462 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: fatima

  • New Beginnings (Adventure)
    Fatima Mercedes
    Life is full of endings, but every ending is the start of a new journey. New Beginnings is an exhilarating tale of courage, self-discovery, and the thrill of venturing into the unknown.After a life-altering event turns her world upside down, she decides it’s time for a fresh start. Leaving behind everything she knows, she sets off on an adventure to rediscover herself-and finds...

    80,45 €

  • The Untold Story of BoxeR
    Fatima Yamamoto
    Discover the captivating journey of a gaming legend, from a humble beginning to becoming a dominant force in the world of esports, as this compelling biography takes you through the highs and lows of his career, the personal battles fought, and the lasting impact made on the industry and fans alike. ...

    103,70 €

  • URL-Filterung in Breitband-Zugangstechnologien (URL-FiBat)
    Muhammad Umer Khan / Saad Abdullah / Sana Fatima
    Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie haben mich schon immer fasziniert, und dieses Interesse war der Hauptgrund für meine Entscheidung, mich für ein Studium der Softwaretechnik zu entscheiden. Im Laufe meines Studiums wuchs mein Interesse an der Sicherheit dieser Systeme, was mich dazu veranlasste, mich auf Sicherheit zu spezialisieren. Ich beschloss, Kurse zu belegen, d...

    74,82 €

  • Filtraggio degli URL nelle tecnologie di accesso a banda larga (URL-FiBat)
    Muhammad Umer Khan / Saad Abdullah / Sana Fatima
    Le tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione mi hanno sempre affascinato e questo interesse è stato il motivo principale della mia scelta di laurearmi in ingegneria del software. Nel corso degli studi il mio interesse è cresciuto verso la sicurezza di questi sistemi, portandomi a scegliere la specializzazione in sicurezza. Ho deciso di intraprendere corsi che ampliasse...

    74,82 €

  • Filtragem de URL em tecnologias de acesso de banda larga (URL-FiBat)
    Muhammad Umer Khan / Saad Abdullah / Sana Fatima
    As tecnologias da informação e da comunicação sempre me fascinaram e esse interesse foi a principal razão por detrás da minha decisão de optar por uma licenciatura em engenharia de software. Ao longo dos meus estudos, o meu interesse foi crescendo em relação à segurança destes sistemas, o que me levou a optar por uma especialização em segurança. Decidi fazer cursos que alargass...

    74,88 €

  • Filtrage des URL dans les technologies d’accès à large bande (URL-FiBat)
    Muhammad Umer Khan / Saad Abdullah / Sana Fatima
    Les technologies de l’information et de la communication m’ont toujours fasciné et cet intérêt a été la raison principale de ma décision d’opter pour un diplôme en ingénierie logicielle. Au cours de mes études, mon intérêt s’est porté sur la sécurité de ces systèmes, ce qui m’a amené à choisir une spécialisation en sécurité. J’ai décidé de suivre des cours qui me permettraient ...

    74,82 €

  • Erinnerung und Gewalt in der weiblichen Unterwerfung
    Francisco R. de Farias / Maria de Fátima Scaffo
    Unter den verschiedenen Faktoren, die zur Aufrechterhaltung von Prozessen der weiblichen Unterwerfung unter die in der Ehe erlittene Gewalt beitragen, ist die generationelle Weitergabe von Geschlechterprotokollen (TGPPG) von der Mutter an die Tochter als wichtigster Konstrukteur weiblicher Vorstellungen über ihre Rolle in der sozialen Ordnung zu nennen. Die Vererbung der mütter...

    71,36 €

  • Mémoire et violence dans la soumission féminine
    Francisco R. de Farias / Maria de Fátima Scaffo
    Parmi les différents facteurs qui contribuent au maintien des processus de soumission féminine à la violence subie dans la sphère conjugale, il convient de souligner la transmission générationnelle des protocoles de genre (TGPPG) de la mère à la fille comme principal constructeur des conceptions féminines sur leur rôle dans l’ordre social. L’héritage de la psyché maternelle se ...

    71,40 €

  • Memoria e violenza nella sottomissione femminile
    Francisco R. de Farias / Maria de Fátima Scaffo
    Tra i diversi fattori che contribuiscono al mantenimento dei processi di sottomissione femminile alla violenza subita nella sfera coniugale, segnaliamo la trasmissione generazionale dei protocolli di genere (TGPPG) dalla madre alla figlia come principale costruttore delle concezioni femminili sul loro ruolo nell’ordine sociale. L’eredità della psiche materna si traduce nella ri...

    71,36 €

  • Memory and violence in female submission
    Francisco R. de Farias / Maria de Fátima Scaffo
    Among the different factors that contribute to the maintenance of processes of female submission to violence suffered in the marital sphere, we would highlight the generational transmission of gender protocols (TGPPG) from mother to daughter as the main constructor of female conceptions about their role in the social order. The inheritance of the maternal psyche results in the ...

    71,35 €

  • Littérature et identités afro-brésiliennes
    Anilda de Fátima Piva dos Santos
    Face aux obstacles ethniques et raciaux que j’observe et vis quotidiennement dans les murs de l’école, j’ai décidé de concentrer mes efforts sur la construction de connaissances éducatives qui contribuent au développement et à l’insertion de pratiques pédagogiques qui explorent la diversité culturelle et raciale des élèves. J’ai choisi de travailler avec la littérature afro-bré...

    62,11 €

  • Afro-brasilianische Literatur und Identitäten
    Anilda de Fátima Piva dos Santos
    Angesichts der ethnisch-rassischen Hindernisse, die ich tagtäglich in der Schule beobachte und erlebe, habe ich beschlossen, meine Bemühungen auf den Aufbau von pädagogischem Wissen zu konzentrieren, das zur Entwicklung und Einführung von pädagogischen Praktiken beiträgt, die die kulturelle und rassische Vielfalt der Schüler erforschen. Ich habe mich für die Arbeit mit afro-bra...

    62,10 €

  • Letteratura e identità afro-brasiliana
    Anilda de Fátima Piva dos Santos
    Di fronte agli ostacoli etnico-razziali che osservo e sperimento quotidianamente tra le mura scolastiche, ho deciso di concentrare i miei sforzi sulla costruzione di una conoscenza educativa che contribuisca allo sviluppo e all’inserimento di pratiche pedagogiche che esplorino la diversità culturale e razziale degli studenti. Ho scelto di lavorare con la letteratura afro-brasil...

    62,11 €

  • Afro-Brazilian Literature and Identities
    Anilda de Fátima Piva dos Santos
    Faced with the ethnic-racial obstacles that I observe and experience on a daily basis within school walls, I decided to focus my efforts on building educational knowledge that contributes to the development and insertion of pedagogical practices that explore the cultural and racial diversity of students. I chose to work with Afro-Brazilian literature, not because it was a fad o...

    62,10 €

  • A Quest for happiness
    Fatima Rizvi
    'A Quest for Happiness,' embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.Join our protagonists as they navigate the twists and turns of life, searching for the elusive secret to true happiness.Through heartfelt moments, unexpected encounters, and personal growth, they learn invaluable lessons about embracing the present, finding joy in the little things, and ...

    6,35 €

  • Unmasking Get_Right
    Fatima Saeed
    Discover the remarkable journey of Counter-Strike legend Get_Right in this captivating book. From his humble beginnings in Sweden to his rise to stardom, experience the highs and lows of his career, the triumphs, the personal battles, and the enduring impact he has had on the gaming world. Explore the rise of esports, the dominance of the Ninjas in Pyjamas, and the ultimate red...

    100,79 €

  • Poisonous Secrets
    Fatima Lopez
    The phone call came just before midnight, its sharp ring slicing through the silence of a house that had long been too quiet. Emma Reeves had been sitting in the dim light of her kitchen, staring at the half-empty glass of wine in front of her, contemplating the life she had built and the one she had lost. The kind of silence that lingers in the corners of a home after a long d...

    78,71 €

  • Voss Neris
    Fatima Amadi
    Voss Neris: The Galactic Icon is a riveting exploration of the life and activism of Voss Neris, a fearless champion for alien civil rights in a galaxy plagued by inequality and unfair taxation policies. From his early years on Olyth-7 to his role in orchestrating the Alien Civil Rights Revolution, Vosss journey to challenge the oppressive government and fight for equality serve...

    100,20 €

  • Impactos y Conflictos Producidos por la Inteligencia Artificial en el Mundo Actual
    Fatima Korisha Ali Shah Hosein
    La Inteligencia Artificial ha sido presentado no solamente como una herramienta tecnológica sino como una nueva alternativa en sus diversos tipos capaz de realizar y superar las actividades que realizar el ser humano olvidando que como toda tecnológica no escapa de no ser perfecto y tener fallas además de entrar en conflictos con diversos sectores como lo son el Medio Ambiente,...

    56,86 €

  • Challenges in the Governance of Neo-Terra
    Fatima Garcia
    Embark on an enlightening journey through Neo-Terra, a profound exploration of humanitys quest to build a sustainable society. With deep dive insights into its founding history, evolving governance, economic systems, and social dynamics, the book tackles the pressing challenges of our time-wealth disparities, sustainable development, cultural integration, universal education, a...

    104,84 €

  • Healing the Planet
    Fatima Dlamini
    **Back-of-the-Book Summary:**Embark on an extraordinary journey through the life of Isabel Nasser, the eco-tech visionary whose groundbreaking innovations have transformed the world. The Green Revolution of Isabel Nasser vividly captures her path from a nature-loving child to a pioneering force in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and urban planning. Uncover how her ti...

    103,90 €

  • Les soins primaires au Brésil
    Aristides V Oliveira Neto / Maria Fátima de Sousa / Pauline C. da S. Cavalcanti
    Les soins de santé primaires au Brésil, en particulier après la création de la stratégie de santé familiale, ont atteint une couverture significative de la population et des résultats importants en termes de santé de la population. Toutefois, pour consolider les soins primaires dans le système de santé unifié, il est essentiel de relever certains défis et de progresser dans la ...

    72,65 €

  • Primärversorgung in Brasilien
    Aristides V Oliveira Neto / Maria Fátima de Sousa / Pauline C. da S. Cavalcanti
    Die primäre Gesundheitsversorgung in Brasilien hat, insbesondere nach der Einführung der Familiengesundheitsstrategie, eine beachtliche Abdeckung der Bevölkerung erreicht und wichtige Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung erzielt. Um die Primärversorgung im einheitlichen Gesundheitssystem zu konsolidieren, müssen jedoch bestimmte Herausforderungen überwunden...

    72,63 €

  • L’assistenza primaria in Brasile
    Aristides V Oliveira Neto / Maria Fátima de Sousa / Pauline C. da S. Cavalcanti
    L’assistenza sanitaria primaria in Brasile, soprattutto dopo la creazione della Strategia per la Salute della Famiglia, ha raggiunto una significativa copertura della popolazione e importanti risultati in termini di salute della popolazione. Tuttavia, per consolidare l’assistenza primaria nel Sistema Sanitario Unificato, è essenziale superare alcune sfide e fare progressi nella...

    72,66 €

  • Primary Care in Brazil
    Aristides V Oliveira Neto / Maria Fátima de Sousa / Pauline C. da S. Cavalcanti
    Primary health care in Brazil, especially after the creation of the Family Health Strategy, has achieved significant population coverage and important results for the health of the population. However, in order to consolidate Primary Care in the Unified Health System, it is essential to overcome some challenges and make progress in qualifying services. Thus, Primary Care in the...

    72,71 €

  • A photonic based approach for protein aggregation sensing
    Carolina Sousa / M. Fátima Domingues / Nélia Alberto
    In 2020, cancer led to about 10 million deaths worldwide, with breast cancer showing the highest incidence, especially among women. Cancer imposes vast social and economic costs, and its complexity makes it difficult to predict treatment outcomes. Protein aggregates, which form as treatments destroy cancer cells, may serve as indicators of treatment effectiveness. This book pre...

    59,08 €

  • Building Bridges
    Fatima Mbappe
    Step into the captivating world of innovation with Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers by Jordan Novak, a thrilling journey of one visionarys path to global change. From a spark of curiosity in a promising childhood to forging international collaborations, Novaks inspiring tale showcases the power of creativity in solving world challenges. Delve into revolutionizing healthca...

    104,92 €

  • Rupert Raj Unmasked
    Fatima Pereira
    Rupert Raj: Eine bemerkenswerte Biografie beleuchtet das Leben und Wirken eines Pioniers im trans und LGBTQ-Aktivismus. Von seinen Anfängen in einer multikulturellen Familie, über seine einflussreiche Arbeit in der trans-Pflege bis zu globalen Auswirkungen und zukünftigen Visionen, bietet dieses Buch einen tiefen Einblick in die Herausforderungen und Erfolge eines bedeutenden A...

    102,33 €

  • Les méthodes traditionnelles sont dépassées L’innovation et la créativité sont la clé de la survie
    Fatima Bihya
    Ce livre est destiné aux personnes désireuses de découvrir les fondements, les approches, les compétences et une multitude de connaissances professionnelles. Il vous aidera à maximiser les avantages de votre investissement dans la transformation numérique.Ce livre ne survole pas le sujet. Il plonge en profondeur dans la matière et retourne chaque pierre pour dévoiler les élémen...

    47,60 €

  • Barroco Nos Países Baixos
    Fátima Sansmartini
    BARROCO NOS PAÍSES BAIXOS: Arte, História e Cultura Visual explora as conexões entre arte, história, literatura e sociedade, e a produção de obras de beleza inigualável. Ao desvendar os segredos das grandes criações do barroco, o leitor é conduzido por uma jornada de descoberta e reflexão, onde cada página expõe novas camadas de beleza e significados.Cada obra de arte e cada m...

    43,63 €