Derecho y procedimiento penal

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  • Data Mining Trends and Applications in Criminal Science and Investigations
    The field of data mining is receiving significant attention in today’s information-rich society, where data is available from different sources and formats, in large volumes, and no longer constitutes a bottleneck for knowledge acquisition. This rich information has paved the way for novel areas of research, particularly in the crime data analysis realm. Data Mining Trends and ...

    290,06 €

  • Dying to Tell
    Anne Butler / C. Murray Henderson
    In fascinating detail, Dying to Tell gives us an in-depth look at different kinds of criminal deaths: …the absolutely senseless slaying of a young correctional officer under the guise of racial retribution in a tragic situation unthinkably manipulated for personal gain … three deaths in the prison homosexual protection dormitory underscoring just how far lonely inmates will g...

    15,60 €

  • Firmly Convinced
    Chet Wiech
    Experience the thrill of 'Firmly Convinced,' a collection of true-life crime stories told by a veteran assistant prosecutor who worked in New Jersey courtrooms for a quarter century.In these pages, you’ll ride alongside prosecutors maintaining integrity in the face of chaos, defense attorneys fiercely defending their clients’ rights, and judges meticulously balancing the scales...

    18,77 €

  • Firmly Convinced
    Chet Wiech
    Experience the thrill of 'Firmly Convinced,' a collection of true-life crime stories told by a veteran assistant prosecutor who worked in New Jersey courtrooms for a quarter century.In these pages, you’ll ride alongside prosecutors maintaining integrity in the face of chaos, defense attorneys fiercely defending their clients’ rights, and judges meticulously balancing the scales...

    14,21 €

  • Verteidigungsrechte und Untersuchungshaft in Afrika
    Roger Panis KPAKOU
    Der Schutz des Grundrechts auf Freiheit ist im Strafverfahren vor dem Urteil von zwingender Bedeutung. In Bezug auf die Frage, ob das System der Untersuchungshaft, wie es im positiven togoischen Recht festgelegt ist, in der Lage ist, einen wirksamen Schutz des Rechts auf Freiheit von Personen, die mit dieser Maßnahme konfrontiert sind, zu gewährleisten, scheint dieser Schutz we...

    87,10 €

  • Direitos de defesa e prisão preventiva em África
    Roger Panis KPAKOU
    A proteção do direito fundamental à liberdade é de importância primordial nos processos penais anteriores ao julgamento. No que diz respeito à questão de saber se o sistema de prisão preventiva, tal como estabelecido pelo direito positivo togolês, é capaz de assegurar uma proteção efectiva do direito à liberdade das pessoas sujeitas a esta medida, afigura-se que esta proteção c...

    87,15 €

  • Diritti di difesa e detenzione preventiva in Africa
    Roger Panis KPAKOU
    La tutela del diritto fondamentale alla libertà è di primaria importanza nei procedimenti penali che precedono il processo. Per quanto riguarda la questione se il sistema di custodia cautelare, come stabilito dal diritto positivo togolese, sia in grado di garantire un’effettiva protezione del diritto alla libertà delle persone sottoposte a tale misura, sembra che tale protezion...

    87,15 €

  • Defence rights and pre-trial detention in Africa
    Roger Panis KPAKOU
    Protecting the fundamental right to liberty is of paramount importance in pre-trial criminal proceedings. As to whether the system of preventive detention, as established by Togolese positive law, is capable of ensuring effective protection of the right to liberty of persons facing this measure, it appears that such protection remains limited. Nevertheless, it is worth highligh...

    87,09 €

  • Excesso No Emprego De Armas De Fogo
    Fabrízio Menezes
    Com um tópico dedicado exclusivamente à analise do emprego letal de armas de fogo por agentes de segurança pública, a obra traz os aspectos jurídicos e científicos acerca do pleno exercício do direito à legítima defesa. O autor demonstra que a previsão legal do excesso culposo e a exigência do uso moderado dos meios são elementos prejudiciais às vítimas de injustas agressões, n...

    14,04 €

  • Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit Drogenhandel und Drogenkonsum
    Marcelo Barbosa Vianna Shad
    Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Einstufung der Straftaten des illegalen Drogenhandels und -konsums praktisch, objektiv und eingehend zu analysieren. Eines der wichtigsten Instrumente bei der Erstellung dieses Textes war die Rechtsvergleichung. Das Thema ist aktuell, notwendig und wird mit jedem Schritt der modernen Gesellschaft erneuert. Diese Diss...

    51,18 €

  • Drug trafficking and drug use offences
    Marcelo Barbosa Vianna Shad
    The aim of this book is to analyse, in a practical, objective and in-depth way, the issues surrounding the classification of the crimes of trafficking and use of illicit drugs. The use of comparative law was one of the important tools used to create this text. The subject is current, necessary and is renewed with every step of modern society. This dissertation is a source of kn...

    51,05 €

  • Infractions liées au trafic et à l’usage de drogues
    Marcelo Barbosa Vianna Shad
    L’objectif de ce livre est d’analyser, de manière pratique, objective et approfondie, les questions relatives à la classification des crimes de trafic et d’usage de drogues illicites. L’utilisation du droit comparé a été l’un des outils importants utilisés pour créer ce texte. Le sujet est actuel, nécessaire et se renouvelle à chaque pas de la société moderne. Cette thèse est u...

    51,12 €

  • Reati di traffico e consumo di stupefacenti
    Marcelo Barbosa Vianna Shad
    L’obiettivo di questo libro è quello di analizzare, in modo pratico, oggettivo e approfondito, le problematiche relative alla classificazione dei reati di traffico e consumo di sostanze illecite. L’uso del diritto comparato è stato uno degli strumenti importanti utilizzati per creare questo testo. L’argomento è attuale, necessario e si rinnova a ogni passo della società moderna...

    51,12 €

  • Social work in the penal system
    Elisabeth Regina Alves C. Silva / Elizabeth Sharllyda C. Santos
    This book deals with Social Work in Penal Execution, using the Freedom and Dignity Programme - PLD - as an empirical reference. In methodological terms, the work was carried out through bibliographical analysis and field research. The work revisits the relationship between Social Work and the socio-legal field, emphasising professional competences and attributions in this field...

    57,77 €

  • Sozialarbeit im Strafvollzug
    Elisabeth Regina Alves C. Silva / Elizabeth Sharllyda C. Santos
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Sozialen Arbeit im Strafvollzug, wobei das Programm Freiheit und Würde - PLD - als empirischer Bezugspunkt dient. Methodisch wurde die Arbeit durch eine bibliographische Analyse und Feldforschung durchgeführt. In der Arbeit wird die Beziehung zwischen der Sozialen Arbeit und dem sozio-juristischen Bereich neu beleuchtet, wobei die beruflichen Ko...

    57,83 €

  • Travail social dans le système pénal
    Elisabeth Regina Alves C. Silva / Elizabeth Sharllyda C. Santos
    Ce livre traite du travail social dans l’exécution pénale, en utilisant le Programme Liberté et Dignité (PLD) comme référence empirique. Sur le plan méthodologique, le travail a été réalisé par le biais d’une analyse bibliographique et d’une recherche sur le terrain. Le travail revisite la relation entre le travail social et le domaine socio-juridique, en mettant l’accent sur l...

    57,83 €

  • Il lavoro sociale nel sistema penale
    Elisabeth Regina Alves C. Silva / Elizabeth Sharllyda C. Santos
    Questo libro tratta del lavoro sociale nell’esecuzione penale, utilizzando il Programma Libertà e Dignità - PLD - come riferimento empirico. In termini metodologici, il lavoro è stato condotto attraverso l’analisi bibliografica e la ricerca sul campo. Il lavoro rivisita il rapporto tra il Servizio Sociale e l’ambito socio-giuridico, sottolineando le competenze e le attribuzioni...

    57,77 €

  • Truth and Justice and other subjects of Jewish interest
    Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons
    There have been cases where people were accused of the most heinous of crimes even prior to any investigation. This book includes a description in great detail of such a case which occurred over thirty years ago which involved people being killed. It is true that a commission was set up to investigate this matter, but its proceedings included several of the most serious defects...

    22,26 €

  • Normative Regelung des privaten Sicherheitsdienstes in der Republik Serbien
    Dejan Labović
    Der private Sicherheitsdienst in Serbien ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein mit wachsender Tendenz, dessen rechtlicher Rahmen die Funktionen, Kompetenzen, Kontrolle und andere Aktivitäten des privaten Sicherheitsdienstes regelt. All dies deutet darauf hin, dass der normative Rahmen des privaten Sicherheitsdienstes der Republik Serbien ein unverzichtbarer Teil der Garantie für eine v...

    93,39 €

  • Règlement normatif sur la sécurité privée de la République de Serbie
    Dejan Labović
    La sécurité privée en Serbie est une étape clé avec une tendance croissante, dont le cadre juridique réglemente les fonctions, les compétences, le contrôle et d’autres activités de sécurité privée. Tout ceci indique que le cadre normatif de la sécurité privée de la République de Serbie est une partie indispensable de la garantie d’une professionnalisation complète des activités...

    93,41 €

  • Regolamento normativo sulla sicurezza privata della Repubblica di Serbia
    Dejan Labović
    La sicurezza privata in Serbia è una pietra miliare con un trend in crescita, il cui quadro normativo regola le funzioni, le competenze, il controllo e altre attività di sicurezza privata. Tutto ciò indica che il quadro normativo della sicurezza privata della Repubblica di Serbia è una parte indispensabile per garantire la piena professionalizzazione delle attività di sicurezza...

    93,46 €

  • Regulamento normativo da segurança privada da República da Sérvia
    Dejan Labović
    A segurança privada na Sérvia é um marco importante com uma tendência crescente, cujo quadro jurídico regula as funções, as competências, o controlo e outras actividades de segurança privada. Tudo isto indica que o quadro normativo da segurança privada da República da Sérvia é uma parte indispensável da garantia da profissionalização total das actividades de segurança privada, ...

    93,43 €

  • Gabriel Lock
    D. & H. Cancio / D. H. Cancio
    We first meet Gabriel when he is packing up his things and resigning from the State Attorney’s Office to join his father’s civil law firm. As he’s leaving, he tells a colleague that he doesn’t want to pursue justice through punishment, but through service to his clients. However, Gabriel will slowly learn that his role is not actually about finding justice for his clients, but ...

    15,42 €

  • Empowered Kamala Harris
    Dr. Alistair PhD Maxwell
    Dive into the remarkable journey of Kamala Harris in 'Empowered Kamala Harris: The Biography,' an exhaustive and inspiring account of her rise from a young girl in Oakland to the first female Vice President of the United States. Authored by Dr. Alistair Maxwell, this biography provides an in-depth look at the life, career, and legacy of one of America’s most influential politic...

    16,62 €

  • Klinik für Strafrecht
    Almir Santos Reis Junior / Gilciane Allen Baretta / Luciana Caetano da Silva
    Das vorliegende Werk ist das Ergebnis intensiver Forschungsarbeiten im Rahmen des Erweiterungsprojekts 'Criminal Clinic', das regelmäßig an der Fakultät für Privat- und Verfahrensrecht der staatlichen Universität von Maringá in Paraná, Brasilien, durchgeführt wird und dessen Ziel es ist, die Forschungsergebnisse zu relevanten Themen im Zusammenhang mit dem Strafrecht und dem St...

    119,18 €

  • Clinica penale
    Almir Santos Reis Junior / Gilciane Allen Baretta / Luciana Caetano da Silva
    Questo lavoro è il risultato di un’intensa attività di ricerca legata al Progetto di estensione della 'Clinica penale', che si svolge regolarmente presso il Dipartimento di Diritto privato e processuale dell’Università statale di Maringá, nel Paraná, in Brasile, con l’obiettivo di presentare i risultati della ricerca su temi rilevanti legati al diritto penale e alla procedura p...

    119,28 €

  • Criminal Clinic
    Almir Santos Reis Junior / Gilciane Allen Baretta / Luciana Caetano da Silva
    This work is the result of intense research linked to the 'Criminal Clinic' Extension Project, which is being carried out regularly at the Department of Private and Procedural Law of the State University of Maringá, in Paraná, Brazil, whose aim is to present the results of research into relevant issues linked to criminal law and criminal procedure. It therefore deals with the t...

    119,32 €

  • Clinique pénale
    Almir Santos Reis Junior / Gilciane Allen Baretta / Luciana Caetano da Silva
    Ce travail est le résultat d’une recherche intense liée au projet d’extension de la 'Clinique pénale', qui se déroule régulièrement au Département de droit privé et de procédure de l’Université d’État de Maringá, au Paraná, Brésil. Son objectif est de présenter les résultats d’une recherche sur des questions pertinentes liées au droit pénal et à la procédure pénale. Il traite d...

    119,27 €

  • Криминальная клиника
    Алм Сантос Реис Юниор / Гилциа Аллен Баретта / Цаетано д
    Данная работа является результатом интенсивных исследований, связанных с проектом расширения 'Уголовной клиники', который регулярно осуществляется на кафедре частного и процессуального права Университета штата Маринга в штате Парана, Бразилия. Ее цель - представить результаты исследований по актуальным вопросам, связанным с уголовным правом и уголовным процессом. Таким образом,...

    119,17 €

  • The Historical Verdicts
    Shah Rukh
    'The Historical Verdicts: Pivotal Court Cases Through History' is a compelling journey through the most consequential and dramatic court cases that have shaped our world. From ancient trials like that of Socrates to modern legal battles over civil rights and personal freedoms, this book explores the enduring quest for justice and the profound impact of these landmark decisions....

    17,61 €