conditioning book. The topics include running, vaulting, dance, uneven bars, and press handstand. In the uneven bars section there ...

    29,68 €

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