Microbiología (no médica)

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida / Microbiología (no médica) (2562)

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  • Exploring Microorganisms
    Antonio Mendez-Vilas
    Exploring Microorganisms: Recent Advances in Applied Microbiology, contains a selection of papers presented at the VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2017 (Madrid, Spain). This book offers the outcomes of completed and outgoing research works and experiences of several microbiology research groups across the world. ...

    45,55 €

  • Клонирование P80 поверхностного липопротеина Mycoplasma agalactiae
    В.П Сингх / Захид Кашоо
    Контагиозная агалактия, вызываемая Mycoplasma agalactiae, является экономически важным заболеванием овец и коз, распространенным во всем мире ,включая Индию. Выделение микроорганизма является утомительным и трудоемким процессом, и только серологические тесты считаются наиболее подходящими для скрининга стада, но имеют определенные ограничения, особенно при использовании цельнок...

    60,77 €

  • Fusione di membrana indotta dal virus della stomatite vescicolare
    Fabiana Carneiro
    Il lavoro presentato dalla dott.ssa Fabiana Carneiro mira a chiarire il meccanismo di ingresso dei virus avvolti, utilizzando come modello il virus della stomatite vescicolare. L’ingresso dei virus inviluppati nelle loro cellule ospiti comporta sempre una fase di fusione della membrana, sia con la membrana plasmatica della cellula sia con quella della vescicola endocitica. In q...

    76,00 €

  • Membrane fusion induced by Vesicular Stomatitis Virus
    Fabiana Carneiro
    The work presented here by Dr. Fabiana Carneiro aimed to elucidate the mechanism of entry of enveloped viruses, using the vesicular stomatitis virus as a model. The entry of enveloped viruses into their host cells always involves a membrane fusion step, either with the cell plasma membrane or with that of the endocytic vesicle. In this context, the work aims to understand the s...

    76,00 €

  • Durch das Virus der vesikulären Stomatitis ausgelöste Membranfusion
    Fabiana Carneiro
    Die hier vorgestellte Arbeit von Dr. Fabiana Carneiro zielt darauf ab, den Eintrittsmechanismus von umhüllten Viren am Beispiel des vesikulären Stomatitis-Virus zu ergründen. Der Eintritt von umhüllten Viren in ihre Wirtszellen beinhaltet immer einen Schritt der Membranfusion, entweder mit der Plasmamembran der Zelle oder mit der des endozytischen Vesikels. In diesem Zusammenha...

    76,00 €

  • Слияние мембран, индуцированное вирусом везикулярного стоматита
    Фабиана Карнейро
    Работа, представленная здесь доктором Фабианой Карнейро, направлена на выяснение механизма проникновения оболочечных вирусов на примере вируса везикулярного стоматита. Попадание оболочечных вирусов в клетки-хозяева всегда включает этап слияния мембраны, либо с плазматической мембраной клетки, либо с мембраной эндоцитарного пузырька. В этом контексте работа направлена на пониман...

    76,07 €

  • Fusion membranaire induite par le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire
    Fabiana Carneiro
    Le travail présenté ici par le Dr Fabiana Carneiro vise à élucider le mécanisme d’entrée des virus enveloppés, en utilisant le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire comme modèle. L’entrée des virus enveloppés dans leurs cellules hôtes passe toujours par une étape de fusion membranaire, soit avec la membrane plasmique de la cellule, soit avec celle de la vésicule d’endocytose. Dans ...

    76,00 €

  • Klonierung von P80 SURFACE LIPOPROTEIN von Mycoplasma agalactiae
    V.P Singh / Zahid Kashoo
    Die durch Mycoplasma agalactiae verursachte ansteckende Agalaktie ist eine wirtschaftlich wichtige Erkrankung von Schafen und Ziegen, die weltweit , auch in Indien , weit verbreitet ist. Die Isolierung des Organismus ist mühsam und zeitaufwendig, und nur die serologischen Tests, die als die geeignetsten für das Screening der Herden gelten , haben bestimmte Einschränkungen, insb...

    60,70 €

    V.P Singh / Zahid Kashoo
    A agalaxia contagiosa causada por Mycoplasma agalactiae é uma doença economicamente importante dos ovinos e caprinos que prevalece em todo o mundo , incluindo na Índia. O isolamento do organismo é fastidioso e demorado e apenas os testes serológicos, considerados os mais adequados para o rastreio dos efectivos, têm certas limitações, especialmente no que se refere à utilização ...

    60,70 €

    V.P Singh / Zahid Kashoo
    L’agalactie contagieuse causée par Mycoplasma agalactiae est une maladie économiquement importante des moutons et des chèvres, répandue dans le monde entier , y compris en Inde . L’isolement de l’organisme est fastidieux et prend du temps, et seuls les tests sérologiques, considérés comme les plus appropriés pour le dépistage des troupeaux, présentent certaines limites, notamme...

    60,70 €

    V.P Singh / Zahid Kashoo
    L’agalassia contagiosa causata da Mycoplasma agalactiae è una malattia economicamente importante degli ovini e dei caprini, diffusa in tutto il mondo , compresa l’India. L’isolamento dell’organismo è noioso e richiede molto tempo e solo i test sierologici, considerati i più adatti per lo screening degli allevamenti, presentano alcune limitazioni, soprattutto per quanto riguarda...

    60,64 €

  • Atlas of Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of the Central Appalachian Coalfields Volume 2
    Thomas McLoughlin
    This book is a picture guide to fossil plants and a few fossil marine organisms found in close association with the coal measures in the central Appalachian region. The fossils are sorted by groups and the specimens sampling site locations are listed by coal seam horizon and geographic location. Short descriptions of each group of fossil types are provided. This publication has...

    25,14 €

  • Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln
    Adenilde Mouchrek / Eulália De Carvalho
    Eulália Cristina Costa de Carvalho: Master in Gesundheit und Umwelt - UFMA. Sie hat einen Abschluss in Krankenpflege und Geburtshilfe von der UEMA, ein Postgraduiertendiplom in Familiengesundheitspflege (Estácio de Sá) und ein Postgraduiertendiplom in Lebensmittelgesundheitsüberwachung (UEMA). Sie ist außerdem Verwaltungstechnikerin und Krankenpflegerin an der Stiftung der Univ...

    55,71 €

  • Food safety
    Adenilde Mouchrek / Eulália De Carvalho
    Eulália Cristina Costa de Carvalho: Master in Health and Environment - UFMA. She has a degree in Nursing and Obstetrics from UEMA, a postgraduate qualification in Family Health Nursing (Estácio de Sá), and a postgraduate qualification in Food Health Surveillance (UEMA). She is also an administrative technician - a nursing technician at the University of Maranhão Foundation (HUU...

    55,75 €

  • Sécurité alimentaire
    Adenilde Mouchrek / Eulália De Carvalho
    Eulália Cristina Costa de Carvalho : Master en santé et environnement - UFMA. Elle est titulaire d’un diplôme d’infirmière et d’obstétricienne de l’UEMA, d’un diplôme de troisième cycle en soins infirmiers familiaux (Estácio de Sá) et d’un diplôme de troisième cycle en surveillance sanitaire des aliments (UEMA). Elle est également technicienne administrative - technicienne en s...

    55,72 €

  • Безопасность пищевых продуктов
    Аденильда Мушрек / Эулалия де Карвальо
    Эулалия Кристина Коста де Карвальо: магистр в области здравоохранения и окружающей среды - УФМА. Получила степень по специальности 'Сестринское дело и акушерство' в UEMA, последипломную квалификацию по специальности 'Сестринское дело в области семейного здравоохранения' (Estácio de Sá) и последипломную квалификацию по специальности 'Надзор за здоровьем пищевых продуктов' (UEMA)...

    55,68 €

  • Sicurezza alimentare
    Adenilde Mouchrek / Eulália De Carvalho
    Eulália Cristina Costa de Carvalho: Master in Salute e Ambiente - UFMA. Ha conseguito una laurea in Infermieristica e Ostetricia presso l’UEMA, una qualifica post-laurea in Infermieristica familiare (Estácio de Sá) e una qualifica post-laurea in Sorveglianza sanitaria alimentare (UEMA). È anche tecnico amministrativo - tecnico infermieristico presso la Fondazione dell’Universit...

    55,72 €

  • Facteurs de virulence chez Escherichia coli & Staphylococcus aureus
    Abdelghani Zitouni / Chafik Redha Messai / Nadia Safia Chenouf
    Escherichia coli et Staphylococcus aureus sont des agents pathogènes très fréquemment détectés, responsables d’une grande variété d’infections. S. aureus peut provoquer plusieurs maladies, allant d’infections cutanées modérée à des pneumonies mortelles ou septicémies. Les pathotypes d’E. coli, qui sont essentiellement regroupés en : E. coli pathogènes extra-intestinaux (ExPEC) ...

    61,44 €

  • Mycobacterial Survival Strategies in Unconventional Niches
    Sachin Sharma
    In Mycobacterial Survival Strategies in Unconventional Niches, Sachin Sharma delves into the remarkable ability of mycobacteria to survive and persist in a wide range of non-traditional environments. The book explores the molecular mechanisms and physiological adaptations that enable mycobacteria to thrive in unconventional niches such as biofilms, host cells, and environmental...

    34,47 €

  • Microbial Production of Propanediol from Biodiesel Glycerol
    Narisetty Vivek
    'Microbial Production of Propanediol from Biodiesel Glycerol' by Narisetty Vivek is a comprehensive guidebook for researchers, students, and professionals in the field of biotechnology and bioprocessing. This book delves into the emerging field of using microbial bioprocessing for the production of propanediol from biodiesel-derived crude glycerol. The author covers a broad ran...

    34,62 €

  • Cellulase And Xylanase Production By Selected Soil Fungi
    V. Karthi
    The book 'Cellulase and Xylanase Production by Selected Soil Fungi' by V. Karthi is a comprehensive guide that delves into the fascinating world of enzymes, particularly cellulase and xylanase, produced by selected soil fungi. These enzymes have an important role to play in the biodegradation of lignocellulosic biomass, making them critical to the production of bioenergy and in...

    31,40 €

  • Compatibility of Microbial Biocontrol Agents for Stored Product Pest Control
    Nagalakshmi s
    The book 'Compatibility of Microbial Biocontrol Agents for Stored Product Pest Control' authored by Nagalakshmi S, presents a comprehensive overview of the use of microbial biocontrol agents for controlling stored product pests. The book emphasizes the importance of biocontrol agents as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional chemical insecticides for control...

    34,42 €

  • Effluent Remediation with Fungi and Plants
    S.A.M. Kamalasankari
    The book 'Effluent Remediation with Fungi and Plants' authored by S.A.M. Kamalasankari, is a comprehensive guide on the use of fungi and plants for the remediation of effluents contaminated with heavy metals. The book discusses the principles and techniques of bioremediation, mycoremediation, and phytoremediation of tannery effluent,which is highly polluted with heavy metals an...

    39,33 €

  • Oral Microbiome in Endocarditis Patients
    Sathya Narayanan.G
    The book 'Oral Microbiome in Endocarditis Patients' focuses on the analysis of the human oral microbiome in patients with infective endocarditis and healthy individuals. The author, Sathya Narayanan.G, uses 16S rRNA metagenomic analysis to investigate the microbial diversity and composition of the oral cavity in these two groups. The book highlights the importance of oral healt...

    35,67 €

  • Eumelanin Production from Prauserella Sp
    'Eumelanin Production from Prauserella Sp: Characterization and Applications' is a comprehensive guide on the biological and practical aspects of eumelanin production and its applications. Authored by Gandhishree, the book covers the discovery of Prauserella Sp, a bacterium that produces eumelanin pigment, and its purification and characterization processes. The book delves int...

    44,37 €

  • Aperçus moléculaires des lactobacilles positifs à l’hydrolase des sels biliaires
    B. M. Manjunatha / N. Supraja
    Ces derniers temps, la perception des consommateurs à l’égard de l’alimentation s’est largement modifiée. Les aliments sont perçus non seulement comme une source de nutrition, mais aussi comme des agents thérapeutiques. Ce changement a généré de nouveaux concepts d’aliments fonctionnels et de produits neutraceutiques. Les bactéries lactiques jouent un rôle très important en tan...

    61,88 €

  • Молекулярный взгляд на лактобактерии, положительные по гидролазе желчных солей
    Б. М. Манюнатха / Н. Супрая
    В последнее время наблюдается широкое изменение отношения потребителей к продуктам питания. Пища воспринимается не только как источник питания, но и как терапевтическое средство. Это изменение привело к появлению новых концепций функциональных продуктов питания и нейтрацевтиков. Молочнокислые бактерии играют очень важную роль в качестве заквасок при производстве таких продуктов...

    61,94 €

  • Microbial Evaluation of Toilet Cleaners
    K.M.Rubab Anjum
    Microbial Evaluation of Toilet Cleaners, written by K.M. Rubab Anjum, is a comprehensive book that explores the isolation and identification of fungi and bacteria present in an indoor public toilet. The book also evaluates he antimicrobial activity of selected Indian spices in comparison with commercially available toilet cleaners against the isolated fungi and bacteria. The bo...

    35,70 €

  • Biological and Molecular Evaluation of Metal Complexes
    Sasikumar G
    The book 'Biological and Molecular Evaluation of Metal Complexes' written by Sasikumar G is a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of metal complexes derived from different ligands. The book is a result of extensive research in the field of chemistry and biochemistry, providing valuable insights into the biological and molecular properties of metal complexes.The firs...

    39,46 €

  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
    This book details the basic bacteriological and molecular techniques applied to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Divided into four chapters, the first covers culture, identification (biochemical and molecular) and preservation techniques. The second chapter is devoted to serotyping. Then, the third chapter is dedicated to molecular typing (PFGE and MLST), and finally, the study of ant...

    62,94 €