Misticismo, magia y rituales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Misticismo, magia y rituales (2015)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Misticismo, magia y rituales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • God-Awful
    Rote Writer
    Misery loves company and the Magus is miserable.His demise, compromises all those around him or attached to him. He drags them all down by his own death sentence. It’s his alone; yet, but by the sheer weight of his height held in the Order, all below will end beyond mend. His sentence fences in all who stray his way.He makes you sign your soul away.Back in the day, every member...

    26,33 €

  • Segredos da Magia e Bruxaria
    Pierre Macedo
    Transforme Sua Vida com Feitiços, Rituais e Outras Práticas Ensinadas Neste LivroA palavra-chave deste livro é praticidade. Ele é destinado a quem quer praticar magia de forma rápida, sem a necessidade de ler longos livros teóricos. Com Segredos da Magia e Bruxaria, você aprende enquanto pratica. Ele contém uma variedade de feitiços e rituais exclusivos, como amor, dinheiro, be...

    16,24 €

  • History of Genii and Familiar Spirits
    John Beaumont
    John Beaumont, born c. 1650, died 1731, was a physician and antiquarian who lived in Somerset, in the southwest of England. Through his fossil collecting, as well as papers documenting new mining techniques, Beaumont became a fellow of the Royal Society. However, Beaumont also had a secret, one which he would expose first in his  “History of Genii and Familiar Spirits” and late...

    18,86 €

  • Finding God in the World
    Catherine Noble Beyer
    The world of the Renaissance occult philosophers was ultimately composed of two substances, one spiritual and the other material. It was understood that all things in the universe, whether corporeal or angelic, existed through a combination of both.  However, occult studies were principally directed toward communion with and understanding of God, while research tended to focus ...

    21,39 €

  • ARS ALCHEMICA - Foundations of Practical Alchemy
    Gary St Michael Nottingham / Gary StMichael Nottingham
    To be an alchemist, traditionally one must gain access to the Philosophers’ Garden - but to advance into the garden one must be an alchemist.  ARS ALCHEMICA: Foundations of Practical Alchemy provides essential instruction to assist the student to gain ingress into this sacred realm.This work teaches the practical laboratory alchemy of the past masters and for the first time rev...

    21,48 €

  • ARS ALCHEMICA - Foundations of Practical Alchemy
    Gary St Michael Nottingham / Gary StMichael Nottingham
    To be an alchemist, traditionally one must gain access to the Philosophers’ Garden - but to advance into the garden one must be an alchemist.  ARS ALCHEMICA: Foundations of Practical Alchemy provides essential instruction to assist the student to gain ingress into this sacred realm.This work teaches the practical laboratory alchemy of the past masters and for the first time rev...

    35,73 €

  • Voodoos and Obeahs
    Joseph J Williams
    Sorcery & Witchcraft in the CaribbeanVoodoos and Obeahs: Phases of West India Witchcraft by the Jesuit anthropologist Joseph J. Williams (1875-1940) offers a careful documentation of the history and ethnography of Voodoo and reveals the connection of both Haitian Voodoo and Jamaican Obeah to snake worship (ophioletreia). In Jamaica, Obeah is the general term to denote those Afr...

    21,57 €

  • Star Nation Speaks
    Velma Rodriguez
    In this book you will learn about • different realms • sacred people and places • concepts and ideas to learn and think beyond ourselves • to recognize the great strength of love and bonding of ancient elders from the Star Nation • hidden dreams and the love-light of truth, and believing once again • a spark to consider in ourselves and in those souls yet to come • positive tho...

    10,00 €

  • Entheosonic Whistling Vessels
    Denis Casarsa / Timothy Robbins
    Entheosonic Whistling Vessels are transformation tools using the inherent power of sound to unlock our creative powers. The universal and sacred language of sounds produced by the vessels are used as a doorway to synchronize acoustic resonance with Gaia, our mother Earth. The vessels produce 'phantom tones' or 'beat frequencies' inducing shamanic sound ecstasy to tune our manif...

    21,73 €

  • The Ascendant Vol 1
    The Ascendant, the official journal of the Association for Young Astrologers (AYA). The first issue, released in 2014, welcomed previously unpublished work around the topic of ‘New Frontiers for Astrology’ and featured work by emerging astrologers and culminating veterans of the celestial art. ...

    27,14 €

  • Seven Druids
    Nelly Harper
    In a land of secret alliances, how do you know who can be trusted? Kariss is in increasing danger and the threat from rival Martaani will only grow as midsummer approaches.Forced back into hiding once more, Kariss learns that even those closest to her are capable of betrayal.Seven druids now hold the key to her survival but will she be able to find them all in time? ...

    16,02 €

  • Aradia
    Charles Godfrey Leland
    This wonderful book describes the creation according to Italian witch-lore. We also read about the witch-meeting or sabbath (treguenda) and it contains many original magical recipes, like spells for love and good fortune. Diana is further connected to the Moon and the fairy world.Where Leland’s Etruscan Magic and Occult Remedies deals with the entire pantheon of old Italian god...

    16,63 €

  • Yoruba 16 Oracle Geomancy
    Sixto J. Novaton
    Obtaining an oracle for divination from the coconut/cowrie/coin toss:This simple system is a summarized extract of accumulated knowledge from when I first began to toss obi (coconuts) at 16. Granted, it has been expanded with insights from the cowrie (dilogun) and Ifa systems of divination. It has been written for those who after having dedicated much time to spiritual enlighte...

    13,78 €

  • Walking Away From Idolatry
    Wes McAdams
    Can someone be a Christian and still struggle with idolatry? What does it mean to have idols in your life? And how can you walk away from idolatry? In this 7-part series, Wes McAdams demonstrates how idolatry wasn’t simply an ancient problem for Babylon, Rome, or Israel. Nor is it exclusively a part of other world religions; it can also plague Christians. As it’s been sai...

    6,82 €

  • Night Has a Naked Soul
    Alan Kilpatrick
    This exploration of the occult world of the Western Cherokee translates 40 shamanistic texts which deal with such esoteric matters as: divining the future; protecting oneself from enemies; destroying the power of witches; and purifying one's soul from all forms of supernatural harm. 3 ...

    28,44 €

  • Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book
    Venus Satanas
    Live Mindfully through Satanism!Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book: Infernal Reflections is a book of Satanic prayers, poetry and artwork for Spiritual and religious Satanists.The Spiritual Satanist Prayer Book takes you on a spiritual journey through Satan's realm with prayers, poetry and infernally inspired artwork. Use this pocket-sized book to live through Satanism mindfull...

    14,83 €

  • Sombra E Claridade
    António Durval
    Um livro onde conto quase tudo sobre mim, minha família, meus amigos, um cão, uma perseguição numa praia e muitos outrostemas onde incluo os chamados óvnis.No Cosmos-exterior onde estamos e no Cosmos-interior, para onde iremos, este é umlivro especial já que exponho com inteira verdade o que foi acontecendo durante quase toda a minha vida. ...

    13,00 €

  • Malditos Versos Mal Ditos
    Davi Roballo
    Malditos Versos Malditosé um mergulho vertiginoso no âmago da alma humana, onde palavras se entrelaçam como correntes, revelando os abismos e as alturas do ser. Cada poema é um estilhaço de lucidez e fúria, que expõe as fraturas do cotidiano e as angústias existenciais de um eu lírico atormentado pela busca de sentido. A obra oscila entre a introspecção visceral e o grito de re...

    14,04 €

  • Grimório Henoteísta Do Anarcocosmo
    Leonardo Triandopolis Vieira
    O Grimório Henoteísta do Anarcocosmo é uma jornada mística e endotérica para dentro das fronteiras de um horizonte de possibilidades. Fruto de setecentas e setenta e sete viagens astrais acidentais, este livro é o primeiro e talvez único volume da contradoutrina presente na Diegese da Insurreição Anarcomágica (DIA), nascido dos segredos revelados por imaginações ocultas e chave...

    13,47 €

  • Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend
    John George Hohman
    Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend is a 19th-century compilation of folk remedies, prayers, and protective charms rooted in the traditions of Pennsylvania Dutch folk magic. Written by John George Hohman, the book blends Christian and esoteric elements, offering cures for ailments, protection against evil, and guidance on daily matters. Revered as a practical guide to folk healing, i...

    9,57 €

  • O Enigma Humano
    P. Chagas De Castro F.
    Quem somos?É essa pergunta que têm atormentado a humanidade ao longo dos séculos, formando a base dos mistérios da existência. Respondê-las é essencial para encontrarmos um propósito e compreendermos, pelo menos em parte, a nós mesmos, aos outros e ao mundo que nos cerca. Talvez, ao nos perdermos ou nos encontrarmos nessas indagações, possamos não chegar a lugar algum, duvidar ...

    7,23 €

  • 100 Mensagens Do Alto
    David Barreto
    A conduta correta que adotamos nesta vida é o farol que nos guia para a próxima, aproximando-nos de um futuro radiante nas esferas superiores. No entanto, impedimos essa ascensão ao vivermos de forma egoísta e cruel, afastando-nos desses reinos sublimes.Inspiradas nos ensinamentos de mestres iluminados e outros espíritos amigos, as sinceras mensagens deste livro convidam o leit...

    16,59 €

  • A Jornada Da Luz
    Edomberto Freitas
    A Jornada da Luz: A Experiência de um Fractal Divino na Terranarra a extraordinária trajetória de uma alma que, ao escolher encarnar na Terra, mergulha na dualidade da existência humana em busca de autoconhecimento e crescimento espiritual. Guiada por figuras arquetípicas e espirituais, a alma enfrenta os desafios da vida física, descobre os mistérios do inconsciente e busca su...

    16,59 €

  • Moral E Dogma - Albert Pike
    Elizeu Antônio De Souza
    Moral e Dogma do Rito Escocês Antigo e Aceito da Maçonaria (Albert Pike)A obra Moral e Dogma do Rito Escocês Antigo e Aceito da Maçonaria de Albert Pike, apresentada em sua totalidade em língua portuguesa por Elizeu A.S, oferece aos leitores acesso direto aos ensinamentos e princípios fundamentais da Maçonaria, conforme originalmente organizado por Pike.Este trabalho se destaca...

    64,43 €

  • Ciência Sobrenatural
    David Barreto
    Ciência Sobrenatural - Teoria e Magia é uma obra para aqueles que apreciam o estilo literário dos primórdios do espiritismo e da teosofia. David Barreto vai além dos conceitos básicos e explora temas fascinantes como a natureza física, espiritual e divina de Deus, a verdadeira identidade dos anjos, cristos planetários, guias espirituais, além de espíritos da natureza e fantasma...

    13,00 €

  • Encontro De Mentes
    Leonor Cerqueira
    Encontro de Mentes é mais do que um livro; é uma viagem poética ao coração da comunicação humana, especialmente desenhada para tocar aqueles que vivem e convivem, direta ou indiretamente, ao lado da pessoa com demência.Este título reflete a essência da obra: enquanto considerarmos a pessoa com demência, uma pessoa, e não a demência, haverá sempre a possibilidade de mentes se en...

    10,35 €

  • Desordem Global
    Ricardo Neves E Castro
    Transformação: Rumo a um Futuro Justo e SustentávelNeste livro cativante e profundamente reflexivo, o autor conduz o leitor por uma análise dos resultados práticos dos regimes políticos que moldaram a história da humanidade.Explorando desde os fanatismos devastadores até os crimes que abalam sociedades, a obra investiga as raízes sociais, educacionais, psicológicas e emocionais...

    17,63 €

  • The Practicing Witch Diary - Book of Shadows - 2025 - Southern Hemisphere
    Bec Black
    Unlock the Power of Witchcraft and Craft a Magickal Year Ahead.The Practicing Witch Diary is an invaluable resource for those seeking guidance on their spiritual journey. With its help, you will effortlessly channel your energy towards achieving inner peace, happiness, success, and spiritual fulfillment.Whether you are an experienced witch or just beginning, this diary is desig...

    51,94 €

  • Spells for Groovy Times
    Kerri Connor
    Witchcraft spells and rituals for a radical new age!Mellow out when your hang ups get heavy with these spells, rituals, meditations and recipes designed to shift your vibe.Take a trip and explore:Easy ways to bring music into your daily spiritual practice.Workings for self-esteem.Magic for coping with life’s bummers.Walking on the dark side with shadow work.An assortment of gro...

    16,00 €

  • Moon Phases
    Wyrd Books
    Tune into the natural power of the Moon with this grimoire of lunar magic. Enrich your life and enhance your well-being with spells, herbs, and charms tailored to each phase of the Moon.’His mother was a witch, and one so strongThat could control the Moon.’-Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1623Living by the Moon helps us to tune into our emotions, providing a deeper sense of purpose a...

    31,26 €