Historia de la filosofía occidental

Humanidades / Filosofía / Historia de la filosofía occidental (5807)

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  • An Excursion to Canada
    Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 - May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, polymath, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Diso...

    20,16 €

  • The Nature of Things
    Lucretius Lucretius
    De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things) is a 1st century BC didactic poem by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius with the goal of explaining Epicurean philosophy to a Roman audience. Lucretius presents the principles of atomism; the nature of the mind and soul; explanations of sensation and thought; the development of the world and its phenomena; and explains a variety o...

    36,76 €

  • Marx, Epicurus, and the Origins of Historical Materialism
    Diego Fusaro / Anna Carnesecchi
    Diego Fusaro’s monograph on the influence of Epicurus on Marx’s thought is multilayered. It not only explains Epicurean thought and how it impacted the young Marx, but also manages to do unto Marx what Marx did unto Epicurus.Marx employed Epicurus’ critical stance toward Plato and Aristotle as an excuse, as it were, to drop not-so-subtle hints about the philosophy and politics ...

    80,30 €

  • Pompeii
    Fergus Mason
    Pompeii was one of most advanced cities of its time; it had a complex water system, gymnasium, and an amphitheater. Despite it's advancements, there was one thing it wasn't ready for: Mount Vesuvius—the volcano that led to its ultimate doom.  The 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius was one of the worst disasters in all of European history. In a near instant, over 15,000 p...

    10,36 €

  • MerKaBa
    Dr Terri R. Nelson
    African Cosmology, Kemetic Science, Psychology Spirituality, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Social Thought/ What is the MerKaBa Energy Body of Light and what does it, the Great Pyramid, the Tree of Life, even Christmas, all have in common? This book seamlessly unites all of these symbols, so that our Consciousness may be Unitive. A Dimensional Shifting from The Linear Tree of Life an...

    39,23 €

  • Meditations
    Marcus Aurelius / George Long
    Unabridged private reflections of the Emperor of Rome, on how one is to exist in a world of chaos. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and in the most accepted translation by George Long, is a book that belongs on everyone’s shelf.A favorite of Bill Clinton and John Steinbeck, and influencer of many others for 2,000 years, it is as relevant today to those in power struggles over emp...

    6,43 €

  • Ethische Aspekte in Ramon Llulls Buch des Ritterordens
    Augusto Leandro Rocha da Silveira
    Im Buch des Ritterordens (1279-1283) versucht Ramon Llull, die an der Ritterschaft interessierten Novizen, die in den Ritterorden eintreten wollen, zu systematisieren und anzuleiten, indem er geistige, moralische und ethische Werte aufführt. Auf diese Weise beruft sich der aufgeklärte Arzt auf christliche Werte, um die Merkmale dieses Amtes zu erklären, das im europäischen Mitt...

    49,74 €

  • Aspects éthiques dans le Livre de l’Ordre de Chevalerie de Ramon Llull
    Augusto Leandro Rocha da Silveira
    Dans le Livre de l’Ordre de Chevalerie (1279-1283), Ramon Llull se propose de systématiser et de guider les novices intéressés par la fonction de chevalier et désireux d’entrer dans l’Ordre de Chevalerie. Pour ce faire, il énumère des valeurs spirituelles, morales et éthiques. Le docteur éclairé invoque ainsi les valeurs chrétiennes pour expliquer les caractéristiques de cette ...

    49,74 €

  • Aspetti etici nel Libro dell’Ordine Cavalleresco di Raimondo Lullo
    Augusto Leandro Rocha da Silveira
    Nel Libro dell’Ordine Cavalleresco (1279-1283), Raimondo Lullo si propone di sistematizzare e guidare i novizi interessati alla carica cavalleresca che desiderano assumere un incarico nell’Ordine Cavalleresco. Per farlo, elenca valori spirituali, morali ed etici. In questo modo, il Dottore illuminato invoca i valori cristiani per spiegare le caratteristiche di questa carica, ch...

    49,74 €

  • Ethical Aspects in Ramon Llull’s Book of the Order of Chivalry
    Augusto Leandro Rocha da Silveira
    In the Book of the Order of Chivalry (1279-1283), Ramon Llull aims to systematize and guide newcomers interested in the office of knighthood to fill a vacancy in the Order of Chivalry and, to this end, lists spiritual, moral and ethical values. In this way, the Enlightened Doctor invokes Christian values to explain the characteristics of this office, which was destined for only...

    49,74 €

  • On Pyrrho and Time
    Jean-Paul Martinon
    Today’s understanding of time remains mostly Aristotelian and Newtonian/Einsteinian: time is what has been abstracted from the mundane realities of life and reduced to its measurement. Any somatic, psychological, or other experience of time is deemed either irrelevant or secondary. The history of the attempts to provide alternatives to time as measurement is infinite, most of w...

    166,97 €

  • Stoicism Mastery
    Matthew Plotius
    In this remarkable stoicism book, you will explore modern stoicism like never before. 'Stoicism Mastery: The Complete Guide to Developing a Stoic Mindset for Mental Clarity and Success in a Fulfilling Life' is not just a theoretical text-it’s an actionable guide on how to be a stoic in your day-to-day life. Discover the power of stoic philosophy and learn how to use stoic princ...

    13,38 €

  • Fuck Off, Melon Muskla, I’m Coloring
    Adult Coloring Books / Adult Colouring Books / Swear Word Coloring Book
    LARGE COLLECTION OF AWESOME DESIGNS AT AN AMAZING PRICE. AVAILABLE AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT. GRAB YOUR COPY NOW.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Not sure what theme to start coloring? Grab one that has everything. Incredible artwork with the largest variety of super amazing designs. Join the hundreds of thousands of happy colorists that really appreciate good quality artwork. This adult coloring book provide...

    11,21 €

  • Crisis de consciencia en la filosofía contemporánea
    András Gedö
    András Gedö, filósofo marxista-leninista húngaro, aborda en este libro el problema de la crisis de la sociedad burguesa, en particular, como la crisis es asimilada e interpretada por los filósofos e ideólogos al servicio de la clase capitalista.En el espejo deformado del pensamiento burgués la crisis encuentra su reflejo como destino fatal del género humano, como una sensación ...

    15,60 €

  • Insolubles
    Walter Segrave
    Paradoxes, such as the Liar (’What I am saying is false’), fascinated medieval thinkers. What I said can’t be true, for if it were, it would be false. So it must be false-but then it would be true after all. Attempts at a solution to this contradiction led such thinkers to develop their theories of meaning, reference and truth. A popular response, until it was attacked at lengt...

    26,90 €

  • Insolubles
    Walter Segrave
    Paradoxes, such as the Liar (’What I am saying is false’), fascinated medieval thinkers. What I said can’t be true, for if it were, it would be false. So it must be false-but then it would be true after all. Attempts at a solution to this contradiction led such thinkers to develop their theories of meaning, reference and truth. A popular response, until it was attacked at lengt...

    45,16 €

  • Plotinus on the Contemplation of the Intelligible World
    Mateusz Stróżyński

    156,99 €

  • les racines du stoïcisme
    J. Marco D. Couturier
    Les Racines du Stoïcisme : Histoire et Influence des Fondateurs - Découvrez les Secrets de la Résilience Ancienne Découvrez le monde fascinant du stoïcisme à travers 'Les Racines du Stoïcisme', un ouvrage essentiel qui dévoile l’histoire riche et l’influence profonde des fondateurs de cette philosophie intemporelle. Ce livre vous transporte à l’époque de Zénon de Citium, Cléant...

    10,92 €

  • J.D. Ponce su Platone
    J.D. Ponce
    Questo appassionante saggio si concentra sulla spiegazione e sull’analisi de La Repubblica di Platone, una delle opere più influenti della storia la cui comprensione, per la sua complessità e profondità, sfugge a una prima lettura.Che abbiate già letto La Repubblica o meno, questo saggio vi permetterà di immergervi in ogni singolo significato, aprendo una finestra sul pensiero ...

    18,83 €

  • J.D. Ponce su Marco Aurelio
    J.D. Ponce
    Questo appassionante saggio si concentra sulla spiegazione e sull’analisi dei Pensieri di Marco Aurelio, una delle opere più influenti della storia la cui comprensione, per la sua complessità e profondità, sfugge a una prima lettura.Che abbiate già letto Pensieri o meno, questo saggio vi permetterà di immergervi in ogni singolo significato, aprendo una finestra sul pensiero fil...

    17,85 €

  • J.D. Ponce su Sun Tzu
    J.D. Ponce
    Questo appassionante saggio si concentra sulla spiegazione e sull’analisi de L’arte della guerra di Sun Tzu, una delle opere più influenti della storia la cui comprensione, per la sua complessità e profondità, sfugge a una prima lettura.Che abbiate già letto L’arte della guerra o meno, questo saggio vi permetterà di immergervi in ogni singolo significato, aprendo una finestra s...

    18,78 €

  • General Flamarion Barreto Lima: Partenon Da Cidadania
    Flamarion Barreto Lima / Saulo Barreto Lima
    LUÍS FLAMARION BARRETO LIMA (Sobral/CE, 19 de outubro de 1912 Rio de Janeiro/RJ, 16 de janeiro de 1973). Eram seus pais o comerciante Francisco das Chagas Barreto Lima e a senhora Maria Cesarina Lopes Barreto. Em 1934, casa-se com a Sra. Neuza de Oliveira Lopes, com quem teve 5 filhos. Inicia os estudos primários em Sobral, logo depois ingressando no Colégio Militar de Fortale...

    18,67 €

  • Plato Re-Imagined
    Daniel Sanderson
    Plato Re-Imagined: Volume II by Daniel Sanderson offers readers a unique and transformative exploration of Plato’s timeless ideas, blending ancient wisdom with modern philosophical dilemmas. This innovative work invites scholars and enthusiasts to engage with Plato’s dialogues freshly and dynamically, integrating ethical, metaphysical, and political thought into a cohesive phil...

    41,33 €

  • Guerra Do Paraguai, Formação Da Nacionalidade Brasileira E Fatores Psicossociais Sul-americanos
    Flamarion Barreto Lima
    A presente compilação trata-se de um reparo mediante à obra esquecida de um grande intelectual brasileiro Luís Flamarion Barreto Lima (1912 1973). Barreto acumula vários títulos publicados e muitos não reeditados tendo como temática principal pensar e compreender o país e a alma do brasileiro. A intenção inicial, portanto, é (re)publicar de 3 em 3 a maior parte possível de sua...

    18,20 €

  • A Igreja Na Colonização Italiana No Médio Vale Do Itajaí
    Aléssio Berri
    A Igreja na Colonização Italiana no Médio Vale do Itajaí, é o segundo livro deste autor. O livro traz um minucioso e atento relato histórico da colonização italiana e trentina no Vale do Itajaí a partir da segunda metade do século XIX, com especial enfoque na Igreja Católica, seu papel e contribuição social e religiosa.Um trabalho de fôlego, fundamentado em exaustivas pesquisas...

    33,23 €

  • Imigrantes Italianos, Criadores De Riquezas
    Aléssio Berri
    O escritor Aléssio Berri busca, através de sua obra, resgatar as origens da colonização realizada principalmente na região do Médio Vale do Itajaí em Santa Catarina.Neste seu terceiro livro,Imigrantes Italianos, Criadores de Riquezas , Aléssio Berri resgata as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pioneiros italianos e seus descendentes, buscando superar as dificuldades quanto à forma...

    34,27 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Platón
    J.D. Ponce
    Este apasionante ensayo se centra en la explicación y análisis de La República, de Platón, una de las obras más influyentes de la historia y cuya comprensión, por su complejidad y profundidad, escapa a la comprensión en primera lectura. Tanto si ya has leído La República como si no, este ensayo te permitirá sumergirte en todos y cada uno de sus significados, abriendo una ventan...

    18,81 €

  • Geschichte und christliche Exegese bei Augustinus
    Pedro Paulo Alves dos Santos
    „Geschichte und christliche Exegese bei Augustinus'. Dieser akademische Aufsatz ist Teil unserer Forschungen zum Thema „Geschichte und christliche Exegese' seit 1997, als ich meine Promotion in Biblischer Theologie an der Gregoriana in Rom abgeschlossen habe. Seitdem interessieren wir uns für die Verflechtung von Exegese als rationale Übung zur Auslegung biblischer Texte und de...

    71,28 €

  • History and Christian Exegesis in St Augustine
    Pedro Paulo Alves dos Santos
    ’History and Christian Exegesis in St Augustine’. This academic essay is part of our research into ’History and Christian Exegetical Interpretation’ since 1997, when I completed my doctorate in Biblical Theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. Since then, we have been interested in the intertwining of exegesis, as a rational exercise in interpreting biblical texts, and the...

    71,16 €

  • Histoire et exégèse chrétienne chez saint Augustin
    Pedro Paulo Alves dos Santos
    Histoire et exégèse chrétienne chez Saint Augustin . Cet essai académique s’inscrit dans le cadre de nos recherches sur l’histoire et l’interprétation exégétique chrétienne depuis 1997, date à laquelle j’ai obtenu mon doctorat en théologie biblique à l’Université grégorienne de Rome. Depuis lors, nous nous intéressons à l’imbrication de l’exégèse, en tant qu’exercice rationne...

    71,16 €