Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento (2242)

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  • The Collected Writings of Murray Stein
    Murray Stein
    Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics including Christianity, individuation, midlife, the practice of analytical psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of analytical psychology is much more than an academic dis...

    46,98 €

  • Praying in the Dark
    Daniel O. Snyder
    Nonviolence for the soul. Nonviolence for the world. The future of democracy. How are we going to find our way through all the polarizations to a new world that works for everyone? Against the backdrop of his Quaker heritage and his own life story, Dan Snyder brings together the four disciplines of theology, depth psychology, strategic nonviolence, and spirituality. The resulti...

    26,25 €

  • Praying in the Dark
    Daniel O. Snyder
    Nonviolence for the soul. Nonviolence for the world. The future of democracy. How are we going to find our way through all the polarizations to a new world that works for everyone? Against the backdrop of his Quaker heritage and his own life story, Dan Snyder brings together the four disciplines of theology, depth psychology, strategic nonviolence, and spirituality. The resulti...

    40,16 €

  • Breaking The Spell Of Disenchantment
    Roderick Main
    One of the most powerful narratives gripping scientists, intellectuals, and the general culture in Europe during the early decades of the twentieth century was that the world had become disenchanted: stripped of genuine mystery, lacking inherent meaning, and unrelated to any spiritual or divine reality. In Breaking the Spell of Disenchantment, Roderick Main examines various way...

    41,15 €

  • De Freud a Lacan – El descubrimiento del objeto a
    Jorge Marugán Krau
    De Freud a Lacan: el descubrimiento del objeto a surge de la transmisión oral e intenta mantener la frescura y la cercanía de un diálogo. Este texto es el resultado de la transcripción revisada del seminario sobre clínica psicoanalítica, curso 2017/18, impartido por Jorge Marugán en Madrid.Si como seres hablantes y pulsionales nuestro mundo está formado por significantes y obje...

    30,00 €

  • Volume 7 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz
    Marie-Louise von Franz
    The Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz is a 28 volume Magnum Opus from one of the leading minds in Jungian Psychology. Volume 7 turns to Aurora Consurgens - A Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in Alchemy - A Companion Work to C.G. Jung’s Mysterium Coniunctionis.Aurora Consurgens, the rising sun, is a vision forged in the pseudo-Aristotelia...

    71,20 €

  • Norman N. Holland
    Jeffrey Berman
    Norman Holland was unquestionably the leading 20th-century American psychoanalytic literary critic. Long known as the Dean of American psychoanalytic literary critics, Holland produced an enormous body of scholarship that appeals to both neophytes in the field and advanced researchers, many of whom have been influenced by his writings. Holland was one of the first proponents of...

    50,85 €

  • The Schizophrenia Complex
    Eve Maram
    Jungian analyst Eve Maram’s The Schizophrenia Complex focuses on the thoughts and feelings constellated by encounters with what we call schizophrenia, for those who experience symptoms, and for those others impacted by them. To do so, Dr. Maram had to face her own fear, denial, resistance, and ultimate not knowing. The events inspiring her were beyond her control and rearranged...

    46,49 €

  • The Schizophrenia Complex
    Eve Maram
    Jungian analyst Eve Maram’s The Schizophrenia Complex focuses on the thoughts and feelings constellated by encounters with what we call schizophrenia, for those who experience symptoms, and for those others impacted by them. To do so, Dr. Maram had to face her own fear, denial, resistance, and ultimate not knowing. The events inspiring her were beyond her control and rearranged...

    34,55 €

  • Psicoanálisis del expresionismo
    Oskar Pfister / Manuel Pérez Cornejo
    En su ensayo Der psychologische und biologische Untergrund expressionistischer Bilder (1920) traducido aquí por primera vez al español, el psicoanalista Oskar Pfister se propuso penetrar en las raíces inconscientes del expresionismo. Partiendo de un exhaustivo análisis de los dibujos realizados por un joven artista adscrito a este movimiento, Pfister desvela los conflictos ment...

    15,00 €

  • Psicosis y escritura
    Ignacio Iglesias Colillas
    En la actualidad, especialmente a partir de los comentarios de Lacan sobre la obra de James Joyce, se han multiplicado los estudios basados en obras enteras (literarias o poéticas) de tal o cual autor estudios muy valorados en muchos ámbitos psicoanalíticos, buscando en ellas rastros e indicios de rasgos psicóticos. Ahora bien, ¿cuál es la utilidad clínica de dichos procedimien...

    35,00 €

  • Eastern Practices and Individuation
    Are Eastern practices useful for psychological growth? Is psychoanalysis an aid on an Eastern path?Carl Gustav Jung had the realization of the existence of a center deep within our being, the Self, the discovery of which is the goal of individuation: the process of psychological development. Unable to find analogies to the Self in Christianity, he turned to Eastern religions, u...

    53,57 €

  • Eastern Practices and Individuation
    Are Eastern practices useful for psychological growth? Is psychoanalysis an aid on an Eastern path?Carl Gustav Jung had the realization of the existence of a center deep within our being, the Self, the discovery of which is the goal of individuation: the process of psychological development. Unable to find analogies to the Self in Christianity, he turned to Eastern religions, u...

    40,32 €

  • New Faces, New Futures
    2022 Reprint of the 1936 First Edition.  Profusely illustrated with photos of patients before and after surgery, as well as historical illustrations of plastic surgery from the past. Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.  The curing of facial defects by surgical methods and the rebuilding of the human face nearer to the he...

    29,66 €

  • Tearing Down Walls
    Lawrence H. Staples
    Like Berlin, we all have a wall, an inner wall, that needs to be torn down. It’s a wall we built at a young age, when socialization began and we needed a barrier behind which we could hide that part of ourselves that was unacceptable to our mothers as well as important others. What we hide is the 'shadow.' To conceal it, we create a wall that we call the 'persona. ' To be a Ber...

    28,22 €

  • Father-Daughter, Mother-Son
    Verena Kast
    Verena Kast ́s Father-Daughter, Mother-Son was first published by Element Books in 1997. Since then, it has become a classic read for those adventuring into Carl Gustav Jung ́s concept of complexes-what they are, how they affect our life and shape our relationships- and for those wanting to understand more about the relationship between fathers and daughters, and mothers and so...

    34,53 €

  • Father-Daughter, Mother-Son
    Verena Kast
    Verena Kast ́s Father-Daughter, Mother-Son was first published by Element Books in 1997. Since then, it has become a classic read for those adventuring into Carl Gustav Jung ́s concept of complexes-what they are, how they affect our life and shape our relationships- and for those wanting to understand more about the relationship between fathers and daughters, and mothers and so...

    46,47 €

  • The Search For Meaning and The Mystery of Consciousness
    Stephen Aronson
    This book examines the burning existential questions of meaning and the mystery of consciousness from a scientific and psychological perspective. It is authored by a seasoned psychotherapist, whose career was inspired both by the famed analyst C. G. Jung and the mystic G. I Gurdjieff. However it does not have the character of scientific discourse-it is more a personal odyssey t...

    44,52 €

  • ROOM
    Hattie B. Myers
    ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action is a magazine conceived as an agent of community building and transformation. Its innovative and accessible forum brings different perspectives to bear on the complex problems facing us, while inviting greater familiarity with psychoanalysis as an important lens for personal, cultural, and political discourse. ROOM has been publicly recogn...

    38,82 €

  • Herramientas para el abordaje de la violencia intrafamiliar y de género
    Ana Palazzesi / Gabriela Vexina
    Desde la Introducción este primer libro de Acevifa, Herramientas para el abordaje de la Violencia Intrafamiliar y de Género desde una mirada Interdisciplinaria, nos atrapa con su enfoque pleno de sentido en el respeto, promoción y protección de los derechos humanos de las personas y sustancialmente el compromiso de sus autores con la promoción de la vida sin violencias, en espe...

    12,48 €

  • Edipo Reyna
    Gretel Esandi Scholz
    Ser mujer y ser psicoanalista es toda una construcción habiendo aprendido este arte bajo la teoría de Jacques Lacan y Sigmund Freud.Freud terminó sus días con una pregunta ¿Qué quiere la mujer?Lacan escribió La mujer no existe.Las respuestas a estas preguntas, ciertamente no son simples, ni se responden en un enunciado, pero recorriendo las páginas de los libros de esta colecci...

    12,48 €

  • Palabras silenciadas, palabras ausentes, relatos singulares
    Sandra N. Vecchi
    La psicopatología infanto-juvenil, pensada y abordada desde el paradigma de la complejidad, posee una especificidad que la caracteriza, diferenciándose así de la psicopatología de los adultos. Niños, niñas y adolescentes, al ser sujetos con un psiquismo en constitución y abierto al acontecimiento, atravesarán de manera singular las experiencias subjetivas, según sean sus propia...

    15,60 €

  • Principales conceptualizaciones de W. R. Bion
    Hilda Catz
    Y es así como surgió la idea de reunir lo trabajado en el Seminario acerca de Las conceptualizaciones fundamentales de Bion que tuvo lugar en el primer cuatrimestre del 2021, en la Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina. Pudimos observar que los analistas en formación que participaron realizaron un trabajo de coparticipación entusiasta y comprometida: había siempre un interjuego s...

    15,60 €

  • La Reforma Psiquiátrica en España hacia la Salud Mental Comunitaria
    Begoña Olabarría / Manuel Gómez Beneyto
    La reforma en la asistencia psiquiátrica que tiene lugar en España en el inicio de la década de 1970 implicó cambios profundos en el ámbito de la Salud Mental. Este proceso fue liderado por una generación de jóvenes profesionales que abrió una nueva perspectiva y un nuevo camino; psiquiatras y psicólogos clínicos que se distinguieron, durante el final del franquismo y en la Tra...

    65,00 €

  • Hacking Capitalism
    Kris Nóva
    Global Release (v0.1.6)Hacking Capitalism is an independently published book written by Kris Nóva about modeling the tech industry as a system. Particularly this book will model computers, humans, and money and their subsequent relationships in tech.Understand the nature of the tech industry through the same Modeling that investors and entrepreneurs use to rationalize it.The te...

    40,05 €

  • Lacan
    Miguel de Beistegui
    Lacan: A Genealogyprovides a genealogical account of Lacan’s work as a whole, from his early writings on paranoid psychosis to his later work on the real and surplus enjoyment. Beistegui argues that Lacan’s work requires an in-depth genealogy to chart and interpret the his key concept of desire. The genealogy is both a historical and critical approach, inspired by Foucault, whi...

    51,39 €

  • The Key to the Self
    Marianne Meister
    Our fate is NOT written in the stars, as the popular form of interpreting horoscopes would like us to believe. Instead, a serious approach to astrology describes an individual’s special dispositions and developmental possibilities that can be lived out in entirely different ways. The experienced Jungian analyst and astrologist Marianne Meister connects this reputable astrologic...

    49,34 €

  • Aproximaciones psicoanalíticas al abuso sexual en la infancia
    Álvaro Rendón Chasi
    La violencia y el abuso sexual contra niños, niñas y adolescentes se constituyen en una realidad inmediata que, aunque se disfrace con el silencio y la indiferencia social, resuena en las voces de quienes toman la palabra para romper con este goce perverso. Estas situaciones acontecen en los núcleos intrafamiliares e instituciones escolares. En nuestro país, por medio de los De...

    12,48 €

  • The Mystery of Transformation
    Murray Stein
    The transformation of personality is mysterious, whether it comes about gradually or suddenly. In part, it is the result of the process of aging. Life itself puts a person through a series of transformations similar to the moultings of insects and reptiles. There are also rituals created by humans in their cultures that facilitate transformations to higher levels of identity an...

    50,18 €

  • The Mystery of Transformation
    Murray Stein
    The transformation of personality is mysterious, whether it comes about gradually or suddenly. In part, it is the result of the process of aging. Life itself puts a person through a series of transformations similar to the moultings of insects and reptiles. There are also rituals created by humans in their cultures that facilitate transformations to higher levels of identity an...

    36,93 €