Botánica y ciencias de las plantas

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida / Botánica y ciencias de las plantas (13599)

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  • Beekeeping At The End Of The Earth
    Mark David Leech
    Beekeeping at the End of the Earth, an essential read for learning about beekeeping in a cool temperate climate with a focus on Tasmania our island home.  One hundred beekeepers one hundred different ways to keep bees.Beekeeping At The End Of The Earth is a practical insight into cool climate beekeeping with a focus on Tasmania, our island home.Richly illustrated with unique di...

    45,16 €

  • Mr Menzies' Garden Legacy
    Clive Lionel Justice
    The information found in this history represents a life of interest in plants of the coastal region by the author. This interest undoubtedly relates to the author’s roots on a Gulf Island in the Strait of Georgia. There is a special afinity with the sea and the land that is developed when one grows up on these islands. There is also great appreciation for the conservation and l...

    40,47 €

  • Bog-Trotting for Orchids
    Grace Greylock Niles
    Grace Greylock Niles’ classic Bog-Trotting for Orchids opens a view into the world of a female student of nature, and her love for the flora and fauna of the Northeast. Focusing on her search for orchids in the bogs of Vermont, it offers a look back (over a century) at the history and natural history of this well-known region, and the earlier poetry and prose that influenced he...

    33,65 €

  • Checklist of Papuasian Orchids
    Paul Ormerod
    This is the most comprehensive account to date of all Papua New Guineas wild orchids and will no doubt prove to be the essential reference to PNG's orchids for all botanists, ecologists and orchid enthusiasts for decades to come. All types and relevant data including where published are listed and the herbariums where they are kept. All synonymous names, where published and...

    59,91 €

  • Biosystematics of Triticeae
    Bernard R. Baum / Chi Yen / Jun-Liang Yang
    This book discusses the natural classification and biosystematics of Triticeae and presents the most significant findings of comprehensive studies on the Triticeae, an important tribe in the grass family (Poaceae) that includes major crops such as wheat, barley, rye, and triticale, as well as various forage crops found in different genera. The five-volume Chinese version of Bio...

    261,08 €

  • Threatened Medicinal Plants in the Indian Himalayan Region
    The book provides an in-depth analysis of the major issues related to the conservation of threatened medicinal plants in the Indian Himalayan region. The book is a comprehensive resource and sustainability of challenges and conservation strategies that highlights the critical role of medicinal plants in traditional healthcare systems and identifies the significant threats that...

    234,94 €

  • Großmutters Kräuter
    Dionyz Dugas
    GROSSMUTTERS KRÄUTERDas Buch enthält ca. 90 Heilpflanzen mit kurzer botanischer Beschreibung, Angaben zu den Vorkommensorten, Sammlung, Drogen und ist mit einem bewährten Rezept ergänzt.Die Rezepte in diesem Buch haben sich in langjähriger kräuterkundlicher Praxis bewährt. Die Autorin übernimmt jedoch keine Verantwortung für mögliche gesundheitliche Schäden bei der Selbstbehand...

    93,38 €

  • Les herbes de grand-mère
    Dionyz Dugas
    LES HERBES DE GRAND-MERELe livre contient environ 90 plantes médicinales avec une brève description botanique, des informations sur les lieux d’apparition, la collecte, les médicaments et est complété par une recette éprouvée.Les recettes de ce livre ont fait leurs preuves dans la pratique de l’herboristerie pendant de nombreuses années. L’auteur décline toutefois toute respons...

    93,38 €

  • Le erbe della nonna
    Dionyz Dugas
    LE ERBE DELLA NONNAIl libro contiene circa 90 piante medicinali con una breve descrizione botanica, informazioni sui luoghi di ritrovamento, sulla raccolta, sulle droghe ed è completato da una ricetta comprovata.Le ricette contenute in questo libro sono state provate nella pratica erboristica di molti anni. L’autore, tuttavia, non si assume la responsabilità di eventuali danni ...

    93,41 €

  • Zioła babci
    Dionyz Dugas
    ZIOŁA BABUNIKsiążka zawiera około 90 roślin leczniczych z krótkim opisem botanicznym, informacją o miejscach występowania, zbiorze, lekach oraz uzupełniona jest o jeden sprawdzony przepis.Receptury zawarte w tej książce zostały sprawdzone w wieloletniej praktyce zielarskiej. Autor nie ponosi jednak odpowiedzialności za ewentualne szkody zdrowotne w przypadku samodzielnego stoso...

    93,41 €

  • Ervas da avó
    Dionyz Dugas
    AS ERVAS DA AVÓO livro contém cerca de 90 plantas medicinais com uma breve descrição botânica, informações sobre os locais de ocorrência, recolha, medicamentos e é complementado com uma receita comprovada.As receitas deste livro foram comprovadas em muitos anos de prática herbalista. O autor, no entanto, não se responsabiliza por possíveis danos à saúde no caso de auto-cura.As ...

    93,39 €

  • Biomass Valorization
    This book provides information on the applications of lignocellulosic wastes, aquatic weeds, algal biomass and microbes in biofuel production, climate change mitigation, eco-restoration, environment protection and development of roadmap for circular economy.Approximately eighty percent of the current energy requirements are fulfilled from fossil fuels which may be exhausted in ...

    261,21 €

  • Phytophthora
    This comprehensive volume examines techniques for studying Phytophthora species, a devastating group of plant pathogens that cause diseases in crops and natural ecosystems worldwide. The book compiles essential molecular techniques and methods, such as CRISPR-Cas genome editing for investigating pathogenicity and resistance, as well as tools for detecting, visualizing, and quan...

    297,41 €

  • Production de biodiesel à partir d’algues cultivées
    Kishora NAIK K / Pameshwara Naik K
    Les macroalgues peuvent être définies comme un groupe non phylogénétique diversifié et éloigné d’eucaryotes aquatiques macroscopiques appartenant à Chlorophyta et Streptophyta (algues vertes), Rhodophyta (algues rouges), Phaeophyceae (algues brunes) et Xanthophyceae (algues jaune-vert). Dans la production durable de biocarburants, les macroalgues présentent plusieurs avantages ...

    107,98 €

  • Biodieselproduktion aus kultivierten Algen
    Kishora NAIK K / Pameshwara Naik K
    Makroalgen können als eine vielfältige und entfernt verwandte nicht-phylogenetische Gruppe makroskopischer aquatischer Eukaryoten definiert werden, die zu den Chlorophyta und Streptophyta (Grünalgen), Rhodophyta (Rotalgen), Phaeophyceae (Braunalgen) und Xanthophyceae (Gelbgrünalgen) gehören. Bei der nachhaltigen Produktion von Biokraftstoffen haben Makroalgen im Vergleich zu La...

    107,98 €

  • Produkcja biodiesla z hodowanych wodorostów morskich
    Kishora NAIK K / Pameshwara Naik K
    Makroglony można zdefiniować jako zróżnicowaną i daleko spokrewnioną niefilogenetycznie grupę makroskopowych eukariontów wodnych należących do Chlorophyta i Streptophyta (glony zielone), Rhodophyta (glony czerwone), Phaeophyceae (glony brunatne) i Xanthophyceae (glony żółto-zielone). W zrównoważonej produkcji biopaliw makroalgi mają kilka potencjalnych zalet w porównaniu z rośl...

    107,99 €

  • Produção de biodiesel a partir de algas marinhas cultivadas
    Kishora NAIK K / Pameshwara Naik K
    As macroalgas podem ser definidas como um grupo diversificado e distantemente relacionado, não filogenético, de eucariotas aquáticos macroscópicos pertencentes a Chlorophyta e Streptophyta (algas verdes), Rhodophyta (algas vermelhas), Phaeophyceae (algas castanhas) e Xanthophyceae (algas verde-amarelas). Na produção sustentável de biocombustíveis, as macroalgas têm várias vanta...

    107,99 €

  • DNA mit botanischer Profilerstellung und biologischer Untersuchung von 2 Gazania-Arten
    Wafaa Elkady
    Gazania longiscapa DC und Gazania rigens L. sind Arten von kultivierten Zierpflanzen, die in Ägypten wachsen. Die Gattung Gazania spielt in der Volksmedizin eine Rolle bei der Vorbeugung von Zahnschmerzen. Diese Studie präsentiert eine vergleichende Untersuchung der genetischen und botanischen Merkmale von Wurzel, Rhizom, Blättern und Blüten der beiden Gazania-Arten und verglei...

    53,60 €

  • ADN avec profilage botanique et étude biologique de 2 espèces de Gazania
    Wafaa Elkady
    Gazania longiscapa DC and Gazania rigens L. are species of cultivated ornamental plant that grow in Egypt. Genus Gazania has a role in folk medicine to prevent toothache; this study presents a comparative investigation of genetic and botanical features of root, rhizome, leaves and flowers of the two Gazania species and comparing their biological activity as analgesic and anti i...

    53,60 €

  • DNA con profilo botanico e studio biologico di 2 specie di Gazania
    Wafaa Elkady
    Gazania longiscapa DC e Gazania rigens L. sono specie di piante ornamentali coltivate in Egitto. Il genere Gazania ha un ruolo nella medicina popolare per prevenire il mal di denti; questo studio presenta un’indagine comparativa delle caratteristiche genetiche e botaniche della radice, del rizoma, delle foglie e dei fiori delle due specie di Gazania e confronta la loro attività...

    53,60 €

  • ADN com caraterização botânica e estudo biológico de 2 espécies de Gazania
    Wafaa Elkady
    Gazania longiscapa DC e Gazania rigens L. são espécies de plantas ornamentais cultivadas que crescem no Egito. O género Gazania tem um papel na medicina popular para prevenir a dor de dentes; este estudo apresenta uma investigação comparativa das caraterísticas genéticas e botânicas da raiz, rizoma, folhas e flores das duas espécies de Gazania e compara a sua atividade biológic...

    53,60 €

  • Projektowanie i testowanie potrójnego włoka krewetkowego topless
    Chun-Woo Lee / Olukayode Olubiyi
    Tradycyjny włok denny został zasymulowany za pomocą oprogramowania symulacyjnego Marine Production System Laboratory (MPSL), a jego model w skali 1:20 został przetestowany w oparciu o prawo Tautiego w zbiorniku flume na Pukyong National University. Górny panel modelu (kwadrat i pierwszy brzuch), który stanowi 22,5% całkowitej powierzchni sznurka, został usunięty, a model bez gó...

    64,24 €

  • Conceção e teste de uma rede de arrasto tripla para camarão
    Chun-Woo Lee / Olukayode Olubiyi
    Uma rede de arrasto de fundo tradicional foi simulada com o software de simulação do Marine Production System Laboratory (MPSL), enquanto o seu modelo à escala 1:20 foi testado com base na lei de Tauti no tanque de calha da Universidade Nacional de Pukyong. O painel superior do modelo (quadrado e primeiro ventre), que representa 22,5% da área total do fio, foi retirado e o mode...

    64,30 €

  • La salinizzazione e le sue conseguenze sulle colture orticole
    Marieme Fall
    L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è quello di comprendere meglio il degrado dell’acqua di irrigazione a causa della salinizzazione, nel contesto attuale del Senegal. Per più di tre decenni, il Senegal ha assistito a un continuo degrado del terreno, con conseguente crollo delle prestazioni agricole. Il vero problema dell’agricoltura senegalese rimane la marcata perdita di fertilità ...

    106,66 €

  • Zasolenie i jego konsekwencje dla upraw ogrodniczych
    Marieme Fall
    Celem tych badań jest lepsze zrozumienie degradacji wody irygacyjnej przez zasolenie w obecnym kontekście w Senegalu. Przez ponad trzy dekady Senegal był świadkiem ciągłej degradacji gruntów, co skutkowało ciągłym spadkiem wydajności rolnictwa. Prawdziwym problemem stojącym przed senegalskim rolnictwem jest wyraźna utrata żyzności gleby i jakości wody do nawadniania.Badania prz...

    106,66 €

  • Salinização e suas consequências para as culturas hortícolas
    Marieme Fall
    O objetivo desta investigação é compreender melhor a degradação da água de irrigação pela salinização, no contexto atual do Senegal. Desde há mais de três décadas, o Senegal assiste a uma degradação contínua dos solos, que se traduz num colapso contínuo do desempenho agrícola. O verdadeiro problema da agricultura senegalesa é a perda acentuada da fertilidade dos solos e da qual...

    106,66 €

  • Ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Aspekte des Eukalyptusanbaus
    Eduardo Pagel Floriano
    Einführung in den Eukalyptusanbau in Brasilien, Merkmale des Eukalyptusholzsektors (Zellstoff und Papier, Platten und Fußböden, Holzkohle), Eukalyptuswaldbau in Brasilien, Kosten des Eukalyptusanbaus, Pflanzabstände, physikalisch-mechanische Eigenschaften des Holzes, chemische Zusammensetzung des Holzes und Faserabmessungen, brasilianische Eukalyptusforschung, regionale Physiog...

    92,35 €

  • Environmental, social and economic aspects of eucalyptus cultivation
    Eduardo Pagel Floriano
    Introduction to eucalyptus cultivation in Brazil, characteristics of the eucalyptus wood sector (pulp and paper, panels and flooring, charcoal, eucalyptus silviculture in Brazil, costs of eucalyptus cultivation, planting spacing, physicomechanical characteristics of wood, chemical constitution of wood and fiber dimensions, Brazilian research on Eucalyptus, regional physiognomie...

    92,25 €

  • Aspects environnementaux, sociaux et économiques de la culture de l’eucalyptus
    Eduardo Pagel Floriano
    Introduction à la culture de l’eucalyptus au Brésil, caractéristiques du secteur du bois d’eucalyptus (pâte à papier, panneaux et planchers, charbon de bois), sylviculture de l’eucalyptus au Brésil, coûts de la culture de l’eucalyptus, espacement des plantations, caractéristiques physicomécaniques du bois, constitution chimique du bois et dimensions des fibres, la recherche bré...

    92,35 €

  • Aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici della coltivazione dell’eucalipto
    Eduardo Pagel Floriano
    Introduzione alla coltivazione dell’eucalipto in Brasile, caratteristiche del settore del legno di eucalipto (pasta e carta, pannelli e pavimenti, carbone, selvicoltura dell’eucalipto in Brasile, costi della coltivazione dell’eucalipto, spazi di impianto, caratteristiche fisico-meccaniche del legno, costituzione chimica del legno e dimensioni delle fibre, ricerca brasiliana sul...

    92,31 €