Psicología analítica y jungiana

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento / Psicología analítica y jungiana (671)

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  • O Desafio De Gerir O Jurídico De Maneira Estratégica
    Tatiane Avelar
    A administração de departamentos jurídicos de empresas pode ser melhorada com o uso de ferramentas de gestão, aliadas aos conhecimentos técnicos já empregados pelos operadores de direito. Fez-se uma análise das formas de utilização do planejamento estratégico no setor jurídico, agregando-o ao core business das companhias. Além disso, estudaram-se os parâmetros de organização a ...

    10,35 €

  • Liderança Humanizada
    Cleiton Lopes Da Cunha
    O livro explora o princípio fundamental de que cada colaborador traz consigo um conjunto único de talentos, habilidades e experiências. Aborda a importância de reconhecer e valorizar essas individualidades, apresentando técnicas de valorização e exemplos de empresas que colhem frutos ao implementar programas de reconhecimento a seus colaboradores.Além disso, enfatiza o investim...

    10,35 €

  • Genealogía de la alienación
    Alberto Gaston
    Genealogía de la alienación es una obra que explora en los aspectos más oscuros de la psique humana. Alberto Gaston (Italia, 1939-2013), psiquiatra, psicopatólogo y uno de los más destacados exponentes de la psiquiatría fenomenológica italiana, se adentra en el concepto de alienación, trazando un recorrido desde los orígenes históricos de la psiquiatría moderna hasta los comple...

    29,64 €

  • Uma Entrevista Para Fazer Pensar
    Marcus De Mario
    Este livro é um exercício de ficção. Ao desenvolver um curso sobre liderança humanizada, além de criar o conteúdo para as videoaulas, pois o curso seria disponibilizado pela internet, tinha igualmente que criar conteúdos específicos para atividades complementares. Foi quando surgiu a ideia de criar uma entrevista, e assim surgiram os dois personagens: o entrevistador na pessoa ...

    10,92 €

  • Carl Jung Y Los OVNIs - Un Viaje Psicológico a los Misterios del Cielo
    Arquetipo y Sombra
    Este libro ofrece una exploración profunda de la perspectiva única de Carl Gustav Jung sobre el fenómeno de los objetos voladores no identificados (OVNIs). Como trabajo derivativo de ARQUETIPO Y SOMBRA, estudioso de Jung y su psicología arquetípica, desentraña las conexiones entre los avistamientos de OVNIs y los arquetipos del inconsciente colectivo.El texto analiza los OVNIs ...

    17,87 €

  • Por un junguismo crítico
    Mario Trevi
    Mario Trevi (1924-2011), psicoanalista italiano, fue una figura clave en el desarrollo del pensamiento junguiano en su país y en toda Europa. Conmemorando el centenario de su nacimiento, Editorial Traducciones Junguianas ofrece en nuestro idioma uno de sus libros más importantes y, sin duda, uno de los más esperados.Como buen estudioso y terapeuta junguiano, en las investigacio...

    31,72 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Carl Gustav Jung
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de O Livro Vermelho, de Carl Gustav Jung, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido Liber Novus ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo uma janela pa...

    18,81 €

  • Jung and the Epic of Transformation - Volume 1
    Paul Bishop
    What have the Middle Ages got to do with us? For Jung, it seems, quite a lot; after all, he tells us: 'I must catch up with a piece of the Middle Ages - within myself,' adding: 'We have only finished the Middle Ages - of others.' In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s 'Parzival' and the Grail as Transformation, Paul Bishop considers the significance for Jung of a masterpiece of medieval G...

    37,63 €

  • Jung and the Epic of Transformation - Volume 1
    Paul Bishop
    What have the Middle Ages got to do with us? For Jung, it seems, quite a lot; after all, he tells us: 'I must catch up with a piece of the Middle Ages - within myself,' adding: 'We have only finished the Middle Ages - of others.' In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s 'Parzival' and the Grail as Transformation, Paul Bishop considers the significance for Jung of a masterpiece of medieval G...

    48,87 €

  • J.D. Ponce sur Carl Gustav Jung
    J.D. Ponce
    Cet essai passionnant se concentre sur l’explication et l’analyse de Le Livre Rouge: Liber Novus, de Carl Gustav Jung, l’une des œuvres les plus influentes de l’histoire et dont la compréhension, en raison de sa complexité et de sa profondeur, échappe à la compréhension à la première lecture. Que vous ayez déjà lu Le Livre Rouge ou non, cet essai vous permettra de vous immerger...

    18,80 €

  • Carl Jung - La Sombra
    Arquetipo y Sombra
    Carl Jung - La Sombra (El Arquetipo). Enfrentando Los Aspectos Oscuros De La PsiqueDe Jekyll y Hyde a la Unidad del Yo: Superando la Dualidad entre Oscuridad y Luz InteriorEste libro se adentra en uno de los conceptos más intrigantes de la psicología analítica: el arquetipo de la Sombra, un tema central en las obras de Carl Gustav Jung, psiquiatra y pionero del psicoanálisis ...

    15,53 €

  • Sanctuary
    Featuring contributions from Jean Shinoda Bolen, James Hollis, Tom Singer, Helen Marlo, Gilda Frantz, John Hill and many more.If you want to get to know someone, listen to their story of home. Intimacy builds as we ask: Where do you come from? What did you leave behind? Where do you feel safe? In Sanctuary, these questions are explored by Jungian analysts, architects and histor...

    43,80 €

  • Sanctuary
    Featuring contributions from Jean Shinoda Bolen, James Hollis, Tom Singer, Helen Marlo, Gilda Frantz, John Hill and many more.If you want to get to know someone, listen to their story of home. Intimacy builds as we ask: Where do you come from? What did you leave behind? Where do you feel safe? In Sanctuary, these questions are explored by Jungian analysts, architects and histor...

    30,25 €

  • Return to the Fire
    Jody A Grose
    Return To The Fire explores the dynamics that have impacted men’s souls while offering a road map toward healthy masculinity. Shunning the circular reasoning of popular self-help models, this book unpacks the historical, cultural, and psychological underpinnings influencing men’s daily behaviors. Using personal and clinical experiences, myths, and Jungian archetypes, Jody invit...

    19,95 €

  • J.D. Ponce über Carl Gustav Jung
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Carl Gustav Jungs 'Das Rote Buch', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Das Rote Buch' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen ermöglich...

    19,91 €

  • Minhas Pílulas Corporativas No Linkedin
    Paulo Pandjiarjian
    Minhas Pílulas Corporativas no LinkedIn: Prescrição para Uso Diárioé uma coletânea envolvente que mergulha nas complexidades do mundo corporativo, oferecendo reflexões perspicazes sobre inovação, estratégia, meio ambiente, nova economia e o universo empresarial. Através de postagens instigantes, o autor conduz o leitor por uma jornada única, abordando temas como a resiliência d...

    9,88 €

  • Murder On Family Grounds
    Susan Rowland
    Who is killing off members of the Falconer family and why? Such is the challenge confronting highly skilled, extraordinarily intuitive Mary Wandwalker when she finds herself single, sixty and jobless. Long ago as an Oxford student with an unplanned pregnancy, Mary knew the Falconers as the family who refused to help when her fiancé, David Falconer died in a car crash. Now the b...

    18,22 €

  • Murder On Family Grounds
    Susan Rowland
    Who is killing off members of the Falconer family and why? Such is the challenge confronting highly skilled, extraordinarily intuitive Mary Wandwalker when she finds herself single, sixty and jobless. Long ago as an Oxford student with an unplanned pregnancy, Mary knew the Falconers as the family who refused to help when her fiancé, David Falconer died in a car crash. Now the b...

    37,61 €

  • Business Partner: Consultor Interno De Recursos Humanos
    Mário Donadio
    Business Partner é um Consultor Interno especialista em: Conhecer profundamente o negócio da empresa; Entender a empresa como um sistema sociotécnico; Identificar problemas e oportunidades relacionados às pessoas; Contratar com os stakeholders a melhor solução; Definir estratégias e métodos em gestão de recursos humanos; Liderar projetos de intervenção; Avaliar os impactos...

    24,44 €

  • Arquetipos - Guía Práctica
    Juan David Arbelaez
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué fuerzas subyacen detrás de tus acciones y decisiones? ¿Qué moldea tu personalidad y tus relaciones con los demás? Este libro ofrece una ventana a estas cuestiones fundamentales a través de la teoría de los arquetipos de Carl Jung. Aquí, no nos sumergimos profundamente en la complejidad de la teoría junguiana, sino que extraemos elementos esenci...

    13,20 €

  • The Shadow Work Journal for Couples
    Callie Parker
    If you’ve always wanted a deeper, more authentic connection with your partner but struggle with understanding your own and your partner’s deeper emotions, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of feeling like you’re not fully understood in your relationship? Have you tried countless other solutions but nothing seems to work? Do you finally want to say goodbye to surface-le...

    12,64 €

  • To Be or Not To Be
    Stacy Blemaster
    All the world’s a stage,And all the men and women merely players. - ShakespeareMaybe you want to be more than a mere player? I spent the first half of my life acting, because I thought it was what I had to do. But I discovered that life is about more than acting. I had to unwind the two-dimensional life of my childhood by peeling away layers of a facade to reveal a three-dimens...

    20,57 €

  • Volume 9 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz
    In C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, renowned analytical psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz offers an enlightening journey into the life and works of Carl Gustav Jung, a figure with whom she closely collaborated. Von Franz, an instrumental figure in the early stages of analytical psychology, paints a vivid portrait of Jung, highlighting his undeniable influence which spans an a...

    39,03 €

  • Volume 9 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz
    In C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, renowned analytical psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz offers an enlightening journey into the life and works of Carl Gustav Jung, a figure with whom she closely collaborated. Von Franz, an instrumental figure in the early stages of analytical psychology, paints a vivid portrait of Jung, highlighting his undeniable influence which spans an a...

    67,57 €

  • Psychedelics and Individuation
    Are we entering into a brave new world of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy that will radically affect the way we understand the unconscious, or are we chasing a will-o-the wisp, an illusory promise of rapid success without the painstaking work required of careful psychoanalysis? This book of essays by Jungian analysts entertains this question in detail. Based on extensive cli...

    37,59 €

  • Psychedelics and Individuation
    Are we entering into a brave new world of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy that will radically affect the way we understand the unconscious, or are we chasing a will-o-the wisp, an illusory promise of rapid success without the painstaking work required of careful psychoanalysis? This book of essays by Jungian analysts entertains this question in detail. Based on extensive cli...

    48,83 €

  • Rise and Reign Like a Viking Goddess
    Maarja Hammerberg
    Embark on a transformative odyssey with our empowering guide, where the wisdom of the Viking Goddess becomes a metaphorical beacon illuminating the seas of personal growth and resilience. In this exploration of self-discovery, our book transcends conventional self-help narratives, offering a profound journey into the realms of inner strength, symbolic living, and courageous vul...

    8,36 €

  • Our Uncertain World
    We live in times of uncertainty and anxiety. In these times, how can we best navigate our unknowns? Our Uncertain World answers that question through a Jungian prism. Carl Jung’s theory has helped many people through difficult times. Jungian perspectives facilitate such challenging navigation by not simplifying complexity but rather by finding the meaningful through-lines that ...

    35,54 €

  • Our Uncertain World
    We live in times of uncertainty and anxiety. In these times, how can we best navigate our unknowns? Our Uncertain World answers that question through a Jungian prism. Carl Jung’s theory has helped many people through difficult times. Jungian perspectives facilitate such challenging navigation by not simplifying complexity but rather by finding the meaningful through-lines that ...

    51,40 €

  • The Unknown Face
    Gregory Duncan
    A marriage with an imperfect love story goes tragically wrong one summer in a small college town in Virginia, and the husband is left picking up the pieces of pain and regret. How did it end in suicide instead of divorce? What he discovers six months later is both heartbreaking and astonishing. In a time when extreme events and behavior are more prevalent, this in-depth ps...

    21,82 €