
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología (32801)

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  • Aspects de la demande de temps des conseillers en réadaptation
    Douglas Main
    Les mesures objectives de l’utilisation du temps sont très utiles pour améliorer la gestion de la charge de travail en réadaptation (Walls & Moriarty, 1977). En l’absence de mesures en temps réel, la demande de temps est généralement estimée à partir de conceptualisations subjectives de la taille idéale de la charge de travail. L’estimation subjective a cependant été critiquée ...

    64,05 €

  • Аспекты потребности во времени консультантов по реабилитации
    Дуглас Мейн
    Объективные показатели использования времени имеют большое значение для повышения эффективности управления рабочей нагрузкой в реабилитации (Walls & Moriarty, 1977). В отсутствие реальных показателей времени потребность во времени обычно оценивается на основе субъективных представлений об идеальном размере рабочей нагрузки. Субъективная оценка, однако, подвергается критике как ...

    64,12 €

  • Стили общения и терапия с коренными американцами реки Винд
    Стейси Монтень Окойн
    Можно найти мало исследований, изучающих различия в стилях общения между коренными американцами и англоамериканцами, и еще меньше - об эффективных и учитывающих культурные особенности терапевтических подходах и техниках. И все же роль врача-психотерапевта заключается в том, чтобы решать, является ли поведение клиента 'нормальным', 'здоровым' или 'подходящим'. Эти суждения могут...

    50,19 €

  • Styles de communication et thérapie avec les Amérindiens de Wind River
    Stacy Montaigne AuCoin
    On trouve peu de recherches sur les différences entre les styles de communication des Amérindiens et des Anglo-Américains, et encore moins sur les approches et techniques thérapeutiques efficaces et sensibles à la culture. Pourtant, le rôle d’un clinicien en santé mentale est de décider si le comportement d’un client est 'normal', 'sain' ou 'approprié'. Ces jugements peuvent êt...

    50,21 €

  • Neurohack 60
    Isaac Loyola
    Repleto de insights provocativos e uma abordagem sarcástica, NeuroHack 60 desafia você a embarcar em uma jornada de autodescoberta e transformação. Isaac Loyola não poupa palavras ao questionar suas crenças, valores e hábitos, incentivando a reprogramação da sua mente com técnicas inovadoras de neurociência, psicologia e nutrição.Quer você seja um novato no mundo do desenvolvim...

    45,34 €

  • A Mente Revelada
    Emilton Da Silva Amaral
    EmA Mente Revelada: Segredos e Surpresas do Comportamento Humano , Emilton da Silva Amaral nos convida a explorar as profundezas da mente humana e suas intricadas manifestações. Através de uma prosa envolvente e reflexiva, o autor desvenda as camadas que compõem nosso comportamento, levando o leitor a questionar e compreender os mecanismos que regem nossas ações e interações.Di...

    27,28 €

  • Hack Mental
    O Cérebro, alvo de um ataque, pode ser induzido à falhar. Alguém poderá acessá-lo, usando-o.A Psique possui uma estrutura computacional:1 - Hardware Cérebro.2 Software - Mente Subjetiva.3 - Aplicativos Mentais hábitos.4 - Sistemas Operacionais crenças.5 - Redes de Hardware filosofias.6 - Dispositivos Periféricos estímulos e influências.Cada exploit está relacionado à falh...

    12,90 €

  • Die Rolle des Kleinhirns und des Hirnstamms beim Aufbau der menschlichen Psyche
    Jose O’Daly
    Das Kleinhirn ist an kognitiven Funktionen beteiligt, indem es Wissen durch Denken, Erfahrung, die Sinne, durch Prozesse wie Aufmerksamkeit, Gedächtnis, Urteilsvermögen, Bewertung, Argumentation und Rechnen, Problemlösung und Entscheidungsfindung, Verständnis und Produktion von Sprache sowie bewegungsbezogene Funktionen am festesten etabliert. Purkinje-Zellen zeichnen sich durc...

    50,25 €

  • Роль мозжечка и ствола мозга в формировании психики человека
    Хосе О’Дейли
    Мозжечок участвует в когнитивных функциях, приобретая знания через мышление, опыт, органы чувств, такие процессы, как внимание, память, суждение, оценка, рассуждение и вычисления, решение проблем и принятие решений, понимание и производство языка, а также функции, связанные с движением, наиболее прочно установлены. Клетки Пуркинье отличаются дендритным деревом, принимают 200 00...

    50,32 €

  • Papel do cerebelo e do tronco cerebral na construção da psique humana
    Jose O’Daly
    O cerebelo está envolvido nas funções cognitivas, adquirindo conhecimentos através do pensamento, da experiência, dos sentidos, de processos como a atenção, a memória, o julgamento, a avaliação, o raciocínio e a computação, a resolução de problemas e a tomada de decisões, a compreensão e a produção de linguagem, bem como as funções relacionadas com o movimento mais solidamente ...

    50,25 €

  • Ruolo del cervelletto e del tronco encefalico nella costruzione della psiche umana
    Jose O’Daly
    Il cervelletto è coinvolto nelle funzioni cognitive, acquisendo conoscenze attraverso il pensiero, l’esperienza, i sensi, processi come l’attenzione, la memoria, il giudizio, la valutazione, il ragionamento e il calcolo, la risoluzione di problemi e il processo decisionale, la comprensione e la produzione del linguaggio, nonché le funzioni legate al movimento più solide. Le cel...

    50,25 €

  • Rôle du cervelet et du tronc cérébral dans la construction de la psyché humaine
    Jose O’Daly
    Le cervelet est impliqué dans les fonctions cognitives en acquérant des connaissances par la pensée, l’expérience, les sens, les processus comme l’attention, la mémoire, le jugement, l’évaluation, le raisonnement et le calcul, la résolution de problèmes et la prise de décision, la compréhension et la production du langage ainsi que les fonctions liées au mouvement les plus soli...

    50,25 €

  • Vítimas Da Paixão
    Euclyd’s January
    Johnny resgata a doutora Jackaline do seu longo sequestro e pretende retornar ao mundo marginal, de fuga da justiça. Ele acredita que ela estará segura com o xerife, seu padrasto...Porém, a família dela também está sob situação de sequestro, com o xerife assassinado; ele faz novo resgate e decide oferecer proteção em tempo integral à doutora, convivendo com sua família.Para se ...

    13,97 €

  • Leonardo da Vinci’s Mental Models
    Peter Hollins
    How a poor farmer boy from a small village became a name you still know hundreds of years after his deathLeonardo da Vinci was searching for a way out of poverty when he started designing, tinkering, thinking, and training himself. He still sets the example hundreds of years later for how to be a genius.How to be the thinker that can excel in any environment.Leonardo da Vinci’s...

    19,13 €

  • Small Talk that Doesn’t Suck
    Patrick King
    No one likes ’networking’, and the process of meeting new people can sometimes be like pulling teeth.How are you, how many siblings do you have, did you have a commute, how long have you lived here, where did you go to university...?! YIKES.Let’s change small talk into real talk that leads to rapport and deeper friendships.SMALL TALK THAT DOESN’T SUCK - the title tells you all ...

    25,72 €

  • Wait! I Need to Overthink! From Panicked and Trapped to Observant and Intentional
    Nick Trenton
    Hold on, let me overthink this for about three hours and I’ll get back to you...Sound all too familiar? It’s time to break out of this loop and live in the present, without nagging worries always in your brain.Make sure YOU are in control, not your wild and chaotic thoughts and emotions.Here’s the thing -we can control our thought. We can curb overthinking. It’s just a matter o...

    20,02 €

  • Mindful Listening
    Patrick King
    The key behind communication - it’s not about what you say. It’s how you shut up.Empathy and listening - they sound easy, but you know that most people you meet on a daily basis can’t do it. So what’s the deal?Mindful listening is the skill behind deep relationships.This book is about a skill that isn’t complex, but also not easy. It’s a book about relationships and what drives...

    26,61 €

  • Leonardo da Vinci’s Mental Models
    Peter Hollins
    How a poor farmer boy from a small village became a name you still know hundreds of years after his deathLeonardo da Vinci was searching for a way out of poverty when he started designing, tinkering, thinking, and training himself. He still sets the example hundreds of years later for how to be a genius.How to be the thinker that can excel in any environment.Leonardo da Vinci’s...

    25,73 €

  • Become a Studying and Learning Machine
    Peter Hollins
    The best students, the top performers, the quickest learners - it’s not by luck. They know what they’re doing, and you can be like them, too.We’ve never been taught how to learn. Yet learning is the keystone to any goal you want to achieve. Let’s start changing your life with this very book.A learning structure and framework that takes you from A-Z, in what to do and how to app...

    19,13 €

  • Become a Studying and Learning Machine
    Peter Hollins
    The best students, the top performers, the quickest learners - it’s not by luck. They know what they’re doing, and you can be like them, too.We’ve never been taught how to learn. Yet learning is the keystone to any goal you want to achieve. Let’s start changing your life with this very book.A learning structure and framework that takes you from A-Z, in what to do and how to app...

    24,80 €

  • Small Talk that Doesn’t Suck
    Patrick King
    No one likes ’networking’, and the process of meeting new people can sometimes be like pulling teeth.How are you, how many siblings do you have, did you have a commute, how long have you lived here, where did you go to university...?! YIKES.Let’s change small talk into real talk that leads to rapport and deeper friendships.SMALL TALK THAT DOESN’T SUCK - the title tells you all ...

    19,12 €

  • Wait! I Need to Overthink! From Panicked and Trapped to Observant and Intentional
    Nick Trenton
    Hold on, let me overthink this for about three hours and I’ll get back to you...Sound all too familiar? It’s time to break out of this loop and live in the present, without nagging worries always in your brain.Make sure YOU are in control, not your wild and chaotic thoughts and emotions.Here’s the thing -we can control our thought. We can curb overthinking. It’s just a matter o...

    26,62 €

  • Self-Discipline for Tedious, Boring, and Difficult Things
    Peter Hollins
    We don’t need self-discipline to eat ice cream. We need it for doing the tough things in our life!And unfortunately, the ability to persevere and do tough things will completely determine our lives. The more we can do, th more success we will have. So how can we cultivate this skill?Everything we want lies behind tough, tedious, hard, and difficult things. Let’s go.SELF-DISCIPL...

    19,13 €

  • Self-Discipline for Tedious, Boring, and Difficult Things
    Peter Hollins
    We don’t need self-discipline to eat ice cream. We need it for doing the tough things in our life!And unfortunately, the ability to persevere and do tough things will completely determine our lives. The more we can do, th more success we will have. So how can we cultivate this skill?Everything we want lies behind tough, tedious, hard, and difficult things. Let’s go.SELF-DISCIPL...

    25,74 €

  • Mindful Listening
    Patrick King
    The key behind communication - it’s not about what you say. It’s how you shut up.Empathy and listening - they sound easy, but you know that most people you meet on a daily basis can’t do it. So what’s the deal?Mindful listening is the skill behind deep relationships.This book is about a skill that isn’t complex, but also not easy. It’s a book about relationships and what drives...

    20,01 €

  • Addictions Become Eternal
    Megan Daniels
    In a nation grappling with the relentless grip of addiction, hope emerges from the shadows. Addictions Become Eternal is not just another book-it’s a beacon of light for those ensnared by substance abuse, their loved ones, and a society yearning for transformation.Dive into the heart of addiction as we dissect its intricate mechanisms. Drawing from cutting-edge research in psyc...

    12,04 €

  • Relações Que Conversam
    Dehdo Hubler
    Uma conversa sobre relacionamentos que amplia a nossa forma de ver o mundo, trazendo novas ferramentas e teorias capazes de realizar transformações na vida de ordem prática. Baseado em conceitos teóricos da psicanálise, da psicologia e da comunicação unidos às observações práticas como pesquisador e terapeuta, este livro constrói, através de uma conversa do autor com o leitor, ...

    12,48 €

  • La Generación de la Ansiedad
    Christian Peña
    ¿Te has preguntado por qué tantos jóvenes hoy en día viven con una sensación constante de ansiedad? ¿Te gustaría entender las raíces de este fenómeno que afecta a una generación entera? 'La Generación de la Ansiedad' es el libro que arroja luz sobre esta epidemia silenciosa. Christian Peña, con su estilo cautivador y profundo, te lleva en un viaje revelador a través de las caus...

    13,36 €

  • Traumas Religiosos
    Palhaço Cristão
    A VÍTIMA PERFEITAProvavelmente você já deve ter visto pessoas fazerem loucuras em nomede uma fé. Pessoas que abandonaram família, carreiras profissionais,venderam suas casas, seus carros, e doaram todo o dinheiro paradeterminadas instituições. Pessoas que se sabotaram e passaram todaa sua vida agindo de maneira passiva, diante de tantos abusos de ordempsicológica dentro de seit...

    19,01 €

  • A Astrologia Arquetípica No Atendimento Terapêutico
    Luiz Carlos De Carvalho Teixeira De Freitas
    Desnecessário frisar que o desenvolvimento pessoal obrigatoriamente passa por amadurecimento psicoemocional e que este amadurecimento costuma ser bastante ajudado por apoio profissional, seja em aconselhamento, seja em psicoterapia.Praticamente todo mundo sabe isso. O que nem todo mundo sabe é que a Astrologia pode oferecer à pessoa e a quem a acompanha um detalhado roteiro de ...

    12,89 €