
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología (32801)

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  • Navigating Loves Labyrinth
    Ola Jay
    'Navigating Love’s Labyrinth' delves into the intricate maze of emotions, choices, and connections that define the human heart. In this poignant exploration, the characters find themselves entwined in the twists and turns of love’s complexities. As they navigate the labyrinth of relationships, the narrative unveils the beauty, challenges, and unexpected discoveries that shape t...

    30,85 €

  • Balancing Love and Shadows
    Ola Jay
    'Balancing Love and Shadows' is a poignant exploration of the delicate equilibrium between love’s luminous warmth and the shadows that threaten to cast darkness over its brilliance. As two souls navigate the complexities of their connection, they must grapple with past wounds, insecurities, and the looming specter of secrets. This emotionally charged narrative weaves a tale of ...

    29,94 €

  • Unmasking The Crimson Rose
    Ola Jay
    'Unmasking the Crimson Rose' delves into the enigmatic world of a mysterious figure hidden behind a crimson mask. As secrets unfurl, alliances shift, and deception intertwines with desire, the narrative unfolds a riveting tale of passion, betrayal, and the quest for truth. In this atmospheric journey through hidden realms and unveiled identities, the crimson rose becomes both a...

    29,97 €

  • The Science of Love
    Emmanuel Joseph
    'The Science of Love: Exploring the Neurochemistry Behind Romantic Relationships''The science of Love' takes readers on a captivating journey through the intricate landscape of human emotions, relationships, and the fascinating world of neurochemistry. Delving into the depths of the human brain, this groundbreaking book explores the neural mechanisms that underpin the enigmatic...

    50,35 €

  • The Economics of Happiness and Well-being
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: The Economics of Happiness and Well-beingDescription:In a world increasingly defined by economic indicators and material aspirations, 'The Economics of Happiness and Well-being' offers a profound exploration of the pursuit of a more balanced, meaningful, and fulfilled life. This comprehensive book takes readers on a thought-provoking journey through twelve insightful cha...

    46,30 €

  • Love in Parenthood Nurturing Relationships Amidst Parenting Challenges
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Love in Parenthood' delves into the intricate dance betweenparenthood and romantic relationships, offering a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenges and joys faced by couples embarking on the journey of raising children. Through insightful exploration and practical advice, this book illuminates the transformative impact of becoming parents on the dynamics between partn...

    57,74 €

  • Mindful Connections Nurturing Love Through Emotional Intelligence
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'Mindful Connections: Nurturing Love Through Emotional Intelligence' 'Mindful Connections: Nurturing Love Through Emotional Intelligence' offers an insightful exploration into the powerful intersection of mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and fostering healthy romantic relationships. Within these pages, readers embark on a transformative journey, discovering how mindf...

    57,73 €

  • Journey of Relationships Navigating Friendships and Romance
    Emmanuel Joseph
    This comprehensive guide dissects the multifaceted dynamics, challenges, and enriching experiences encountered within these fundamental human connections.From the foundational role of friendship in fostering emotional intimacy to the delicate balance between companionship and passion in romantic relationships, each chapter unravels the complexities of human connections.Readers ...

    57,74 €

  • Navigating Gender Roles in Modern Relationships Equality and Partnership
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Navigating Gender Roles in Modern Relationships: Equality and Partnership In a rapidly changing world, relationships evolve alongside shifting perceptions of gender roles. 'Navigating Gender Roles in Modern Relationships: Equality and Partnership' serves as an insightful guide illuminating the complexities, challenges, and opportunities within contemporary partnerships. This co...

    57,76 €

  • Compassionate Communication Enhancing Emotional Intimacy in Relationships
    Emmanuel Joseph
    In 'Compassionate Communication: Enhancing Emotional Intimacy in Relationships,' delve into the art of fostering deeper connections through the transformative power of compassionate communication. This comprehensive guide navigates the intricate landscape of relationships, offering invaluable insights and practical strategies to cultivate empathy, understanding, and lasting emo...

    66,13 €

  • Attachment Styles Unveiled Navigating the Complexities of Love and Relationships
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'Attachment Styles Unveiled: Navigating the Complexities of Love and Relationships'Delve into the intricate world of human connections and the profound impact of attachment styles on romantic relationships with 'Attachment Styles Unveiled.' This comprehensive guide provides a deep dive into the complexities of attachment theory and how it influences the dynamics, challen...

    46,11 €

  • Love Eternal Exploring Love in Literature and Art Through History
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Love Eternal' is an evocative exploration of the multifaceted and enduring nature of love as depicted in literature and art across diverse cultures and historical periods. Spanning epochs and artistic movements, this book embarks on a captivating journey through the tapestry of human emotions,unveiling the myriad ways love has been conceptualized, celebrated, and expressed.From...

    50,37 €

  • Harmony in Motion Balancing Career Ambitions and Relationships
    Emmanuel Joseph
    In a world where career aspirations often clash with the nurturing of meaningful relationships, 'Harmony in Motion' offers a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to navigate the delicate intersection of professional ambition and personal connections. Delving into the intricate dynamics of balancing career pursuits and relationships, this book serves as a compass, guiding...

    46,08 €

  • Rebuilding Trust in Romantic Relationships Overcoming Betrayal and Nurturing Connection
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: 'Rebuilding Trust in Romantic Relationships: Overcoming Betrayal and Nurturing Connection'In the aftermath of betrayal within a romantic relationship, the journey toward healing and rebuilding trust can be intricate and emotionally challenging. 'Rebuilding Trust in Romantic Relationships: Overcoming Betrayal and Nurturing Connection' serves as a comprehensive guide to na...

    66,18 €

  • Marriage in the 21st Century Changing Perceptions and Trends
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: Marriage in the 21st Century: Changing Perceptions and Trends In a world marked by rapid social transformations, 'Marriage in the 21st Century' navigates the intricate landscape of evolving relationships, cultural shifts, and the redefinition of the institution of marriage. From the echoes of traditional unions to the vibrant tapestry of contemporary partnerships, this c...

    57,71 €

  • Rekindling Love
    Emmanuel Joseph
    'Rekindling Love: A Guide to Rebuilding Your Relationship After Divorce'In the ever-changing landscape of modern relationships, divorce can be a painful and challenging chapter. But what if the end of a marriage doesn’t have to mean the end of love? 'Rekindling Love' is a heartfelt guide for those seeking to rekindle the flames of love and build a renewed and enduring connectio...

    50,59 €

  • Relationship Rituals and Traditions How Shared Practices Strengthen Bonds
    Emmanuel Joseph
    In 'Relationship Rituals and Traditions,' embark on a captivating journey into the intricate world of shared practices that bind couples together. From the mundane to the celebratory, this enlightening guide unveils the transformative power of rituals in strengthening the emotional fabric of relationships.Delve into the significance of these shared practices, exploring their im...

    54,34 €

  • Love and Mental Health Navigating Emotional Well-being in Relationships
    Emmanuel Joseph
    'Love and Mental Health: Navigating Emotional Well-being in Relationships' explores the intricate interplay between emotional well-being and the dynamics of love within relationships. This comprehensive guide delves into the complexities of mental health conditions, attachment styles, communication strategies, and the importance of self-love in fostering fulfilling connections....

    53,52 €

  • Love Across Cultures Exploring the Tapestry of Courtship Worldwide
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Love Across Cultures' embarks on a captivating journey through theintricacies of love and courtship rituals across diverse societies and landscapes.This illuminating book traverses continents, exploring the rich tapestry of human connections, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of romantic relationships within varying cultural contexts.From the traditional practices in Af...

    57,76 €

  • Navigating Relationship Norms Understanding the Dynamics of Social Expectations
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: Navigating Relationship Norms: Understanding the Dynamics of Social Expectations In 'Navigating Relationship Norms: Understanding the Dynamics of Social Expectations,' delve into the intricate interplay between societal norms and the complexities of human relationships. From historical perspectives to future projections, this comprehensive exploration uncovers the profou...

    46,14 €

  • Gatilho Mental
    Sandro Barroso Ramos
    Este livro foi criado para ajudá-lo a treinar a sua mentalidade de uma forma poderosa, utilizando exercícios e técnicas de ativação mental que podem mudar a sua vida. Todas as técnicas que coloquei neste livro têm sido aplicadas na minha vida profissional e pessoal, e os resultados têm sido excelentes, pois mudei a minha forma de pensar, eu até consegui emagrecer com a ajuda de...

    12,23 €

  • Marketing De Desejo
    Nathan Shomer
    Descubra os segredos para criar uma conexão emocional poderosa com seu público-alvo e impulsionar o crescimento do seu negócio com nosso livro,Marketing de Desejo: Como conectar sua marca ao coração dos seus clientes . Com estratégias comprovadas e insights valiosos, este livro oferece uma abordagem prática para criar campanhas de marketing que ressoam com seu público, aumentam...

    10,26 €

  • Autossabotagem
    Magna De Oliveira Melo
    Existem padrões que sabotam nossos objetivos e sonhos mais profundos. Nesse livro você é convidado a andar sem medo nesse labirinto sombrio para descobrir como encontrar a saída de uma vez por todas.Com uma visão clara e fundamentada em diversas vertentes, como a psicologia, a neurociência e em décadas de experiência prática, traz ferramentas poderosas para identificar, compree...

    22,06 €

  • Barbacena 120 Anos De Psiquiatria
    Renato Rosa
    Há 120 anos o palco estava montado, e, a tragédia da vida cotidiana das pessoas acometidas por transtornos mentais, surgia na outrora sombria Fazenda da Caveira de Baixo.O livro deve ser considerado um adendo a esta história marcante na vida pública da cidade de Barbacena, porém, original em muitos aspectos, com informações inéditas que não foram contadas até este momento. Rica...

    36,98 €

  • Mulher Que Se Posiciona!
    Jéssica Amorim
    Você consegue entender que para você ter autoestima e para começar a viver sua vida de verdade a partir de agora e não somente existir, você precisa treinar sua mente para ser positiva e ter autocontrole?E isso são pequenas atitudes diárias que você precisa tomar, só tendo esse posicionamento você conseguirá se conhecer melhor e ter a plenitude que você tanto almeja. ...

    9,16 €

  • Desenvolvimento Emocional Na Infância E Adolescência
    Leonardo Ribas De Souza
    Desenvolvimento Emocional na Infância e Adolescência: Como Promover as Necessidades Emocionais Básicas de forma Satisfatória é um livro essencial para profissionais, educadores e pais que desejam compreender e atender às necessidades emocionais das crianças de forma eficaz. Por meio de uma abordagem embasada em teorias psicológicas e desenvolvimento infantil, os autores oferece...

    21,59 €

  • Crescendo Juntos
    Leonardo Ribas De Souza
    EmCrescendo Juntos , embarque em uma viagem transformadora pelos intricados caminhos dos relacionamentos amorosos, explorando a Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental (TCC) como guia. Este livro envolvente mergulha nas complexidades da mente e das emoções, oferecendo ferramentas valiosas para fortalecer os laços entre parceiros.Descubra como a TCC, com sua abordagem prática e baseada...

    19,21 €

  • Como Parar De Fumar
    Charlie Flog
    COMO PARAR DE FUMAR é a história de como tive acesso à um método eficaz com o qual consegui parar de fumar definitivamente faz mais de dez anos. Método esse passado a mim por um professor aposentado que o desenvolveu para uso próprio e com o qual parou de fumar. Em meio ao meu próprio desespero para deixar o vício me assustei como alguém que fumava tanto como o velho professor ...

    27,96 €

  • The Compassionate Psychiatrist
    Marcia A. Murphy
    I owe my psychiatric recovery process to several key figures. Russell Noyes Jr., MD, was one such personality, a physician without whom I would have undoubtedly been homeless, starving, and without hope. Hope, then, is key and Dr. Noyes was the embodiment of hope offered as a sacrifice to heal the wounded soul. He said that God had called him to be a psychiatrist. He touched ma...

    22,93 €

  • Rock E Espiritualidade
    Dalton Campos Roque
    O livroROCK E ESPIRITUALIDADE: A convergência entre o som e o espírito , escrito por Dalton Campos Roque, explora a interseção entre o rock e a espiritualidade. O objetivo é mostrar como o rock, com suas origens contestadoras, rebeldes e progressivas, se conecta com questões mais profundas da existência humana, navegando entre a complexidade técnica e a sensibilidade emocional ...

    16,02 €