
Humanidades / Filosofía (76588)

  • The Promise of Friendship
    Sarah Horton
    Argues that friendship is the gift of a world that is not one’s own and that transforms one’s world in unforseeable ways. ...

    44,80 €

  • Religious Atheism
    Erik Meganck
    Calls into question the traditional polarity of theism and atheism. ...

    44,74 €

  • Damned Agitator
    Michael Gold
    The most comprehensive collection of writings by an important twentieth-century radical writer. ...

    30,85 €

  • Reconstruction in Philosophy
    John Dewey
    Embark on a philosophical journey of revitalization and innovation with 'Reconstruction in Philosophy' by John Dewey. In this groundbreaking work, Dewey seeks to breathe new life into the field of philosophy, advocating for a fresh approach that embraces the complexities of modern life and thought.With intellectual vigor and clarity, Dewey challenges traditional philosophical p...

    14,28 €

  • Reason, the Only Oracle of Man
    Ethan Allen
    Embark on a thought-provoking journey into the realms of reason, philosophy, and natural religion with 'Reason, the Only Oracle of Man' by Ethan Allen. In this illuminating treatise, Allen presents a comprehensive exploration of the principles and practices of natural religion, grounded in the rational faculties of the human mind.With eloquence and clarity, Allen challenges tra...

    14,24 €

  • Let the Nations Ponder
    Bernard Benson Sarfo
    The countries of the world have an object by which they look upon for development of their cities. Today’s world has become technology in which unique knowledge comes out every day.There are much different knowledge making today’s countries diverse from one another by which shows the advancement of that State. Knowledge has increase and people are traveling from one country to ...

    22,45 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Thomas Hobbes
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Thomas Hobbes’ 'Leviathan', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Leviathan' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen ermöglichen, in jede...

    17,19 €

  • Ensaios E Críticas
    Ana Monique Moura
    Coletânea de ensaios e críticas sobre diversas linguagens artísticas, poéticas e culturais, a partir de uma ótica filosófica. ...

    10,04 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Mark Aurel
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Mark Aurels 'Selbstbetrachtungen', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Selbstbetrachtungen' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen erm...

    16,41 €

  • Natureza, Gênio E Arte
    Ana Monique Moura
    A obra é um estudo analítico que aborda os principais elementos da teoria de Kant acerca da experiência estética no que tange a relação entre natureza, gênio e arte e busca apresentar os desdobramentos da compreensão filosófica dessa dimensão. ...

    9,96 €

  • Epístola De Aquarius
    Salatiel Meira
    Já se perguntou por que alguns padres e pastores perdem a fé? E em contexto com a anátema, para onde foi o apóstolo Paulo após sua conversão, para Jerusalém ter com os demais apóstolos, ou para a Arábia, e depois de volta a Damasco? Você será capaz de ver além da alegoria é continuar a crer? A fé precisa mesmo de um deus para operar milagres? E se eu te disser que ainda que Jes...

    8,52 €

  • A Dissonância Da Razão
    Ana Monique Moura
    Este livro apresenta a proposta de desafiar o formalismo moral de Kant a partir das considerações críticas acerca do lugar da razão, da música e do sublime estético em sua filosofia. É, portanto, um convite a pensar Kant, com Kant e para além de Kant, em um percurso que desemboca em um elogio das possibilidades múltiplas de experiência estética, que ultrapassam o conceito de be...

    11,11 €

  • Apontamentos Sobre Cultura, Arte E Sociedade
    Ana Monique Moura
    A obra é um compilado de textos publicados em jornais impressos durante uma década (2014-2024) por Ana Monique Moura e aborda temas diversos, vinculando observações antropofilosóficas sobre cultura, arte e sociedade. ...

    10,32 €

  • Eu Sou Feito De Quê?
    Fábio Gai Pereira
    O livroEu sou feito de quê?procura despertar no leitor infantojuvenil o desejo de conectar-se ao problema filosófico da identidade. Em um almoço de família, Júlio Henrique, um menino curioso, vê a foto do seu Tio Jeremias quando ele tinha 4 anos de idade. Júlio questiona como seria possível que fossem a mesma pessoa dos 4 aos 65 anos se estão tão diferentes? Podemos dizer que s...

    7,00 €

  • Voando Nas Alturas: Por Um Despertar Filosófico
    Fábio Gai Pereira
    No livroVoando nas alturas: por um despertar filosóficoos irmãos Fernando e Jéssica viajam com seus pais para a Grécia. Durante a viagem Nando recorda com carinho das aulas do professor Luciano e vive aventuras e descobertas com sua família. O objetivo da obra é proporcionar uma introdução à filosofia, de uma forma que faça sentido para o público infantojuvenil. Ao longo do tex...

    7,77 €

  • The Roots of Western Culture
    Herman Dooyeweerd
    This is Dooyeweerd’s most accessible work. It provides an understanding of Greek, medieval, and Modern Humanistic life-orientations in their historical development and inter-penetration - throughout confronted with the implications of an integral biblical understanding of the human condition, human society and the place and calling of scholarly reflection. It shows a healthy se...

    12,83 €

  • Louvores Oferendas Petições Védicas
    Antônio José Botelho
    O livro oferece uma perspectiva de meditação estruturada em hinos e versos do RIGVEDA. ...

    19,33 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Sunzi
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Sunzis 'Die Kunst des Krieges', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Die Kunst des Krieges' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen ermö...

    17,22 €

  • Pennies of Hope
    Tina Honkus
    When Tina Honkus was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it felt like a death sentence. All of the literature, news, and mentions of pancreatic cancer in the media pointed to a less-than-hopeful outcome. The diagnosis also stirred up memories of Tina’s late mother and her difficult battle with cancer. Determined to create a different future for herself, Tina forged a different pa...

    10,47 €

  • Becoming Truitt Skye
    Adrea Peters
    Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for ImaginationIn the concluding book of the Becoming Truitt Skye series, we find Truitt caught between worlds and trapped, by her own doing, in the body of Serena Rollings, who couldn’t be less aware of Truitt and Truitt’s mission to stop her arch enemy, Eva Kinde, from destroying her family, and quite possibly, all of humanity. Be pre...

    21,95 €

  • Becoming Truitt Skye
    Adrea Peters
    Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for ImaginationIn the concluding book of the Becoming Truitt Skye series, we find Truitt caught between worlds and trapped, by her own doing, in the body of Serena Rollings, who couldn’t be less aware of Truitt and Truitt’s mission to stop her arch enemy, Eva Kinde, from destroying her family, and quite possibly, all of humanity. Be pre...

    15,58 €

  • Tajdeed-e-Deen
    Mohammad Jarjis Karimi
    Renewal means to make something new. Renewal of religion means reviving its tarnished teachings and sunnah, highlighting its impressions and signs and popularizing them among the people, which have faded with the passage of time. This makes it clear that in the sense of renewal, there is no mixing or inclusion of something new in religion, nor does it mean that parts of it are ...

    18,14 €

    '’El Gran Estoico’ nos sumerge en el corazón de la filosofía estoica, explorando su poderosa influencia sobre la mente y el espíritu a través de narrativas entrelazadas que resuenan con desafíos y triunfos universales. Este libro revela cómo las enseñanzas estoicas pueden transformar nuestras vidas, ofreciendo estrategias para manejar la adversidad, cultivar la resiliencia y al...

    17,52 €

  • The Basis Of Morality
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Embark on a profound philosophical exploration of ethics and human behavior with 'The Basis Of Morality' by Arthur Schopenhauer. In this seminal work, Schopenhauer delves into the fundamental principles that underpin moral thought and action, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong and offering a radical reinterpretation of moral philosophy.With incisive insight and...

    15,23 €

  • Mental Health Resilience
    Abigail Gosselin
    Examines the forms of support, resources, and opportunities a person with mental illness requires to have the resilience needed for mental health recovery. ...

    126,92 €

  • Between Care and Justice
    Elena Pulcini / Antonio Calcagno / Silvia Benso
    Proposes a form of moral education that joins care and justice to nurture and develop the desirable moral sentiments for a more just world at the interpersonal, social, political economic, and environmental levels. ...

    127,13 €

  • On the Outside Looking Up
    Joshua Turek
    A collection of writing behind the poetic viral videos of Joshua Turek. A bard of the TikTok age, Turek delivers his unintelligible rants with a unique blend of generational angst and silver lining optimism. A writer and comedian whose work has appeared on Hulu and Comedy Central, Joshua has amassed a large cult following on TikTok and Instagram. His stand up clips and philosop...

    16,95 €

  • Federalist Papers Renewed
    Hamilton’s Ghost
    Step into the realm of political enlightenment as envisioned what Alexander Hamilton would say about the United States today. The ghost of Hamilton breathes new life into the hallowed pages of the Federalist Papers. In 'Federalist Papers Renewed,' witness a stirring revival of Hamilton’s timeless wisdom as it grapples with the current problems facing the nation.Explore the cor...

    5,58 €

    Александр В Толмачёв
    Чтобы приступить к созданию собственной Книги Жизни, нужно вывести в ней главного героя. Главным героем Книги Жизни может быть только личность человека, личность духовная, многоструктурная и многогранная, а не индивидуум и не тело человека. Объектом исследования автора является личность как триединая сущность, к обретению которой стремится человек. В исследовании личности автор...

    69,97 €

  • The Eye of God
    Aeternus Costin
    Aeternus Costin, a self-taught philosopher, finds enlightenment at the crossroads of science, technology, and deep metaphysical inquiries. Beginning with an epiphany during a casual summer day in 2019, Aeternus’ intellectual voyage spans across centuries of philosophical thought, from Plato to Einstein.This book stands as both a challenge to conventional religious dogma and a f...

    26,87 €