Preescolar y jardín de infancia

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Escuelas / Preescolar y jardín de infancia (1308)

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  • Venetian Mask Coloring Book
    Julie Little
    Venetian Mask Coloring Book is a great book for kids and adults alike. So get out your colored pencils or crayons, and color them in using your creative imagination. ...

    5,13 €

  • Fine Motor ABC
    Stacie Erfle OTR / L
    Bulk pricing available. Contact Stacie at for more information. 'I recommend Fine Motor ABC for all of my students. It's a valuable tool for kids with typical development and for those with delayed motor skills.' ~ Melissa Whitten, Preschool Teacher Build skills one page at a time with Fine Motor ABC; 26 targeted activities designed for children a...

    10,41 €

  • Livre De Coloriage Des Dragons Pour Les Enfants
    Neil Masters
    Produits de l'imagination, ces dragons sont là pour garder votre enfant occupé tandis que maman est en travail. Colorer ces créatures étonnantes formera votre enfant à penser au-delà des frontières. Il est une activité qui enseigne des compétences indispensables dans la vie comme la patience, la relaxation, la concentration et la confiance. Il fournit également une opportun...

    6,04 €

  • Easter Coloring Book for Kids (Kids Colouring Books
    Neil Masters
    It's Easter, and what great fun it is to hunt those decorated eggs in bushes and in trees! But before all that action, you should set the mood first. This coloring book will serve as an excellent introduction to what Easter is all about, and what is expected of your child during the occasion. Coloring is highly effective in understanding concepts and acquiring new knowledge...

    8,01 €

  • Cursive Handwriting Practice for Kids
    Vanesa Ruiz
    Unlock the Joy of Cursive Writing and Boost Your Child’s Skills with This Engaging Practice Book! ✍️ Have you been looking for a fun and effective way to teach your child cursive writing?✍️ Do you want to enhance their focus, concentration, and fine motor skills while making learning enjoyable?✍️ Or are you eager to see your child express their creativity through beautiful hand...

    6,55 €

  • Cechy dobrowolnego działania często chorych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
    Olesya Volkova
    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy teoretycznej i badań praktycznych nad cechami aktywności woluntarystycznej dzieci w wieku 5-6 lat, które są często chore. Badanie zawiera sprawdzony program diagnostyczny mający na celu określenie poziomu rozwoju każdego ze strukturalnych składników działania wolicjonalnego. W pracy opisano dobrowolny program rozwoju dla starszych dzieci w w...

    79,93 €

  • Características da acção volitiva de crianças em idade pré-escolar frequentemente doentes
    Olesya Volkova
    O artigo apresenta os resultados da análise teórica e da investigação prática sobre as características da actividade volitiva de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 5 e os 6 anos, frequentemente doentes. O estudo contém um programa de diagnóstico testado, destinado a identificar o nível de desenvolvimento de cada uma das componentes estruturais da acção volitiva. O traba...

    79,90 €

  • Caratteristiche dell’azione volitiva di bambini in età prescolare spesso malati
    Olesya Volkova
    L’articolo presenta i risultati di un’analisi teorica e di una ricerca pratica sulle caratteristiche dell’attività volitiva dei bambini di età compresa tra i 5 e i 6 anni, spesso malati. Lo studio contiene un programma diagnostico testato volto ad identificare il livello di sviluppo di ciascuna delle componenti strutturali dell’azione volitiva. L’opera descrive il programma di ...

    79,92 €

  • Features of volitional action of often ill preschool children
    Olesya Volkova
    This paper presents the results of theoretical analysis and practical research into the characteristics of volitional activity of children aged 5-6 years who are often ill. The study contains a proven diagnostic program aimed at identifying the level of development of each of the structural components of volitional action. The study describes the volitional development program ...

    79,98 €

  • Merkmale willentlicher Handlungen von oft kranken Vorschulkindern
    Olesya Volkova
    Das Papier präsentiert die Ergebnisse der theoretischen Analyse und der praktischen Forschung über die Merkmale der Willensaktivität von Kindern im Alter von 5-6 Jahren, die häufig krank sind. Die Studie enthält ein bewährtes diagnostisches Programm, das darauf abzielt, den Entwicklungsstand jeder der strukturellen Komponenten der Willensaktion zu ermitteln. Die Arbeit beschrei...

    79,83 €

  • Caractéristiques de l’action volontaire des enfants d’âge préscolaire souvent malades
    Olesya Volkova
    Ce document présente les résultats d’une analyse théorique et de recherches pratiques sur les caractéristiques de l’activité volontaire des enfants de 5-6 ans qui sont souvent malades. L’étude contient un programme de diagnostic éprouvé visant à identifier le niveau de développement de chacune des composantes structurelles de l’action volontaire. L’ouvrage décrit le programme d...

    79,89 €

  • Montessori für Eltern
    Rossella Caschetto
    Dieses Buch ist ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden, der Eltern und weitere Interessierte dabei unterstützt, die Montessori-Pädagogik im Alltag anzuwenden. Mit einer Vielzahl von Spielen und Übungen, die speziell für Kinder im Alter von 0 bis 6 Jahren entwickelt wurden, zeigt das Buch, wie man die natürliche Neugier und das Lernpotenzial eines Kindes optimal fördern kann. Es biete...

    16,64 €

  • Mama trabaja muchisimo!
    Claudia Maldonado
    Este libro te ensenara que mana es creativa, realiza varias tareas a la vez, es paciente, trabajadora y tenaz. Siempre atenta a cualquier cambio, ama a sus hijos y dispuesta a mejorar el entorno de la familia.This book will teach you that mom is creative, multitasking, patient, hard-working, and resilient. She is always attentive, loving her children, and working towards improv...

    12,17 €

  • The Early Childhood Promise
    Aimee E. Ketchum / Crystal C Loose
    Transform the future of early childhood education with 'The Early Childhood Promise.' In this groundbreaking book, Aimee E. Ketchum and Crystal Corle Loose share their vast experience and deep passion for ensuring that every child receives the best start in life.This comprehensive guide covers crucial topics such as early child development, the importance of quality childcare, ...

    16,71 €

  • Autenticità e innovazione nell’educazione e nella cura della prima infanzia
    Lazar Emil
    Il periodo prescolare è caratterizzato da un rapido sviluppo a tutti i livelli: fisico, cognitivo e socio-emotivo. Questi livelli sono strettamente interconnessi e possono essere separati solo artificialmente, per essere studiati e compresi più facilmente. I cicli didattici sono periodi della scuola che comprendono diversi anni di studio, appartengono a diversi livelli scolasti...

    48,43 €

  • Authentizität und Innovation in der frühkindlichen Bildung und Betreuung
    Lazar Emil
    Die Vorschulzeit ist durch eine rasche Entwicklung auf allen Ebenen gekennzeichnet: körperlich, kognitiv und sozio-emotional. Diese Ebenen sind eng miteinander verbunden und können nur künstlich voneinander getrennt werden, um untersucht und besser verstanden zu werden. Die didaktischen Zyklen sind mehrjährige Schulphasen, die verschiedenen Schulstufen angehören und bestimmte g...

    48,51 €

  • Nino
    Jandiara Paiva
    Nino era um grão de areia que vivia junto ao mar de Copacabana. Ele queria ser um astro mas não um astro de tv. Ele queria ser uma estrela. Um dia ele voou na dança dos ventos e onde será que Nino foi parar? ...

    7,24 €

  • Kindergarten Worksheets & Activities
    Lucy Worldcolor
    Lernen macht Spaß!Spaß Aktivität Buch für Kinder! Viele verschiedene Aktivitäten wie Labyrinthe, Punkt zu Punkt, Nachzeichnen, Färben und mehr! Voll von vielen Arten von Aktivitäten, wird es das Gehirn anregen, um Englisch zu lernen, Kreativität zu inspirieren und motorische Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln.Dies ist ein perfektes Arbeitsbuch für Kinder im Alter von 4-8 Jahren, die aus...

    20,97 €

  • Education des enfants vivant avec trouble de la dyslexie
    Mpia Ndombo
    En République Démocratique du Congo, l’intégration d’élèves atteints de dyslexie n’a pas fait objet de recherche. Cette étude a pour but d’explorer comment les enseignants intègrent les élèves atteints de dyslexie dans les écoles primaires ordinaires et de proposer des stratégies pouvant encourager les bonnes pratiques. La principale différence semble se situer sur l’approche d...

    111,73 €

  • As Aventuras De Beppe E Lauretta Na Toscana
    José De Marqui
    Quando criança, minha família tinha por costume rezar o terço em torno da cama de meus pais, todas as noites.Minha mãe o iniciava e nós, incluindo meu pai, respondíamos.Para nos estimular, ao final, minha mãe contava histórias sobre Beppe, um menino muito esperto e muito pobre, que vivia com sua mãe na região da Toscana, em uma época não definida, mas com muitos contornos medie...

    14,75 €

  • Study of Child Life
    Marion Foster Washburne
    'In beginning this subject of the 'Study of Child Life' there may be lurking doubts in your mind as to whether any reliable rules can really be laid down. They seem to arise mostly from the perception of the great difference between children. What will do for one child will not do for another. Some children are easily persuaded and gentle, others willful, still others sullen un...

    13,43 €

  • Creativity in the Early Years
    Simon Taylor

    38,81 €

  • Creativity in the Early Years
    Simon Taylor

    102,13 €

  • Study of Child Life
    Marion Foster Washburne
    'Study of Child Life' by Marion Foster Washburne is a classic work that delves into the intricate nuances of child development, offering a comprehensive exploration of the physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects of early life. Originally published in the early 20th century, Washburne’s book is a pioneering contribution to the field of child psychology and education.The bo...

    14,18 €

  • Guide To The Kindergarten And Intermediate Class
    Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
    This study has more and more confirmed the conviction I derived from reading Froebel’s 'Essay on the Education of the Human Race;' viz., that no greater benefit could be conferred on our country, than the far and wide spread of Kindergartens, as an underpinning, so to say, of our noble public?school system, giving adequate moral foundation, thoroughness, and practicality to the...

    12,96 €

  • Discovering High School Book
    Antoinette Mendez / Mission 2 Transition™
    Step into the world of high school readiness with 'Discovering High School' by Antoinette Mendez - Mission 2 Transition™. This captivating word search activity book is not just a game-it’s a gateway to essential vocabulary and literacy skills crucial for success in the high school journey.With over 20 meticulously crafted puzzles, 'Discovering High School' introduces urban and ...

    14,93 €

  • Timothy and the Blanket Fairy
    Nita Clarke
    'Timothy and the Blanket Fairy' unfolds as a heartwarming narrative that revolves around the life of a little boy named Timothy. Within the cozy folds of his cherished blanket and the solace of his thumb-sucking habit, Timothy discovers a source of comfort. His parents, introducing the concept of the Blanket Fairy, promise him that one day, when he least expects it, this magica...

    24,29 €

  • Timothy and the Blanket Fairy
    Nita Clarke
    'Timothy and the Blanket Fairy' unfolds as a heartwarming narrative that revolves around the life of a little boy named Timothy. Within the cozy folds of his cherished blanket and the solace of his thumb-sucking habit, Timothy discovers a source of comfort. His parents, introducing the concept of the Blanket Fairy, promise him that one day, when he least expects it, this magica...

    13,74 €

  • A Suitcase Full of Stories
    Avril McMonagle
    Aimed at Educators and Pedagogical Leaders, A Suitcase Full of Stories bridges the ’theory to practice’ gap around pedagogical documentation in early education. The book reveals a fresh and creative insight into documentation through stories as a powerful mechanism for listening-in, analysing, progressing and revisiting children’s well-being and learning.  Warmly and practicall...

    51,37 €

  • Love and Nurture in the Early Years
    Aaron Bradbury / Tamsin Grimmer
    If ever there was a time for love and nurture it is now. Love and Nurture approaches are intertwined and impossible to focus on in isolation. This practical book for Early Years students and practitioners includes real-life case studies and practical examples alongside academic underpinning and essential theory. It supports students to understand and explore the need for and im...

    32,77 €