Química industrial

Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura / / Química industrial (3612)

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  • Chemical Thermodynamics
    Byung Chan Eu / Mazen Al-Ghoul
    This book enables the reader to learn, in a single volume, equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics as well as generalized forms of hydrodynamics for linear and nonlinear processes applied to various hydrodynamic flow processes — including chemical oscillation phenomena and pattern formations, shock wave phenomena, sound wave propagations, and Liesegang pattern formation, ...

    153,00 €

  • Chemical Compound Structures and the Higher Dimension of Molecules
    Gennadiy Vladimirovich Zhizhin
    Originally, scientists believed that molecules were three-dimensional; however, studies have proven that geometric dimensions are continuous. Therefore, molecules are able to have higher dimensions which influences how they interact with other molecules leading to advances in various fields including nanomedicine, nanotoxicology and quantum biology. Chemical Compound Structures...

    237,72 €

  • Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment
    Kunal Roy
    Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) represent predictive models derived from the application of statistical tools correlating biological activity or other properties of chemicals with descriptors representative of molecular structure and/or property. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment discus...

    387,85 €

  • Carbohydrate Chemistry
    Raimo Alén
     This book presents a comprehensive approach to the versatile and fascinating field of carbohydrate chemistry. It covers, besides the colorful historical perspective within the utilization of carbohydrates and their derivatives, all modern aspects on their properties, nomenclature, uses, and natural occurrence as such or as residues in a variety of biologically active molecules...

    153,28 €

  • Advanced Methods and Applications in Chemoinformatics
    Chemoinformatics is a scientific area that endeavours to study and solve complex chemical problems using computational techniques and methods. The collection of topics in this book aims to reflect the diversity of recent advances in chemoinformatics with a broad perspective which may be useful for scientists as well as for graduate students and engineers. This book presents lea...

    256,47 €

  • Sviluppo di un essiccatore per fanghi di lievito di distilleria
    Majid Majeed / Mohammad Ali Shariai / Mohammad Usman Khan
    Nelle operazioni di essiccazione industriale l’umidità viene rimossa da un materiale solido, semisolido o liquido utilizzando il calore. Il calore viene fornito al materiale attraverso i processi di conduzione, convezione e irraggiamento. Una piccola porzione di liquido volatile e di gas di trasporto viene evaporata dal calore. Questa porzione evaporata passa attraverso il mate...

    70,11 €

  • Desenvolvimento de um secador de lamas de levedura de destilaria
    Majid Majeed / Mohammad Ali Shariai / Mohammad Usman Khan
    Nas operações de secagem industrial, a humidade é removida de um material sólido, semi-sólido ou líquido através da utilização de calor. O calor é fornecido ao material através do processo de condução, convecção e radiação. Uma pequena porção de líquido volátil e de gás de transporte é evaporada por este calor. Esta porção evaporada passa através do material de alimentação e re...

    70,11 €

  • Développement d’un sécheur de boues de levure de distillerie
    Majid Majeed / Mohammad Ali Shariai / Mohammad Usman Khan
    Dans les opérations de séchage industriel, l’humidité est retirée d’un matériau solide, semi-solide ou liquide à l’aide de la chaleur. La chaleur est apportée au matériau par conduction, convection et radiation. Une petite partie du liquide volatil et du gaz porteur s’évapore sous l’effet de la chaleur. Cette partie évaporée passe à travers le matériau d’alimentation et élimine...

    70,11 €

  • Entwicklung eines Trockners für Hefeschlamm aus der Brennerei
    Majid Majeed / Mohammad Ali Shariai / Mohammad Usman Khan
    Bei der industriellen Trocknung wird einem festen, halbfesten oder flüssigen Material durch den Einsatz von Wärme die Feuchtigkeit entzogen. Die Wärme wird dem Material durch Konduktion, Konvektion und Strahlung zugeführt. Ein kleiner Teil der flüchtigen Flüssigkeit und des Trägergases wird durch diese Wärme verdampft. Dieser verdampfte Anteil durchströmt das Beschickungsgut un...

    70,17 €

  • Разработка сушилки для дрожжевого осадка ликероводочного завода
    Маджид Маджид / Мохаммад Ал Шариаи / Мохаммад Усман Хан
    При промышленной сушке влага удаляется из твердого, полутвердого или жидкого материала с помощью тепла. Тепло подводится к материалу за счет процессов проводимости, конвекции и излучения. Под действием тепла испаряется небольшая часть летучей жидкости и газа-носителя. Эта испаренная часть проходит через исходный материал и удаляет пар из среды. Чаще всего сушка материала осущес...

    70,11 €

  • Development of Data Driven Models for Chemical Engineering Systems
    Nusrat Parveen
    Modeling of any system or a process is one of the significant but challenging tasks in engineering. The challenge is either due to the physical complexity of natural phenomenon or our limited knowledge of mathematics. Recently, data driven modeling (DDM) has been found to be a very powerful tool in helping to overcome those challenges, by presenting opportunities to build basic...

    39,37 €

  • Visible Light-Driven Fused Indole Synthesis
    Chandra Sekhar
    Visible Light-Driven Fused Indole Synthesis, authored by Chandra Sekhar, is a comprehensive guide on the photochemical construction of fused indole frameworks using visible light photocatalysis. The book covers a wide range of topics related to organic chemistry, including synthetic methods, catalysis, green chemistry, organic photochemistry, and reaction mechanisms.One of the ...

    36,91 €

  • Transition Metal Catalysed C H Bond Alkynylation
    Vinod Landge
    'Transition Metal Catalysed C-H Bond Alkynylation' by Vinod Landge is a comprehensive guide to the cutting-edge field of transition metal catalysis. The book focuses specifically on C-H bond alkynylation, which is a powerful tool for the efficient synthesis of complex organic molecules.Landge begins by introducing the basic principles of transition metal catalysis, including th...

    34,49 €

  • Sustainable Approach to Protective Nanocoatings
    It is essential to harness the potential of nanotechnology in a rapidly evolving industrial environment. As industries grapple with the demand for more advanced, efficient, and sustainable solutions, the intricate amalgamation of chemistry, materials science, physics, biology, and technology in nanotechnology emerges as both a beacon of promise and a complex puzzle. The groundb...

    452,25 €

  • Inexpensive Hybrid Nanomaterials for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
    Smrutirekha Swain
    In 'Inexpensive Hybrid Nanomaterials for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,' Smrutirekha Swain explores the exciting field of nanotechnology and its applications in photoelectrochemical water splitting. This book provides a comprehensive overview of various types of hybrid nanomaterials that can be synthesized at low cost and their potential for use in water splitting.The bo...

    34,49 €

  • Improving the quality of apples
    Fabrizio Costa
    This collection reviews the wealth of recent research undertaken on the factors which can determine the quality of apples, focussing on attributes such as texture and nutritional content. The book also considers how these attributes can be optimised at both the pre- and postharvest stages in the value chain for apples as a means of meeting the increasing expectations and demand...

    234,72 €

  • Formulations for Au-Pd Supported Metal Oxides
    'Formulations for Au-Pd Supported Metal Oxides' by Yogita is a comprehensive guide that delves into the world of metal oxide catalysts and their applications in various industrial processes. The book provides detailed insights into the preparation, characterization, and performance evaluation of Au-Pd supported metal oxides, which are widely used in catalysis.The book begins by...

    36,93 €

  • Chemical Modulation of Hepcidin in Vertebrates
    Sandeep Basu
    Chemical Modulation of Hepcidin in Vertebrates, written by Sandeep Basu, is a comprehensive book that explores the role of the peptide hormone hepcidin in iron homeostasis and its modulation through various chemical means in vertebrates. The book covers a wide range of topics related to iron metabolism and the regulation of hepcidin expression in different physiological and pat...

    34,51 €

  • Development of Nitrogen-Directed Activation Protocols
    Mohammed Abdul Malik
    'Development of Nitrogen-Directed Activation Protocols' by Dnyaneshwar Nilkanth is an informative and insightful book that focuses on the development of new synthetic methodologies for the preparation of natural products, drugs, and new scaffolds. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the strategies that have been developed for the selective activation of C-H bonds in t...

    36,93 €

  • Cocrystals and Polymorphs in Pharmaceutical Science
    Ekta Sangtani
    'Cocrystals and Polymorphs in Pharmaceutical Science' by Ekta Sangtani is a comprehensive guide to the preparation, characterization, and structural analysis of cocrystals and polymorphs in the pharmaceutical industry. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the significance of these solid-state forms in drug development, including how they impact drug solubility, bioavailabi...

    44,30 €

  • Innovations in Engineering and Food Science
    As the global population continues to grow, the depletion of Earth’s resources poses a significant challenge in ensuring food security for current and future generations. This book addresses this pressing issue by presenting innovative strategies and methods to reduce food loss, enhance production, identify alternative ingredients, and digitize the food system. It explores topi...

    347,71 €

  • PZT film processing
    Gregorio Gonzalez Z / Juan Ramos Cano / Ma. Gloria Rosales Sosa
    In the last four decades the development of the microelectronics industry has set the trend in the production of ultra-thin (with nanometric microstructure) and ultra-pure (without impurities or defects) materials that guarantee an increase in the functional efficiency of their parts with the smallest possible volume. The general objective of this work was to synthesize (deposi...

    77,50 €

  • Обработка пленки PZT
    Грегорио Гонсалес З / Жуан Рамос Кано / Ма. Росалес Соса
    В последние четыре десятилетия развитие микроэлектронной промышленности задало тренд на производство сверхтонких (с нанометрической микроструктурой) и сверхчистых (без примесей и дефектов) материалов, гарантирующих повышение функциональной эффективности их деталей при минимально возможном объеме. Общая цель данной работы заключалась в синтезе (осаждении и отжиге) ферроэлектриче...

    77,56 €

  • Traitement des films PZT
    Gregorio Gonzalez Z / Juan Ramos Cano / Ma. Gloria Rosales Sosa
    Au cours des quatre dernières décennies, le développement de l’industrie microélectronique a donné le ton à la production de matériaux ultra-minces (avec une microstructure nanométrique) et ultra-purs (sans impuretés ni défauts) qui garantissent une augmentation de l’efficacité fonctionnelle de leurs parties avec le plus petit volume possible. L’objectif global de ce travail ét...

    77,56 €

  • Verarbeitung von PZT-Folien
    Gregorio Gonzalez Z / Juan Ramos Cano / Ma. Gloria Rosales Sosa
    In den letzten vier Jahrzehnten hat die Entwicklung der Mikroelektronikindustrie den Trend zur Herstellung ultradünner (mit nanometrischer Mikrostruktur) und ultrareiner (ohne Verunreinigungen oder Defekte) Materialien gesetzt, die eine Steigerung der funktionellen Effizienz ihrer Teile bei kleinstmöglichem Volumen garantieren. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Synth...

    77,56 €

  • Lavorazione di film PZT
    Gregorio Gonzalez Z / Juan Ramos Cano / Ma. Gloria Rosales Sosa
    Negli ultimi quarant’anni, lo sviluppo dell’industria microelettronica ha fatto tendenza alla produzione di materiali ultrasottili (con microstruttura nanometrica) e ultrapuri (senza impurità o difetti) che garantiscono un aumento dell’efficienza funzionale delle loro parti con il minor volume possibile. L’obiettivo generale di questo lavoro è stato quello di sintetizzare (depo...

    77,56 €

  • Processamento de película PZT
    Gregorio Gonzalez Z / Juan Ramos Cano / Ma. Gloria Rosales Sosa
    Nas últimas quatro décadas, o desenvolvimento da indústria microeletrónica tem marcado a tendência para a produção de materiais ultrafinos (com microestrutura nanométrica) e ultrapuros (sem impurezas ou defeitos) que garantam um aumento da eficiência funcional das suas peças com o menor volume possível. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi sintetizar (deposição e recozimento) fi...

    77,56 €

  • The Hydrogen Economy
    Duncan Seddon
    The 'Hydrogen Economy' is very broad subject ranging from the potential use of hydrogen for domestic use to the mass production of hydrogen replacing coal, natural gas (LNG) and conventional transport fuels.For any given project, there are many alternatives to consider for each stage of making, storing and transporting hydrogen. The book aims to assist proponents, and financier...

    72,42 €

  • Silica-Eu-Gd Agents Dual Imaging Cancer Cells
    Gayathri T
    'Silica-Eu-Gd Agents Dual Imaging Cancer Cells' by Gayathri T is an insightful and comprehensive book that delves into the fascinating world of cutting-edge imaging techniques for cancer cells. Drawing upon the fields of nanotechnology, molecular imaging, and theranostics, this book explores the development and application of silica-based nanoparticles as dual imaging agents fo...

    34,30 €

  • Patentes relacionadas con compuestos químicos
    Diego Federico Martin
    El objeto de esta obra es brindar un análisis de los criterios utilizados en distintas jurisdicciones para el examen de solicitudes de patente relacionadas con compuestos químicos, en particular, aquellas que incluyen fórmulas Markush en sus reivindicaciones.Como se describe en la obra, las solicitudes de patente de este tipo, por su propia naturaleza, son pasibles de enfrentar...

    31,20 €