Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento (2242)

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  • Psychedelics and Individuation
    Are we entering into a brave new world of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy that will radically affect the way we understand the unconscious, or are we chasing a will-o-the wisp, an illusory promise of rapid success without the painstaking work required of careful psychoanalysis? This book of essays by Jungian analysts entertains this question in detail. Based on extensive cli...

    48,83 €

  • Our Uncertain World
    We live in times of uncertainty and anxiety. In these times, how can we best navigate our unknowns? Our Uncertain World answers that question through a Jungian prism. Carl Jung’s theory has helped many people through difficult times. Jungian perspectives facilitate such challenging navigation by not simplifying complexity but rather by finding the meaningful through-lines that ...

    35,54 €

  • Our Uncertain World
    We live in times of uncertainty and anxiety. In these times, how can we best navigate our unknowns? Our Uncertain World answers that question through a Jungian prism. Carl Jung’s theory has helped many people through difficult times. Jungian perspectives facilitate such challenging navigation by not simplifying complexity but rather by finding the meaningful through-lines that ...

    51,40 €

  • Selected Writings
    Wilhelm Reich
    For readers unfamiliar with Wilhelm Reich’s literature who are looking for that first book to read, we highly recommend Selected Writings - An Introduction to Orgonomy. First published in 1960.This selection of writings from the works of Wilhelm Reich is presented as an introduction to the science of Orgonomy, and includes key chapters from Ether, God and Devil, The Function of...

    26,51 €

  • Psychoanalysis
    Jeffrey Berman
    Assesses the contributions of six major psychoanalytic thinkers in the light of current academic and clinical trends in psychoanalysis. ...

    126,78 €

  • The Function of the Orgasm
    Wilhelm Reich / Vincent R. Carfagno
    Wilhelm Reich was born in Austro-Hungary in 1897. By the 1920s, Reich had become a doctor of medicine and taken his place as a prominent psychoanalyst in Sigmund Freud’s inner circle. He went on to focus his attention on the relationship between the emotional, physiological and physical functions of the biological energy underlying human emotional experience, which he called or...

    27,16 €

  • The Unknown Face
    Gregory Duncan
    A marriage with an imperfect love story goes tragically wrong one summer in a small college town in Virginia, and the husband is left picking up the pieces of pain and regret. How did it end in suicide instead of divorce? What he discovers six months later is both heartbreaking and astonishing. In a time when extreme events and behavior are more prevalent, this in-depth ps...

    21,82 €

  • ROOM
    Hattie B. Myers
    ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action is a magazine conceived as an agent of community building and transformation. Its innovative and accessible forum brings different perspectives to bear on the complex problems facing us, while inviting greater familiarity with psychoanalysis as an important lens for personal, cultural, and political discourse. ROOM has been publicly recogn...

    37,98 €

  • La Révolution De L’esprit - La Programmation Neurolinguistique
    Luan Ferr
    'A Révolution de l’Esprit - Programmation Neurolinguistique - Pour Atteindre des Buts et Objectifs' vous plonge dans un voyage fascinant vers le pouvoir transformateur de la Programmation Neurolinguistique (PNL). Ce guide minutieusement élaboré dévoile les mystères de l’esprit et explore comment la PNL peut être la clé pour débloquer votre potentiel le plus profond.L’esprit est...

    14,49 €

  • Teoría de la Psicología
    Emilio Ribes Iñesta
    «Teoría de la psicología: corolarios», es fruto de la publicación en 2018 de «El estudio científico de la conducta individual: introducción a la teoría de la psicología». Como resultado de todo proceso teórico, al concluir dicha obra, quedaron pendientes de aclarar muchos temas y problemas abordados puntualmente y otros apenas sugeridos. De ahí el título del presente volumen, c...

    19,76 €

  • War’s Changed Landscape?
    Paddy Dr. Walker / Peter Prof. Roberts
    This book unpicks the arguments made pre and post 2022 and, based on interviews with experts from around the world, seeks to dissect battlecraft’s enduring themes and how these may affect conflicts’ current norms. ...

    34,21 €

  • War’s Changed Landscape?
    Paddy Dr. Walker / Peter Prof. Roberts
    This book unpicks the arguments made pre and post 2022 and, based on interviews with experts from around the world, seeks to dissect battlecraft’s enduring themes and how these may affect conflicts’ current norms. ...

    73,26 €

  • The Shadow and the Problem of Evil
    The Shadow And The Problem Of Evil: Five Examinations is a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It’s a must-read for those seeking...

    40,53 €

  • The Shadow and the Problem of Evil
     The Shadow And The Problem Of Evil: Five Examinations is a captivating and thought-provoking journey into the hidden recesses of the human psyche. Through a Jungian perspective, it offers insights into the nature of evil, the symbols that represent our shadows, and the profound impact of these hidden aspects on society and our ethical choices. It’s a must-read for those seekin...

    30,43 €

  • Global Libidinal Economy
    Gavin Fridell / Ilan Kapoor / Maureen Sioh
    Claims unconscious desire plays a constitutive role in global political economy. ...

    44,80 €

  • The Wise Old Woman Spirit
    Susan K. Faron
    Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness-two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive ... possibly even thrive. Through the human imagination and dreams, the Wise Old Woman spirit offers a kind of collaboration and partnership involving a very real intimacy and immediacy while preserving our conscious gains. Although the ...

    34,32 €

  • The Wise Old Woman Spirit
    Susan K. Faron
    Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness-two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive ... possibly even thrive. Through the human imagination and dreams, the Wise Old Woman spirit offers a kind of collaboration and partnership involving a very real intimacy and immediacy while preserving our conscious gains. Although the ...

    50,18 €

  • A Jornada Do Líder Educador
    Reinaldo Geraldo
    Uma nova teoria de Liderança onde o livro é o alicerce para um programa de autodesenvolvimento de forma prática em liderança. O que viabiliza um baixíssimo custo para esse programa que só Executivos de Multinacionais poderiam ter acesso foi a criação de um Sistema.Do que se compõe o Sistema: A junção dolivro (único valor a ser despendido) que contém a teoria e ferramentas para ...

    20,43 €

  • Populäre Gesundheitserziehung im Lichte der Psychoanalyse
    Maria do Socorro Vidal de Oliveira
    Brücken bauen, Wege aufzeigen, Licht einbringen, durch Psychoanalyse, wie kann man in diesem belastenden Kontext diesen neuen Weg einführen? Die Volksbildung versucht, soziale Akteure einzubeziehen und den Prozess der Beteiligung und Untersuchung zu fördern. Aber was soll man mit dieser neuen Forderung, mit diesen erworbenen Fragmenten anfangen, wie man diese Teile zusammenfügt...

    53,60 €

  • Popular health education in the light of psychoanalysis
    Maria do Socorro Vidal de Oliveira
    To build bridges, to show paths, to shed light through psychoanalysis on this distressing context, how can this new path be taken? Popular education seeks to involve social actors, fostering the process of participation and investigation, but what to do with this new demand, with these fragments acquired, how to put these pieces together, and pieces of suffering acquired over d...

    53,60 €

  • Народное санитарное просвещение в свете психоанализа
    М. д Видал де Оливейра
    Навести мосты, показать пути, пролить свет с помощью психоанализа на этот мучительный контекст - как пройти этот новый путь? Народное образование стремится вовлечь социальных субъектов, стимулируя процесс участия и исследования, но что делать с этим новым запросом, с этими полученными фрагментами, как собрать воедино эти кусочки, кусочки страдания, приобретенные за десятилетия ...

    26,17 €

  • L’éducation populaire à la santé, à la lumière de la psychanalyse
    Maria do Socorro Vidal de Oliveira
    Construire des ponts, montrer des chemins, éclairer par la psychanalyse ce contexte de détresse, comment emprunter cette nouvelle voie ? L’éducation populaire cherche à impliquer les acteurs sociaux, à favoriser le processus de participation et d’investigation, mais que faire de cette nouvelle demande, de ces fragments acquis, comment assembler ces morceaux, et ces morceaux de ...

    53,60 €

  • L’educazione sanitaria popolare alla luce della psicoanalisi
    Maria do Socorro Vidal de Oliveira
    Costruire ponti, indicare percorsi, fare luce attraverso la psicoanalisi su questo contesto angosciante, come si può intraprendere questo nuovo cammino? L’educazione popolare cerca di coinvolgere gli attori sociali, favorendo il processo di partecipazione e di indagine, ma cosa fare con questa nuova domanda, con questi frammenti acquisiti, come mettere insieme questi pezzi, e p...

    53,60 €

  • Vocabulario de psicopatología – Vol. I
    José María Álvarez
    Los vocabularios, aunque suelen parecer neutrales y desapasionados, son también portadores de tendencias, orientaciones e ideologías. Y este, debido a su peculiar hechura y sustancia, es un vibrante pregonero de lo que se dio en llamar La Otra psiquiatría. Esta denominación se usa para aludir a una minoritaria y peculiar forma de entender y practicar la clínica. No hay duda de ...

    45,00 €

  • Hexadrama esencial: Un mapa de neurosis y plenitud
    Juan Padilla Pérez
    HEXADRAMA ESENCIAL es un texto de Juan Padilla Pérez, psicodramatista y el más prolífico autor transpersonal. Formado inicialmente en psicodrama humanista por el principal alumno para Latinoamérica de J. L. Moreno, Jaime Rojas-Bermúdez, aceptó, luego, una invitación del gran pionero transpersonal Claudio Naranjo para formar en su Programa SAT, abandonándolo después de 2 años HE...

    25,00 €

  • Vocabulario de psicopatología – Vol. II
    José María Álvarez
    Los vocabularios, aunque suelen parecer neutrales y desapasionados, son también portadores de tendencias, orientaciones e ideologías. Y este, debido a su peculiar hechura y sustancia, es un vibrante pregonero de lo que se dio en llamar La Otra psiquiatría. Esta denominación se usa para aludir a una minoritaria y peculiar forma de entender y practicar la clínica. No hay duda de ...

    40,00 €

  • The Lion Will Become Man
    Keiron Le Grice
    In this compelling psychological memoir, Keiron Le Grice, the 2023 Zurich Lecture Series’ speaker, details his experience of a profound transformative crisis between 2001 and 2004. He explains how, by a sustained investigation of the root causes of his condition, he was eventually able to overcome the crisis, guided by instructive dreams and startling coincidences, illuminated ...

    40,01 €

  • Стресс, эмоции и декларативная память
    Лаура Эспин Лопес / Мария Хо Гарсия Рубио
    В современном обществе общим фактором, с которым сталкивается большинство людей, является стресс. Стресс представляет собой реальную или мнимую угрозу физической и психологической целостности человека. Именно поэтому его изучение так важно. Стресс модулируется многими факторами и влияет на когнитивные способности человека, например на память. Одним из состояний, связанных с физ...

    26,35 €

  • Stress, emozioni e memoria dichiarativa
    Laura Espín López / María José García Rubio
    Nella società odierna, un fattore comune alla maggior parte degli esseri umani è lo stress. Lo stress rappresenta una minaccia reale o immaginaria all’integrità fisica e psicologica di una persona. Per questo motivo il suo studio è così importante. Lo stress è modulato da molti fattori e influisce sulle capacità cognitive umane, come la memoria. Uno stato correlato alla fisiolo...

    53,73 €

  • Stress, emoção e memória declarativa
    Laura Espín López / María José García Rubio
    Na sociedade atual, um fator comum à maioria dos seres humanos é o stress. O stress representa uma ameaça real ou imaginária para a integridade física e psicológica de uma pessoa. É por isso que o seu estudo é tão importante. O stress é modulado por muitos factores e afecta as capacidades cognitivas humanas, como a memória. Um estado relacionado com a fisiologia do stress é a e...

    53,73 €