Viajes y vacaciones

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Viajes y vacaciones (23851)

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  • Equatorial Guinea History of Politics, and Supremacy, 'untold History
    Barric Molefe
    Equatorial Guinea History of Politics, and Supremacy, 'untold History. Corruption, poverty, and repression continue to plague Equatorial Guinea under President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has been in power since 1979. Vast oil revenues fund lavish lifestyles for the small elite surrounding the president, while a large proportion of the population continues to live in pov...

    34,53 €

  • History of Turkey, and Early Anatolia
    Brandon Bell
    History of Turkey, and Early Anatolia. The Origin Turkish, World War, Crisis in Democracy, Society, The Economy, Government. Sociologists and other scholars, both Turkish and foreign, have noted that a majority of the population estimated at the end of 1994 at 61.2 million accepts as true Turks only those individuals whose native tongue is Turkish and who adhere to Sunni (see G...

    35,39 €

  • Ghana Cultural Art and History
    Ryan Kelly
    Ghana Cultural Art and History. Ghana Ethnical Custom and Local, Tradition The African devotion to his or her ancestors has been taken as the singular characteristic of African spiritual awareness, and so some early writers on African Indigenous Culture referred to African Traditional Religion as ancestor worship. That is, African spirituality in essence is the worship of dead ...

    36,12 €

  • St. Croix Island Travel, USVI Touristic Environmental Guide
    Blake Bell
    St. Croix Island Travel, USVI Touristic Environmental Guide. Culture abounds on the island of St. Croix due to its rich history and combination of African, European, Caribbean and American cultures and the people of St. Croix (Crucians) are very proud and happy to share with you. While you’re on St. Croix, check out the quadrille dancers, listen to some of the local quelbe or s...

    35,57 €

  • Angola Economic State, Oil boom and Political Stands
    Ryan Kelly
    Angola Economic State, Oil boom and Political Stands. Angola achieved independence from Portugal in nineteen seventy-five, after which the competition between different movements that were vying to lead the country descended into civil war. The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, a Marxist-oriented group that included urban intellectuals, nominally led the country. I...

    36,02 €

  • Nigeria Culture and Art, diversity of Tradition
    Sampson Igboanugo
    Nigeria’s modern literature grows out of a tradition of story-telling and historical remembrance that has existed in Nigeria for millennia. Oral literature ranges from the proverbs and dilemma tales of the common people to elaborate stories memorized and performed by professional praise-singers attached to royal courts. In states where Islam prevailed, significant written liter...

    36,11 €

  • 我和我的学生们
    作者是一位从事教育工作三十多年的中学教师。本书记载了这位教师和她的学生们相处的三十六个故事。笔者集三十多年的工作经验之积累,用教育工作者探究青少年成长规律的独到眼光,以生动细腻的笔触描绘了处于青春期的孩子们在成长过程中的欢乐与烦恼,叙述了教师在这一过程中所起到的重要的引领作用。这些故事语言活泼,情节生动曲折,充满童趣,符合青少年的心理特征,可读性强。它不仅适合从事教育工作的读者阅读,也适合其他读者阅读。 ...

    15,66 €

  • Colonel Carter of Cartersville (Esprios Classics)
    F. Hopkinson Smith / FHopkinson Smith
    Francis Hopkinson Smith (October 23, 1838 - April 7, 1915) was a United States author, artist and engineer. He built the foundation for the Statue of Liberty, wrote many famous stories and received awards for his paintings. Smith was born in Baltimore, Maryland, a descendant of Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He graduated from the Boys’...

    20,70 €

  • Namibian Culture and Art
    Edward Simpson
    Namibian Culture and Art. Travel Guide, Tourism, Government, People and Tradition. As the rays of the rising sun transform the sand dunes to a glorious deep red, flocks of flamingoes take to the sky in a blur of pink and the myriad calls of wild animals break the quiet of an African morning, Namibia wakes up to a new day. Drills buzz their way into the belly of the earth in sea...

    26,31 €

  • Mozambique Culture and Art, The History
    Finlay Rogers
    Mozambique Culture and Art, The History. Mozambicans People, Tradition, and Tourism. The people of Mozambique are ethnically diverse, but ethnic categories are fluid and reflect the country’s colonial history. All inhabitants of the country were designated Portuguese in 1961, and some ethnic classifications such as Makua-Lomwe were created by colonial Portuguese officials thems...

    26,41 €

  • Malawi Culture and Art, the African Tradition
    Finlay Rogers
    Malawi Culture and Art, the African Tradition. Travel Guide, Tourism, Environment, People and Ethnic. The Malawi people are of Bantu origin and comprise of many different ethnic groups. These include Chewa, Nyanja, Yao, Tumbuka, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian and European. The Chichewa (Chewa) people form the largest part of the population group and are largely in the...

    28,91 €

  • Mauritius Culture, Art and Tradition
    Finlay Rogers
    Mauritius, Mauritius Art and Culture, Mauritius eBook, Mauritius tourism, Mauritius history, Africa, vacation. The Mauritian culture’s rich diversity is evident in Mauritius’ landscape where churches, temples and mosques jostle each other for space. Chinese pagodas and Buddhist temples are also a common sight in Mauritius. The people of Mauritius celebrate various festivals bel...

    26,15 €

  • The Relief of Mafeking (Esprios Classics)
    Filson Young
    Alexander Bell Filson Young (1876-1938) was a journalist, who published the first book about the sinking of the RMS Titanic, called Titanic, published in 1912 only 37 days after the sinking. He was also an essayist, war correspondent in the Boer War and World War I, a programmes advisor to the BBC, and the author of two novels. Beside his literary work, he was an organist and c...

    22,18 €

  • 华埠英雄谱:二十世纪九十年代华埠
    陈苇华 著
    这是一本关于上个世纪90年代纽约曼哈顿唐人街---人称华埠里的英雄故事。这本书的作者是当时纽约一家中文报纸的记者,她用她的摄影镜头和文字描述了当年华埠里发生的许多重要事件。阅读这本图文并茂的书,读者可以看到曼哈顿华埠的一个年代的缩影。 ...

    33,49 €

  • The Golden Road (Esprios Classics)
    Lucy Maud Montgomery
    The plot is based around the character Beverley who remembers his childhood days with his brother Felix and friends and cousins Felicity, Cecily, Dan, Sara Stanley (the 'Story Girl'), hired-boy Peter and neighbor Sara Ray. The children often played in their family’s orchard and had many adventures, even creating their own newspaper, called Our Magazine. More character developme...

    24,43 €

  • Rainbow Valley (Esprios Classics)
    Lucy Maud Montgomery
    Rainbow Valley (1919) is the seventh book in the chronology of the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery, although it was the fifth book published. In this book Anne Shirley is married with six children, but the book focuses more on her new neighbor, the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, as well as the interactions between Anne’s and John Meredith’s childre...

    24,43 €

  • 中华学人论文集--文化大革命50年(1-4)
    本卷的12篇文章分为两类:一类是对近三十年来中西方在文革研究成果与资讯的全景式扫描。一类是对文革中的重大专题,如红卫兵、省级干部、地方政治、集体屠杀、林彪事件、境外出版物的概括与述评。 ...

    33,28 €

  • 自由主义的重生与政治德性
    陈纯 著
    陈纯先生这本文集专攻当代中国的政治哲学。但是他写作书中文字时的志趣并不是要探讨政治哲学内部的专业问题(在这方面他另有着作),而是在纪录与思考这个领域的生态与趋势。你可以说它是一本后设性质的著作。一般所谓的'后设',往往指概念层面的反思与重建,但这本书的'后设'则更像民族志,着眼于政治─文化─心理层面,从人物与学派从事──以及使用──政治哲学的方式,去诠释与检讨当代中国政治哲学的生态。读这本书,你能瞭解当前几个学派的特性与活动,同时你也可以从作者的评论中看出它们的长处与短处。本书的趣味在此,价值也在此。 ...

    28,59 €

  • Felix O’Day (Esprios Classics)
    F. Hopkinson Smith / FHopkinson Smith
    Francis Hopkinson Smith (October 23, 1838 - April 7, 1915) was a United States author, artist and engineer. He built the foundation for the Statue of Liberty, wrote many famous stories and received awards for his paintings. Smith was born in Baltimore, Maryland, a descendant of Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He graduated from the Boys’...

    25,20 €

  • Travels Through France and Italy (Esprios Classics)
    Tobias Smollett
    Travels Through France and Italy is travel literature by Tobias Smollett published in 1766. After suffering the loss of his only child, 15-year-old Elizabeth, in April 1763, Smollett left England in June of that year. Together with his wife, he traveled across France to Nice. In the autumn of the next year, he visited Genoa, Rome, Florence and other towns of Italy. After stayin...

    28,26 €

  • Travel to Anguilla, Caribbean Beauty
    Thomas Bailey
    Travel to Anguilla, Caribbean Beauty. Vacation Destination. Fringed by shimmering white-sand beaches shaded by coconut palms and sea-grape trees, and filled with colorfully painted, open-sided beach bars serving sizzling barbecues, feisty rum punches and live reggae tunes, Anguilla is the Caribbean dream come true. Its crystal-clear waters and vibrant reefs offer spectacular sn...

    34,72 €

  • Angels and Ministers (Esprios Classics)
    Laurence Housman
    Laurence Housman (1865-1959) was an English playwright. He was born in Worcestershire. After education at local schools, he went to study art at the Lambert School of Art and the Royal College of Art in London. He first worked as a book illustrator with London publishers, illustrating such works as Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market (1893) and Jane Barlow’s The End of Elfintown...

    22,24 €

  • Bergen
    James Baker
    Bergen. Norway Tour Guide. Bergen is the Gateway to the Fjords of Norway. As a UNESCO World Heritage City and a European City of Culture, the Bergen region has the ideal combination of nature, culture and exciting urban life all year around. Bergen has long stood out as a bold and innovative city of culture. In Bergen, 'local' does not equate to unimportant or amateurish. Here,...

    34,43 €

  • Birmingham City Guide, Great Britain, United Kingdom
    James Baker
    Birmingham City Guide, Great Britain, United Kingdom. Tourism. Note Birmingham is the second largest city of the United Kingdom. Here you will see many interesting places and many interesting people. Even today the population of Birmingham is very diverse. The reason for that is in ancestors of modern Birmingham residents. These were people who lived in colonies. This city is q...

    35,91 €

  • 上帝、信仰与政治秩序
    罗慰年 著

    38,73 €

  • Memoirs of Henry Hunt, Esq. - Volume III (Esprios Classics)
    Henry Hunt
    Henry 'Orator' Hunt (1773-1835) was a British radical speaker and agitator remembered as a pioneer of working-class radicalism and an important influence on the later Chartist movement. He advocated parliamentary reform and the repeal of the Corn Laws. Hunt became a prosperous farmer. He was first drawn into radical politics during the Napoleonic Wars, becoming a supporter of F...

    28,20 €

  • Account of a Tour in Normandy - Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    Dawson Turner
    Dawson Turner FRS (1775 - 1858) was an English banker, botanist and antiquary. He specialized in the botany of cryptogams and was the father-in-law of the botanist William Jackson Hooker. In 1796, Turner joined his father’s bank. After becoming a banker, he took a more intensive interest in botany in leisure time, collecting specimens in the field. In December 1802, he was elec...

    25,19 €

  • A Desperate Character and Other Stories (Esprios Classics)
    Ivan Turgenev
    Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (1818-1883) was a Russian novelist, short story writer, poet, playwright, translator and popularizer of Russian literature in the West. His first major publication, a short story collection entitled A Sportsman’s Sketches (1852), was a milestone of Russian realism, and his novel Fathers and Sons (1862) is regarded as one of the major works of 19th-cent...

    24,44 €

  • Mr. Poskitt’s Nightcaps (Esprios Classics)
    Joseph S. Fletcher / Joseph SFletcher
    Joseph Smith Fletcher (7 February 1863 - 30 January 1935) was an English journalist and author. He wrote more than 230 books on a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction, and was one of the most prolific English writers of detective fiction. At age 20, Fletcher began working in journalism, as a sub-editor in London. He subsequently returned to his native Yorkshir...

    22,22 €

  • 明察政道 (Explaining Power with Political Science)
    对政治大事件进行评析和预测,可以帮助听众、观众和读者学习和运用政治科学的概念、逻辑、知识和定律来指导自己的生活和工作。在过去的二十多年时间里,夏明对几个重要国家的重要决策、重要组织和各层次的决策者(也包括公司、企业)都提供过咨询帮助并获得成功。这本书把他对政治预测公开发表出来,由读者看官来检审和判定。夏明是纽约城市大学研究生中心博士项目政治学教授,纽约城市大学斯德顿岛学院政治学和国际事务教授。曾在复旦大学、新加坡国立大学东亚研究所和亚洲研究所、乔治ˑ华盛顿大学、威尔逊国际学者中心任职。著有《二元发展型国家》(英文,2000年/2017年版)、《中国人民代表大会和治理》(英文,2008年/2013年软封面)、《政治维纳斯》(2012年)、 《红太阳帝国》(2015年)、《高山流水论西藏》(2019年)等著作。 ...

    33,22 €