Teoría psicoanalítica (psicología freudiana)

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento / Teoría psicoanalítica (psicología freudiana) (1023)

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  • Effective Psychotherapy
    Hellmuth Kaiser
    One of the most creative, inspired, and inspiring books in its field, this work offers extended reflections on what makes for effective psychotherapy. The author, Hellmuth Kaiser, trained at the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute in the 1920s, where his analyst was Gustav Bally and his supervisors were Karen Horney, Sándor Radó, Wilhelm Reich, and Hanns Sachs. He then continued wi...

    42,86 €

  • Building Bridges
    Helen K Gediman
    I have, in this collection, placed 20 of my articles that have been previously published separately in refereed psychoanalytic journals or as chapters in psychoanalytic books. The papers are ordered in six “Parts,” not chronologically but according to subject matter that fits together by topic or area of interest. Each part involves a topic that had customarily been thought of ...

    25,53 €

  • Psychoanalysis
    Arlene Kramer Richards
    “Arlene Kramer Richards represents the essence of psychoanalysis. Any struggle with trying to define what psychoanalysis is could be resolved by traveling with Arlene as she thinks, explores the psyche, practices in her consulting room, teaches, supervises, and writes. The papers in this volume contain her breakthrough ideas and the way she conveys them to us. You find here a w...

    28,87 €

  • Essays from Cradle to Couch
    From Cradle to Couch: Essays in Honor of the Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology of Sylvia Brody is a compilation of select papers written by distinguished authorities in the field that are specifically dedicated to the important and extensive body of work of Dr. Sylvia Brody with regard to the fields of infant, child, adolescent, developmental psychology and psychoanalysis...

    28,50 €

    Kelly Ives
    J U L I A K R I S T E V AART, LOVE, MELANCHOLY, PHILOSOPHY, SEMIOTICS AND PSYCHOANALYSISBy Kelly Ives Julia Kristeva was born in Bulgaria in 1941. Educated in part by French nuns, she was involved early on in her life with Communist Party youth organizations and children’s groups. Since moving to Paris in the 1960s, Kristeva has risen in stature in intellectual circles so tha...

    34,73 €

    Kelly Ives
    J U L I A K R I S T E V AART, LOVE, MELANCHOLY, PHILOSOPHY, SEMIOTICS AND PSYCHOANALYSISBy Kelly Ives Julia Kristeva was born in Bulgaria in 1941. Educated in part by French nuns, she was involved early on in her life with Communist Party youth organizations and children’s groups. Since moving to Paris in the 1960s, Kristeva has risen in stature in intellectual circles so tha...

    21,33 €

  • Forms of Knowledge
    PhD Anna Aragno
    This is the first comprehensive work emerging from psychoanalysis correlating with a   contemporary “information” paradigm and “inter-penetrative” world view. As such it examines interrelationships between forms of communication and the development of “mind” and conscious awareness, maintaining that these process-phenomena are integral to psychoanalytic methodology. Psychoanaly...

    25,24 €

  • Saving Beauty
    Harvey A. Kaplan
    Does love have its limits?  Are couples challenged beyond what they can handle when one becomes ill?  How does one cope in the face of a devastating, debilitating disease that has come to steal your loved one from you? Saving Beauty is a deeply personal narrative of a marriage transformed by the emergence of a serious illness.  Dr. Kaplan shares his touching story of loving a ...

    18,48 €

    Sigmund Freud
    A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a book written by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. First published in 1910, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn about the basics of psychoanalysis. The book is divided into five parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of psychoanalysis.The first part of the book explains the development of ...

    16,10 €

  • Human Nature and Conduct - An introduction to social psychology
    John Dewey
    In the spring of 1918 I was invited by Leland Stanford Junior University to give a series of three lectures upon the West Memorial Foundation. One of the topics included within the scope of the Foundation is Human Conduct and Destiny. This volume is the result, as, according to the terms of the Foundation, the lectures are to be published. The lectures as given have, however, b...

    15,79 €

  • Parejas
    Andrea N. De Gregorio / Jorge E. De Gregorio
    ¿Lo que nos une, también nos separa? ¿Puede el amor transformarse en odio? ¿Por qué deseo lo que no amo y amo lo que no deseo? ¿Por qué solo me atraen personas que están en pareja? ¿Por qué no me enamora la gente de mi edad? ¿Por qué me pasa siempre lo mismo? ¿Puede el enamoramiento transformarse en un acto de suicidio?El conflicto es parte de la condición humana; nos acompaña ...

    16,12 €

  • La dimensión estética de la mente (II)
    Lia Pistiner de Cortiñas
    Una característica del objeto estético es su polisemia. Umberto Eco dice que estamos acostumbrados a considerar arte a los objetos que: a) nos obligan a examinar el modo en que están hechos y b) en cierta medida nos dejan inquietos, porque no es tan evidente que quieran decir lo que dicen. La ambigüedad no es necesariamente reducible a deformación, a la innovación estilística, ...

    19,24 €

  • A Young Girl’s Diary
    Sigmund Freud
    'A Young Girl’s Diary' is a book by Sigmund Freud that was published in 1915. It is a collection of diary entries written by a young girl named Anna between the ages of 11 and 14. The diary was given to Freud by one of his patients, who was also Anna’s father.In the diary, Anna writes about her daily life, her relationships with her family and friends and her experiences as a g...

    14,26 €

  • Echos der Zeit
    Ruby Jindal
    In dem riesigen Wandteppich der menschlichen Existenz weben die Fäden der Geschichte eine Erzählung, die unsere Gegenwart formt und unsere Zukunft gestaltet. Jede Ära, jede Zivilisation und jedes einzelne Leben hinterlässt ein Echo, das durch die Zeit hallt und denjenigen, die zuhören wollen, Lektionen, Inspiration und Warnungen bietet.Das Buch 'Echos der Zeit: Die Vergangenhei...

    61,57 €

  • Les échos du temps
    Ruby Jindal
    Dans la vaste tapisserie de l’existence humaine, les fils de l’histoire tissent un récit qui façonne notre présent et modèle notre avenir. Chaque époque, chaque civilisation et chaque vie individuelle laisse derrière elle des échos qui résonnent à travers le temps, offrant des leçons, de l’inspiration et des avertissements à ceux qui cherchent à les écouter.Ce livre, 'Echoes of...

    61,51 €

  • ROOM
    Hattie B. Myers
    ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action is a magazine conceived as an agent of community building and transformation. Its innovative and accessible forum brings different perspectives to bear on the complex problems facing us, while inviting greater familiarity with psychoanalysis as an important lens for personal, cultural, and political discourse. ROOM has been publicly recogn...

    39,02 €

  • Dream Psychology
    Sigmund Freud
    Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners is a book written by Sigmund Freud, one of the most influential thinkers in the field of psychology. It was first published in 1920 and is considered to be one of Freud’s most accessible works, as it is written for a general audience rather than academics.The book focuses on the interpretation of dreams and their symbolic meanings,...

    13,42 €

  • Nazismo
    Roberto J. Rusconi
    El nazismo fue abordado por infinidad de autores en su contexto histórico, político, sociológico, filosófico, económico, militar, psicológico, intentando comprenderlo. Pero siempre seguía en pie una pregunta sin respuesta: por qué se decide el exterminio planificado, programado, organizado, industrial, metódico, de los judíos. La historia está plagada de persecuciones antijudía...

    30,68 €

  • 'Revolution in Poetic Language' Fifty Years Later
    Emilia Angelova
    Revisits Julia Kristeva’s magnum opus on the fiftieth anniversary of its original publication to open up new paths of interdisciplinary inquiry. ...

    126,69 €

  • Stress da lavoro
    Fateh BOULEKSAIR / Ferhati Louiza / Hana MARS / Houda HAMZA
    Il mondo del lavoro è in continua evoluzione, guidato dall’economia e dal mercato del lavoro. Oggi guardiamo con attenzione al rapporto tra i dipendenti e il loro lavoro quotidiano. In realtà, l’esperienza del lavoro e la relazione che esso crea sono realtà ben distinte. In una prospettiva sistemica, la varietà e la complessità degli ambienti, le loro interazioni e i loro effet...

    84,41 €

  • Occupational Stress
    Fateh BOULEKSAIR / Ferhati Louiza / Hana MARS / Houda HAMZA
    The world of work is constantly evolving, driven by the economy and the job market. Today, we are keenly aware of the relationship employees have with their work on a daily basis. Indeed, the experience of work and the relationship it creates are quite distinct realities. From a systemic perspective, the variety and complexity of environments, their interactions and their effec...

    84,34 €

  • Beruflicher Stress
    Fateh BOULEKSAIR / Ferhati Louiza / Hana MARS / Houda HAMZA
    Die Arbeitswelt unterliegt einem ständigen Wandel, der von der Wirtschaft und dem Arbeitsmarkt gesteuert wird. Heute beobachten wir stark die Beziehung des Arbeitnehmers zu seiner Arbeit im Alltag. Die Erfahrungen, die der Arbeitnehmer bei der Arbeit macht, und die Beziehung, die er dabei aufbaut, sind durchaus unterschiedliche Realitäten. Aus einer systemischen Perspektive sin...

    84,54 €

  • Стресс, связанный с работой
    Фатех Ферхати Лоуиза / Хана МАРС Хоуда ХАМЗА
    Мир труда постоянно меняется, его определяют экономика и рынок занятости. Сегодня мы внимательно рассмотрим отношения между сотрудниками и их работой на ежедневной основе. На самом деле, опыт работы и отношения, которые она создает, - это совершенно разные реальности. С точки зрения системного подхода, разнообразие и сложность среды, ее взаимодействие и влияние на человека одно...

    84,54 €

  • Stress relacionado com o trabalho
    Fateh BOULEKSAIR / Ferhati Louiza / Hana MARS / Houda HAMZA
    O mundo do trabalho está em constante evolução, impulsionado pela economia e pelo mercado de trabalho. Hoje em dia, estamos a analisar de perto a relação entre os trabalhadores e o seu trabalho no dia a dia. De facto, a experiência do trabalho e a relação que este cria são realidades bastante distintas. Numa perspetiva sistémica, a variedade e a complexidade dos ambientes, as s...

    84,41 €

  • Discursos que atrapan cuerpos
    Gerardo Arenas
    Los seres humanos somos cuerpos hablantes esencialmente sociales. Incansables buscadores de goces, hallamos en la vida de relación una inagotable fuente de experiencias. De ahí el empeño que ponemos en consolidar y estrechar los lazos que entablamos con otros y que están tejidos de palabras. Esos lazos discursivos son capaces de afectarnos de maneras muy diversas.¿Qué ocurre cu...

    20,28 €

    Iraya Ahemón García
    'La Felicidad: Análisis de un Deseo' es una obra exhaustiva que aborda diversos aspectos fundamentales sobre el concepto de felicidad. Desde las primeras páginas, el libro se sumerge en la exploración y definición precisa de la felicidad, estableciendo claras distinciones entre este estado emocional y otros estados positivos. A través de teorías psicológicas reconocidas, el tex...

    11,08 €

    Sigmund Freud
    A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis is a book written by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. First published in 1910, it is a comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to learn about the basics of psychoanalysis. The book is divided into five parts, each of which focuses on a different aspect of psychoanalysis.The first part of the book explains the development of ...

    17,07 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Sigmund Freud
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de A Interpretação dos Sonhos, de Sigmund Freud, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido A Interpretação dos Sonhos ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados,...

    19,82 €

  • Psychoanalysis
    Jeffrey Berman
    Assesses the contributions of six major psychoanalytic thinkers in the light of current academic and clinical trends in psychoanalysis. ...

    44,63 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Carl Gustav Jung
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de O Livro Vermelho, de Carl Gustav Jung, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido Liber Novus ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo uma janela pa...

    18,81 €