Catálogo de libros: v v a a

819 Catálogo de libros: v v a a

  • Selecting Your Mate
    V. A. Sutton
    This is an informative explanation of mate selection. Since this is a topic of great controversy, it is an importanat task that will determine the path of the rest of your life. The decision that leads to a marital commitment is failing far too much when divorce becomes a dominant solution.  Many relationships are failing as people attempt to secure love and happiness for thems...

    11,80 €

  • Not Color Blind
    V.A. Herring-Trice
    NOT COLOR BLIND takes the reader on a roller coaster ride of emotion as it spins a tale of love, greed and murder.  Pulling no punches, it dives head-on into a world rift with racism, poverty, domestic abuse and child exploitation.   The story introduces two women.  Beth, a narcissistic and spoiled yet neglected child. bent on her own destruction.  Nettie, a light skinned black...

    10,94 €

  • 1918-1941年的苏联和新疆
    V A Barmin / Haiming Yang
    本书研究了1918-1941年间苏联和新疆的相互关系问题。作者依据其主要部分首次进入学术圈的档案资料,重现了苏维埃国家和中华民国最大的、民族众多的省份-新疆在政治、经济和文化联系史上鲜有人问津的内容。作品也试图证明,西方历史著作里一些苏联政府好像欲使该省脱离中国甚至吞并它的计划的观点是不符合事实的。 作品面向历史系的老师和学生以及所有对国际关系史感兴趣的人。 ...

    24,93 €

  • Snippets
    A.V. Margavio
    Snippets is a collection of very short scenes in the author’s life, that help the reader to recall similar moments in their own life. Over fifty snippets recount memories from childhood to old age. Topics range the gambit from preschool experiences to on the job memorable moments to hard-to-forget death scenes. Along the way, you are treated to first-hand accounts of fishers do...

    15,92 €

  • The Vampyre Memoirs - Bohemian Rhapsodies (Special Hardcover Edition)
    A. V. Black / AVBlack
    The Vampyre Memoirs tells the memorable experiences of the seven oldest vampyre siblings in the world.For thousands of years, they have already lived among humans and have quite a lot to tell about what they have experienced in the human world.Is all the history you were told really true?Bohemian Rhapsodies is narrated by one of the siblings, Layla Amentson.Once upon a time, a ...

    31,84 €

  • Die Vampyr Memoiren - Bohemian Rhapsodies (Spezial Hardcover Edition)
    A. V. Black / AVBlack
    Die Vampyr Memoiren erzahlen die denkwurdigen Erlebnisse von den sieben altesten Vampyrgeschwister der Welt. Seit tausenden von Jahren leben sie bereits unter den Menschen und haben einiges zu berichten was sie in der Welt der Menschen durchlebt haben. Ist all die Geschichte, die Ihr gelern habt, wirklich wahr? Bohemian Rhapsodies wird von einer der Geschwister erzahlt, Layla A...

    33,52 €

  • The Epigenetic Explanations
    A. Powell / APowell / V. Rivoli / VRivoli
    The Epigenetic Explanations is a compilation of scientific research on various psychological disorders and the epigenetic mechanisms behind them. With interviews from neuroscientists and high school students, we were able to provide information on a scientific and personal level. Through this, readers can learn to understand not only what it feels like to live with certain diso...

    21,79 €

  • The Family Ash Tree
    V.A. Halliday
    The Family Ash Tree is a story about a family of squirrels who lose their home when the youngest brother, Elliot, sells the tree they grew up in to a beaver. They go their separate ways but remain in touch to see how differently their lives turn out. Elliot is the only one who prospers from the sale of the tree, but he does not learn what is important until tragedy strikes. The...

    15,55 €

  • Analyse von Solar-PV-Systemen in verschiedenen Konfigurationen
    Dr. A. Suresh Kumar / Dr. V. Usha Reddy
    Das rasche Aufkommen und die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energiequellen wie der Solarenergie sind zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der weltweiten Bemühungen um die Deckung des Energiebedarfs der Zukunft geworden. Die größten Probleme bei der kontinuierlichen photovoltaischen Solarstromerzeugung (PV) sind Teilabschattungen (PSC), Hotspots, Degradationsrate, bifaziale PV-Paneele usw. ...

    105,22 €

  • Analyse du système solaire P-V dans différentes configurations
    Dr. A. Suresh Kumar / Dr. V. Usha Reddy
    L’émergence et l’évolution rapides des sources d’énergie renouvelables telles que l’énergie solaire sont devenues une composante essentielle de l’effort mondial visant à répondre aux besoins énergétiques de l’avenir. Les principaux problèmes liés à la production continue d’énergie solaire photovoltaïque (PV) sont les conditions d’ombrage partiel (PSC), les points chauds, le tau...

    105,22 €

  • Analisi del sistema solare P V in diverse configurazioni
    Dr. A. Suresh Kumar / Dr. V. Usha Reddy
    Il rapido emergere e l’evoluzione delle fonti di energia rinnovabile, come l’energia solare, sono diventati una componente vitale dello sforzo globale per soddisfare il fabbisogno energetico del futuro. Le maggiori preoccupazioni per la generazione fotovoltaica continua sono le condizioni di ombreggiamento parziale (PSC), i punti caldi, il tasso di degradazione, i pannelli foto...

    105,22 €

  • Análise do sistema solar P V em diferentes configurações
    Dr. A. Suresh Kumar / Dr. V. Usha Reddy
    O rápido aparecimento e a evolução das fontes de energia renováveis, como a energia solar, tornaram-se uma componente vital do esforço global para satisfazer as necessidades energéticas do futuro. As principais preocupações para a produção contínua de energia solar fotovoltaica (PV) são as condições de sombreamento parcial (PSC), os pontos quentes, a taxa de degradação, os pain...

    105,22 €

  • A Flower In Chains
    A. V. Hagelund
    A Flower In Chains is the first book in a series about the young noblewoman Amiee Achillea. A girl who, against her will, is being held in the palace by a deranged prince.Through torture, starvation, and continuous beatings to her pride, she comes to realize how hopeless her situation truly is. But by the help of the allies and friends she makes within the palace walls she is d...

    16,20 €

  • Intenção de compra e ambiente de aprendizagem
    Bidyanand Jha / K.V.A. Balaji
    A revolução das redes sociais alterou a forma como as empresas e os consumidores interagem. As empresas estão fortemente dependentes destas modernas ferramentas de comunicação com os consumidores. Os profissionais de marketing não poderão esconder quaisquer aspectos negativos do seu produto/serviço. A conetividade dos consumidores entre si é muito mais rápida e forte devido às ...

    64,64 €

  • Intenzione di acquisto e ambiente di apprendimento
    Bidyanand Jha / K.V.A. Balaji
    La rivoluzione dei social media ha cambiato il modo in cui le aziende e i consumatori interagiscono. Le aziende dipendono fortemente da questi moderni strumenti di comunicazione con i consumatori. I responsabili del marketing non potranno più nascondere gli aspetti negativi dei loro prodotti/servizi. La connettività tra i consumatori è molto più veloce e forte grazie ai social ...

    64,64 €

  • Intention d’achat et environnement d’apprentissage
    Bidyanand Jha / K.V.A. Balaji
    La révolution des médias sociaux a changé la façon dont les entreprises et les consommateurs interagissent. Les entreprises dépendent fortement de ces outils modernes de communication avec les consommateurs. Les spécialistes du marketing ne pourront plus cacher les aspects négatifs de leurs produits ou services. La connectivité des consommateurs entre eux est beaucoup plus rapi...

    64,63 €

  • Kaufabsicht und Lernumgebung
    Bidyanand Jha / K.V.A. Balaji
    Die Revolution der sozialen Medien hat die Art und Weise verändert, wie Unternehmen und Verbraucher miteinander kommunizieren. Unternehmen sind in hohem Maße von diesen modernen Kommunikationsmitteln für Verbraucher abhängig. Vermarkter sind nicht mehr in der Lage, negative Aspekte ihrer Produkte/Dienstleistungen zu verbergen. Die Verbindung der Verbraucher untereinander ist du...

    64,63 €

  • Solar P V system analysis in different configurations
    Dr. A. Suresh Kumar / Dr. V. Usha Reddy
    The rapid emergence and evolution of renewable energy sources such as solar energy has become a vital component of the global effort to meet the energy needs of the future. The major concerns for continuous solar photovoltaic (PV) generation are partial shading conditions (PSC’s), Hotspots, Degradation Rate, Bifacial PV Panels etc. These factors leads to increase in PV mismatch...

    106,54 €

  • Krishnakumar
    V. Kamire A.
    Achyut was a regular boy until meeting Alok. Achyut did not previously believe in God or his existence, but Alok’s knowledge changed his thoughts of God, but Alok inexplicably disappeared for some reason. And Achyut once again started believing that ’God does not exist’, then some day, he meets Vrunda, who eventually becomes his soul mate, and Achyut’s quest begins by picking K...

    8,74 €

  • Morte e morte del paziente
    Cristiane C G Thomaz / Dolores A S de Amorim / Kyra V Alóchio
    Questo libro riflette sulla morte del paziente e sulle sue ripercussioni per l’équipe infermieristica e le sue implicazioni per il campo dell’assistenza. Il primo capitolo fornisce un’introduzione alle implicazioni degli autori sull’argomento, mettendo in parallelo i cambiamenti nella costruzione sociale della morte e l’assistenza offerta dai professionisti negli ospedali. Nel ...

    49,81 €

  • Tod und Sterben von Patienten
    Cristiane C G Thomaz / Dolores A S de Amorim / Kyra V Alóchio
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem Tod von Patienten und seinen Auswirkungen auf das Pflegeteam sowie mit den Folgen für den Bereich der Pflege. Das erste Kapitel bietet eine Einführung in die Implikationen der Autoren für das Thema, indem es die Veränderungen in der sozialen Konstruktion des Todes und der von den Fachkräften in Krankenhäusern angebotenen Pflege aufzeigt. Das zwe...

    49,87 €

  • Patient Death and Dying
    Cristiane C G Thomaz / Dolores A S de Amorim / Kyra V Alóchio
    This book reflects on patient death and its repercussions for the nursing team and its implications for the field of care. The first chapter provides an introduction to the authors’ implications for the subject, paralleling the changes in the social construction of death and the care offered by professionals in hospitals. In the second chapter, we look at how feelings of bereav...

    49,74 €

  • La mort et l’agonie du patient
    Cristiane C G Thomaz / Dolores A S de Amorim / Kyra V Alóchio
    Cet ouvrage propose une réflexion sur la mort du patient et ses répercussions sur l’équipe infirmière et ses implications dans le domaine des soins. Le premier chapitre introduit les implications des auteurs sur le sujet, en mettant en parallèle l’évolution de la construction sociale de la mort et les soins offerts par les professionnels dans les hôpitaux. Dans le deuxième chap...

    49,87 €

  • Informations- und Kommunikations technologie im indischen Einzelhandel
    Dr. Nehal A. Shah / Prof. V. A. Modi
    Es wird erwartet, dass der globale IKT-Markt im Einzelhandel im Prognosezeitraum mit einer CAGR von 66 % wachsen wird. Das Buch befasst sich mit den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im indischen Einzelhandelssektor mit besonderem Bezug zur Literatur. Es besteht aus einem konzeptionellen Rahmen, der sich aus einer umfassenden Literaturrecherche in Bezug auf das Wachs...

    70,83 €

  • La tecnologia dell’informazione e della comunicazione nel settore del commercio al dettaglio indiano
    Dr. Nehal A. Shah / Prof. V. A. Modi
    Si prevede che il mercato globale delle TIC nel settore del commercio al dettaglio crescerà a un tasso CAGR del 66% nel periodo di previsione. Il libro tratta delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione nel settore del commercio al dettaglio indiano, con particolare riferimento alla letteratura. Si tratta di un quadro concettuale ricavato da un’ampia revisione dell...

    70,77 €

  • Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação no sector retalhista indiano
    Dr. Nehal A. Shah / Prof. V. A. Modi
    Prevê-se que o mercado global das TIC no sector retalhista cresça a uma taxa de crescimento anual de 66% durante o período de previsão. O livro trata das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação no sector retalhista indiano, com especial destaque para a literatura. Consiste num quadro concetual de uma extensa revisão da literatura no que diz respeito ao crescimento do sector ...

    70,77 €

  • Les technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le secteur indien de la vente au détail
    Dr. Nehal A. Shah / Prof. V. A. Modi
    Le marché mondial des TIC dans le commerce de détail devrait croître à un taux de croissance annuel moyen de 66 % au cours de la période de prévision. Le livre traite des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le secteur de la vente au détail en Inde, dans un contexte particulier de littérature. Il s’agit d’un cadre conceptuel issu d’un examen approfondi de l...

    70,77 €

  • Technologieverknüpfung, Entwicklung und Diplomatie
    A. Guillermo Bracamonte / Lucia V. Bracamonte Gontero
    Die folgende Forschungsarbeit basierte auf verschiedenen Bildungserfahrungen im Kontext der Weiterbildung auf unterschiedlichen formalen und nicht-formalen Bildungsebenen. Auf diese Weise wurde eine Mitteilung mit den wichtigsten Ideen entwickelt, die während der Studienaufenthalte und der damit verbundenen Forschungsarbeit entstanden sind. Es handelt sich also um eine Botschaf...

    60,26 €

  • Technology linkage, development and diplomacy
    A. Guillermo Bracamonte / Lucia V. Bracamonte Gontero
    The following research work was based on different educational experiences in the context of continuing education and training at different formal and non-formal educational levels. In this way a communication has been developed with the main ideas developed during the study stays and research work involved. Thus, it has a message and reflection in a multi-disciplinary context ...

    60,20 €

  • Liaison technologique, développement et diplomatie
    A. Guillermo Bracamonte / Lucia V. Bracamonte Gontero
    Le travail de recherche qui suit est basé sur différentes expériences éducatives dans le contexte de l’éducation et de la formation continues à différents niveaux d’éducation formelle et non formelle. Une communication a ainsi été élaborée à partir des principales idées développées au cours des séjours d’étude et des travaux de recherche concernés. Il s’agit donc d’un message e...

    60,26 €