Filosofía: estética

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía: estética (2101)

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  • The Art of Literature
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here are eight short essays, On Authorship, On Style, On the Study of Latin, On Men of Learning, On Thinking for Ones Self, On Criticism, On Reputation, On Genius, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Achopenhauer. ...

    20,54 €

  • Religion
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here are five short essays, A Dialogue, A Few Words on Pantheism, On Books and Reading, Physiognomy, and, Psychological Observations, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. ...

    20,58 €

  • Human Nature
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here are five short essays, Human Nature, Government, Free-will and Fatalism, Character, Moral Instinct, and, Ethical Reflections, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. ...

    20,57 €

  • Die verschiedenen Modi der Existenz
    Étienne Souriau
    'Wäre die Philosophie auch nur eine Stunde der Mühe wert, wenn sie uns nicht für das Leben rüstete?' Gezielten Schrittes entwirft der französische Philosoph Étienne Souriau in diesem dicht gedrängten Buch eine Grammatik der Existenz. Im Fokus steht nicht nur ihre Theorie, sondern auch die tatsächliche Ausübung der 'Kunst des Existierens'. Wie Gilles Deleuze und William Jame...

    26,71 €

  • Counsels and Maxims
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Collected here, are five short essays, General Rules, Our Relation to Ourselves, Our Relation to Others, Worldly Fortune, and, The Ages of Life, by the world renowned philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. ...

    20,54 €

  • Drenagem Venosa Manual
    Larissa De Andrade Pedrosa
    O livro Drenagem Venosa Manual: Teoria e Passo a Passo do Método DVM Andrade Atualizado apresenta uma descrição minuciosa e prática de uma técnica que Larissa Pedrosa, esteticista e massoterapeuta, desenvolveu ao longo de 16 anos de vasta experiência e estudo. O Método DVM Andrade, fruto de sua prática acumulada, nasceu da observação criteriosa de Larissa sobre os efeitos e li...

    17,16 €

  • Gadamer on Art and Aesthetic Experience
    Original essays on Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutical aesthetics and philosophy of art, written by some of the most important authors in this field, disclosing the possibility of a renewed understanding of Gadamer’s thinking in the context of current aesthetic debates.Hans-Georg Gadamer was one of the greatest intellectual figures of the twentieth century. As a philosopher trai...

    154,60 €

  • A Nova Drenagem
    Larissa De Andrade Pedrosa
    Nesta última e mais reveladora parte da coletânea,A Nova Drenagem: Drenagem Venosa Manual e o Futuro Brilhante da Saúde Vascular - Parte 4 , o(a) leitor(a) é convidado(a) a um aprofundamento definitivo no Método DVM Andrade, uma técnica pioneira de Drenagem Venosa Manual. Ao longo dos volumes anteriores, foi construída uma base sólida de conhecimento, explorando minuciosamente ...

    21,79 €

  • A Nova Drenagem
    Larissa De Andrade Pedrosa
    Caro(a) leitor(a), prepare-se para explorar um dos aspectos mais inovadores desta coletânea! Na Parte 3 deA Nova Drenagem: Drenagem Venosa Manual e o Futuro Brilhante da Saúde Vascular , você será introduzido(a) a conceitos inovadores que desafiam paradigmas estabelecidos, abrindo caminho para uma compreensão mais profunda e científica da drenagem manual.Esta é uma jornada enri...

    20,75 €

  • Pleasure, Perception, and Truth - A Tale of Charvaka
    Aariv Wadhwa
    Charvaka was more than just a philosopher; he was the voice of a bold idea that dared to challenge the norms of his time. In an age dominated by rituals, gods, and promises of unseen worlds, Charvaka posed thought-provoking questions: What if the only truths are the ones we can experience with our senses? What if life is meant to be fully lived and enjoyed, without fear of what...

    8,16 €

  • Escribir, pensar, decir
    César Pineda Saldaña
    Como los pasajes secretos y subterráneos que se extienden por debajo de algunas ciudades. Así suponemos que, entre dos territorios separados por muros que se han erigido en la superficie, existen senderos en el subsuelo de los discursos, a veces no tan ocultos, los cuales sirven como pasadizos entre ambos territorios, a tal grado que, por momentos, hacen dudar de la abstracta s...

    21,32 €

  • Axiomas
    Alexandre Magno Bezerra Feitosa Pinto Da Silva
    Axiomas é um passeio cerebral e sensorial sobre tudo e sobre nada. Um pequeno livro ora límpido, ora nebuloso sobre questões existenciais, filosóficas, estéticas e políticas. Se estes escassos escritos conseguirem fazer arranhar lugares-comuns e atacar os clichês que só engessam e atrasam o pensamento autônomo dos indivíduos na sociedade, então terão tido alguma valia. Pensar c...

    10,35 €

  • Filosofía y comunicación
    Alberto Ruiz-Méndez
    En algún momento que se pierde en la noche de los tiempos, un grupo de homínidos plasmó sus manos en las paredes de una cueva. Esas manos callosas, acostumbradas a los rigores de las texturas, eran una declaración pictórica de aquellos habitantes de la Tierra que buscaban salvar un fragmento de su existencia antes de disolverse en el flujo de los ciclos que transitan de la vida...

    20,75 €

  • Artistic Creativity
    Albert Rothenberg
    This book presents the creative processes in art throughout history and cultures. A specific cognitive function, the homospatial process, is extensively documented and described, as well as short and long term scientific research in artistic creation and its applications to aesthetic appreciation. Drawing on research in psychology of creativity, creative operations, and relatio...

    207,88 €

  • Is Harpo Free?
    Matthew Cipa
    Is Harpo Free? is a lively appreciation of film and television’s ability to artistically explore concepts typical of philosophical metaphysics, such as free will, causality, and personal identity. Rather than using films and television programs as vehicles for philosophical arguments, the book instead celebrates the artistic ways in which they give life to various metaphysical ...

    31,20 €

  • La era del neuroTodo II
    Guillermo Javier Nogueira
    El aumento de la velocidad y cantidad de información científica o pretendidamente científica, circulando sin límites por las redes, tiene un efecto paradojal: más puede terminar siendo menos. A su vez, la idea interesada y pregonada por algunos expertos junto a muchos divulgadores, acerca del conocimiento actual del cerebro y su funcionamiento, que permitiría explicar unívocame...

    11,39 €

  • Hungry Ghosts in the Machine
    Mike Watson
    Hungry Ghosts in the Machine: Digital Capitalism and the Search for Self examines the ways in which social and other digital media utilize nostalgia to heighten anxiety, depression and alienation while offering fleeting cures which only ultimately lead to a cycle of longing and, at most, only temporary satiation. It is argued that wellbeing and spiritual practice freed of the c...

    16,87 €

  • Direito Estético
    Arquimedes Rodrigues / Carlos Djuli Milene Hermes / Cristiane Alilne Gavião Machado
    o Direito Estético, uma área que se propõe a explorar as interseções entre a justiça e a beleza, duas noções que, à primeira vista, podem parecer distintas, mas que, ao serem examinadas de perto, revelam uma intrincada teia de relações. O DireitoEstético não se restringe apenas à estética visual, mas engloba uma gama ampla de elementos sensoriais e culturais que influenciam a p...

    18,20 €

  • Living in Language
    David Bosworth
    In Living in Language, David Bosworth makes a compelling case for the power and relevance of the literary imagination throughout history. In a series of essays both lyrical and analytical, he examines how certain works have engaged the most pressing problems of their authors’ ages even as they illuminate challenges that still haunt the world. The topics addressed are rich and v...

    35,64 €

  • Living in Language
    David Bosworth
    In Living in Language, David Bosworth makes a compelling case for the power and relevance of the literary imagination throughout history. In a series of essays both lyrical and analytical, he examines how certain works have engaged the most pressing problems of their authors’ ages even as they illuminate challenges that still haunt the world. The topics addressed are rich and v...

    23,16 €

  • A Study of Shang Dynasty Aesthetic Consciousness
    Zhu Zhirong
    This book explores the aesthetic consciousness of the Shang Dynasty and its influence on Chinese aesthetic development and contemporary aesthetic creation. ...

    240,81 €

  • The Material Mind
    Carl Reader
    The Material Mind: A Writer’s Philosophical Journal is a piecemeal collection, with an explanatory introduction, of the thoughts of an elderly writer who has abandoned his art of fiction late in life for the modern realities of metaphysics and epistemology. He shares his applications of a lifetime of thought, reading, questioning, and searches for beauty and meaning in journal ...

    15,72 €

  • The Ontology of Music Groups
    This volume examines the ontology of music groups. It connects two fascinating areas of philosophical research: the ontology of social groups and the philosophy of music. ...

    227,24 €

  • The Philosophy of Fiction
    This book presents new research on the crucial role that imagination plays in contemporary philosophy of fiction. It will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in aesthetics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, and literary studies. ...

    73,03 €

  • Objects of Authority
    Jakub Stejskal
    This book develops a postformalist aesthetic theory that makes room for an aesthetic analysis independent of the model of competent aesthetic judgement or appreciation. It represents a rare effort at bringing together methods and concepts that are often addressed by separate disciplines. ...

    73,79 €

  • Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics
    Cynthia R. Nielsen
    This book offers a sustained scholarly analysis of Gadamer’s reflections on art and our experience of art. It examines fundamental themes in Gadamer’s hermeneutical aesthetics such as play, festival, symbol, contemporaneity, enactment, art’s performative ontology, and hermeneutical identity. ...

    73,62 €

  • Perspectives on Taste
    This book offers a sustained, interdisciplinary examination of taste. It addresses a range of topics that have been at the heart of lively debates in philosophy of language, linguistics, metaphysics, aesthetics, and experimental philosophy. ...

    72,72 €

  • Othello and the Problem of Knowledge
    Richard Gaskin
    This book analyses the epistemological problems that Shakespeare explores in Othello. In particular, it uses the methods of analytic philosophy, especially the work of the later Wittgenstein, to characterize these problems and the play. ...

    73,73 €

  • The German Idealists - Is Patriotism Still Relevant?
    Hermann Selchow
    Discover with me the roots of our modern thinking! 'The German Idealists - Is Patriotism Still Contemporary?' takes you on an exciting journey into the time of the Napoleonic occupation and shows you how important thinkers such as Fichte, Schelling and Hegel shaped not only philosophy but also the self-image of an entire nation.In a changing world, this book asks the important ...

    25,63 €

  • The Literary Life of Pictures
    Michele Cometa
    This book offers a theory of ekphrasis-the literary description of an artwork-from the perspective of Visual Culture studies. A theory of ekphrasis must take into account not only the rhetorical strategies articulated in the description of artworks, but also the complex interplay that holds together the pictures that are described, the gazes that rest on them, and the dispositi...

    133,28 €