Catálogo de libros: ghani

55 Catálogo de libros: ghani

  • Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften in einem vernachlässigten Land
    Gary M. Crow / Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani
    Dieses Buch, 'Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften in einem Industrieland: Practitioners’ Perceptions' (Wahrnehmungen von Praktikern) gibt einen Überblick über die Theorie und die praktische Integration von AGs in einem entwickelten Land, den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Acht Schulleiter aus drei Schultypen waren an dieser Studie beteiligt. Sie stammten aus Schulen mit hohem, ...

    118,91 €

  • Communautés d’apprentissage professionnelles dans un pays en voie de disparition
    Gary M. Crow / Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani
    Ce livre, intitulé 'Professional Learning Communities in A Developed Country : Practitioners’ Perceptions', est un aperçu de la théorie et de l’intégration pratique des communautés d’apprentissage professionnelles dans un pays développé, les États-Unis d’Amérique. Huit chefs d’établissement de trois types d’écoles ont participé à cette étude. Ils venaient d’écoles très performa...

    118,91 €

  • Comunità di apprendimento professionale in un paese deluso
    Gary M. Crow / Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani
    Questo libro, 'Comunità di apprendimento professionale in un paese sviluppato: Practitioners’ Perceptions', è una panoramica della teoria e dell’integrazione pratica delle comunità di apprendimento professionale in un paese sviluppato, gli Stati Uniti d’America. In questo studio sono stati coinvolti otto dirigenti scolastici di tre tipi di scuole. Provenivano da scuole ad alto,...

    118,97 €

  • Comunidades de Aprendizagem Profissional num País Apagado
    Gary M. Crow / Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani
    Este livro, 'Professional Learning Communities in A Developed Country: Practitioners’ Perceptions', é uma visão geral da teoria e da integração prática das PLCs num país desenvolvido, os Estados Unidos da América. Participaram neste estudo oito directores escolares de três tipos de escolas. Eram de escolas de alto, médio e baixo desempenho. O primeiro capítulo aborda as questõe...

    118,96 €

  • Auswirkungen von Tualang-Honig auf das Rattenmodell der nicht-alkoholischen Steatohepatitis
    Azril Shahreez Abdul Ghani / Naznin Muhammad / Roslina Abdul Rahim
    Nichtalkoholische Steatohepatitis (NASH) ist eine häufige chronische Lebererkrankung, die zu Zirrhose und Leberzellkarzinom fortschreiten kann. Derzeit gibt es nur eine begrenzte Therapie. Tualang-Honig, der für seine entzündungshemmende und antioxidative Wirkung bekannt ist, könnte die NASH verbessern, da Entzündungsprozesse und oxidative Schäden in die Pathogenese einbezogen ...

    51,83 €

  • Effets du miel de Tualang sur le modèle de rat atteint de stéatohépatite non alcoolique
    Azril Shahreez Abdul Ghani / Naznin Muhammad / Roslina Abdul Rahim
    La stéatohépatite non alcoolique (NASH) est une maladie chronique courante du foie qui peut évoluer vers la cirrhose et le carcinome hépatocellulaire. À l’heure actuelle, les traitements disponibles sont limités. Le miel de Tualang, connu pour ses effets anti-inflammatoires et anti-oxydants, pourrait améliorer la NASH car le processus inflammatoire et les dommages oxydatifs ont...

    51,83 €

  • Effetti del miele di Tualang sul modello di ratto di steatoepatite non alcolica
    Azril Shahreez Abdul Ghani / Naznin Muhammad / Roslina Abdul Rahim
    La steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH) è una comune malattia cronica del fegato che può progredire fino alla cirrosi e al carcinoma epatocellulare. Attualmente le terapie disponibili sono limitate. Il miele di Tualang, noto per i suoi effetti antinfiammatori e antiossidativi, potrebbe migliorare la NASH, poiché il processo infiammatorio e il danno ossidativo sono stati implicati ...

    51,84 €

  • Efeitos do mel de Tualang no modelo de esteato-hepatite não alcoólica do rato
    Azril Shahreez Abdul Ghani / Naznin Muhammad / Roslina Abdul Rahim
    A esteato-hepatite não alcoólica (NASH) é uma doença hepática crónica comum que pode progredir para cirrose e carcinoma hepatocelular. Atualmente, a terapia disponível é limitada. O mel de Tualang, que é conhecido pelos seus efeitos anti-inflamatórios e anti-oxidativos, pode melhorar a NASH, uma vez que o processo inflamatório e os danos oxidativos têm sido implicados na patogé...

    51,84 €

  • Il ruolo della leadership trasformazionale nel raggiungimento dell’ambiguità manageriale
    Tuba Ghani
    I manager e i membri del team senior svolgono un ruolo fondamentale per il successo di un’organizzazione. L’ambiguità dei manager ha un impatto sui risultati e sulle procedure a livello di unità. Questo studio ha analizzato il ruolo degli attributi del team senior, dell’ambidestria dei manager di medio livello e del comportamento della leadership trasformazionale come moderator...

    79,31 €

  • O papel da Liderança Transformacional na obtenção de ambidestria de gestão
    Tuba Ghani
    Os gestores e os membros da equipa de topo desempenham um papel vital no sucesso de uma organização. A ambidestria do gestor tem impacto nos resultados e procedimentos ao nível da unidade. Este estudo investigou o papel dos atributos da equipa sénior, a ambidestria do gestor de nível intermédio e o comportamento da liderança transformacional como moderadores na resolução de int...

    79,31 €

  • Le rôle du leadership transformationnel dans la réalisation de l’ambidextérité managériale
    Tuba Ghani
    Les cadres et les membres de l’équipe dirigeante jouent un rôle essentiel dans la réussite d’une organisation. L’ambidextérité du manager a un impact sur les résultats et les procédures au niveau de l’unité. Cette étude a examiné le rôle des attributs de l’équipe dirigeante, de l’ambidextérité des cadres moyens et du comportement du leadership transformationnel en tant que modé...

    79,31 €

  • Die Rolle der transformationalen Führung bei der Verwirklichung der Ambidexterität von Managern
    Tuba Ghani
    Manager und leitende Teammitglieder spielen eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg einer Organisation. Die Ambidextrie von Managern wirkt sich auf die Ergebnisse und Verfahren auf Einheitsebene aus. Diese Studie untersuchte die Rolle der Attribute des Senior-Teams, der Ambidexterität des Managers der mittleren Ebene und des Verhaltens der transformationalen Führung als Moderat...

    79,27 €

  • Complications biologiques et techniques des prothèses fixes métallo-céramiques
    Fazal Ghani / Rizwan Memon
    Les complications sont fréquentes et importantes dans les prothèses fixes céramo-métalliques malgré leur succès à long terme. Compte tenu de la rareté de ces données au niveau local, l’objectif était de rapporter les données relatives aux complications de ces prothèses. Les couronnes et les bridges de l’arcade maxillaire et des faces postérieures des deux arcades présentaient d...

    70,14 €

  • Biologische und technische Komplikationen bei festsitzenden Metall-Keramik-Prothesen
    Fazal Ghani / Rizwan Memon
    Komplikationen sind bei festsitzenden Metall-Keramik-Prothesen häufig und beträchtlich, obwohl über deren Langzeiterfolg berichtet wird. Angesichts des Mangels an solchen Daten auf lokaler Ebene war es das Ziel, Daten zu Komplikationen bei diesen Prothesen zu ermitteln. Bei Kronen und Brücken im Oberkiefer und im Seitenzahnbereich beider Bögen traten mehr Komplikationen auf. Ko...

    70,13 €

  • Complicanze biologiche e tecniche nelle protesi fisse metallo-ceramica
    Fazal Ghani / Rizwan Memon
    Le complicanze sono comuni e sostanziali nelle protesi fisse in metallo-ceramica, nonostante il loro successo a lungo termine. Tenendo conto della scarsità di tali dati a livello locale, si è voluto riportare i dati relativi alle complicanze di queste protesi. Le corone e i ponti nell’arcata mascellare e nei lati posteriori di entrambe le arcate hanno presentato un maggior nume...

    70,17 €

  • Complicações biológicas e técnicas em próteses fixas metalo-cerâmicas
    Fazal Ghani / Rizwan Memon
    As complicações são comuns e substanciais nas próteses fixas metalo-cerâmicas, apesar do seu sucesso a longo prazo. Tendo em conta a escassez de tais dados a nível local, o objetivo foi apresentar dados relacionados com complicações nestas próteses. As coroas e pontes na arcada maxilar e nos lados posteriores de ambas as arcadas tiveram mais complicações. As complicações nas co...

    70,17 €

  • The Three Husketeers - We Are All Winners
    ����The Three Husketeers - We Are All WinnersDive into the enchanting universe of 'The Three Husketeers,' a realm where vibrant hues come alive, whimsical pets play, and essential life lessons are seamlessly woven into captivating narratives. Drawing inspiration from the deep bonds shared with the author’s real-life pets-three huskies and a cat-this book is a unique blend of ge...

    4,69 €

  • Wirkung der Rückenmassage auf Wehenschmerzen
    Abdelhamid Attia / Rania Mahmoud Abdel Ghani / Yousria A. EL Said
    Unkontrollierbare Schmerzen während der Geburt sind potenziell ein traumatisches Ereignis. Solche Schmerzen können sowohl für die Mutter als auch für den Fötus schädliche physische und psychische Auswirkungen haben. Das Leben der gebärenden Frauen und ihrer Neugeborenen kann durch den Einsatz geeigneter pharmakologischer und nicht-pharmakologischer Schmerzlinderungsmaßnahmen si...

    69,85 €

  • Effetto del massaggio alla schiena sul dolore da travaglio
    Abdelhamid Attia / Rania Mahmoud Abdel Ghani / Yousria A. EL Said
    Il dolore incontrollabile durante il parto è potenzialmente un evento traumatico. Tale dolore può avere effetti fisici e psicologici dannosi sia per la madre che per il feto. La vita delle partorienti e dei loro neonati può essere resa più sicura utilizzando misure farmacologiche e non farmacologiche adeguate per alleviare il dolore. Si ritiene che il massaggio sia un metodo se...

    69,78 €

  • Efeito da massagem nas costas na dor de parto
    Abdelhamid Attia / Rania Mahmoud Abdel Ghani / Yousria A. EL Said
    A dor incontrolável durante o parto é potencialmente um acontecimento traumático. Essa dor pode ter efeitos físicos e psicológicos prejudiciais tanto para a mãe como para o feto. A vida das parturientes e dos seus recém-nascidos pode ser tornada mais segura através da utilização de medidas farmacológicas e não farmacológicas adequadas para o alívio da dor. Acredita-se que a mas...

    69,78 €

  • Al-Mu’awwal fi sharh al-mufassal
    Mamd ibn Umar 1075-1144 Zamakhshar / Muhammad ’Abd al-Ghani
    This Arabic work is a commentary on the Quran, written by two scholars from the Islamic Golden Age. Mamd Ibn Umar Zamakhshar and Muhammad ’Abd Alghani offer insights and interpretations on the holy text, shedding light on its meaning and significance for Muslims around the world. An indispensable resource for students and scholars of Islamic studies.This work has been selected ...

    28,05 €

  • Al-Mu’awwal fi sharh al-mufassal
    Mamd ibn Umar 1075-1144 Zamakhshar / Muhammad ’Abd al-Ghani
    This Arabic work is a commentary on the Quran, written by two scholars from the Islamic Golden Age. Mamd Ibn Umar Zamakhshar and Muhammad ’Abd Alghani offer insights and interpretations on the holy text, shedding light on its meaning and significance for Muslims around the world. An indispensable resource for students and scholars of Islamic studies.This work has been selected ...

    41,68 €

  • Reports on the Dajjal (Akhbar al-Dajjal)
    Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi / Talut Dawood
    Hafiz ’Abd al-Ghani ibn ’Abd al-Wahid al-Maqdisi’s Reports on the Dajjal (Akhbar al-Dajjal) is a collection of Prophetic narrations that mention the Dajjal, known in English as the Antichrist.The subject of the Dajjal, the Antichrist, is one which generates much speculation, which in turn often leads to confusion. It is hoped that publication of this collection will help to cla...

    23,24 €

  • Del Noble Coran - Traducción comentada del Noble Coran en Lengua Española
    Sr. Abdel-Ghani Melara Navio
    Traduccion-Comentario Del Noble Coran Traducido a partir de comentarios tradicionales como al-Yalalayn, Ibn Kathir, at-Tabaria, con especial atencion a los comentarios andalusies de al-Qurtubi e Ibn Yuzay al-Kilbi, al-Garnati, pro Abdel Ghani Melara Navio ...

    37,04 €

  • A Manual Of Pushtu
    G. Roos-Keppel / Qazi Abdul Ghani Khan
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    37,42 €

  • A History Of Persian Language And Literature At The Mughal Court Part I
    Muhammad Abdul Ghani.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    20,95 €

  • A History Of Persian Language And Literature At The Mughal Court Part I
    Muhammad Abdul Ghani.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    34,58 €

  • A Manual Of Pushtu
    G. Roos-Keppel / Qazi Abdul Ghani Khan
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    26,09 €

  • How to Unleash your Potential and Achieve Success - The Key Soft Skills
    Abdul Ghani
    The obvious target of life for everyone is to be successful, though the definition of success may be different to different people.Everyone has got one or another natural talent and potential to succeed, but the majority of us cannot explore and utilize it fully. As per research most of us use only 10 to 15 % of our potential, whereas the rest of it remains untapped and unutili...

    11,25 €

  • Start a Riot!
    Casarae Lavada Abdul-Ghani
    While the legacy of Black urban rebellions during the turbulent 1960s continues to permeate throughout US histories and discourses, scholars seldom explore within scholarship examining Black Cultural Production, artist-writers of the Black Arts Movement (BAM) that addressed civil unrest, specifically riots, in their artistic writings. Start a Riot! Civil Unrest in Black Arts M...

    43,11 €

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