Catálogo de libros: dante

1045 Catálogo de libros: dante

  • Paradiso
    Dante Alighieri
    Paradiso is a first person narration of Dante’s travels through Hell, but at a deeper level it represents allegorically the soul’s journey towards God. At this deeper level, Dante draws on medieval Christian theology and philosophy. A powerful work of art that has stood the test of time. This is the brilliant Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translation that placed Dante in his prope...

    28,04 €

  • Love Is a Stone Endlessly in Flight
    Dante Di Stefano
    Love is a Stone Endlessly in Flight is a collection of contemporary poetry by award-winning poet Dante Di Stefano, whose work has appeared in Brilliant Corners, Iron Horse Literary Review, The Los Angeles Review, New Orleans Review, Obsidian, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, The Writer’s Chronicle, and elsewhere. ...

    8,13 €

  • Selections From the Vita Nuova
    Dante Alighieri / Thomas Okey
    DANTE ALIGHIERI: THE VITA NUOVA Translated by Thomas OkeyEdited and introduced by Joanna Finn-Kelcey Dante Alighieri’s Vita Nuova is his ’Book of Memory’, the poetic account of his love for Beatrice Portinari. It is one of the great poetry books of love in world literature. The Vita Nuova or New Life draws on (and is part of) the dolce stil novo, the ’sweet style’ of Italia...

    13,37 €

  • Misplaced Organs & Various Saints
    Dante Émile
    'Dante Émile has no dull edges. Turn Misplaced Organs & Various Saints on any side, you will find something to whet your blade with. This is a collection of asking: an asking of God, an asking of The Self, an asking of The Lover, all of which I recognize as prayer. It begs & demands. It is fantastic & fast. These poems hit hard, rattle the molars in the sockets. These poems pry...

    12,30 €

  • Erosetti Book IV Catharsis
    Dante Remy
    Book IV 'Catharsis' of the Erosetti series is a richly woven narrative that delves into a woman’s journey towards sexual liberation and self-discovery, profoundly anchored in the symbolism of two silk ties, one black and one red. These ties are not merely accessories but emblematic of her transformation and empowerment. The black tie, used to bind her partner’s wrists, represen...

    17,11 €

  • The Banquet (Esprios Classics)
    Dante Alighieri
    Convivio (The Banquet) is a work written by Dante Alighieri roughly between 1304 and 1307. This unfinished work of Dante consists of four trattati, or 'books': a prefatory one, plus three books that each include a canzone (long lyrical poem) and a prose allegorical interpretation or commentary of the poem that goes off in multiple thematic directions. The Convivio is a major st...

    24,46 €

  • First-Time Dad Mastery
    Dante A Cacal
    You might think you’re ready to be a dad, but here’s what you’re missing - essential insights for the modern dad’s toolbox. Read on to find out how you can be the father every child wishes they had...Remember the rush you felt when you first found out you were about to be a dad? Your heart raced with a mix of joy, anticipation, and a tinge of nervousness.  Zoom into the present...

    32,64 €

  • Looking Backward from the Tricentennial
    Dante J. Unitas
    Will the United States last for three hundred years? Julian West has his doubts, but after waking up in 2076, he finds the nation has been reborn like a phoenix. Idabee Leete, daughter of the doctor who revived Julian, serves as his guide within the American Union, the organization that used the lessons of Martin Luther King Jr. and game theory to take control of Washington. Ju...

    19,04 €

  • ITIL und BPM integriert in den Software-Release-Prozess
    Dacyr Dante de Oliveira Gatto / Renato José Sassi
    Ziel dieses Forschungspapiers ist es, eine Fallstudie eines Softwareentwicklungsunternehmens vorzustellen, in der der für den Kunden durchgeführte Prozess des Softwareversions-Release-Managements sowie die Probleme, die bei der Durchführung während des Beobachtungszeitraums auftraten, analysiert wurden. Darüber hinaus werden die theoretischen Konzepte der in der ITIL-Bibliothek...

    32,70 €

  • ITIL and BPM Integrated in the Software Release Process
    Dacyr Dante de Oliveira Gatto / Renato José Sassi
    The aim of this research paper is to present a case study of a software development company, which analysed the Software Version Release Management process carried out for the client, as well as the problems that occurred in this execution during the period observed. In addition, the theoretical concepts of the processes contained in the ITIL library will be presented, with a f...

    32,70 €

  • ITIL et BPM intégrés dans le processus de mise à jour des logiciels
    Dacyr Dante de Oliveira Gatto / Renato José Sassi
    L’objectif de ce document de recherche est de présenter une étude de cas d’une société de développement de logiciels, qui a analysé le processus de gestion des versions de logiciels mis en œuvre pour le client, ainsi que les problèmes survenus dans cette exécution au cours de la période observée. En outre, les concepts théoriques des processus contenus dans la bibliothèque ITIL...

    32,70 €

  • ITIL e BPM integrati nel processo di rilascio del software
    Dacyr Dante de Oliveira Gatto / Renato José Sassi
    L’obiettivo di questo documento di ricerca è presentare un caso di studio di un’azienda di sviluppo software, che ha analizzato il processo di Software Version Release Management realizzato per il cliente, nonché i problemi che si sono verificati in questa esecuzione durante il periodo osservato. Inoltre, verranno presentati i concetti teorici dei processi contenuti nella libre...

    32,70 €

  • Erosetti Book II
    Dante Remy
    Book II of the Erosetti pillow book series, I Don’t Know You, You Don’t Know Me, seamlessly weaves the allure of the unknown with the fulfillment of desire. Hand-picked, a mysterious stranger becomes the conduit for an exploration of fantasy, connection, and vulnerability. Driven by an irresistible longing for a stranger to breathe life into her deepest desires, the narrative s...

    18,55 €

  • Dante’s Inferno
    Dante Alighieri
    The Inferno of Dante The reader is taken on an emotional journey through the deepest recesses of hell in this epic and brutal poem. As significant and enduring as the day it was composed more than 600 years ago. One of the greatest and most enduring works of Western civilization is Dante’s Inferno. The eternal drama of a descent into Hell. The poetic masterpiece of Dante Alighi...

    18,24 €

  • Mobbing
    Pedro Dante Gordillo
    Il mobbing o molestie sul lavoro è un argomento di grande importanza per molte ragioni, tra cui il diritto legale che viene violato quando si verifica e anche perché è un argomento nuovo, discutibile e suscettibile di essere analizzato da diversi punti di vista. Attraverso il mobbing, la personalità viene colpita nel suo aspetto spirituale, ha ripercussioni sulle relazioni inte...

    54,90 €

  • Mobbing
    Pedro Dante Gordillo
    O mobbing ou assédio no trabalho é um tema de grande importância por muitas razões, entre elas o direito legal que é violado quando ocorre e também porque é um tema novo, discutível e suscetível de ser analisado de diferentes pontos de vista. Através do mobbing, a personalidade é afetada no seu aspeto espiritual, tem repercussões nas relações interprofissionais e nos direitos p...

    54,90 €

  • Mobbing
    Pedro Dante Gordillo
    Mobbing oder Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz ist aus vielen Gründen ein Thema von großer Bedeutung, unter anderem wegen des Rechts, das verletzt wird, wenn es auftritt, und auch, weil es ein neues, diskutierbares und anfälliges Thema ist, das unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten analysiert werden kann. Durch Mobbing wird die Persönlichkeit in ihrem geistigen Aspekt beeinträchtigt, e...

    54,90 €

  • Mobbing
    Pedro Dante Gordillo
    Mobbing or harassment at work is a subject of great importance for many reasons, among them the legal right that is violated when it occurs and also because it is a new, debatable and susceptible subject that can be analysed from different points of view. By means of mobbing, the personality is affected in its spiritual aspect, it has repercussions on inter-work relations and t...

    54,90 €

  • Mobbing
    Pedro Dante Gordillo
    Le mobbing ou harcèlement au travail est un sujet d’une grande importance pour de nombreuses raisons, parmi lesquelles le droit légal qui est violé lorsqu’il se produit et aussi parce qu’il s’agit d’un sujet nouveau, discutable et sensible qui peut être analysé de différents points de vue. Le mobbing affecte la personnalité dans son aspect spirituel et a des répercussions sur l...

    54,90 €

  • From Journey to Dream
    Dante Moore
    The story of Mr. 4000, Dante Moore, the young boy who fell in love with sports and grew up to be a shining star, reminds us all that with determination, teamwork, and the support of those who believe in us, we can achieve our dreams and make a difference in the world.In this book, Dante shares, how the journey is just as important as the dream, and inspires young readers to sta...

    31,86 €

  • Partizipative Budgetierung
    Dante Alejandro Camarena Carlos
    Ein grundlegender Aspekt des partizipatorischen Prozesses ist die Planung, die aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung für die nachhaltige Entwicklung ein Instrument des schrittweisen und kontinuierlichen Wandels hin zu einer besseren Lebensqualität für die Bewohner eines Gebiets darstellt, wobei darauf geachtet wird, die Entwicklungskapazitäten (natürliche Ressourcen, Humanressourcen, produk...

    53,85 €

  • Bilancio partecipativo
    Dante Alejandro Camarena Carlos
    Un aspetto fondamentale del processo partecipativo è la pianificazione, data la sua importanza nello sviluppo sostenibile, che costituisce uno strumento di cambiamento progressivo e continuo verso migliori livelli di qualità della vita degli abitanti di un territorio, avendo cura di migliorare le capacità di sviluppo (risorse naturali, risorse umane, risorse produttive e capita...

    53,79 €

  • Orçamento Participativo
    Dante Alejandro Camarena Carlos
    Um aspeto fundamental do processo participativo é o planeamento, dada a sua importância no desenvolvimento sustentável, constituindo um instrumento de mudança progressiva e contínua em direção a melhores níveis de qualidade de vida dos habitantes de um território, tendo o cuidado de melhorar as capacidades de desenvolvimento (recursos naturais, recursos humanos, recursos produt...

    53,79 €

  • The Ultimate Mortgage Guide
    Dante Royster
    FEELING LOST IN THE MORTGAGE MAZE?Many dream of owning a home but are baffled by the complexity of mortgages. Or perhaps you’re looking to reduce that hefty mortgage payment but don’t know where to start.You’re not alone. The world of mortgages, with its flood of financial jargon and seemingly endless options, can feel overwhelming. But it’s not just about numbers-it’s about cr...

    16,93 €

  • Listen to the Rain (hardback)
    Michael Dante
    LISTEN TO THE RAINAward Winning Actor - Award Winning Author - Celebrity Radio Talk Show Host MICHAEL DANTE Many years ago, I wrote a brief outline about a fictional character Michael Randall, who dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player. I wrote it with the intention of portraying him in a movie or a television show with the same passion I had for playing baseball, i...

    34,84 €

  • Dante’s Inferno
    Dante Alighieri
    Immerse yourself into the timeless masterpiece of Dante’s Inferno, a journey through the depths of Hell that has captivated readers for centuries. Join the intrepid poet Dante Alighieri as he embarks on a harrowing odyssey through the nine circles of the infernal realm, each one more treacherous and foreboding than the last. Along the way, he encounters a cast of unforgettable ...

    18,22 €

  • Dante’s Inferno
    Dante Alighieri
    Immerse yourself into the timeless masterpiece of Dante’s Inferno, a journey through the depths of Hell that has captivated readers for centuries. Join the intrepid poet Dante Alighieri as he embarks on a harrowing odyssey through the nine circles of the infernal realm, each one more treacherous and foreboding than the last. Along the way, he encounters a cast of unforgettable ...

    11,73 €

  • The Divine Comedy
    Dante Alighieri / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest works in world literature, establishing the standardized Italian language that is used today. Writing between 1308 and 1320, Dante drew from countless subjects, including Roman Catholic theology and philosophy, the struggle between the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire, Greek mythology, and geocentric cosmology to...

    35,70 €

  • The New Life (La Vita Nuova)
    Dante Alighieri
    La Vita Nuova (Italian for 'The New Life') or Vita Nova (Latin title) is a text by Dante Alighieri published in 1294. It is an expression of the medieval genre of courtly love in a prosimetrum style, a combination of both prose and verse. Referred to by Dante as his libello, or 'little book,' La Vita Nuova is the first of two collections of verse written by Dante in his life. T...

    12,18 €

  • Listen to the Rain
    Michael Dante
    LISTEN TO THE RAINAward Winning Actor - Award Winning Author - Celebrity Radio Talk Show Host MICHAEL DANTE Many years ago, I wrote a brief outline about a fictional character Michael Randall, who dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player. I wrote it with the intention of portraying him in a movie or a television show with the same passion I had for playing baseball, i...

    22,13 €