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Validity of Pestalozzi’s explanation of the New Mexican School

Validity of Pestalozzi’s explanation of the New Mexican School

Bernabé Andrade López / Elizabeth Arellanes Alvarado

56,40 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Destrezas y técnicas de enseñanza
56,40 €
IVA incluido

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This book presents the categories of the role of the mother, the law and the public school as institutions responsible for forming virtuous citizens as proposed by Pestalozzi; in addition, the triad of Pestalozzi’s method to educate is taken up again in comparison with what today is called competence. It was concluded that Pestalozzi’s pedagogical proposal contains some current approaches that can contribute to possible ways of addressing the educational sphere derived from the political discourse on the New Mexican School.

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