Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales (1894)

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  • Gifted and Talented COGAT Test Prep Grade 2
    Gateway Gifted Resources
    Help maximize your child’s chances of acing the COGAT®! When it comes to gifted test prep, don’t risk your son or daughter being unprepared and underperforming on test day.Your child must be familiar with test material AND be able to focus on test material for longer than the typical 4-5 minute attention span of most young kids. This book offers a chance to do both.- Ensure you...

    26,44 €

  • Disabled Students in Education
    Andrea Gorra / David Moore / Mike Adams
    There can be little doubt that the rapid technological developments that have characterized the decades since the middle of the 19th century have given great scope for improving the quality of life of disabled people. Disabled Students in Education: Technology, Transition, and Inclusivity reports on 15 research projects aimed at improving the educational prospects of disabled p...

    229,87 €

  • Communication Technology for Students in Special Education and Gifted Programs
    Communication technology provides new opportunities for individuals with special needs, facilitating assistive communication, increasing mobility, offering a different model of engagement, and allowing new forms of exploration. However, many people learn about these new technologies haphazardly through teachers, social workers, therapists, and networks of people who have simila...

    256,19 €

  • Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities
    One of the most meaningful application domains of technology enhanced learning (TEL) is related to the adoption of learning technologies and designs for people with disabilities. Significant research has been conducted on technology enhanced learning for people with disabilities and assistive learning technologies. Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Appr...

    236,00 €

  • Curso Prático Teórico Violão & Guitarra [não Destro/canhoto]1º Volume
    Flávio Augusto Rocha
    Atende tanto a iniciantes, quanto a quemjá possui algum conhecimento musical e deseja aperfeiçoá-lo. O objetivo é que ao final do curso, seja capaz de reconhecer os conceitos básicos de música, as suas simbologias mais utilizadas , a estrutura musical do instrumento, técnicas que poderão facilitar a execução, conhecimentos acerca dos Campos Harmônicos em Acordes Fundamentais e ...

    11,96 €

  • Educação Inclusiva E A Neuropsicopedagogia
    Janete Rodrigues Da Silva Gomes
    Neste livro, apresentaremos a evolução da educação inclusiva, um tema que, em tempos recentes, emergiu com vigor como resposta a uma sociedade que se torna cada vez mais consciente da diversidade e das necessidades coletivas. Ao iniciarmos no Capítulo 1, exploraremos as raízes desse movimento inspirador, analisando suas origens e as influências que moldaram o caminho para um am...

    15,08 €

  • A Escola E O Atendimento Do Estudante Com Tea
    Flo Costa
    Esta obra é o segundo volume da série A escola e o atendimento do estudante com TEA e tem como eixo temático Comportamento de Estudante o que a escola espera dele. Alunos com autismo, deficiência intelectual e outras condições são uma realidade, mas ainda nos deparamos com pessoas despreparadas para recebê-los. O olhar da autora é para todos, incluindo os familiares muitas ve...

    9,88 €

  • A Escola E O Atendimento Do Estudante Com Tea
    Costa / Flo Cintia Oliveira Peixoto
    Este livro é o terceiro volume de uma série idealizado por Flo Costa. Trata-se de uma parceria com Cintia Peixoto, e traz um assunto emergente e urgente da sociedade, que é a avaliação e o Plano de Ensino Individualizado (PEI) da pessoa com deficiência. As autoras intencionam orientar a escola com relação aos passos necessários para este documento (o PEI), hoje previsto no Pare...

    10,35 €

  • A Magia Da Relação
    Gab Saab
    A Magia da Relação é uma obra para Pais & Filhos com o objetivo de desenvolver condutas acolhedoras e acertivas para lidar com conflitos, promovendo relações harmoniosas e humanizadas.Sobre a AutoraGab Saab é neuropsicanalista, especialista em psicologia jurídica e Coach do Desenvolvimento. É autora de livros publicados no Brasil, EUA e Europa, classificado entre os 10 melhores...

    11,39 €

  • Don’t Snooze Your Dreams
    Michelle Weger
    What if your greatest challenges could become your greatest strengths? Well, guess what? They can!You have big dreams...Yet obstacles, fears, and even your own body might be holding you back. It’s overwhelming, and it’s far less scary to hit the snooze button, roll back over, and carry on living life as you know it...But your fear is what’s really holding you back... and you ca...

    13,28 €

  • Don’t Snooze Your Dreams
    Michelle Weger
    What if your greatest challenges could become your greatest strengths? Well, guess what? They can!You have big dreams...Yet obstacles, fears, and even your own body might be holding you back. It’s overwhelming, and it’s far less scary to hit the snooze button, roll back over, and carry on living life as you know it...But your fear is what’s really holding you back... and you ca...

    19,53 €

  • Seeing Ability
    Jim Littlefield-Dalmares
    Step into the inspiring world of Seeing Ability, a beacon of hope for parents who find themselves unexpectedly on the challenging journey of raising a child with disabilities. Authored by Jim Littlefield-Dalmares, this groundbreaking book transforms personal struggles into a guide of practical wisdom and courage. The premature birth of his daughter Sophia thrusts Jim into a rea...

    13,82 €

  • Am I Weird?
    Seth Ian
    This book was inspired by a direct conversation between the author and his son. Someone had told his son that he was weird. At bedtime as the son was being tucked in he asked, 'Am I weird?!' Born from this came a loving and eye opening conversation between parent and child that has been ongoing for years now. Yes, being neurodivergent makes you different and at times people wil...

    17,31 €

  • Lau v. Nichols and Chinese American Language Rights
    Trish Morita-Mullaney
    This book employs a narrative policy portraiture approach to recenter the stories of those involved in the Lau v. Nichols court case. It brings Chinese and Chinese American voices to the forefront, filling a significant gap in narration, representation and retrospective research within language policy and ethnic studies research. ...

    56,46 €

  • Lau v. Nichols and Chinese American Language Rights
    Trish Morita-Mullaney
    This book employs a narrative policy portraiture approach to recenter the stories of those involved in the Lau v. Nichols court case. It brings Chinese and Chinese American voices to the forefront, filling a significant gap in narration, representation and retrospective research within language policy and ethnic studies research. ...

    170,38 €

  • A psycho-pedagogical look at social expressions at school
    Luciana Ferreira / Rodrigo Costa
    Education, the expressions of the social question and social work are rooted in society and in schools. Children and adolescents have rights guaranteed by specific laws, such as the LDB, ECA and the 1988 Federal Constitution. However, these rights are not always guaranteed, because the expressions of the social question affect the educational field in the current context, such ...

    54,90 €

  • Familiäre Erfahrungen bei der sozialen Eingliederung von Heranwachsenden
    João Henrique / Larissa Nunes / Maria Nadia
    Die Studie befasst sich mit Jugendlichen mit geistiger Behinderung und ihrer sozialen Eingliederung sowie mit der Frage, wie diese soziale Eingliederung von den Familienmitgliedern erlebt wird. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Faktoren für die soziale Eingliederung von Jugendlichen mit geistiger Behinderung zu erforschen. Es handelt sich um eine deskriptive Studie mit einem quali...

    55,10 €

  • Expériences familiales dans l’inclusion sociale des adolescents
    João Henrique / Larissa Nunes / Maria Nadia
    L’étude porte sur les adolescents présentant une déficience intellectuelle et leur inclusion sociale, et sur la manière dont cette inclusion sociale est vécue par les membres de la famille. L’objectif de cette étude est de connaître les facteurs liés à l’inclusion sociale des adolescents présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive avec une approc...

    55,10 €

  • Опыт семьи в социальной интеграции подростков
    Жуан Энрике / Лариса Нунес / Мария Надя
    Исследование посвящено подросткам с нарушениями интеллекта и их социальной интеграции, а также тому, как эта социальная интеграция переживается членами семьи. Целью данного исследования было выяснить факторы, связанные с социальной интеграцией подростков с нарушениями интеллекта. Это описательное исследование с качественным и исследовательским подходом, проведенное в апреле 201...

    55,10 €

  • Un regard psychopédagogique sur les expressions sociales à l’école
    Luciana Ferreira / Rodrigo Costa
    L’éducation, l’expression de la question sociale et le travail social sont ancrés dans la société et dans les écoles. Les enfants et les adolescents ont des droits garantis par des lois spécifiques, telles que la LDB, la LEC et la Constitution fédérale de 1988. Cependant, ces droits ne sont pas toujours garantis, car les expressions de la question sociale affectent le domaine d...

    54,90 €

  • Психолого-педагогический взгляд на социальные проявления в школе
    Лусиана Феррейра / Родриго Коста
    Образование, постановка социального вопроса и социальная работа укоренены в обществе и в школах. Дети и подростки имеют права, гарантированные специальными законами, такими как LDB, ECA и Федеральная конституция 1988 года. Однако эти права не всегда гарантированы, потому что проявления социального вопроса затрагивают образовательную сферу в современном контексте, например: отсе...

    54,97 €

  • Universal Design for Learning
    David Gordon
    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a practical, research-based framework that enables all educators to respond to individual learning differences through the design of inclusive goals, methods, materials, assessments, and environments.Universal Design for Learning; Principles, Framework, and Practice - an update of Anne Meyer and David Rose’s foundational text, Universal De...

    55,07 €

  • Stärkung der Widerstandsfähigkeit für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Frauen, die Aas fressen
    Maria Joseph Louis.J
    Ackerbau ist eine uralte Praxis der Menschheit. In Indien ist Ackerbau eine kastenbasierte Tätigkeit, die von Dalit-Frauen ausgeübt wird. Diese Gemeinschaften stehen in der Kastenhierarchie sowie in der Hierarchie der Dalit-Unterkaste stets am unteren Ende. Der Forscher hat das Problem des Scavenging in Tamil Nadu, Indien, analysiert und den Grund für sein Fortbestehen in versc...

    137,04 €

  • Inklusive Bildung auf dem Lande in Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas
    Luis Sergio Castro de Almeida
    Das Buch untersucht die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen, globalen Entwicklungsstörungen und Hochbegabung in ländlichen Schulen in den Gemeinden der Straßen, Wälder und Gewässer von Presidente Figueiredo in Amazonas, Brasilien. Das Buch richtet sich an Bildungsfachleute und bietet ihnen eine Möglichkeit, das Komplexe, das Transdisziplinäre und die Möglichkeiten der Inkl...

    116,72 €

  • Inclusive Education in the Countryside in Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas
    Luis Sergio Castro de Almeida
    The book investigates the inclusion of people with disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities in rural schools in the communities of the roads, forests and waters of Presidente Figueiredo in Amazonas, Brazil. The book is aimed at education professionals and offers them a way of demarcating the complex, the transdisciplinary and the possibilities of including ...

    116,80 €

  • L’éducation intégratrice à la campagne à Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas
    Luis Sergio Castro de Almeida
    Ce livre étudie l’intégration des personnes handicapées, des personnes souffrant de troubles du développement global et des personnes à haut potentiel dans les écoles rurales des communautés des routes, des forêts et des eaux de Presidente Figueiredo, dans l’État d’Amazonas, au Brésil. L’ouvrage s’adresse aux professionnels de l’éducation et leur offre un moyen de délimiter le ...

    116,76 €

  • Educazione inclusiva in campagna a Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas
    Luis Sergio Castro de Almeida
    Il libro indaga l’inclusione di persone con disabilità, disturbi dello sviluppo globale e alte abilità nelle scuole rurali delle comunità delle strade, delle foreste e delle acque di Presidente Figueiredo in Amazonas, Brasile. Il libro si rivolge ai professionisti dell’educazione e offre loro un modo per delimitare la complessità, la transdisciplinarietà e le possibilità di inc...

    116,79 €

  • Eine Studie über die der Jugendkriminalität zugrunde liegenden Dynamiken
    Nikhat Perveen
    Ein Kind wird unschuldig geboren und entwickelt sich positiv, wenn es mit zärtlicher Pflege und Aufmerksamkeit gefördert wird. Die körperliche, geistige, moralische und spirituelle Entwicklung der Kinder befähigt sie, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Im Gegensatz dazu können eine schädliche Umgebung, die Vernachlässigung grundlegender Bedürfnisse, falsche Gesellschaft und and...

    49,81 €

  • Une étude sur les dynamiques sous-jacentes à la délinquance juvénile
    Nikhat Perveen
    Un enfant naît innocent et s’il est élevé avec soin et attention, il grandit de manière positive. Le développement physique, mental, moral et spirituel des enfants leur permet de réaliser pleinement leur potentiel. Au contraire, un environnement néfaste, la négligence des besoins fondamentaux, les mauvaises fréquentations et d’autres abus peuvent faire d’un enfant un délinquant...

    49,74 €

  • Uno studio sulle dinamiche alla base della delinquenza giovanile
    Nikhat Perveen
    Un bambino nasce innocente e, se viene nutrito con cure e attenzioni, cresce in modo positivo. Lo sviluppo fisico, mentale, morale e spirituale dei bambini li rende capaci di realizzare il loro massimo potenziale. Al contrario, un ambiente nocivo, la negligenza dei bisogni primari, le compagnie sbagliate e altri abusi possono trasformare un bambino in un delinquente o in un cri...

    49,74 €