
Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida / Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales / Neurociencias (143)

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Biologia, ciencias de la vida Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales Eliminar filtro Neurociencias Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Projective Processes and Neuroscience in Art and Design
    Rachel Zuanon
    Recent advances in neuroscience suggest that the human brain is particularly well-suited to design things: concepts, tools, languages and places. Current research even indicates that the human brain may indeed have evolved to be creative, to imagine new ideas, to put them into practice, and to critically analyze their results. Projective Processes and Neuroscience in Art and De...

    242,75 €

  • La era del neuroTodo II
    Guillermo Javier Nogueira
    El aumento de la velocidad y cantidad de información científica o pretendidamente científica, circulando sin límites por las redes, tiene un efecto paradojal: más puede terminar siendo menos. A su vez, la idea interesada y pregonada por algunos expertos junto a muchos divulgadores, acerca del conocimiento actual del cerebro y su funcionamiento, que permitiría explicar unívocame...

    11,39 €

  • Responsible Brains
    Katrina L. Sifferd / Tyler K. Fagan / William Hirstein

    46,11 €

    The brain, administrator of the whole body is a delicate and soft organ of the body thatcontrols and regulates most of our abilities to think, see, feel, hear, and much more. Theadministrator has very tight security unlike other organs called the blood-brain barrier(BBB) which allows only limited things to enter the brain. The protection (BBB) is fullof a series of defences tha...

    24,67 €

  • Das Neuroaffektive Bilderbuch 3
    Marianne Bentzen / Susan Hart
    Erkunden Sie mithilfe des NEUROAFFEKTIVEN BILDERBUCHS 3 die Entwicklungssta- dien des Erwachsenenalters. In Text und Bildern nimmt dieses Buch seine Leser und Leserinnen mit auf eine spannende und lehrreiche Reise durch die verschiedenen Phasen des Erwach- senendaseins und beschreibt, wie sich unsere Persönlichkeit und Fähigkeiten ent- wickeln und an unser individuelles Leben u...

    46,25 €

  • A una molécula de la locura
    Sara Manning Peskin / Juan Nácher Rosselló
    Nuestros cerebros son las máquinas más complejas conocidas por la humanidad, pero tienen un talón de Aquiles: las mismas moléculas que nos permiten existir también pueden sabotear nuestras mentes. Con una embriagadora mezcla de narración e intriga, Sara Manning Peskin nos invita, en un viaje a los misterios más profundos de nuestros cerebros, a jugar al detective médico, rastre...

    20,28 €

  • The Irresponsible Human
    Sr. Ph.D. Bruce E. Lehnert
    The concept of free will has long been accepted in society as the controlling force behind human behavior, and it is regarded as a fundamental truth within the Christian faith and other religious dogmas. But what if free will is a myth? When biophysicist Bruce Lehnert started to question the notion along with the legitimacy of his prior faith-based religious teachings, he disco...

    18,68 €

  • The Neuroaffective Picture Book 3
    Marianne Bentzen / Susan Hart
    Explore the developmental stages of adulthood with THE NEUROAFFECTIVE PICTURE BOOK 3! In text and pictures, this book takes the reader on an exciting and educational journey through the different stages of adulthood, describing how our personality and skills develop and adapt to our unique life and culture. The imaginative images in the book help bring the text to life and give...

    46,25 €

  • Consciousness in a Nutshell
    Jay Nelson / Lindy Nelson
    With a feverish pace and a candid eye for story, Consciousness in a Nutshell delivers an unforgettable account of what it means to be alive while, at the very same time, answering the question of all questions, once and for all: What is consciousness?Consciousness in a Nutshell is a work of psychological mastery. A 21st century portrait of Nature, Nirvana, and what it means to ...

    21,64 €

  • Personalist Neuroethics
    James Beauregard
    ’Personalist Neuroethics: Practical Neuroethics. Volume 2’ is the second volume by the author to address ethical questions in neuroscience. The first volume dealt primarily with theoretical issues, while the present volume delves into specific and concrete ethical dilemmas that arise in neuroscience research and practice. The topics covered include human dignity and neuroethics...

    67,45 €

  • The Science of Happiness
    Greta Rose
    'The Science of Happiness: Unlocking the Secrets to Joy' is a comprehensive guide to achieving greater levels of happiness and well-being in life. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, and social science, this book offers practical insights and strategies for cultivating happiness in all areas of life.From the importance of positive thinking and gratitude ...

    18,95 €

    This book discusses the management of individuals on the autistic spectrum as well as other developmental challenges. It provides an excellent resource guide for parents, caregivers, educators, healthcare workers, psychologists, and everyone involved in the care of differently abled and autistic persons. The approach is practical, and the aim is to try to gain deeper understand...

    120,19 €

    This book discusses the management of individuals on the autistic spectrum as well as other developmental challenges. It provides an excellent resource guide for parents, caregivers, educators, healthcare workers, psychologists, and everyone involved in the care of differently abled and autistic persons. The approach is practical, and the aim is to try to gain deeper understand...

    60,07 €

  • Computational Psychiatry

    43,92 €

  • Agent Garbo
    Stephan Talty

    13,44 €

  • Consciousness in a Nutshell
    Jay Nelson / Lindy Nelson
    With a feverish pace and a candid eye for story, Consciousness in a Nutshell delivers an unforgettable account of what it means to be alive while, at the very same time, answering the question of all questions, once and for all: What is consciousness?Consciousness in a Nutshell is a work of psychological mastery. A 21st century portrait of Nature, Nirvana, and what it means t...

    20,09 €

  • Reality Switch Technologies
    Andrew R Gallimore
    You are in possession of an exquisite machine motionlessly buoyant in the softly circulating fluids of your skull. A world-building machine. And psychedelic molecules are the tools for tuning and operating this machine...From LSD to magic mushrooms to DMT to Salvia divinorum, psychedelics are used across the globe to stimulate the brain and change the nature of the subjective w...

    35,21 €

    Do brains compute? If they do, what do they compute and how do they do it? The first part of the book introduces the development of a model that simulates actual biological neurons more closely than do current standard models of neural networks, as well as the deduction of its physics-like and computational properties from first principles. The second part presents a collection...

    144,99 €

  • Autonomic Nervous System - Special Interest Topics
    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a subsystem of the nervous system that possesses several levels (groups) for receiving, transmitting, generating, and processing information. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the ANS, including chapters on the role of the ANS in a healthy lifestyle, the ANS-stress relationship, general anesthesia and the ANS, signaling pathway...

    135,92 €

  • Memorias del vigía ciego
    Rodrigo de la Barra Ahumada
    En Memorias del vigía ciego, Rodrigo de la Barra plantea una interesante perspectiva sobre lo que se conoce como subconsciente o voz interior. El autor nos invita a una exploración tentativa que toma como punto de partida el apoyo de diversos estudios científicos que establecen la relación entre esa manifestación mental intangible y la sustancia misma de la neurología cerebral....

    16,46 €

    Making Sense of the Senses provides an easily understandable and engaging overview of the senses. The book allows readers insights into how humans and other animals perceive the world, reflecting a level of knowledge similar to that acquired by studying neuroscience at an undergraduate level. In order to offer an accessible introduction to the science, it uses relatable example...

    107,81 €

  • Emergent Brain Dynamics

    38,92 €

  • Conversations About Neuroscience
    Howard Burton
    This compendium includes the following 5 complete books featuring renowned neuroscientists Lisa Feldman Barrett, Jennifer Groh, Kalanit Grill-Spector, John Duncan and Miguel Nicolelis providing fully accessible insights into cutting-edge academic research while revealing the inspirations and personal journeys behind their research. The books are explicitly designed to provide a...

    36,63 €

  • La era del neuroTodo
    Guillermo Javier Nogueira
    Nuestra pequeña y golpeada humanidad vive desde hace unos decenios una época bastante oscura. En ella se dan la llamada caída de las ideologías, las amenazas ligadas al ecosistema, una demografía descontrolada, sin olvidar las nuevas e inevitables pandemias y epidemias que, debido en buena parte a la desregulación de los ecosistemas, se abaten sobre nosotros y las otras especie...

    11,39 €

  • Het Neuroaffectie Plaatjesboek
    Marianne Bentzen
    Het neuroaffectieve plaatjesboek is een geïllustreerd tekstboek voor psycholo- gen, psychotherapeuten, coaches en professionals in de jeugdhulpverlening. Het biedt een eenvoudige en visuele introductie in de evolutie en vroege ontwikkeling van het brein en de persoonlijkheid. Welke een cruciale fundering vormen voor een leven lang leren en ontwikkelen.Daarnaast wordt ook het mo...

    38,64 €

  • It’s Not Bloody Rocket Science
    Dulcie Swanston
    How many books on leadership and personal effectiveness do you have on your shelf? Quite a few? Do they contain lots of ideas you have been meaning to try but haven’t got round to yet? In fact, now we mention it, perhaps you don’t recall those brilliant ideas all that precisely either...If so, don’t worry - that’s perfectly normal. And as for translating the theory into your re...

    11,29 €

  • After Phrenology
    Michael L. Anderson / Michael LAnderson

    39,17 €

  • Futuristic Design and Intelligent Computational Techniques in Neuroscience and Neuroengineering
    Each day, novel neuroscientific findings show that researchers are focusing on developing advanced smart hardware designs and intelligent computational models to imitate the human brain’s computational abilities. The advancements in smart materials provide a significant role in inventing intelligent bioelectronic device designs with smart features such as accuracy, low power co...

    435,05 €

    In this book the recent advancements in understanding the gut-brain interaction as well as gut microbiome and how this interaction plays a vital role in human health and disease are discussed. Each chapter gives an analysis of questions, research directions, and methods within the field of gut-brain axis. The readers will benefit from the latest knowledge about our understandin...

    157,41 €

  • A Theory of Wonder
    Gonzalo Munévar
    ’A Theory of Wonder’ aims to determine the best way science can satisfy our sense of wonder by exploring the world. Empiricism tells us that science succeeds because it follows the scientific method: Observation passes judgment on Theory - supporting or rejecting it. Much credit is given to the inventor of the method, Galileo, but when historically-minded philosophers of scienc...

    77,03 €

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