Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

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  • Más Allá de la Libertad y la Dignidad
    B. F. Skinner
    Más allá de la libertad y la dignidad es una obra profunda y ciertamente controvertida, un hito del pensamiento del siglo XX. B. F. Skinner hace su declaración definitiva sobre la humanidad y la sociedad. Insistiendo en que los problemas del mundo actual sólo pueden resolverse tratando de forma mucho más eficaz el comportamiento humano, Skinner sostiene que nuestros conceptos t...

    28,07 €

  • How to Stop Being a Narcissist
    Lucas Bailey
    Learn to be Strong, Confident, and Admired Without Being Viewed as a Jerk!If you’re tired this it’s the right time to make a change.Do you want to know how to build healthy relationships?It’s tough to transform the habits that negatively impact your life on your own.Do you find it hard to maintain existing connections, ultimately resulting in lost opportunities?It’s proven that...

    24,13 €

  • Бессознательно
    Хавьер Седано
    Этот очерк состоит из размышлений о бессознательных аспектах или измерениях человеческого разума, о психологическом здоровье в связи с психоанализом, и попыток объяснить, как психоанализ может эффективно и последовательно улучшать динамические показатели здоровья, с помощью клинических доказательств. Книга, в которой рассказывается о том, 'как' что-то сделать, может считаться к...

    60,56 €

  • Legacy of Darkness and Light
    Michael Gellert
    What do Niccolo Machiavelli, Abraham Lincoln, Martha Stewart, Vladimir Putin, and Mel Gibson have in common? In their own ways, they each resemble the stormy God of the Hebrew Bible, Yahweh-known as the Father in the New Testament and Allah in the Qur’an. Whether or not we believe in his existence, we are all susceptible to the Yahweh complex, a distinct god complex modeled upo...

    17,21 €

  • Legacy of Darkness and Light
    Michael Gellert
    What do Niccolo Machiavelli, Abraham Lincoln, Martha Stewart, Vladimir Putin, and Mel Gibson have in common? In their own ways, they each resemble the stormy God of the Hebrew Bible, Yahweh-known as the Father in the New Testament and Allah in the Qur’an. Whether or not we believe in his existence, we are all susceptible to the Yahweh complex, a distinct god complex modeled upo...

    23,23 €

  • Panic Attacks in Pistachio
    Henry Abramovitch
    It was happening again.I had to see her.I couldn’t stand it:Sweating Being dizzyHeart pounding so hard you knew you were going to dieRight now. Die. Alone, in the middle of the street, in pain. Only I had been enough times to ER to know it wasn’t a heart attack. Or not a heart attack in the sense of something wrong with my heart muscle.It was a different kind of heart attackA h...

    38,92 €

  • Panic Attacks in Pistachio
    Henry Abramovitch
    It was happening again.I had to see her.I couldn’t stand it:Sweating Being dizzyHeart pounding so hard you knew you were going to dieRight now. Die. Alone, in the middle of the street, in pain. Only I had been enough times to ER to know it wasn’t a heart attack. Or not a heart attack in the sense of something wrong with my heart muscle.It was a different kind of heart attackA h...

    25,60 €

  • Soft Skills, Práticas De Rh E Bem-estar
    Dênia Glais Santana
    O livro Soft skills, práticas de RH e bem-estar Compreender, avaliar e desenvolver destrincha conceitos e utiliza estudos de caso com o intuito de facilitar a compreensão teórica e prática das habilidades comportamentais, também chamadas de soft skills. Destaca a sua importância no perfil dos empregos atuais, em meio à incorporação acelerada de tecnologias ao mundo do trabalho...

    13,31 €

  • Психоанализ сознания у Джионо и Ле Клезио
    Жан Флоран Ро Гнайоро
    При психоанализе сознания у Гионо и Ле Клезио всегда так, что в начале сознание персонажей обнаруживает нестабильность их жизненного начала. Но в ходе путешествия их взгляды трансформируются в совершенно иную концепцию мира, теперь связанную с красотами, скрытыми в природе. Таким образом, мы оказываемся в ситуации, когда герои осознают природу, которая может обеспечить им опред...

    26,68 €

  • Psychoanalyse des Bewusstseins bei Giono und Le Clézio
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Mit der Psychoanalyse des Bewusstseins bei Giono und Le Clézio ist es so, dass das Bewusstsein der Figuren anfangs eine Instabilität in ihrem Lebenselement offenbart. Doch im Laufe ihrer Reisen verwandeln sich ihre Ansichten in eine völlig andere Weltanschauung, die sich nun auf die in der Natur verborgenen Schönheiten bezieht. So kommt es zu einer Situation, in der die Figuren...

    92,00 €

  • Psychoanalysis of consciousness in Giono and in Le Clézio
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    With the psychoanalysis of consciousness in Giono and Le Clézio, it is always the case that at the beginning the consciousness of the characters reveals an instability in their vital element. But throughout their journeys, their views will metamorphose into a completely different conception of a world, now linked to the beauties hidden in nature. This is how we find ourselves i...

    91,86 €

  • La psicoanalisi della coscienza in Giono e Le Clézio
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Nella psicoanalisi della coscienza di Giono e Le Clézio, accade sempre che all’inizio la coscienza dei personaggi riveli un’instabilità del suo elemento vitale. Ma nel corso dei loro viaggi, il loro punto di vista si trasforma in una concezione del mondo completamente diversa, ora legata alle bellezze nascoste nella natura. Ci troviamo così in una situazione in cui i personaggi...

    91,86 €

  • A psicanálise da consciência em Giono e Le Clézio
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Na psicanálise da consciência em Giono e Le Clézio, verifica-se sempre que, no início, a consciência das personagens revela uma instabilidade no seu elemento vital. Mas, ao longo das suas viagens, as suas visões transformam-se numa concepção do mundo completamente diferente, agora ligada às belezas escondidas na natureza. Encontramo-nos assim numa situação em que as personagens...

    91,94 €

  • The Self and the Lotus
    George R. Elder
    It is obvious to thoughtful persons that our culture is undergoing a major transition-as is our religion, the carrier of values and guide to meaning. It is essential, therefore, that we understand how religion functions when a culture is alive and well. Observing how it has functioned elsewhere, in another time and place, is a good way to gain objectivity about the religious li...

    78,63 €

  • The Self and the Lotus
    George R. Elder
    It is obvious to thoughtful persons that our culture is undergoing a major transition--as is our religion, the carrier of values and guide to meaning. It is essential, therefore, that we understand how religion functions when a culture is alive and well. Observing how it has functioned elsewhere, in another time and place, is a good way to gain objectivity about the religious l...

    91,33 €

  • Toxische Beziehungen. Narzissmus
    Oksana Drusenthal
    In diesem Buch werden die toxische Beziehungen allgemein und mit Narzisstischen Personen insbesonderer Besprochen. Wie erkennt man einen Narzissten? 9 Zeichen narzisstischer Persönlichkeit, die Stufen in der Entwicklung und der Beendigung der Beziehung. Kann so eine Beziehung gerettet werden?? Einige Tipps zur Erkennung von Toxizität in der Beziehung, zur Selbstschutz und Selbs...

    34,01 €

  • Gender Without Identity
    Ann Pellegrini / Avgi Saketopoulou
    Gender Without Identity offers an innovative and at times unsettling theory of gender formation. Rooted in the metapsychology of Jean Laplanche and in conversation with bold work in queer and trans studies, Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini jettison 'core gender identity' to propose, instead, that gender is something all subjects acquire -- and that trauma sometimes has a sh...

    25,73 €

  • Deseo y saber en psicoanálisis
    Hugo Toro
    'Deseo y saber en psicoanálisis' es una aventura por el curso histórico del pensamiento psicoanalítico, desde Freud hasta Bion. Entre sus páginas los lectores encontrarán una explicación profunda del deseo en el inconsciente y sus formaciones, una propuesta metapsicológica del desarrollo del deseo y del devenir del sujeto y finalmente, capítulos dedicados a la técnica donde se ...

    111,69 €

    Toufic Zeitoune B.
    Toufic Zeitoune stuttered for most of his life, before he found the key to finally breaking free from this condition. Now he offers you the life-changing opportunity to communicate fluently . . .The technique Toufic proposes is based on the mental concept of speech and focuses on forming words in the mind differently than stutterers normally do. Unlike other methods to stop stu...

    8,77 €

    Toufic Zeitoune B.
    Toufic Zeitoune tartamudeó durante la mayor parte de su vida, antes de encontrar la clave para finalmente liberarse de esta condición. Ahora te ofrece la oportunidad que cambiará tu vida de comunicarte con fluidez. . .La técnica que propone Toufic se basa en el concepto mental del habla y se enfoca en formar palabras en la mente de manera diferente a como lo hacen normalmente l...

    8,77 €

  • Locura y creación
    Claudio Godoy / Emilio Vaschetto
    ¿De dónde proviene el genio, el talento excepcional del artista? A menudo la respuesta esperable es: de su locura.La cuestión de la creación artística ocupa un capítulo importante en la historia del psicoanálisis. Tal como podrá leerse en los ensayos de este libro, hay un doble binomio que podría establecerse: arte y psicoanálisis y locura y creación.Tanto Freud como Lacan echa...

    18,00 €

  • Global Libidinal Economy
    Gavin Fridell / Ilan Kapoor / Maureen Sioh
    Claims unconscious desire plays a constitutive role in global political economy. ...

    121,90 €

  • Psychoanalysis and Biology
    Ricardo Amaral Rego
    Taking as a starting point the Freudian concept of death drive and the questions raised to it by Wilhelm Reich, several elements of psychoanalytic theory are examined under the focus of biological knowledge. Among the themes approached are the pleasure principle, aggression, human nature, the concept of drive and the relation between mind and body, the property or impropriety o...

    125,63 €

  • Psychoanalyse und Biologie
    Ricardo Amaral Rego
    Ausgehend vom Freudschen Konzept des Todestriebs und den von Wilhelm Reich aufgeworfenen Fragen werden verschiedene Elemente der psychoanalytischen Theorie unter dem Blickwinkel biologischer Erkenntnisse untersucht. Zu den angesprochenen Themen gehören u.a. das Lustprinzip, die Aggression, die menschliche Natur, der Begriff des Triebes und die Beziehung zwischen Geist und Körpe...

    125,49 €

  • Psicoanalisi e biologia
    Ricardo Amaral Rego
    Prendendo come punto di partenza il concetto freudiano di pulsione di morte e le questioni sollevate da Wilhelm Reich, diversi elementi della teoria psicoanalitica vengono esaminati alla luce delle conoscenze biologiche. Tra i temi affrontati vi sono il principio di piacere, l’aggressività, la natura umana, il concetto di pulsione e la relazione tra mente e corpo, la proprietà ...

    125,61 €

  • Психоанализ и биология
    Рикардо Амарал Рего
    Взяв за отправную точку фрейдистскую концепцию драйва смерти и вопросы, поставленные перед ней Вильгельмом Райхом, некоторые элементы психоаналитической теории рассматриваются в фокусе биологического знания. Среди затрагиваемых тем - принцип удовольствия, агрессия, человеческая природа, концепция драйва и отношения между разумом и телом, правомерность или неправомерность устано...

    77,13 €

  • Psychanalyse et biologie
    Ricardo Amaral Rego
    Partant du concept freudien de pulsion de mort et des questions que lui a posées Wilhelm Reich, plusieurs éléments de la théorie psychanalytique sont examinés sous l’angle de la connaissance biologique. Parmi les thèmes abordés figurent le principe de plaisir, l’agressivité, la nature humaine, le concept de pulsion et la relation entre l’esprit et le corps, la propriété ou l’im...

    125,55 €

  • Kunsttherapie, und deine Grenze?!
    Zoran Bouazri
    Der Titel 'Kunsttherapie, und deine Grenze?' beruht auf einer Forschungsarbeit, in der versucht wurde, die Konturen einer psychoanalytischen Praxis zu definieren, wobei sich die Argumentation auf die Grenzen konzentrierte: Grenzen in der Kunsttherapie, Grenzen der Institution, Grenzen des Patienten, Grenzen des Therapeuten etc. Durch die Absicht der Grenzen kann sich die Frage ...

    34,07 €

  • Art therapy, and your limit?!
    Zoran Bouazri
    'Art-Therapy, and your limit?' is inspired by a research work which tries to define the contours of a practice of psychoanalytical approach by centring the argument on the limits: limits in art-therapy, limits of the Institution, limits of the patient, limits of the therapist, etc. Through the design of the limits, this question can be asked: 'How can we accompany each of the s...

    34,01 €

  • Arteterapia, e il tuo limite?
    Zoran Bouazri
    'Art-Therapy, and your limit?' si ispira a un lavoro di ricerca che cerca di definire i contorni di una pratica di approccio psicoanalitico centrando l’argomento sui limiti: limiti dell’arteterapia, limiti dell’Istituzione, limiti del paziente, limiti del terapeuta, ecc. Attraverso il disegno dei limiti, si può porre questa domanda: 'Come possiamo accompagnare ciascuno dei sogg...

    34,01 €