
Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Geografía (3009)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Geografía Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Eco-History. an Introduction to Biodiversity and Conservation.
    D. Rotherham Ian / DRotherham Ian / Ian D. Rotherham / Ian DRotherham
    AN ACCESSIBLE INTRODUCTION TO BIODIVERSITY, CONSERVATION AND THE ECO-CULTURAL NATURE OF LANDSCAPESKey issues are addressed in short, focused chapters, supported by a detailed thousand-year timeline based on the British Isles.Rotherham is convinced that to conserve wildlife or ecology, and to heal the wounds of human impacts, we must understand our own history and how, over coun...

    50,84 €

  • Wild Things. Nature and the Social Imagination
    HISTORIES OF HUMAN CONSTRUCTIONS OF NATUREWild Things: Nature and the Social Imagination assembles eleven substantive and original essays on the cultural and social dimensions of environmental history. They address a global cornucopia of social and ecological systems, from Africa to Europe, North America and the Caribbean, and their temporal range extends from the 1830s into th...

    112,73 €

  • Changing Deserts
    Deserts - vast, empty places where time appears to stand still. The very word conjures images of endless seas of sand, blistering heat and a virtual absence of life. However, deserts encompass a large variety of landscapes and life beyond our stereotypes. As well as magnificent Saharan dunes under blazing sun, the desert concept encompasses the intensely cold winters of the Gob...

    110,25 €

  • Exploration Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    About Exploration ScienceHave you wondered what the science of geology is all about?Together we will explore of the surface and sub-surface of the Earth, the sub-branches of geology, including mineralogy, petrology (rocks), palaeontology (fossils), geochemistry, seismology (earthquakes), engineering geology, and many more.The scientific method used by all scientists as well as ...

    30,12 €

  • E-Learning for Geographers
    Technological advances have created the ability to put lectures, tutorials, and student activities online for academic instructors. However, for most teachers, especially those accustomed to traditional delivery methods, this creates a daunting task that involves radical re-skilling and effort. E-Learning for Geographers: Online Materials, Resources, and Repositories draws less...

    255,96 €

  • Assessment of water erosion using the aggregation method
    Abdoul-Azize SAMPEBGO / Joachim Bonkoungou
    Climate hazards refer to 'extreme phenomena and physical trends associated with climate or their physical impacts'. They are seen as an external climatic signal with significant impacts on human life, and more specifically on soil degradation. The document 'Evaluation of water erosion by the aggregation method', takes stock of water erosion study techniques and proposes a new q...

    61,51 €

  • Bewertung der Wassererosion durch die Aggregationsmethode
    Abdoul-Azize SAMPEBGO / Joachim Bonkoungou
    Klimagefahren beziehen sich auf 'extreme Phänomene und physikalische Trends, die mit dem Klima in Verbindung gebracht werden, oder deren physikalische Auswirkungen'. Sie werden als externes Klimasignal mit erheblichen Auswirkungen auf das Leben der Menschen und insbesondere auf die Bodendegradation betrachtet. Das Dokument 'Bewertung der Wassererosion durch die Aggregationsmeth...

    61,57 €

  • Avaliação da erosão hídrica através do método de agregação
    Abdoul-Azize SAMPEBGO / Joachim Bonkoungou
    Os riscos climáticos referem-se a 'acontecimentos extremos e tendências físicas associadas ao clima ou aos seus impactos físicos'. São considerados como um sinal climático externo com impactos significativos na vida humana e, mais especificamente, na degradação do solo. O documento 'Evaluation of water erosion using the aggregation method' faz um balanço das técnicas de estudo ...

    61,51 €

  • Valutazione dell’erosione idrica con il metodo di aggregazione
    Abdoul-Azize SAMPEBGO / Joachim Bonkoungou
    I pericoli climatici si riferiscono a 'eventi estremi e tendenze fisiche associate al clima o ai loro impatti fisici'. Sono considerati un segnale climatico esterno con impatti significativi sulla vita umana e, più specificamente, sul degrado del suolo. Il documento 'Evaluation of water erosion using the aggregation method' fa il punto sulle tecniche di studio dell’erosione idr...

    61,51 €

  • Analyse spatio-temporelle Cadre de qualité de l’eau
    João B. P. Cabral / Pollyanna Faria Nogueira
    Consciente de mon attrait pour l’enseignement et de la nécessité d’une formation complémentaire, j’ai suivi un master en géographie à l’université fédérale de Goiás (UFG/CAJ), dans le domaine de l’analyse environnementale, grâce à une bourse du Conseil national pour le développement scientifique et technologique (CNPq). Ce travail est un complément à ma thèse de maîtrise. ...

    56,27 €

  • Räumlich-zeitliche Analyse Rahmen für die Wasserqualität
    João B. P. Cabral / Pollyanna Faria Nogueira
    Als ich erkannte, dass mich das Unterrichten reizte und ich mich weiterbilden wollte, absolvierte ich mit einem Stipendium des Nationalen Rates für wissenschaftliche und technologische Entwicklung (CNPq) einen Masterstudiengang in Geografie an der Bundesuniversität Goiás (UFG/CAJ) im Bereich Umweltanalyse. Diese Arbeit ist eine Ergänzung zu meiner Magisterarbeit. ...

    56,27 €

  • Analisi spazio-temporale Quadro della qualità dell’acqua
    João B. P. Cabral / Pollyanna Faria Nogueira
    Rendendomi conto dell’attrazione che avevo per l’insegnamento e della necessità di un’ulteriore formazione, ho conseguito un master in Geografia presso l’Università Federale di Goiás (UFG/CAJ), nell’area dell’analisi ambientale, con una borsa di studio del Consiglio Nazionale per lo Sviluppo Scientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq). Questo lavoro è un complemento alla mia tesi di laure...

    56,27 €

  • Spatial-Temporal Analysis Water Quality Framework
    João B. P. Cabral / Pollyanna Faria Nogueira
    Realising the attraction I had for teaching and the need for further training, I took a master’s degree in Geography at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG/CAJ), in the area of Environmental Analysis, with a scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). This work is a complement to my master’s thesis. ...

    56,27 €

  • Characterization of mangrove forests in the estuary of the Jaboatão River in the state of Pernambuco
    Elisabeth Regina Alves Cavalca... Silva / Elisabeth Regina Alves Cavalcanti Silva / José Gustavo da Silva Melo / Mariana Pessôa Coelho
    The mangrove is a tropical coastal ecosystem that colonizes sedimentary deposits formed by muddy, clayey or sandy vessels, occupying the intertidal region up to the upper limit of the equinoctial high tides. It has a discontinuous distribution along the Brazilian coast, from Amapá to Santa Catarina, and can present a continuum of distinct features depending on the profile of th...

    56,21 €

  • Charakterisierung der Mangrovenwälder im Mündungsgebiet des Flusses Jaboatão - PE
    Elisabeth Regina Alves Cavalca... Silva / José Gustavo da Silva Melo / Mariana Pessôa Coelho
    Die Mangrove ist ein tropisches Küstenökosystem, das Sedimentablagerungen aus schlammigen, lehmigen oder sandigen Schiffen besiedelt und die Gezeitenzone bis zur Obergrenze der äquinoktialen Flut einnimmt. Sie ist entlang der brasilianischen Küste von Amapá bis Santa Catarina diskontinuierlich verbreitet und kann je nach dem Profil der Küstenlinie und der Häufigkeit und Amplitu...

    56,27 €

  • Caractérisation des forêts de mangrove dans l’estuaire du fleuve Jaboatão - PE
    Elisabeth Regina Alves Cavalca... Silva / José Gustavo da Silva Мело / Mariana Pessôa Coelho
    La mangrove est un écosystème côtier tropical qui colonise les dépôts sédimentaires formés de vases, d’argiles ou de sables, occupant la région intertidale jusqu’à la limite supérieure des marées hautes d’équinoxe. Sa distribution est discontinue le long de la côte brésilienne, de l’Amapá à Santa Catarina, et peut présenter un continuum de caractéristiques distinctes en fonctio...

    56,21 €

  • Caratterizzazione delle foreste di mangrovie nell’estuario del fiume Jaboatão - PE
    Elisabeth Regina Alves Cavalca... Silva / José Gustavo da Silva Melo / Mariana Pessôa Coelho
    La mangrovia è un ecosistema costiero tropicale che colonizza depositi sedimentari formati da vasi fangosi, argillosi o sabbiosi, occupando la regione intertidale fino al limite superiore delle alte maree equinoziali. Ha una distribuzione discontinua lungo la costa brasiliana, da Amapá a Santa Catarina, e può presentare un continuum di caratteristiche distinte a seconda del pro...

    56,21 €

  • Städtische Feststoffabfälle
    Paulo Jean Pereira Alves
    Die Veröffentlichung dieses Buches ist ein weiteres Ergebnis meiner ersten Arbeit über städtische Feststoffabfälle, die das Ergebnis eines Geographiekurses an der Staatlichen Universität von Goiás - Pires do Rio Campus - ist. In der Stadt Pires do Rio -GO sind ernsthafte Umweltprobleme zu beobachten, die auf eine fehlende Stadtplanung und -verwaltung zurückzuführen sind. Der en...

    56,27 €

  • Les déchets solides urbains
    Paulo Jean Pereira Alves
    La publication de ce livre est un autre résultat de mon premier travail sur les déchets solides urbains, fruit d’une conclusion de cours en géographie à l’université d’État de Goiás - campus de Pires do Rio. Dans la ville de Pires do Rio -GO, nous pouvons observer de graves problèmes environnementaux résultant d’un manque de planification et de gestion urbaines. L’augmentation ...

    56,27 €

  • I rifiuti solidi urbani
    Paulo Jean Pereira Alves
    La pubblicazione di questo libro è l’ennesimo risultato del mio primo lavoro sui rifiuti solidi urbani, frutto di una conclusione del corso di Geografia presso l’Università statale di Goiás - Campus di Pires do Rio. Nella città di Pires do Rio -GO, possiamo osservare gravi problemi ambientali derivanti da una mancanza di pianificazione e gestione urbana. L’enorme aumento dei co...

    56,21 €

  • Urban solid waste
    Paulo Jean Pereira Alves
    The publication of this book is yet another result of my first work with Urban Solid Waste. It is the fruit of a Course Conclusion Work in Geography at the State University of Goiás - Pires do Rio Campus. In the city of Pires do Rio -GO, we see serious environmental problems resulting from a lack of urban planning and management. The huge increase in consumption generates enorm...

    56,21 €

  • Padrões de uso da terra agrícola no distrito de Solapur
    Dr. Bhupal Patil
    O livro procura oferecer uma análise abrangente dos padrões de utilização das terras agrícolas, explorando a forma como as condições ambientais, a disponibilidade de água, as caraterísticas do solo e as actividades humanas têm impacto na produtividade agrícola e na sustentabilidade da região. Solapur, com os seus desafios geográficos distintos, incluindo secas frequentes e prec...

    87,04 €

  • Landwirtschaftliche Landnutzungsmuster im Bezirk Solapur
    Dr. Bhupal Patil
    Das Buch bietet eine umfassende Analyse der landwirtschaftlichen Flächennutzungsmuster und untersucht, wie Umweltbedingungen, Wasserverfügbarkeit, Bodeneigenschaften und menschliche Aktivitäten die landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit in der Region beeinflussen. Solapur mit seinen besonderen geografischen Herausforderungen, darunter häufige Dürren und unvorherse...

    87,02 €

  • Modèles d’utilisation des terres agricoles dans le district de Solapur
    Dr. Bhupal Patil
    Le livre cherche à offrir une analyse complète des modèles d’utilisation des terres agricoles, en explorant comment les conditions environnementales, la disponibilité de l’eau, les caractéristiques du sol et les activités humaines ont un impact sur la productivité et la durabilité de l’agriculture dans la région. Solapur, avec ses défis géographiques particuliers, notamment ses...

    87,02 €

  • Modelli di utilizzo del territorio agricolo nel distretto di Solapur
    Dr. Bhupal Patil
    Il libro cerca di offrire un’analisi completa dei modelli di utilizzo dei terreni agricoli, esplorando come le condizioni ambientali, la disponibilità di acqua, le caratteristiche del suolo e le attività umane influenzino la produttività e la sostenibilità dell’agricoltura nella regione. Solapur, con le sue particolari sfide geografiche, tra cui le frequenti siccità e le precip...

    87,04 €

  • Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms
    Defense Mapping Agency / Department of Defense
    Published in 1981, the Fourth Edition of Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms provides detailed information on maps, charts, and associated terms. It is designed to help users at all levels understand and communicate effectively by using the same language with regards to maps and mapping. Terms are alphabetically arranged, and terms with multiple definitions are nu...

    16,47 €

  • A Resonant Ecology
    Max Ritts
    In A Resonant Ecology, Max Ritts traces how sound’s integration into the environmental politics of Canada’s North Coast has paved the way for massive industrial expansion. While conservationists hope that the dissemination of whale songs and other nature sounds will showcase the beauty of local wildlife for people around the world, Ritts reveals how colonial capitalism can co-o...

    128,41 €

  • A Resonant Ecology
    Max Ritts
    In A Resonant Ecology, Max Ritts traces how sound’s integration into the environmental politics of Canada’s North Coast has paved the way for massive industrial expansion. While conservationists hope that the dissemination of whale songs and other nature sounds will showcase the beauty of local wildlife for people around the world, Ritts reveals how colonial capitalism can co-o...

    33,08 €

  • Das Problem der festen Abfälle für die Grundbildung
    Áurea Nascimento de S. Mesquita / Elisabeth Regina Alves C. Silva / Tiago Fernando de Holanda
    Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Überlegungen und Analysen zum aktuellen Stand der „Abfallproblematik' und zur Behandlung dieses Themas in der Grundbildung. Wir haben uns dabei von der Kritischen Umwelterziehung (KU) leiten lassen, die hier als eine Analysemethode verstanden wird, die von einer sequentiellen Praxis und Erfassung der Realität durch Wahrnehmung und eine Haltung ...

    57,52 €

  • The issue of solid waste for basic education
    Áurea Nascimento de S. Mesquita / Elisabeth Regina Alves C. Silva / Tiago Fernando de Holanda
    This book is a collection of reflections and analyses of the state of the art of the ’waste issue’ and how this theme is being addressed in basic education. We have taken Critical Environmental Education (CE) as our guiding principle, understood here as a methodology of analysis that starts from a sequential practice and apprehension of reality through perception and an attitud...

    57,52 €