Botánica y ciencias de las plantas

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida / Botánica y ciencias de las plantas (21512)

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  • Beekeeping At The End Of The Earth
    Mark David Leech
    Beekeeping at the End of the Earth, an essential read for learning about beekeeping in a cool temperate climate with a focus on Tasmania our island home.  One hundred beekeepers one hundred different ways to keep bees.Beekeeping At The End Of The Earth is a practical insight into cool climate beekeeping with a focus on Tasmania, our island home.Richly illustrated with unique di...

    45,16 €

  • Mr Menzies' Garden Legacy
    Clive Lionel Justice
    The information found in this history represents a life of interest in plants of the coastal region by the author. This interest undoubtedly relates to the author’s roots on a Gulf Island in the Strait of Georgia. There is a special afinity with the sea and the land that is developed when one grows up on these islands. There is also great appreciation for the conservation and l...

    40,47 €

  • Bog-Trotting for Orchids
    Grace Greylock Niles
    Grace Greylock Niles’ classic Bog-Trotting for Orchids opens a view into the world of a female student of nature, and her love for the flora and fauna of the Northeast. Focusing on her search for orchids in the bogs of Vermont, it offers a look back (over a century) at the history and natural history of this well-known region, and the earlier poetry and prose that influenced he...

    33,65 €

  • Checklist of Papuasian Orchids
    Paul Ormerod
    This is the most comprehensive account to date of all Papua New Guineas wild orchids and will no doubt prove to be the essential reference to PNG's orchids for all botanists, ecologists and orchid enthusiasts for decades to come. All types and relevant data including where published are listed and the herbariums where they are kept. All synonymous names, where published and...

    59,91 €

  • Some Constituents of the Poison Ivy Plant (Rhus Toxicodendron)
    William Syme
    Some Constituents of the Poison Ivy Plant (Rhus Toxicodendron), a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designe...

    19,64 €

  • Mycoflexie de quelques forêts du district de Khammam, A.P., Inde
    Une étude mycofloristique réalisée au cours de la période 2007-2010 pour les micro- et macro-champignons a révélé l’association de 131 espèces fongiques dont 96 étaient des micro-champignons et 35 des macro-champignons. Parmi les différents substrats ou habitats étudiés, la litière a été colonisée par 65 espèces fongiques appartenant au groupe des anamorphes (Hyphomycetes). Ell...

    119,57 €

  • Micoflorescências de algumas florestas do distrito de Khammam, A.P., Índia
    Um levantamento micoflorístico de micro e macrofungos efectuado durante os anos 2007-2010 revelou a associação de 131 espécies de fungos, das quais 96 eram microfungos e 35 eram macrofungos. Entre os vários substratos ou habitats estudados, a folhada foi colonizada por 65 espécies de fungos pertencentes ao grupo Anamórfico (Hyphomycetes). Seguiram-se o solo húmido e as folhas c...

    119,57 €

  • Микофлористика некоторых лесов в округе Кхаммам, штат А.П., Индия
    Микофлористическое исследование микро- и макрогрибов, проведенное в 2007-2010 годах, выявило ассоциацию 131 вида грибов, из которых 96 были микрогрибами, а 35 - макрогрибами. Среди различных исследованных субстратов или местообитаний подстилка была колонизирована 65 видами грибов, относящихся к группе анаморфных (Hyphomycetes). За ним следуют влажная почва и опавшие листья, кот...

    119,53 €

  • Mykologische Merkmale einiger Wälder im Bezirk Khammam, A.P., Indien
    Eine mykofloristische Untersuchung der Mikro- und Makropilze in den Jahren 2007-2010 ergab die Assoziation von 131 Pilzarten, von denen 96 Mikropilze und 35 Makropilze waren. Unter den verschiedenen untersuchten Substraten oder Lebensräumen wurde die Streu von 65 Pilzarten besiedelt, die zur Gruppe der anamorphen Pilze (Hyphomyceten) gehören. Es folgten feuchte Böden und Fallla...

    119,57 €

  • La micoflittica di alcune foreste del distretto di Khammam, A.P, India
    Un’indagine micofloristica condotta nel periodo 2007-2010 per la ricerca di micro e macrofunghi ha rivelato l’associazione di 131 specie fungine, di cui 96 microfunghi e 35 macrofunghi. Tra i vari substrati o habitat esaminati, la lettiera è stata colonizzata da 65 specie fungine appartenenti al gruppo anamorfico (Hyphomycetes). Seguono il suolo umido e le foglie cadute, coloni...

    119,58 €

  • Études sur les paramètres morpho-génétiques du sésame (Sesamum indicum)
    Dr M.SALA
    Une étude a été menée sur huit génotypes de sésame (Sesamum indicum) afin de mieux comprendre le modèle de variabilité existant pour les caractères quantitatifs et d’évaluer l’étendue de la variabilité morphologique et génétique et l’association entre ces génotypes et de trouver les génotypes supérieurs à haut rendement. L’étude a révélé que tous les génotypes présentaient des ...

    60,20 €

  • Studi sui parametri morfo-genetici nel sesamo (Sesamum indicum)
    Dr M.SALA
    È stata condotta un’indagine su otto diversi genotipi di sesamo (Sesamum indicum) per comprendere il modello di variabilità esistente per i caratteri quantitativi e per valutare l’entità della variabilità morfologica e genetica e l’associazione tra questi genotipi e per individuare i genotipi superiori ad alto rendimento. Lo studio ha rivelato che tutti i genotipi differivano s...

    60,20 €

  • Estudos sobre parâmetros morfo-genéticos em sésamo (Sesamum indicum)
    Dr M.SALA
    Foi realizada uma investigação com oito genótipos diversos de sésamo (Sesamum indicum) para obter uma visão do padrão de variabilidade existente para características quantitativas e para avaliar a extensão da variabilidade morfológica e genética e a associação entre estes genótipos e para descobrir os genótipos superiores de elevado rendimento. O estudo revelou que todos os gen...

    60,20 €

  • Différenciation des populations indigènes et plantées d’Araucaria angustifolia
    Igor Michel Grosskopf
    Le pin araucaria est exploité depuis le Brésil colonial, comme de nombreuses ressources naturelles. Cette vaste exploitation s’est développée tout au long de l’histoire de notre pays, et la législation environnementale a dû évoluer pour empêcher l’extinction des espèces. Ces changements nous ont amenés à la situation actuelle, où l’espèce Araucaria angustifolia est interdite d’...

    49,74 €

  • Studien über morpho-genetische Parameter bei Sesam (Sesamum indicum)
    Dr M.SALA
    Es wurde eine Untersuchung mit acht verschiedenen Genotypen von Sesam (Sesamum indicum) durchgeführt, um einen Einblick in das bestehende Variabilitätsmuster für quantitative Merkmale zu gewinnen und das Ausmaß der morphologischen und genetischen Variabilität und Assoziation zwischen diesen Genotypen zu bewerten sowie die ertragreichen, überlegenen Genotypen zu ermitteln. Die S...

    60,20 €

  • Differentiating Native and Planted Populations of Araucaria angustifolia
    Igor Michel Grosskopf
    The Araucaria pine has been exploited since colonial Brazil, as have many natural resources. This vast exploitation has grown throughout our country’s history, and environmental legislation has had to evolve to prevent species from becoming extinct. These changes have brought us to the current position, where the Araucaria angustifolia species is prohibited from exploitation, w...

    49,74 €

  • Исследования морфо-генетических параметров кунжута (Sesamum indicum)
    Др М.САЛА
    Было проведено исследование восьми различных генотипов кунжута (Sesamum indicum), чтобы получить представление о существующей структуре изменчивости по количественным признакам, оценить степень морфологической и генетической изменчивости и ассоциации между этими генотипами и выявить высокоурожайные генотипы. Исследование показало, что все генотипы значительно различались между ...

    60,26 €

  • Unterscheidung zwischen einheimischen und angepflanzten Populationen von Araucaria angustifolia
    Igor Michel Grosskopf
    Die Araukarienkiefer wird seit der Kolonialzeit in Brasilien ausgebeutet, wie viele andere natürliche Ressourcen auch. Diese Ausbeutung hat im Laufe der Geschichte unseres Landes zugenommen, und die Umweltgesetzgebung musste sich weiterentwickeln, um das Aussterben von Arten zu verhindern. Diese Veränderungen haben dazu geführt, dass die Araucaria angustifolia heute nicht mehr ...

    49,74 €

  • Atlas of Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of the Central Appalachian Coalfields Volume 2
    Thomas McLoughlin
    This book is a picture guide to fossil plants and a few fossil marine organisms found in close association with the coal measures in the central Appalachian region. The fossils are sorted by groups and the specimens sampling site locations are listed by coal seam horizon and geographic location. Short descriptions of each group of fossil types are provided. This publication has...

    25,14 €

  • Impact of Pruning Height and Micronutrient Application on the Performance of Amrapali Mango
    Amit Raj
    Mango is one of the world’s most popular fruits. It originated from Indo-Burma (Myanmar) region. It holds a prominent position in fruit crops and has the largest area under fruit cultivation in India. It is a member of the Anacardiaceae family and the genus Mangifera. Mango fruits are put to various uses right from the initial stage of development to maturity and ripening. Indi...

    41,76 €

  • Grow Your Own Medicine
    Glenis Yi Jing Lim / Hwee Ling Koh / Marcus Xiu Ren Wong
    If you are curious about the useful medicinal plants from nature, wondering what food may be useful to health, and which edible medicinal plants you can grow in your garden, this book is for you! The book is suitable for both the general public as well as healthcare professionals. This book is a compilation of up to date information of carefully curated 30 medicinal plants, man...

    70,45 €

  • Grow Your Own Medicine
    Glenis Yi Jing Lim / Hwee Ling Koh / Marcus Xiu Ren Wong
    If you are curious about the useful medicinal plants from nature, wondering what food may be useful to health, and which edible medicinal plants you can grow in your garden, this book is for you! The book is suitable for both the general public as well as healthcare professionals. This book is a compilation of up to date information of carefully curated 30 medicinal plants, man...

    34,91 €

  • The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira
    Florence Du Cane
    'The Flowers and Gardens of Madeira' by Florence Du Cane is a captivating botanical travelogue that transports readers to the lush landscapes of this tropical island paradise. Through vivid descriptions and stunning botanical illustrations, Du Cane showcases the diverse flora and fauna that thrive in Madeira’s unique ecosystem. As a comprehensive exploration of horticulture and...

    11,13 €

  • The Flower-Patch Among the Hills
    Flora Klickmann
    'The Flower-Patch Among the Hills' by Flora Klickmann is a charming portrayal of rural life, centered around the beauty and tranquility of nature’s floral bounty. Set amidst the picturesque countryside, the book invites readers into a world of gardening and botanical exploration. With a focus on floral arrangements and landscaping, Klickmann’s work serves as an inspirational gu...

    13,71 €

    Laxman R. Rathod / Vishal A. Naik
    Le présent ouvrage 'PLANT TISSUE CULTURE' a été principalement conçu pour aider les étudiants en botanique à comprendre facilement le sujet et à se préparer à leur examen universitaire. Ce livre destiné aux étudiants en B.Sc. a été écrit strictement selon le modèle de syllabus de l’UGC. La matière est divisée en Introduction à la culture de tissus végétaux, Organisation du labo...

    85,39 €

    Вишал А. Наик / Лаксман Р. Ратход
    Настоящая книга 'PLANT TISSUE CULTURE' была разработана в первую очередь для того, чтобы помочь студентам-ботаникам легко понять предмет и подготовиться к университетским экзаменам. Настоящая книга для студентов бакалавриата написана строго в соответствии с моделью UGC Syllabus. Предмет разделен на Введение в культуру растительных тканей, организацию лаборатории для культуры ра...

    85,39 €

  • La fleur
    Sumia Fatima
    L’étude des plantes angiospermes repose sur une connaissance approfondie de toutes les caractéristiques externes des plantes. Pour connaître les ressources naturelles de la terre, il faut avoir une connaissance approfondie des plantes. La fleur est une pousse modifiée avec des entrenœuds fortement comprimés et des feuilles florales étroitement serrées. La fleur est la caractéri...

    50,25 €

  • Цветок
    Сумия Фатима
    Изучение ангиоспермовых растений основано на глубоком знании всех внешних характеристик растений. Для познания природных ресурсов Земли необходимо глубокое понимание растений. Цветок - это видоизмененный побег с сильно сжатыми междоузлиями и тесно расположенными цветочными листьями. Цветок - очень важный признак семенного растения. Среди ангиоспермовых растений существует больш...

    50,25 €

  • Plant Biotechnology
    M. S. Shekhawat / Vikrant
    This enlightening book serves as a cornerstone in the dynamic and evolving field of plant biotechnology, particularly focusing on in vitro plant regeneration and transgenesis. With the rapid advancements in biotechnological methods, understanding the intricate processes of plant in vitro technology has become crucial. This book meticulously compiles and condenses the extensive ...

    44,24 €

  • Monumenti naturali viventi della Terra
    Dr. M.S. Haque
    Il libro è il primo del suo genere a livello globale. Sebbene le notizie sugli alberi monumentali della Terra siano disponibili in forma sparsa, per la prima volta l’autore ha raccolto in un libro completo le informazioni e le immagini di quasi tutti gli alberi monumentali della Terra, compreso un gran numero di isole. Gli alberi monumentali sono solitamente alberi maturi che f...

    119,44 €