Psicología humanista

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento / Psicología humanista (65)

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  • El despertar del guerrero
    Ángel Merino Céspedes,
    'El despertar del guerrero es un cuento para todas las edades, relata la travesía de Jhosep, un virtuoso joven llamado a enfrentar a la Bruja «Mente Infeliz» y a un monstruoso ser que ha sumido al reino en caos. Acompañado por su fiel caballo Dharma y guiado por su maestro y guía «Sabiduría», Jhosep aprende a confiar en su intuición y a seguir la voz de su corazón. A lo largo d...

    13,00 €

  • El color del sonido interno
    Patricia Manubens Moltedo
    'El color del sonido interno es una obra que busca resonar en nosotros, que quiere expresar algo con el color, cada sonido, cada instante que la vida nos regala. Mediante imágenes y palabras que van y vienen sobre la página, la autora nos regala un libro de mindfulness mucho más profundo de lo que parece.Es una obra en la que cada palabra está deseada para reflexionar haciéndon...

    17,68 €

  • El diario de un aprendiz
    Ángel Merino Céspedes
    El diario de un aprendiz. La vida es un proceso, no un resultado. Disfruta el camino es un libro-diario muy enriquecedor en el que el autor nos toma de la mano para adentrarnos y guiarnos a través del pensamiento yóguico hacia una vida de plenitud.Desde los términos más básicos empleados en esta filosofía y estilo de vida hasta detalles más profundos y atrapantes, como su relac...

    29,12 €

  • Cómo mentar madres con estrategia
    Gracietta del Milagro Pulice Cossu
    Un libro sobre inteligencia emocional escrito por Chetta¡Ámatee!¡Porque reconocer tus emociones es una forma urgente de amarte!En esta época de pandemia las emociones hicieron su máxima aparición en cada uno de los seres humanos, sin esperar. En la gran mayoría de los casos, por más «buenos» que quisiéramos ser, las ganas de mentar madres como parte del proceso de duelo y deses...

    16,64 €

  • La imperfecta realidad humana
    Samuel Arbiser
    El autor propone una reflexión en una perspectiva distante y abarcativa (telescópica) que atienda la especificidad única de la especie humana inserta en forma indisociable en su hábitat: la heterogénea realidad humana, construida por esa especie. Intrincación del hombre y su medio solo posible por la existencia del psiquismo. Partiendo de la enumeración que Freud hace en El Mal...

    17,16 €

  • Posmodernidad y posmodernismo
    Jorge L. Ahumada / Jorge LAhumada
    La posmodernidad la época en que nos toca vivir es, como resultante de magnos cambios tecnológicos y sociales, un tiempo de perpetuo presente y también un tiempo de posverdad. Tema abordado a lo largo del siglo por múltiples autores, entre ellos Sigmund Freud quien no ocultó su preocupación, anotando la transformación del hombre en un dios protésico. Este libro indaga las compl...

    15,08 €

  • Zen
    Fulvio Alteriani
    ¿Qué significa realmente el zen? Estas sencillas páginas, accesibles a todos, le descubrirán el zen en toda su profundidad, permitiéndole conocer su capacidad para guiar a muchas personas a la solución de sus problemas. Un auténtico curso, con ejercicios prácticos para cada día. Los ejercicios son, utilizando las palabras del autor, «aparentemente fáciles, pero poderosos», aval...

    9,88 €

  • Corazón, yo y alma
    Robert Frager
    Corazón, yo y alma es el primer libro de un psicólogo occidental que explora la rica tradición espiritual del sufismo como un camino para el desarrollo personal.La psicoterapia occidental apunta, mayoritariamente, a ayudarnos a eliminar los rasgos neuróticos que se formaron en la niñez para adaptarnos a la vida en sociedad. La meta del sufismo, en cambio, es fundamentalmente es...

    14,04 €

  • Sunna Gua. Constataciones del alma
    Luis Eduardo León Romero / Paola Andrea Pérez Gil
    Luego de años de recorridos ancestrales del psiquismo humano y del desarrollo de cuatro macroproyectos de investigación trascendental en campo, es hora de emprender el método de caminar ancestral sobre el sistema viviente de la Madre Tierra y su hijo humano como sentido constatable de la naturaleza esencial y sustancial delalma. Método de caminar en el orden amoroso de los ance...

    10,40 €

  • Life Check
    Robin Marvel
    About your life: Do you keep asking yourself, when will I be happy? Have you forgot what it feels like to be passionate about your life? Do you allow excuses to become the reason you are not going after what you desire in your life? Do you feel you are worth an amazing life and deserve to get all the things that you desire? Have you been following the crowd so long you ha...

    18,93 €

  • L’homme et les sociétés
    Gustave Le Bon
    “ Remontant bien au-delà des âges récents où commence l’histoire, nous chercherons les origines de l’homme dans les profondeurs ténébreuses d’un passé dont aucune tradition n’a gardé la mémoire, mais dont les débris épargnés par le temps permettent aujourd’hui de reconstituer la trame. Nous le prendrons à ses premiers débuts. Suivant pas à pas son développement, nous verrons co...

    16,95 €

  • Interno externo
    Cosimo Schinaia
    Cada vez es más necesario dirigir la atención a la complejidad del sistema simbólico que une a los habitantes de las casas con las ciudades a través de una fructuosa comparación entre conocimientos arquitectónicos, urbanísticos y psicoanalíticos. Arquitectos, urbanistas y psicoanalistas pueden enriquecer sus competencias específicas, asumiendo otros vértices de observación, par...

    18,20 €

  • Personality and Growth
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    In the winter of 1963-’64, American psychologist Abraham H. Maslow taught “Experiential Approaches to Personality” at Brandeis University. An exercise in experiential learning, the course explored ways to recover neglected and often repressed aspects of personality and become aware of the unconscious and preconscious operating within the psyche. In practice, Maslow’s unconventi...

    76,13 €

  • Personality and Growth
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    In the winter of 1963-’64, American psychologist Abraham H. Maslow taught “Experiential Approaches to Personality” at Brandeis University. An exercise in experiential learning, the course explored ways to recover neglected and often repressed aspects of personality and become aware of the unconscious and preconscious operating within the psyche. In practice, Maslow’s unconventi...

    57,50 €

  • From Depression to Contentment
    Bob Rich
    Winner: Literary Titans Book AwardFrom Depression to Contentment: A Self-Therapy Guide is a course of therapy in your pocket. You can be your own therapist, changing the way you see yourself and your world. Not only does this save lots of money, it also is 100% confidential. The book starts with first aid, provides an understanding of the nature and causes of suffering, instruc...

    21,58 €

  • From Depression to Contentment
    Bob Rich
    Winner: Literary Titans Book AwardFrom Depression to Contentment: A Self-Therapy Guide is a course of therapy in your pocket. You can be your own therapist, changing the way you see yourself and your world. Not only does this save lots of money, it also is 100% confidential. The book starts with first aid, provides an understanding of the nature and causes of suffering, instruc...

    13,63 €

  • Transformation in Troubled Times
    To celebrate its 30 years of pioneering work in the fields of counselling and psychotherapy training, the Re-Vision Centre for Transpersonal & Integrative Therapy has brought together a selection of writing by practitioners and teachers who have worked at the heart of the organization.The chapters address a social and cultural crisis which, at this point in the history of our p...

    24,41 €

  • Transpersonal Dynamics
    Stacey Millichamp
    Cutting-edge approaches to therapeutic interpersonal dynamics Transpersonal Dynamics offers approaches to the therapeutic encounter from the leading edge of quantum physics field theory and integrative psychology.  This book will show you how to get to ‘the heart of the matter’ within complex processes: How to ‘map’ and work on the edge between conscious and unconscious proce...

    19,41 €

  • Toward a Psychology of Being
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    This book is a continuation of my Motivation and Personality, published in 1954. It was constructed in about the same way, that is, by doing one piece at a time of the larger theoretical structure. It is a predecessor to work yet to be done toward the construction of a comprehensive, systematic and empirically based general psychology and philosophy which includes both the dept...

    28,00 €

  • A Theory of Human Motivation
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    The present paper is an attempt to formulate a positive theory of motivation which will satisfy these theoretical demands and at the same time conform to the known facts, clinical and observational as well as experimental. It derives most directly, however, from clinical experience. This theory is, I think, in the functionalist tradition of James and Dewey, and is fused with th...

    18,13 €

  • A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
    George Berkeley
    A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (commonly called Treatise when referring to Berkeley's works) is a 1710 work, in English, by Anglo-Irish Empiricist philosopher George Berkeley. This book largely seeks to refute the claims made by Berkeley's contemporary John Locke about the nature of human perception. Whilst, like all the Empiricist philosophers,...

    7,84 €

  • Expanding the Category 'Human'
    Patrick M Whitehead / Patrick M. Whitehead / Patrick MWhitehead
    The climate within the discipline of psychology has changed considerably since the middle of the twentieth century. More specifically, what it means to be a human has changed. In Expanding the Category “Human”: Nonhumanism, Posthumanism, and Humanistic Psychology, Patrick M. Whitehead argues that the metaphysical problems that psychologists faced sixty years ago are not the sam...

    122,45 €

  • Shadow Light Workbook
    Keith Witt
    Our Shadow comes from what we’ve learned throughout our lives—our drives, habits, values, preferences, and needs—and comes flooding up from our nonconscious selves to our conscious selves, even before our conscious selves are aware, often resulting in responses that we otherwise might rather carefully consider. Personal development is largely growth of our Shadow selves—our ada...

    24,49 €

  • The Sacred Sequence
    EdD John J Burton
    The Sacred Sequence: Remembering the One Truth guides readers to a place of connecting with Source to remember your One Truth, the One Truth. You are eternally love-worthy. This journey identifies human-made illusions that distort our truth, the sources of these and unique exercise that assist you in dissolving the illusions. e result is returning to your authentic self, the p...

    9,13 €

  • A Theory of Human Motivation
    Abraham H. Maslow / Abraham HMaslow
    This is the article in which Maslow first presented his hierarchy of needs. It was first printed in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in...

    15,50 €

  • Psychology in the Light of the East
    Margot Esther Borden
    Psychology in the Light of the East presents fresh insights into integral psychology, including valuable techniques for application. This text invites readers on a journey of self-knowledge and self-mastery, providing professionals as well as general readers with the tools for great personal and professional development. ...

    187,02 €

  • Psychology in the Light of the East
    Margot Esther Borden
    Psychology in the Light of the East presents fresh insights into integral psychology, including valuable techniques for application. This text invites readers on a journey of self-knowledge and self-mastery, providing professionals as well as general readers with the tools for great personal and professional development. ...

    83,25 €

  • Shadow Light
    Keith Witt
    Shadow is everything in us we can't see--everything we are not conscious of. Our Shadow self monitors hundreds of thousands of inputs from the world and our body/mind systems, processes the information, and constantly sends constructive and destructive messages into our conscious awareness in the forms of sensations, feelings, impulses, stories, and thoughts. This Shadow ma...

    33,56 €

  • Psychologizing
    Patrick M Whitehead / Patrick M. Whitehead / Patrick MWhitehead
    Psychologizing introduces students to the study of psychology by encouraging them to approach the subject on a personal level. Classroom-tested, the psychologizing model emphasizes learning through practice. A conversational and highly engaging narrative prompts students to begin thinking like psychologists as they examine key concepts, including learning, development, personal...

    135,91 €

  • Psychologizing
    Patrick M Whitehead / Patrick M. Whitehead / Patrick MWhitehead
    Psychologizing introduces students to the study of psychology by encouraging them to approach the subject on a personal level. Classroom-tested, the psychologizing model emphasizes learning through practice. A conversational and highly engaging narrative prompts students to begin thinking like psychologists as they examine key concepts, including learning, development, personal...

    59,80 €

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