
Derecho (51453)

  • The Business of Trademarks
    Carol Chadirjian
    We come in contact with many trademarks each day on television, retail stores, Internet. The Business of Trademarks explains why trademarks are so important to businesses and how they identify the manufacturer and guarantee consistent quality to achieve brand loyalty. The Business of Trademarks is intended as a practical guide for those new to trademarks, including attorneys, p...

    64,50 €

  • REVISTA DE DERECHO PÚBLICO (Venezuela), No. 149-150, enero-junio 2017
    REVISTA DE DERECHO PÚBLICO, ISSN: 1317-2719. Director-Fundador: Allan R. Brewer-Carías, editada por la Fundación de Derecho Público y la Editorial Jurídica Venezolana. Nº 149-150, enero-junio 2017, Caracas Venezuela: Este número. 147-148 de la Revista tiene el siguiente contenido: Artículos: Asdrúbal AGUIAR ARANGUREN, Los orígenes del pensamiento constitucional venezolano, en l...

    33,13 €

  • Employment Protection Legislation in Emerging Economies
    Samir Amine
    New developments in legislation have increased the availability of employment. These advances result in long-term improvement of economic and sustainable development. Employment Protection Legislation in Emerging Economies is a critical scholarly resource that examines legislation relating to employment protection in developing economies and its impacts on unemployment, job cre...

    255,85 €

  • Handbook of Research on Unemployment and Labor Market Sustainability in the Era of Globalization
    The effective utilization of available resources is a pivotal factor for production levels in modern business environments. However, when resources are limited or in excess, this effects organizational success, as well as the labor market. The Handbook of Research on Unemployment and Labor Market Sustainability in the Era of Globalization is a comprehensive reference source for...

    321,77 €

  • Liberal Opinions
    William A. Norris / William ANorris
    The life and times of a trailblazing lawyer and judge in American law. Author of the controversial but prescient judicial opinion striking down the ban on gays in the military — two decades before the Supreme Court finally recognized such equal rights — Bill Norris made law and waves on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Yet his legal and civic life before and after, though le...

    33,86 €

  • Data Mining Trends and Applications in Criminal Science and Investigations
    The field of data mining is receiving significant attention in today’s information-rich society, where data is available from different sources and formats, in large volumes, and no longer constitutes a bottleneck for knowledge acquisition. This rich information has paved the way for novel areas of research, particularly in the crime data analysis realm. Data Mining Trends and ...

    290,06 €

  • Political Dawn
    An Anonymous American Author
    You are not reading this by happenstance.      The United States government no longer represents the American people. Money has become the dictator of the democratic process. Congress is divided and arguably entirely dysfunctional.      Lawmakers conspire with lobbyists and special interests to create legislation and regulation in their favor, mismanage the public purse, and ...

    34,79 €

  • Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics
    Keyun Ruan
    While cloud computing continues to transform developments in information technology services, these advancements have contributed to a rise in cyber attacks; producing an urgent need to extend the applications of investigation processes. Cybercrime and Cloud Forensics: Applications for Investigation Processes presents a collection of research and case studies of applications fo...

    256,07 €

  • Intellectual Property Protection for Multimedia Information Technology
    Hideyasu Sasaki
    Since previously published intellectual property law and business research discusses institutional analyses without interdisciplinary insights by technical experts, and technical references tend to concern engineering solutions without considering the social impact of institutional protection of multimedia digital information, there is a growing demand for a resource that bridg...

    236,78 €

  • Breeding Ground for Corruption
    Garrison T.A.
    Breeding Ground for Corruption is a challenging text in which many case examples of police corruption are paired with contemporary research.  Garrison's knowledge of how police corruption disintegrates careers; she incorporates numerous statistics to provide a foundation for a police corruption theory. The theory - Garrison's Deviance Conformity Theory addresses leading...

    13,44 €

  • Transforming Administrative Procedure
    Collective work with the participation of eleven authors from different countries. New coordinates of such an important and ubiquitous institution as the administrative procedure institution is, are analyzed in this book. The ten chapters deal with the evolution of the process in today's world: new generations of procedures as a result of new forms of government and adminis...

    41,62 €

  • Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World

    79,33 €

  • EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    IT Governance Privacy Team
    An in-depth guide to complying with the EU GDPR.Now in its second edition, EU GDPR – An Implementation and Compliance Guide is a clear and comprehensive guide to this new data protection law, providing a detailed commentary on the Regulation, and setting out the obligations of data  processors and controllers in clear and comprehensible terms.Read this book to learn: How the ...

    30,10 €

  • Dying to Tell
    Anne Butler / C. Murray Henderson
    In fascinating detail, Dying to Tell gives us an in-depth look at different kinds of criminal deaths: …the absolutely senseless slaying of a young correctional officer under the guise of racial retribution in a tragic situation unthinkably manipulated for personal gain … three deaths in the prison homosexual protection dormitory underscoring just how far lonely inmates will g...

    15,60 €

  • Stand Your Ground
    Jack Forbes
    Attorney and Martial Artist Jack Forbes analyzes State law from across the United States of America on the legal limits of self-defense, defense of others and defense of property. Applying the Law to concrete scenarios, Jack puts you face-to-face with assailants, victims and defenders, as force meets force. TO KILL, OR NOT TO KILL...can be a life-changing event; don't get it w...

    10,87 €

  • Upov 1991
    Miguel Angel Rapela
    En un mundo donde la innovación y la protección de la creación intelectual son pilares fundamentales para el avance y la sostenibilidad, llega un libro que se adentra en el corazón de uno de los debates más trascendentales y disruptivos de la actualidad agrícola y biotecnológica: la adhesión al Acta UPOV 1991. Esta obra escrita por uno de los referentes mundiales en la materia ...

    31,20 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    Racheporno kann definiert werden als die Weitergabe von privatem sexuellem Material, seien es Videos oder Fotos einer anderen Person ohne deren Zustimmung, um ihr psychologischen Schaden zuzufügen oder sie in Verlegenheit zu bringen. Der Täter dieser Straftat gibt manchmal persönliche Informationen über das Opfer weiter. Die Sicherheit der betroffenen Person kann in dem Maße ge...

    127,65 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    Revenge porn can be defined as sharing private sexual materials, whether videos or photos of another person without their consent in order to cause psychological harm or embarrassment. The perpetrator of this criminal act sometimes shares personal information about the victim. The safety of the affected person may be compromised to the extent that personal information is shared...

    127,46 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    La pornografia per vendetta può essere definita come la condivisione di materiale sessuale privato, video o foto, di un’altra persona senza il suo consenso, al fine di causare danni psicologici o imbarazzo. L’autore di questo atto criminale talvolta condivide informazioni personali sulla vittima. La sicurezza della persona interessata può essere compromessa nella misura in cui ...

    127,52 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    Das Böse in der Welt wird von einer kleinen Minderheit von Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen ausgeübt. Die große Mehrheit der Menschen begeht keine bösartigen Handlungen, und viele von ihnen setzen sich sogar aktiv für das Gute ein und verbessern das Leben anderer. Die wenigen Individuen, die grausame Handlungen begehen, haben jedoch erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und d...

    116,89 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    Evil in the world is exercised by a small minority of individuals or groups. The vast majority of people do not engage in malicious acts and, in fact, many of them actively work to do good and improve the lives of others. However, those few individuals who perpetrate cruel acts have a significant impact on society and the general perception of the world.The evil exercised by a ...

    116,75 €

    Дав Камарго Эрнандес
    Зло в мире творится лишь небольшим меньшинством людей или групп. Подавляющее большинство людей не совершает злодеяний, и, более того, многие из них активно работают, чтобы творить добро и улучшать жизнь других. Однако те немногие люди, которые совершают жестокие поступки, оказывают значительное влияние на общество и общее восприятие мира. Зло, совершаемое небольшим меньшинством...

    116,89 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    A pornografia de vingança pode ser definida como a partilha de materiais sexuais privados, sejam vídeos ou fotografias de outra pessoa, sem o seu consentimento, com o objetivo de causar danos psicológicos ou embaraço. O autor deste ato criminoso partilha por vezes informações pessoais sobre a vítima. A segurança da pessoa em causa pode ser comprometida na medida em que as suas ...

    127,59 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    Il male nel mondo è esercitato da una piccola minoranza di individui o gruppi. La stragrande maggioranza delle persone non compie atti malvagi e, anzi, molte di esse si adoperano attivamente per fare del bene e migliorare la vita degli altri. Tuttavia, quei pochi individui che compiono atti crudeli hanno un impatto significativo sulla società e sulla percezione generale del mon...

    116,81 €

    Дав Камарго Эрнандес
    Порно из мести можно определить как распространение частных сексуальных материалов, видео или фотографий другого человека без его согласия с целью причинения психологического вреда или смущения. Исполнитель этого преступного деяния иногда делится личной информацией о жертве. Безопасность жертвы может быть поставлена под угрозу в той мере, в какой она делится своей личной информ...

    127,65 €

    David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    O mal no mundo é exercido por uma pequena minoria de indivíduos ou grupos. A grande maioria das pessoas não pratica actos maliciosos e, na verdade, muitas delas trabalham ativamente para fazer o bem e melhorar a vida dos outros. No entanto, os poucos indivíduos que cometem actos cruéis têm um impacto significativo na sociedade e na perceção geral do mundo. O mal exercido por um...

    116,81 €

  • Commentary to the Germanic Laws and Mediaeval Documents [1915]
    Leo Wiener
    Based on an ambitious study of all accessible records from the early decades of the Roman Empire to 1300, this work proposes that the Visigothic, Burgundian, Salic and other Germanic legal systems were based almost entirely on Roman law. This was a controversial argument because it challenged the prevailing consensus about Germanic law. Though scholars have subsequently disprov...

    49,71 €

  • Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment
    This collection of essays examines the ways in which poverty was conceptualised in the social, political, and religious discourses of eighteenth-century Europe and North America. ...

    169,56 €

  • Datenschutz und künstliche Intelligenz
    Shobhna Jeet
    Praktisch jeder Bereich unserer Zivilisation nutzt heute KI-Technologie. Unser Leben wird durch Technologien wie Teslas selbstfahrende Autos, Amazons Alexa und sogar den elektronischen Führerschein, der von einer KI anhand des Fotos einer Verkehrskamera ausgestellt wird, einfacher und komfortabler. Darüber hinaus unterstützt die KI-Technologie zahlreiche Unternehmen weltweit da...

    83,97 €

  • Protection des données et intelligence artificielle
    Shobhna Jeet
    Pratiquement toutes les facettes de notre civilisation utilisent aujourd’hui la technologie de l’IA. Nos vies sont rendues plus faciles et plus confortables par des technologies telles que les voitures autonomes de Tesla, l’Alexa d’Amazon, et même l’e-challan délivré par une IA à partir de la photo d’une caméra de circulation. En outre, la technologie de l’IA aide de nombreuses...

    83,97 €