El yo, el ego, la identidad y la personalidad

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / El yo, el ego, la identidad y la personalidad (1402)

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  • How to Analyze People on Sight
    Elsie Lincoln Benedict
    Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands-an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight.The most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. For life is largely a problem of runn...

    20,12 €

  • Tu tipo de personalidad - Presentador (ESFP)
    Jaroslaw Jankowski
    «Tu tipo de personalidad: Presentador (ESFP)» es un extraordinario compendio de conocimiento acerca del presentador, uno de los 16 tipos de personalidad ID16. Esta guía es parte de la serie ID16, formada por 16 libros dedicados a los diferentes tipos de personalidad. De forma exhaustiva y clara responden a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué piensan y sienten las personas que pert...

    9,31 €

  • Tu tipo de personalidad - Protector (ISFJ)
    Jaroslaw Jankowski
    «Tu tipo de personalidad: Protector (ISFJ)» es un extraordinario compendio de conocimiento acerca del protector, uno de los 16 tipos de personalidad ID16. Esta guía es parte de la serie ID16, formada por 16 libros dedicados a los diferentes tipos de personalidad. De forma exhaustiva y clara responden a las siguientes preguntas:  ¿Qué piensan y sienten las personas que pertene...

    9,94 €

  • Getting Even More Help from Your Dogs
    Gini Graham Scott
    The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.  It helps you to better understand yourself and others by knowing the dogs you like most and least.  This helps you assess one’s personality profile based on the personality characteristics of different dogs. In addition, you can call on different types of dogs to help you in different situa...

    6,99 €

  • Getting Help from Your Dogs
    Gini Gini Scott
    The Dog Type system can help you gain more success in both your work and personal life.  It helps you better understand yourself and others by knowing the dogs you like most and least and the dogs others are like.  This helps you assess one’s personality profile based on the personality characteristics of different dogs. In addition, you can call on different types of dogs to h...

    7,16 €

  • Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
     Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type syste...

    7,19 €

  • Workbook for Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
    Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type system...

    8,50 €

  • Workbook for Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
     Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type syste...

    6,06 €

  • Using the Dog Type System for Success in Business and the Workplace
    Gini Graham Scott
    Do you want to build your business? Get more customers or clients?  Have better relationships in the workplace?The Dog Type system can help you have more success in your business or the workplace, since it helps you adapt your approach to the style of whoever you are dealing or working with. There are four basic Dog Types in a system that builds on other personality type system...

    24,12 €

  • What's Your Dog Type?
    Collins Jana / Graham Scott Gini
            WHAT’S YOUR DOG TYPE? features a new system to understand yourself and others by knowing the type of dog you like most or least and assessing the type of dog others are most like.  The system can help you improve relationships in your personal life or at work, gain more success in business, or just have fun.  You can use the system to help you know how to better interac...

    27,54 €

  • What's Your Dog Type?
    Gini Graham Scott / Jana Collins
            WHAT’S YOUR DOG TYPE? features a new system to understand yourself and others by knowing the type of dog you like most or least and assessing the type of dog others are most like.  The system can help you improve relationships in your personal life or at work, gain more success in business, or just have fun.  You can use the system to help you know how to better interac...

    13,84 €

  • Using the Dog Type System in Your Everyday Life
    Gini Graham Scott
    The Dog Type system can help you have more success in both your work and personal life.  It helps you better understand yourself and others by knowing the dogs you like the most and least, and assessing what dogs others are most like.    In addition, you can call on different types of dogs to help you in a variety of situations, including overcoming stress, having more energy, ...

    6,74 €

  • You're Not Too Much
    Leela Sinha
    If people have ever told you you're too much, if you feel everything at super size, if you get really excited about things, if you dive in with both feet, no holds barred you're probably an intensive. And this book is for you. Written for intensives and the people around them, You're Not Too Much lays out a new personality model: the Sinha Intensive/Expansive Fram...

    19,88 €

  • Defining Identity and the Changing Scope of Culture in the Digital Age
    Since the popularization of Internet technologies in the mid-1990s, human identity and collective culture has been dramatically shaped by our continued use of digital communication platforms and engagement with the digital world. Despite a plethora of scholarship on digital technology, questions remain regarding how these technologies impact personal identity and perceptions of...

    242,82 €

  • Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing
    Anne Feryok
    This book explores how language teacher identity influences and is influenced by wellbeing. It develops our understanding of this interaction through a combination of Indigenous, psychological, critical and postmodern frameworks and the personal perspectives of teachers and researchers. ...

    56,24 €

  • Language Teacher Identity and Wellbeing
    Anne Feryok
    This book explores how language teacher identity influences and is influenced by wellbeing. It develops our understanding of this interaction through a combination of Indigenous, psychological, critical and postmodern frameworks and the personal perspectives of teachers and researchers. ...

    170,16 €

  • Autossabotagem
    Magna De Oliveira Melo
    Existem padrões que sabotam nossos objetivos e sonhos mais profundos. Nesse livro você é convidado a andar sem medo nesse labirinto sombrio para descobrir como encontrar a saída de uma vez por todas.Com uma visão clara e fundamentada em diversas vertentes, como a psicologia, a neurociência e em décadas de experiência prática, traz ferramentas poderosas para identificar, compree...

    23,87 €

  • Inteligência Emocional
    Magna De Oliveira Melo
    Descubra um novo caminho para o autoconhecimento e liberdade emocional comInteligência Emocional: Como Abrir a Gaiola da Mente e Libertar Suas Emoções Aprisionadas . Neste livro, Magna de Oliveira Melo combina prática clínica, pesquisa e experiência pessoal para oferecer uma abordagem acessível e cientificamente fundamentada.A metáfora dagaiola emocionalrepresenta a restrição c...

    30,11 €

  • Parejas
    Andrea N. De Gregorio / Jorge E. De Gregorio
    ¿Lo que nos une, también nos separa? ¿Puede el amor transformarse en odio? ¿Por qué deseo lo que no amo y amo lo que no deseo? ¿Por qué solo me atraen personas que están en pareja? ¿Por qué no me enamora la gente de mi edad? ¿Por qué me pasa siempre lo mismo? ¿Puede el enamoramiento transformarse en un acto de suicidio?El conflicto es parte de la condición humana; nos acompaña ...

    16,12 €

  • O Enigma Humano
    P. Chagas De Castro F.
    Quem somos?É essa pergunta que têm atormentado a humanidade ao longo dos séculos, formando a base dos mistérios da existência. Respondê-las é essencial para encontrarmos um propósito e compreendermos, pelo menos em parte, a nós mesmos, aos outros e ao mundo que nos cerca. Talvez, ao nos perdermos ou nos encontrarmos nessas indagações, possamos não chegar a lugar algum, duvidar ...

    7,23 €

  • Calm Inside Chaos
    Sarah Weichsel
    'Calm Inside Chaos: A Gen Z Guide for protecting your mental health in today’s overly-complicated world' provides insight into psychology and mental health considerations for today’s Gen Z readers. This practical guide covers a wide range of topical and timely issues affecting younger generations including: Stress; Brain Development; Recognizing Cognitive Bias; Understanding Di...

    16,29 €

  • Traumas Religiosos
    Palhaço Cristão
    A VÍTIMA PERFEITAProvavelmente você já deve ter visto pessoas fazerem loucuras em nomede uma fé. Pessoas que abandonaram família, carreiras profissionais,venderam suas casas, seus carros, e doaram todo o dinheiro paradeterminadas instituições. Pessoas que se sabotaram e passaram todaa sua vida agindo de maneira passiva, diante de tantos abusos de ordempsicológica dentro de seit...

    18,20 €

  • فوزووز التصميمي
    Mohamed Fawzi Elgendi
    فوزووز التصميمي: رحلة بناء الذات وتصميم الحياة هو كتاب يجمع بين التجارب الروحية والعملية لتصميم حياة متوازنة وملهمة. من خلال قصص مليئة بالتحديات والتحولات، يأخذنا الكتاب في رحلة تطوير الذات، بدءًا من العاطفة والتحكم بالمشاعر، مرورًا بالروحانية والتقرب إلى الله، وصولًا إلى تصميم حياة تعكس القيم الشخصية والطموحات. يعتبر هذا الكتاب دليلًا عمليًا للتغيير الشخصي والنمو الروحي ...

    13,44 €

  • Cuidados Paliativos, A Arte De Viver Bem Até O Retorno
    Valdira Abreu Magalhães Nina Lee De Sá
    Cuidados Paliativos, a arte de viver bem até o retornoé um livro que aborda de forma sensível e esclarecedora os cuidados paliativos, destacando a importância de viver bem até o final da vida. Com uma abordagem humanizada, o livro explora a necessidade de proporcionar conforto físico, emocional e espiritual a pacientes com doenças graves e terminais, assim como aos seus familia...

    23,04 €

  • De la Timidez a la Confianza
    Embárcate en un viaje transformador con la cautivadora obra maestra de Benak, De la timidez a la confianza. Esta guía esencial está diseñada para cualquier persona que esté lista para liberarse de los efectos paralizantes de la timidez y dar un paso valiente hacia una vida de seguridad en sí misma. Desde la primera página, te sumergirás profundamente en la naturaleza de la timi...

    17,99 €

  • Body Language
    Laura Karlins
    Nonverbal communication represents 95% of what we express, while only 5% is verbal. Manipulators increasingly use mental manipulation to influence your actions. However, there are techniques to identify manipulators and defeat them in their own strategy. This practical guide uses the latest discoveries in psychology and recognized neuro-linguistic programming techniques to unve...

    22,64 €

  • Being Weird
    Kevin B DiBacco
    In a world that often prizes conformity, Kevin B DiBacco dares you to stand out. (Pocket Size Book)POCKET BOOK 4x6'Being Weird' is a powerful guide to harnessing your unique traits and perspectives to achieve unprecedented success and fulfillment. Drawing from his diverse experiences as a filmmaker, author, and life warrior, DiBacco shows how your quirks are not flaws, but supe...

    5,87 €

  • Analyzing People
    Laura Karlins
    Imagine having the power to decipher anyone you look at and read them like an open book, whether they’re your friend, your colleague, your boss, or the person you want to conquer. With this book, you’ll discover exactly the same techniques used by the FBI during interrogations to analyze anyone, read their minds, and see if they’re lying or not. Only 0.01% of people know exactl...

    22,62 €

  • Behind the Fame
    Marlowe Sinclair
    Behind the Fame: Inside the Lives of the World’s Most Celebrated Figures by Marlowe Sinclair offers an intimate look into the personalities that shape our world. Why are we captivated by some and indifferent to others? This book delves into the psychology behind fame, exploring what drives celebrated figures to become who they are and how they impact those who admire them. In a...

    13,62 €

  • What Are You?
    Imelda Octavia Shanklin
    What are you?Until you can answer this question promptly and correctly at any time that it is asked, you do not know yourself well enough to trust yourself, to be happy, to be assured of continued safety and well-being.What are you spiritually?If you accept some theological teachings on the subject, you will answer that you are a sinner, a lost soul. In so answering you speak i...

    16,65 €