Lugares y personas: general y obras pictóricas

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  • Ruins of Rome I
    Laine Cunningham
    At over 2,500 years old, Rome is more than the capital of Italy. It is the center of artistic creativity and a cultural complex that arguably outstrips any other location on earth. Ancient monuments like the Colosseum continue to capture our attention while institutions like the Vatican Museums spur intellectual interest.The heartbeat of Rome is found in every traveler’s soul. ...

    28,57 €

  • Ancients of Assisi I
    Laine Cunningham
    For centuries, Assisi, Italy has been the focus of spiritual activity. The ancient city might be best known as the birthplace of Saint Francis, yet the tangled streets offer much more than a pilgrimage. Situated in the Province of Perugia, the compact city perches in Monte Subasio National Park on the Apennine Mountains. The views from nearly anywhere in the ancient city are sp...

    14,90 €

  • La piedra con aromas de tomillo
    Ana Martín Arnanz
    La Pedraja de Portillo, no puede ser mejor definida que como La piedra con aromas de tomillo.Con este libro he pretendido hacer un recorrido de tres lustros, 1955-1970, a través de una visión general de la idiosincrasia, toponimia, fiestas, tradiciones, industria, profesiones, personajes, anécdotas, etc.Etimológicamente, piedra proviene de pedra.El tomillo, llena de aromas nues...

    16,00 €

  • Huesca Spain
    Jeremy Burkholder
    Have you ever just wanted to buy a plane ticket somewhere and go exploring? Well, one day I finally did. And what an adventure it was!Ride along as I describe my journey through Niagara Falls on my way to Madrid Spain, from where I then travel up into Huesca Spain. From Huesca Spain I travel up into the Pyranees Mountains over into France.Capturing every moment with beautiful p...

    39,63 €

  • Flourishes of France
    Laine Cunningham
    Long the center of Western culture, France is a dream destination.This book includes photos of the Notre-Dame Cathedral taken only months before it was badly damaged by fire in April of 2019. Reconstruction will take as much as five years, but readers can view it here in all its glory.Town centers ringed with stone ramparts. Art festivals that span weeks. Medieval bridges, leaf...

    14,61 €

  • Two Lane Gems, Vol. 2
    Theresa L Goodrich
    Two Lane Gems, Vol. 2: Bison are Giant and Other Observations from an American Road Trip is a delightful tale of buffalo, waterfalls, and frosty treats. Theresa L. Goodrich and her ever-so-patient husband, Jim, embark on a cross-country adventure through the northwest. Departing from the Chicago-area, the couple heads for the Oregon coast with a loosey-goosey itinerary and a bu...

    39,07 €

  • Altitudes of the Alps
    Laine Cunningham
    The Alps, a European mountain range, are a travel wonderland. Extending across seven nations, the territory offers a stunning biodiversity to delight travelers all year long.Snowpack and resorts create one of the best ski areas in the world. Snowboarding, snow golf, and other winter sports make the trip fun for the entire family. The alpine scenery is breathtaking in summer whe...

    14,35 €

  • Impressions of Italy
    Laine Cunningham
    Birthplace of the Renaissance, surrounded by four different seas, Italy is a sun-drenched Mediterranean jewel. Home to more than fifty UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the country is the ultimate location for cultural and environmental tourism. Italy’s rich collections of art and literature span centuries.The monuments, estimated to number over 100,000, ensure that every visit will...

    15,05 €

  • California 2019 Mini Wall Calendar
    Art calendar featuring full-color photos Monthly grid calendars indicate UK national holidays Weeks are shown beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday Ample space for writing down appointments and special occasions 21.6 cm square when closed ...

    18,90 €

  • Glimpses of Germany
    Laine Cunningham
    Since the times of the Germanic tribes and the Frankish Empire until today, Germany has long been a central cultural and economic force. The country offers a special blend of precision in everything from engineering to baking bread mixed with a cozy Old World charm.Rich with history and the cultural differences that stem from its many regions, visitors can enjoy festivals year-...

    15,05 €

  • California 2019 Mini Wall Calendar
    Art calendar featuring full-color photos Monthly grid calendars indicate US national holidays Ample space for writing down appointments and special occasions 8.5 in. square when closed ...

    18,90 €

  • Old Gulf Coast Days
    Christine B Osborne / Christine Osborne
    The small Arab state of Qatar on the western shore of the Persian Gulf was a slow starter in development when compared with neighbours Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia. Although the country had enjoyed good revenue from oil since the mid-seventies, its ruler was reluctant to embrace change. As recently as 1975 capital Doha, had only a single first-class hotel and one bank and people ...

    13,33 €

  • Nuances of New York City
    Laine Cunningham
    New York is a powerful metropolis with an impact that is felt worldwide. The five boroughs, consisting of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island, each offer a unique flavor built from the city’s history and its people.New York City is always changing and endlessly fascinating. Ever since the ports opened, immigrants have flooded in and called the place home. ...

    15,04 €

  • Back Lane Wineries of New York State
    Nish Gera
    ONLY A FEW HOURS FROM NEW YORK CITY, ALONG THE picturesque back lanes of the state and often amid spectacular natural beauty, the countryside is dotted with hundreds of small wineries where world-class vintages are being made. These are the hand-crafted wines with increasingly international reputations that you won’t find readily on the grocery store shelves, produced in small,...

    26,93 €

  • Road Tripping from Alaska to New York City
    Sharon R. Leippi / Sharon RLeippi
    The road tripping journey starts in Alaska, continues through Canada, and ends in New York City. Sharon shares helpful tips for traveling on the road with a pet. Photos taken along the way are included. A special non-dairy ice cream recipe is featured (Lavender Frosty), which was prepared when Sharon stopped to visit her sister in Saskatchewan. ...

    20,63 €

  • Going Coastal
    Ian McBeath
    This book is a history of Britain, both ancient and modern, from when the land separated from mainland Europe, to the present day when its people separated from Europe. In the early summer of 2016, the author set out on a quest to discover his roots by driving around the whole coastline of Britain, by whatever road was closest to the ocean.  What he found is a rich and beautif...

    14,32 €

  • Giacomo Costantino Beltrami
    Luca Stefano Cristini / Mario Nadir Durand
    Il Livingstone bergamascoGiacomo Costantino Beltrami (Bergamo, 1779 - Filottrano, 1855) mitico esploratore e patriota italiano.Furono proprio le sue doti di esploratore, unite ad un incredibile coraggio e spirito d’avventura, a permettergli di scoprire le sorgenti del fiume Mississippi, dove nessun pioniere era mai riuscito ad arrivare prima, percorrendo a ritroso i quasi 4000 ...

    36,58 €

  • Panoramas of Portugal
    Laine Cunningham
    Travelers get more out of their vacation by starting with the artist’s perspective in Panoramas of Portugal. Portugal is perhaps best known for being the first truly global empire. Its maritime exploration during the early part of the Age of Discovery, the 15th and 16th centuries, provided an influx of wealth through the spice trade. The Joanine era saw more than spices ship th...

    14,99 €

  • Panoramas of Portugal
    Laine Cunningham
    Travelers get more out of their vacation by starting with this pictorial introduction compiled with an artist’s perspective in Panoramas of Portugal. Portugal is perhaps best known for being the first truly global empire. Its maritime exploration during the early part of the Age of Discovery, the 15th and 16th centuries, provided an influx of wealth through the spice trade. The...

    28,59 €

  • More Ancients of Assisi (Book II)
    Laine Cunningham
    Assisi was the home of several saints, including Agnes of Assisi, Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Rufinus of Assisi, Vitalis of Assisi, Sylvester of Assisi, and St. Francis himself. The pink stones used to build many of the Franciscan buildings were quarried from Monte Subasio, the mountain on which the city was built.Since the residents of Assisi have continued to hold onto th...

    15,08 €

  • Ancients of Assisi I
    Laine Cunningham
    For centuries, Assisi, Italy has been the focus of spiritual activity. The ancient city might be best known as the birthplace of Saint Francis, yet the tangled streets offer much more than a pilgrimage. Situated in the Province of Perugia, the compact city perches in Monte Subasio National Park on the Apennine Mountains. The views from nearly anywhere in the ancient city are sp...

    28,58 €

  • More Ancients of Assisi (Book II)
    Laine Cunningham
    Assisi was the home of several saints, including Agnes of Assisi, Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Rufinus of Assisi, Vitalis of Assisi, Sylvester of Assisi, and St. Francis himself. The pink stones used to build many of the Franciscan buildings were quarried from Monte Subasio, the mountain on which the city was built.Since the residents of Assisi have continued to hold onto th...

    28,61 €

  • More Ruins of Rome (Book II)
    Laine Cunningham
    If only two words could be used to describe Rome, no pair could be better than “creativity” and “culture.” Even the most casual visitor is swept into the city’s dizzying array of ancient sites, stunning artwork, and new surprises around every corner.The Eternal City is the capital of Italy, and perhaps its most striking travel destination. The historic city center is a UNESCO W...

    28,57 €

  • More Ruins of Rome (Book II)
    Laine Cunningham
    If only two words could be used to describe Rome, no pair could be better than “creativity” and “culture.” Even the most casual visitor is swept into the city’s dizzying array of ancient sites, stunning artwork, and new surprises around every corner.The Eternal City is the capital of Italy, and perhaps its most striking travel destination. The historic city center is a UNESCO W...

    14,81 €

  • The Zen of Travel
    Laine Cunningham
    The Zen of Travel combines wisdom discovered during journeys with breathtaking photos. Written by an award-winning author, The Zen of Travel offers original enlightenment that reflects the insight found at every destination…and along the way. Fifty inspiring photos are packed inside a full-color book that makes a perfect gift.Whether you use a guidebook, a trip book generated b...

    27,88 €

  • The Zen of Travel
    Laine Cunningham
    The Zen of Travel combines wisdom discovered during journeys with breathtaking photos. Written by an award-winning author, The Zen of Travel offers original enlightenment that reflects the insight found at every destination…and along the way. Inspiring photos are packed inside a full-color book that makes a perfect gift.Lessons about the external world and internal life are dis...

    15,22 €

  • Necropolises of New Orleans I
    Laine Cunningham
    In New Orleans, a city built on a swamp, the dead are enshrined above ground. Row upon row of crypts and mausoleums with elaborate entryways, wrought iron fences, and decorative rooftop statues form the Cities of the Dead.The vaults reflect the heritage of French and Spanish colonists, who were accustomed to seeing these types of burials in their homelands. The styles and sculp...

    15,52 €

  • Necropolises of New Orleans I
    Laine Cunningham
    In New Orleans, a city built on a swamp, the dead are enshrined above ground. Row upon row of crypts and mausoleums with elaborate entryways, wrought iron fences, and decorative rooftop statues form the Cities of the Dead.The vaults reflect the heritage of French and Spanish colonists, who were accustomed to seeing these types of burials in their homelands. The styles and sculp...

    25,14 €

  • More Necropolises of New Orleans (Book II)
    Laine Cunningham
    In New Orleans, the Cities of the Dead are beautiful, historic places to roam. The styles and sculptures decorating the crypts and mausoleums often reflect activities the interred individuals pursued during their lives. Flowers, mementos, and decorative elements added to the gravesites make every visit moving.Tours and self-guided journeys through the cemeteries add a new angle...

    15,31 €

  • More Necropolises of New Orleans (Book II)
    Laine Cunningham
    In New Orleans, the Cities of the Dead are beautiful, historic places to roam. The styles and sculptures decorating the crypts and mausoleums often reflect activities the interred individuals pursued during their lives. Flowers, mementos, and decorative elements added to the gravesites make every visit moving.Tours and self-guided journeys through the cemeteries add a new angle...

    25,14 €

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