Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento (2242)

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  • Still Born - Stepping into the Unknown
    Mary Hamilton
    Still Born - Stepping into the Unknown: A Memoir of Dying with My Daughter, began as raw journal entries where the author, Mary Hamilton, could face the truth of her daughter’s dying and ultimate death-'to dig deeper, and endure the suffering,' while confronting unbearable challenges and living daily life.Through the bounty of dreams, visions, and deep reflection, the intimate ...

    12,40 €

  • Le Leadership Secret de la liberté mentale
    Benjamin Tambwe
    Imaginez...Vous êtes en vacances à Bahia et, peu de temps avant votre retour, vous consultez un vieux guérisseur. Sans raison particulière, juste parce que sa grande réputation vous a donné envie de le rencontrer au cas où...Son diagnostic est formel : vous êtes en bonne santé mais vous n’êtes pas... heureux.Porteur d’une sagesse infinie, ce vieil homme semble vous connaître mi...

    34,57 €

  • Valor to Live
    David H. Rosen
    This book concerns transforming despair and its powerful pull toward suicide into a meaningful alternative: discovering the courage to live and finding meaning in life. This work applies Carl Jung’s method of active imagination and its artistic products showing that when people learn to confront the rich images and symbols that emerge from their struggles, they can turn their t...

    17,57 €

  • Valor to Live
    David H. Rosen
    This book concerns transforming despair and its powerful pull toward suicide into a meaningful alternative: discovering the courage to live and finding meaning in life. This work applies Carl Jung’s method of active imagination and its artistic products showing that when people learn to confront the rich images and symbols that emerge from their struggles, they can turn their t...

    4,91 €

  • Образ, который преобразует
    Ана Гомес Уриарте
    В данном исследовании в качестве путеводной нити предложены подходы Джой Шавериен к трансформационному потенциалу искусства в контексте арт-аналитической психотерапии. Эти подходы углубляются с помощью различных материалов из юнгианской психологии, теоретической базы, созданной Карлом Густавом Юнгом, а также таких авторов, как Эдвард Эдингер, Карлос Амадеу Байингтон, Джеймс Хил...

    27,91 €

  • L’immagine che trasforma
    Ana Gomez Uriarte
    Questa ricerca propone come filo conduttore gli approcci presentati da Joy Shaverien sul potenziale trasformativo dell’arte nel contesto della psicoterapia artistico-analitica. Questi approcci sono approfonditi attraverso vari contributi della psicologia junghiana, a partire dalla base teorica creata da Carl Gustav Jung, nonché da autori come Edward Edinger, Carlos Amadeu Bying...

    56,53 €

  • Das Bild, das verwandelt
    Ana Gomez Uriarte
    Diese Forschung schlägt als Leitfaden die von Joy Shaverien vorgestellten Ansätze über das transformative Potenzial der Kunst im Kontext der kunstanalytischen Psychotherapie vor. Diese Ansätze werden durch verschiedene Beiträge aus der Jungschen Psychologie, aus der von Carl Gustav Jung geschaffenen theoretischen Grundlage, sowie von Autoren wie Edward Edinger, Carlos Amadeu By...

    56,60 €

  • The image that transforms
    Ana Gomez Uriarte
    This research proposes as a guiding thread the approaches presented by Joy Shaverien on the transformative potential of art in the context of art-analytic psychotherapy. These approaches are deepened through various contributions from Jungian psychology, from the theoretical basis created by Carl Gustav Jung, as well as authors such as Edward Edinger, Carlos Amadeu Byington, Ja...

    56,53 €

  • L’image qui transforme
    Ana Gomez Uriarte
    Cette recherche propose comme fil conducteur les approches présentées par Joy Shaverien sur le potentiel transformateur de l’art dans le contexte de la psychothérapie art-analytique. Ces approches sont approfondies par divers apports de la psychologie jungienne, à partir de la base théorique créée par Carl Gustav Jung, ainsi que par des auteurs comme Edward Edinger, Carlos Amad...

    56,60 €

  • A imagem que transforma
    Ana Gomez Uriarte
    Esta investigação propõe como fio condutor as abordagens apresentadas por Joy Shaverien sobre o potencial transformador da arte no contexto da psicoterapia arte-analítica. Estas abordagens são aprofundadas através de vários contributos da psicologia junguiana, a partir da base teórica criada por Carl Gustav Jung, bem como de autores como Edward Edinger, Carlos Amadeu Byington, ...

    56,53 €

  • Works like a Charm
    Robert O. McDonald
    Breaks the spell of economic thought by interrogating the widespread language and logic of 'incentives' in public life from a Lacanian perspective. ...

    121,57 €

  • Jungianeum/Yearbook 2022
    Stefano Carpani
    What exactly is JUNGIANEUM/Yearbook? It is a yearbook, of course! Is it also a monograph, an almanac, a journal, and a poetry book? Indeed!JUNGIANEUM/Yearbook expands our thinking with papers and poetry informed by analytical psychology and neo-Jungian studies. Its uniqueness and importance to the Jungian community lies in the work of the individuals contributing.JUNGIANEUM/Yea...

    41,91 €

  • Jungianeum/Yearbook 2022
    Stefano Carpani
    What exactly is JUNGIANEUM/Yearbook? It is a yearbook, of course! Is it also a monograph, an almanac, a journal, and a poetry book? Indeed!JUNGIANEUM/Yearbook expands our thinking with papers and poetry informed by analytical psychology and neo-Jungian studies. Its uniqueness and importance to the Jungian community lies in the work of the individuals contributing.JUNGIANEUM/Yea...

    58,12 €

  • Volume 8 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz believed fairytales to be the purest and simplest expressions of the collective unconscious. Too often the interpreter regresses to a personalized approach, however, heroes and heroines are abstractions that embody collective archetypes. The innumerable variations within the same fairytale told in different cultures are like a musical theme crisscrossing ...

    35,51 €

  • Volume 8 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz believed fairytales to be the purest and simplest expressions of the collective unconscious. Too often the interpreter regresses to a personalized approach, however, heroes and heroines are abstractions that embody collective archetypes. The innumerable variations within the same fairytale told in different cultures are like a musical theme crisscrossing ...

    72,11 €

  • Концепция стабилизации в клинике психозов
    Фели Вианна Пиньейро
    Цель данной книги - осмыслить понятие стабилизации в клинике психозов с точки зрения психоанализа. Это понятие радикально отличается от понятия стабилизации в обыденном понимании, которое несет в себе некую идею гармонии, равновесия. Человек, окружение, стабильная ситуация - это ситуация, в которой мало шума, мало возбуждения, мало движения. Повседневный клинический опыт показы...

    27,66 €

  • Das Konzept der Stabilisierung in der Psychoseklinik
    Felipe Vianna Pinheiro
    Ziel dieses Buches ist es, das Konzept der Stabilisierung in der Psychoseklinik aus der Perspektive der Psychoanalyse zu reflektieren. Dieses Konzept unterscheidet sich radikal von dem Begriff der Stabilisierung im allgemeinen Sinne, der eine gewisse Vorstellung von Harmonie, von Gleichgewicht vermittelt. Eine Person, eine Umgebung, eine stabile Situation ist eine, in der es we...

    57,71 €

  • The concept of stabilisation in the psychosis clinic
    Felipe Vianna Pinheiro
    The aim of this book is to reflect on the concept of stabilisation in the psychosis clinic from the perspective of psychoanalysis. This concept differs radically from the notion of stabilisation in common sense, which conveys a certain idea of harmony, of balance. A person, an environment, a stable situation is one where there is little noise, little agitation, little movement....

    57,65 €

  • Le concept de stabilisation dans la clinique de la psychose
    Felipe Vianna Pinheiro
    L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de réfléchir au concept de stabilisation dans la clinique de la psychose dans la perspective de la psychanalyse. Ce concept diffère radicalement de la notion de stabilisation au sens commun, qui véhicule une certaine idée d’harmonie, d’équilibre. Une personne, un environnement, une situation stable est une situation où il y a peu de bruit, peu d’ag...

    57,71 €

  • Il concetto di stabilizzazione nella clinica delle psicosi
    Felipe Vianna Pinheiro
    L’obiettivo di questo libro è riflettere sul concetto di stabilizzazione nella clinica delle psicosi dal punto di vista della psicoanalisi. Questo concetto differisce radicalmente dalla nozione di stabilizzazione nel senso comune, che trasmette una certa idea di armonia, di equilibrio. Una persona, un ambiente, una situazione stabile è quella in cui c’è poco rumore, poca agitaz...

    57,65 €

  • ROOM
    Hattie B. Myers
    ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action is a magazine conceived as an agent of community building and transformation. Its innovative and accessible forum brings different perspectives to bear on the complex problems facing us, while inviting greater familiarity with psychoanalysis as an important lens for personal, cultural, and political discourse. ROOM has been publicly recogn...

    38,26 €

  • Dante and the Night Journey
    Alan Williamson
    A psychological approach to Dante, based on the Jungian concept of the night journey. ...

    28,25 €

  • The Collected Writings of Murray Stein
    Murray Stein
    Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics including Christianity, individuation, midlife, the practice of analytical psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of analytical psychology is much more than an academic dis...

    47,35 €

  • The Power of Stories
    Allan Guggenbühl
    Often lips are sealed, and delicate topics avoided, when children or adolescents are in a conflict situation or have experienced a trauma. Psychologists, psychotherapist, teachers are challenged and must find alternative ways to connect to the individual or group. Talking alone is not sufficient.In this book-Volume 7 of the Zürich Lecture Series-a therapeutic method and conflic...

    37,18 €

  • Psychometrische Tests für Kinder verstehen
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Das Buch behandelt häufig verwendete psychometrische Tests für Kinder, darunter Intelligenztests, Persönlichkeitstests, akademische Leistungstests, soziale und verhaltensbezogene Bewertungstools sowie neuropsychologische Batterien. Es bietet Anleitungen zur Testdurchführung und Bewertungsverfahren speziell für Kinder und legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Interpretation und Anwendung...

    148,55 €

  • Comprendere i test psicometrici per bambini
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Il libro discute i test psicometrici infantili comunemente usati, inclusi test di intelligenza, valutazioni della personalità, test sui risultati accademici, strumenti di valutazione sociale e comportamentale e batterie neuropsicologiche. Fornisce una guida sulla somministrazione dei test e sulle procedure di punteggio specifiche per i bambini e sottolinea l’interpretazione e l...

    148,73 €

  • Compreender os testes psicométricos para crianças
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    O livro discute testes psicométricos infantis comumente usados, incluindo testes de inteligência, avaliações de personalidade, testes de desempenho acadêmico, ferramentas de avaliação social e comportamental e baterias neuropsicológicas. Ele fornece orientação sobre administração de teste e procedimentos de pontuação específicos para crianças e enfatiza a interpretação e aplica...

    148,67 €

  • Comprendre les tests psychométriques pour enfants
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Le livre traite des tests psychométriques couramment utilisés pour les enfants, y compris les tests d’intelligence, les évaluations de la personnalité, les tests de réussite scolaire, les outils d’évaluation sociale et comportementale et les batteries neuropsychologiques. Il fournit des conseils sur l’administration des tests et les procédures de notation spécifiques aux enfant...

    148,63 €

  • Понимание психометрического тестирования детей
    Кавита Роы / Кхритиш Сваргиары
    В книге обсуждаются часто используемые детские психометрические тесты, в том числе тесты интеллекта, оценки личности, тесты успеваемости, инструменты социальной и поведенческой оценки, а также нейропсихологические батареи. В нем содержатся рекомендации по проведению тестов и процедурам подсчета очков, характерные для детей, и особое внимание уделяется интерпретации и применению...

    93,65 €

  • Depth Calls to Depth
    John Ensign
    Depth Calls to Depth: Jungian Psychology and Spiritual Direction in Dialogue draws on the author’s dual background as a certified Jungian analyst and psychologist as well as a spiritual director with a master’s degree in theology. Over the last several decades, spiritual direction has moved beyond its monastic origins to become a major force in contemporary spirituality. Its em...

    40,29 €