Escuelas secundarias

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Escuelas / Escuelas secundarias (837)

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  • Optimizing K-12 Education through Online and Blended Learning
    The integration of information and communication technologies in education is unavoidable, as an increasing percentage of educators embrace modern technology, others are faced with the decision to reevaluate their own pedagogical practices or become obsolete. To meet the needs of students, one must first define what stipulates a successful K-12 student, the best practices of on...

    242,72 €

  • Creating Home Economics Futures
    Kaija Turkki
    In 2012, the World Congress of the International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE), first established over 100 years ago, was hosted by Home Economics Victoria in Melbourne, Australia. As the profession commences its second century of influence, this collection of works presented at the Congress provides a platform for outlining what the future of Home Economics might look li...

    47,94 €

  • TABE Skill Practice!
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Two sets of TABE practice test questions, prepared by a dedicated team of experts!    Includes FREE ebook version!  Suitable for iPad, iPhone, any tablet or smart phone.   Practice Test Questions for:  Reading Mathematics (Computational and Applied) English & Language Usage Geometry Algebra Practice Tests are a great way to study and prepare for a test!    Practice ...

    14,91 €

  • Real World 101
    Alcott Germany II
    „Real World 101: Student Guide' ist eine unterhaltsame Diskussion zwischen Ihnen, dem Leser, und den innovativen Fähigkeiten von Alcott Germany II.Während Sie diesen lebendigen und zum Nachdenken anregenden Dialog lesen, werden Sie verstehen, wie Sie die Kontrolle über Ihr eigenes Leben erlangen können, indem Sie lernen, wie Sie unbeliebte Schulfächer für sich arbeiten lassen.J...

    11,53 €

  • Real World 101
    Alcott Germany II
    „Real World 101: Student Guide' ist eine unterhaltsame Diskussion zwischen Ihnen, dem Leser, und den innovativen Fähigkeiten von Alcott Germany II.Während Sie diesen lebendigen und zum Nachdenken anregenden Dialog lesen, werden Sie verstehen, wie Sie die Kontrolle über Ihr eigenes Leben erlangen können, indem Sie lernen, wie Sie unbeliebte Schulfächer für sich arbeiten lassen.J...

    18,22 €

  • Влияние отсутствия продовольственной безопасности на успеваемость студентов-химиков
    Мухаммад Ибрахим
    В данной исследовательской работе изучается влияние отсутствия продовольственной безопасности на академическую успеваемость учащихся старших классов средней школы по химии в районе местного самоуправления Сабон Гари штата Кадуна. Основная цель работы - изучить влияние отсутствия продовольственной безопасности на академическую успеваемость учащихся и выяснить, является ли отсутс...

    50,00 €

  • Auswirkungen von Ernährungsunsicherheit auf die Leistungen von Chemiestudenten
    Muhammad Ibrahim
    Diese Forschungsarbeit untersuchte die Auswirkungen von Ernährungsunsicherheit auf die akademischen Leistungen von Chemieschülern der Senior Secondary School in Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Das Hauptziel ist es, die Auswirkungen von Ernährungsunsicherheit auf die schulischen Leistungen der Schüler zu untersuchen und herauszufinden, ob Ernährungsunsicherheit...

    50,00 €

  • Effets de l’insécurité alimentaire sur les résultats des étudiants en chimie
    Muhammad Ibrahim
    Ce travail de recherche a examiné l’effet de l’insécurité alimentaire sur les résultats scolaires des étudiants en chimie de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur dans la zone de gouvernement local de Sabon Gari, dans l’État de Kaduna. Son principal objectif est d’examiner les effets de l’insécurité alimentaire sur les résultats scolaires des étudiants et de déterminer si l’inséc...

    49,93 €

  • Effetti dell’insicurezza alimentare sui risultati degli studenti di chimica
    Muhammad Ibrahim
    Questo lavoro di ricerca ha esaminato l’effetto dell’insicurezza alimentare sui risultati accademici degli studenti di chimica della scuola secondaria superiore di Sabon Gari, nell’area di governo locale dello Stato di Kaduna. L’obiettivo principale è esaminare gli effetti dell’insicurezza alimentare sul rendimento scolastico degli studenti e scoprire se l’insicurezza alimentar...

    49,93 €

  • Efeitos da insegurança alimentar no desempenho dos estudantes de química
    Muhammad Ibrahim
    Este trabalho de investigação examinou o efeito da insegurança alimentar no desempenho académico dos estudantes de Química do ensino secundário na área da administração local de Sabon Gari do Estado de Kaduna. O seu principal objetivo é examinar os efeitos da insegurança alimentar no desempenho académico dos estudantes e descobrir se a insegurança alimentar é ou não sensível ao...

    49,93 €

  • Invisible Forces
    Pei Pei Liu
    Explores the critical role that classroom educators play in supporting student motivation throughout the transition from high school to college. ...

    44,54 €

  • O Segredo Da Memória
    Marcelo Zalli
    O Livro traz uma proposta desenvolvida por um médico neurologista, professor e pesquisador de neurociência do aprendizado. A técnica desenvolvida denominada: Memory City possui comprovação científica e propõe uma forma de aprendizado diferente de todas as demais técnicas, trazendo uma metodologia simples, de fácil aplicabilidade, prazerosa. O livro traz referências sobre o cére...

    17,16 €

  • Greater Expectations
    Alex Crossman / Ian Warwick

    37,35 €

  • Greater Expectations
    Alex Crossman / Ian Warwick

    109,77 €

  • The Trainee Teacher’s Handbook
    Carol Thompson / Peter Wolstencroft

    38,85 €

  • The Trainee Teacher’s Handbook
    Carol Thompson / Peter Wolstencroft

    110,13 €

  • Teach
    Stephen Higgins
    Teach, by Stephen Higgins is an invaluable guide to new and newish teachers everywhere. Whilst it deals with life in an Australian secondary school, the insights and tips would be useful for all teachers. Teach gives an in depth guide into the vagaries of teaching teenagers. There is a detailed look at each year level with behavioural aspects peculiar to each and even a run dow...

    11,98 €

  • Влияние фактора питания на уровень когнитивных способностей
    Мириа Энкалада Камас
    Фактор питания влияет на когнитивный уровень студентов и молодых людей, которые находятся на стадии развития от рождения до примерно двенадцати-пятнадцати лет и гораздо больше, если они учатся. Это имеет большее значение, когда когнитивный уровень уже развивается. Когнитивный уровень является основой для развития компетенций и применения их в реальном контексте. В странах с луч...

    102,69 €

  • Influence du facteur nutritionnel sur le niveau cognitif
    Mirian Janneth Encalada Camaz
    Le facteur nutritionnel affecte le niveau cognitif des étudiants et des jeunes qui se trouvent dans la phase de développement de la naissance à environ douze à quinze ans et bien plus encore s’ils étudient. Cela est d’autant plus important que le niveau cognitif est déjà en développement. Le niveau cognitif est la base du développement des compétences et de l’application dans l...

    102,69 €

  • Influence of the Nutritional Factor on the Cognitive Level
    Mirian Janneth Encalada Camaz
    The nutritional factor affects the cognitive level of students and young people who are in the developmental stage in ages from birth to approximately twelve to fifteen years and much more if they are studying. This time of greater importance when the cognitive level of the same is already in development. The cognitive level is the basis for the development of competencies and ...

    102,70 €

  • Einfluss des Ernährungsfaktors auf das kognitive Niveau
    Mirian Janneth Encalada Camaz
    Der Faktor Ernährung wirkt sich auf das kognitive Niveau von Schülern und Jugendlichen aus, die sich in der Entwicklungsphase von der Geburt bis zum Alter von etwa zwölf bis fünfzehn Jahren befinden, und noch viel mehr, wenn sie studieren. Dies ist von größerer Bedeutung, wenn die kognitive Ebene bereits in der Entwicklung ist. Die kognitive Ebene ist die Grundlage für die Entw...

    102,68 €

  • Influenza del fattore nutrizionale sul livello cognitivo
    Mirian Janneth Encalada Camaz
    Il fattore nutrizionale influisce sul livello cognitivo degli studenti e dei giovani che si trovano nella fase di sviluppo dalla nascita fino a circa dodici-quindici anni e molto di più se stanno studiando. L’importanza è maggiore quando il livello cognitivo è già in fase di sviluppo. Il livello cognitivo è la base per lo sviluppo delle competenze e per l’applicazione nel conte...

    102,72 €

  • Invisible Forces
    Pei Pei Liu
    Explores the critical role that classroom educators play in supporting student motivation throughout the transition from high school to college. ...

    126,86 €

  • What Teachers Need to Know About Memory
    Jonathan Firth / Nasima Riazat

    105,08 €

  • What Teachers Need to Know About Memory
    Jonathan Firth / Nasima Riazat

    34,96 €

  • Lesson Design for a Digital Age
    Grace Pokela
    In Lesson Design for a Digital Age, seasoned educator and tech enthusiast Grace Pokela delivers a groundbreaking guide tailored specifically for teachers seeking to transform their traditional lessons into dynamic, interactive digital experiences. This comprehensive book combines pedagogical expertise with cutting-edge technology, providing a roadmap for educators to cultivate ...

    17,64 €

  • 13+ Comprehension
    Accolade Press / R. P. Davis
    Looking for a definitive guide for the Merchant Taylors’ School 13+ entrance exams? Accolade Press has crafted a resource specifically tailored to help your child ace the Merchant Taylors’ School Assessment.This volume includes four comprehension papers mirroring Merchant Taylors’ School’s unique exam style. With our book, your child will gain a comprehensive understanding of t...

    25,70 €

  • Rocket Vocabulary
    Carol Campodonica
    This book was created for high school students who are preparing for all the possible tests they face in their junior and senior years. These vocabulary words can even be useful for first year college students preparing for specific general education classes they will encounter. Anyone who is hoping to expand their vocabulary could benefit from this wide collection of knowledge...

    29,21 €

  • BTEC Tech Award Sport
    Eboru Publishing
    Support practical learners with this colourful, clear and concise student bookBursting with photographs, this student texbook covers the latest BTEC Tech Award in Sport (first teaching in 2022). It has been written and designed for real learners:easy to read - with simple language and small chunks of textsuits visual learners - the spread-based design is packed full of colourfu...

    49,51 €

  • Formation of Educational System in Uzbekistan
    Sirojiddinova Ugiloy
    This book 'Formation of Educational System in Uzbekistan' is a collection of research articles by Sirojiddinova Ugiloy, a scholar from Uzbekistan. It contains few essays comprising the topics of poetry, lyrics, short story, novel, nature, New Uzbekistan, education system,quality of education,national anthem, boxing, Turkestan etc. ...

    14,85 €