Mantenimiento del hogar y la vivienda

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Mantenimiento del hogar y la vivienda (797)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Mantenimiento del hogar y la vivienda Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Immobilienfinanzierung für Eigennutzer
    Alexander Goldwein
    Kauf, Neubau und Finanzierung eines Eigenheims stellen langfristige und weitreichende Weichenstellungen dar. In diesem Ratgeber erhalten Sie umfangreiche Informationen und Checklisten für den Kauf einer gebrauchten Immobilie sowie für den Neubau in Eigenregie. Als Bonus ist ein Excel-Rechentool für Immobiliendarlehen verfügbar. Mit diesem Ratgeber werden Sie in der Lage sein, d...

    48,13 €

  • How to Keep Your Stuff Safe Online
    Raef Meeuwisse
    Any everyday person can protect themselves from the majority of online cybercrime.  All you have to do is follow some basic security steps, most of which are completely FREE to implement.This short guide is designed to be an easy and quick read that helps you identify and implement basic but highly effective security in a matter of hours.  The main security guidance is covered ...

    7,26 €

  • 3D Printing
    Information Reso Management Association
    The advancement of modern technology has allowed for impressive developments in manufacturing processes. Out of these developments, 3D printing has emerged as a new method. 3D Printing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice is a comprehensive reference source for the latest research and advances on 3D printing processes, technologies, and methods. Highlighting emerging perspec...

    458,69 €

  • The Insider’s Guide to Home Inspection
    Frank Ross / Natalie Ross
    Drawing on his experience as a professional home inspector and employing his talent for story-telling, Frank Ross' new book The Insider's Guide to Home Inspection provides a comprehensive look at homes. Ideal for home buyers or home owners, the author uses understandable language along with helpful photographs and detailed illustrations to point out key areas and system...

    16,37 €

  • Building with Project Home Builders
    Noel Bond
    This book is based on my own personal experiences and interactions while building with project home builders over the past seventeen years. It is intended, by reading this book you will be able to gain some understanding as to how the process of having your new home built by a project home builder progresses. I have experienced most things that may go wrong during home construc...

    10,09 €

  • Mais Uma Dos Florianos I
    João Alberto Soares Floriano
    Aqui está um recanto para as lembranças, cheio de poesias, cartinhas de crianças, estórias e história se fundindo para tornar a leitura extremamente agradável e, por fim, uma viagem no tempo carregada de emoções. ...

    15,43 €

  • Eternidade Entrelaçada
    Jair Lima
    O livroEternidade Entrelaçada: A Beleza do Amor que Resiste ao Tempo,escrito pelo Pastor Jair Lima, explora a base teológica da família, destacando a origem divina da instituição familiar. O autor faz uma análise profunda das Escrituras, abordando a importância do segundo flagelo no Êxodo, a praga das rãs, e estabelece um paralelo entre casamentos funcionais e disfuncionais, si...

    14,59 €

  • Wild Flowers Worth Knowing (Esprios Classics)
    Neltje Blanchan
    Wild Flowers Worth Knowing was published in 1917 (and republished in 1922) as a result of an adaptation by Asa Don Dickinson of Neltje Blanchan’s earlier work Nature’s Garden (1900). It covers mostly North American species, with a sprinkling of cosmopolitans, and includes a preface by Blanchan (who died in 1918). The book, along with Birds Worth Knowing (also by Blanchan), and ...

    26,63 €

  • 16 Medicinal Plants to Keep In Your House Bilingual Edition English Germany Standar Version
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    16 Medicinal Plants to Keep in Your House Bilingual Edition In English and Germany Languange Standar Version.Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. Plants synthesise hundreds of chemical compounds for functions including defence against insects, fungi, diseases, and herbivorous mamm...

    35,54 €

  • Breaking Bread Around the World
    Dedra L. Stevenson / Dedra LStevenson
    As an author of Fantasy Fiction, Courtroom Drama, and Horror, no one ever expected Dedra L. Stevenson to compile a book of her favorite international recipes, but three years ago, she started exploring food from around the planet for Ramadan, as it was a way to teach her family about the cultures of the world. Once the word got out, her recipes stirred a great deal of interest,...

    66,07 €

  • 10 Money Saving Steps You Absolutely Must Complete BEFORE GOING SOLAR
    Jonah R. Heller / Jonah RHeller
    BEFORE GOING SOLAR is the How-To-Workbook of 10 easy-to complete, cost-effective, money saving solutions for your home, Created by Jonah R. Heller. Born and raised on the Hawaiian Island of Maui, Jonah combines his 'local boy' perspective with academic engineering principles into a fun, funny, and interactive reading experience that will put money in your pocket. Inspiration fo...

    93,35 €

  • Home Staging With a Selling Twist
    Yvonnca Landes
    This book is to teach you how to staging a home to sell or to redecorate for a new look. If that is what you are need this is the best book to give it all to you in one book. Happy Staging!!!! ...

    20,60 €

  • Home Valuations
    Yvonnca Landes
    This book will give you insight on home values and how they are calculated with comps, cost approach, upgrades, and condition. This book can help appraisers be better at their jobs or help lenders understand how appraisers arrive at the value amount. It will help home owners to understand the market they are selling and buying in. Enjoy!!! ...

    18,30 €

  • The Accidental Airbnb Host
    Veronica Tercan
    In the last seven years, Airbnb has gone from niche offering to hospitality giant. With low barriers to entry (all you need is an Internet connection and an extra bed), Airbnb has given rise to a whole new profession: The Accidental Airbnb Host. This book guides brand-new hosts with room-by-room tips for a 5-star, smooth-running rental. From creating a successful listing, to st...

    16,38 €

  • As Histórias Do Vovô Barrigudo
    José Wilson Ciotti
    Este obra tem como objetiv0 principal, proporcionaras crianças momentos de fantasia, através de históriasinteressantes, bonitas e agradáveis.Elas entrarão em um universo mágico,capaz de fazer com que sua imaginaçãoseja despertada de forma lúdica e criativa.Esta obra não é apenas divertida mas,também, ensina lições de vida importantesde uma forma acessível e envolvente.Elas apre...

    14,60 €

  • Carta Ao Meu Pai
    Valter Gaia
    Prezados Leitores e Leitoras,Ser pai é uma missão. Ser pai é dar amor, carinho e proteção. Ser amigo leal nas horas certas e severo com brandura quando for preciso. Para educar e mostrar o caminho certo. Nos quais os filhos vislumbrarão uma referência a seguir.Pai é proteção e segurança. Quando suas mãos buscam as mãos dos filhos eles sentem-se seguros e protegidos e caminham l...

    8,39 €

  • Segurança
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Não será preciso que você sofra nenhuma violência. Porque você poderá prevenir, de forma prática e eficiente, para não sofrer qualquer constrangimento. Em todas as situações em casa, na rua, nas viagens existem meios de você acautelar-se.A convivência do autor com detetives profissionais e os cursos de detetive que fez levaram-no a publicar esta cartilha. ...

    8,11 €

  • E-book Sushi Para Iniciantes
    Nathaliene Camara
    E-book para amantes da culinária japonesa.E -book com receitas e dicas de fabricação de sushi e sashimiFerramentas e Utensílios necessários para a fabricação de SushisReceitas de variados sushisReceitas de arroz para sushi, Temaki e molhosPasso a passo com dicas e imagens ilustrativasDicas de montagem de combosDicas de deliveryDicas sobre embalagens e armazenamentoUm e-book par...

    11,51 €

  • Plumbing Book for Beginners
    Harper Wells
    Are you frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed by plumbing problems in your home?Do you wish you knew the basics of plumbing so you could handle most of the maintenance and repairs yourself?Then the Plumbing Book for Beginners is the perfect resource for you. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of plumbing and gives you the knowledge you need to becom...

    17,92 €

  • Immobilienfinanzierung für Eigennutzer
    Alexander Goldwein
    Kauf, Neubau und Finanzierung eines Eigenheims stellen langfristige und weitreichende Weichenstellungen dar. In diesem Ratgeber erhalten Sie umfangreiche Informationen und Checklisten für den Kauf einer gebrauchten Immobilie sowie für den Neubau in Eigenregie. Als Bonus ist ein Excel-Rechentool für Immobiliendarlehen verfügbar. Mit diesem Ratgeber werden Sie in der Lage sein, d...

    48,13 €

  • Ferienimmobilien in Deutschland & im Ausland
    Alexander Goldwein
    Viele Menschen träumen von einer eigenen Ferienimmobilie in Deutschland oder im Ausland. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt Ihnen, worauf es beim Erwerb und bei der Finanzierung ankommt und wie Sie Fehler vermeiden.Sie erfahren ganz konkret:Kriterien für die Auswahl der FerienimmobilieKriterien für die Auswahl des StandortesErmittlung des angemessenen KaufpreisesRechtssicherer Erwerb im Inl...

    43,49 €

  • Ferienimmobilien in Deutschland & im Ausland
    Alexander Goldwein
    Viele Menschen träumen von einer eigenen Ferienimmobilie in Deutschland oder im Ausland. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt Ihnen, worauf es beim Erwerb und bei der Finanzierung ankommt und wie Sie Fehler vermeiden.Sie erfahren ganz konkret:Kriterien für die Auswahl der FerienimmobilieKriterien für die Auswahl des StandortesErmittlung des angemessenen KaufpreisesRechtssicherer Erwerb im Inl...

    48,33 €

  • Immobilienfinanzierung für Eigennutzer
    Alexander Goldwein
    Kauf, Neubau und Finanzierung eines Eigenheims stellen langfristige und weitreichende Weichenstellungen dar. In diesem Ratgeber erhalten Sie umfangreiche Informationen und Checklisten für den Kauf einer gebrauchten Immobilie sowie für den Neubau in Eigenregie. Als Bonus ist ein Excel-Rechentool für Immobiliendarlehen verfügbar. Mit diesem Ratgeber werden Sie in der Lage sein, d...

    43,28 €

  • The Philosopher’s Wrench
    Larry Weingarten
    Larry Weingarten’s The Philosopher’s Wrench brilliantly takes a philosophical approach to fixing things: from home water heaters to personal relationships. Weingarten speaks to the heart and soul of living wisely and lightly on the planet. He is an expert on hot water heaters, energy efficient homes, and living off the grid. But his writings on living well go much deeper than t...

    28,58 €

  • PEX Pipe Plumbing for Beginners
    Harper Wells
    Are you struggling to get to grips with the basics of PEX Pipe Plumbing?Do you need a comprehensive guide to help you learn the fundamentals and understand the best practices?If so, PEX Pipe Plumbing for Beginners is the perfect book for you! PEX Pipe Plumbing for Beginners is an essential guide to the world of PEX pipe plumbing for homeowners looking to save money with a DIY p...

    19,03 €

  • Harvesting Rainwater for Your Home
    Daniel I Stein
    Water isn’t just a resource; it is your family’s life source.Taking control of your water supply is a wise choice; now, it’s also an easy choice.Whether your goal is saving the planet, cutting down your expenses, or preparing for an emergency, harvesting rainwater is the perfect way to prepare for the future. Even a beginner can collect clean water that hasn’t been chemically d...

    16,20 €

  • Em Casa
    Andréa Faulhaber
    Trago um manual de afeto, um assopro de leveza, um método bíblico que transcende o simples processo e tende a ir à instância do pensar.Ainda que deságuem nos poucos cômodos de sua casa, nossos passos nos levarão a preencher a mesa com ternura nas travessas, eleger de onde veremos a lua, encher o ar com gargalhadas, em um bem que transforma as pessoas de dentro para fora.Quero e...

    15,04 €

  • Código completo de las comunidades de propietarios
    Julia Infante Lope
    El tema objeto de este libro, o sea, las comunidades de propietarios, con toda su problemática, funcionamiento, etc.. En la introducción se expone la problemática del Derecho en general, su aplicación y los conceptos de posesión y propiedad, para pasar seguidamente al examen de la copropiedad, y en especial la de la casa por pisos, o sea la denominada propiedad horizontal. Tamb...

    22,83 €

  • Cómo comprar un piso
    Equipo jurídico DVE
    También examinaremos a lo largo del presente libro las opciones a la compra de una vivienda, pues existen posibilidades de adquirir viviendas sociales o incluso, en casos concretos de comunidad de intereses, constituir una cooperativa. Haremos referencia posteriormente, a los trámites de constitución y funcionamiento de la comunidad de propietarios a la que se pasa a formar par...

    14,51 €

  • Todo sobre la L.A.U. (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos)
    Equipo jurídico DVE
    La finalidad de este libro es comentar las disposiciones vigentes en la actualidad, de forma sencilla, para que sirva de orientación a los lectores, quizá ignorantes de la amplitud de la reforma. Y, también, confundidos por los comentarios oídos y leídos, durante los años en que la ley se ha ido elaborando, hasta su aprobación final. Pero, en definitiva, una vez aprobada la ley...

    14,51 €