Fernanda Sanchéz / Jairo Vicente Casco Rosero
The research analyzes the development of an educational material and monitoring of children from 1 to 3 years old, applied to robotics, creating a technological education, guiding in intellectual and motor knowledge. The methodology applied is educational research with new strategies through technological devices, in order to implement robotics in a classroom and help the teacher to impart new knowledge to the student. The results showed that robotics can become an excellent tool to develop basic skills, when performing the various tests of performance of play activities with the robot and the children, it was observed that most of them adapted to the new system in which they worked as a team with the teacher, showing that of the 11 children, 10 presented an advance in the play activities at 100%, while one child did not achieve progress because he joined this classroom in the last weeks of testing, however showed an advance in the activities by 50%.