150 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: ahmet

  • Białka błonowe skorupek jaj modyfikowane nano strukturami węglowymi
    Dr. Ahmed R. Mahmood / Dr. Mustafa A. Alheety / DrAhmed RMahmood / DrMustafa AAlheety / Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karadag / ProfDrAhmet Karadag
    Niniejsza minibook zawiera opis nowej modyfikacji chemicznej naturalnego polimeru (rozpuszczalnego białka błonowego skorupki jajka) trzema różnymi nanostrukturami węglowymi (tlenkiem grafenu (GO), wielościennymi nanorurkami węglowymi (MWCNTs) i grafenem (G)) w celu przygotowania nowych materiałów nanoadsorbcyjnych. Nanoadsorbenty te zostały wykorzystane do przygotowania trzech ...

    84,22 €

    Ahmet Özalp
    Das Hauptanliegen dieser Studie ist die Analyse der Mischung von Ideen über Religion. Diese Studie versucht jedoch eher, Essays über Religion zu präsentieren, als sie mit intensivem wissenschaftlichem Interesse zu untersuchen. Religiöse Tatsachen prägen das tägliche Leben jeder Gesellschaft seit dem Beginn der Menschheitsgeschichte. Religion enthält viele studierenswerte Themen...

    63,38 €

    Ahmet Özalp
    La preoccupazione principale di questo studio è l’analisi della miscela di idee sulla religione. Tuttavia, questo studio tenta di presentare dei saggi sulla religione piuttosto che esaminarla con intensa preoccupazione scientifica. Il fatto religioso modella la vita quotidiana di ogni società dall’inizio della storia umana. La religione contiene molte questioni degne di studio,...

    63,32 €

    Ahmet Özalp
    A principal preocupação deste estudo é a análise da mistura de idéias sobre religião. Contudo, este estudo tenta apresentar ensaios sobre religião, em vez de examinar com intensa preocupação científica. O fato religioso molda a vida diária de cada sociedade desde o começo da história humana. A religião contem muitas edições dignas de estudo, que têm a função de mobilizar socied...

    63,32 €

    Ahmet Özalp
    La principale préoccupation de cette étude est l’analyse du mélange d’idées sur la religion. Cependant, cette étude tente de présenter des essais sur la religion plutôt que de l’examiner avec une intense préoccupation scientifique. Le fait religieux façonne la vie quotidienne de chaque société depuis le début de l’histoire de l’humanité. La religion contient de nombreuses quest...

    63,38 €

    Ahmet Özalp
    Głównym przedmiotem tego studium jest analiza mieszanki idei na temat religii. Jednakże, to studium stara się raczej przedstawić eseje na temat religii niż badać z intensywną naukową troską. Fakt religijny kształtuje codzienne życie każdego społeczeństwa od początku historii ludzkości. Religia zawiera wiele zagadnień wartych zbadania, które pełnią funkcję mobilizującą społeczeń...

    63,32 €

    Ahmet Özalp
    The main concern of this study is the analysis of the blend of ideas on religion. However, this study attempts to present essays on religion rather than examining with intense scientific concern. Religious fact shapes every society’s daily life from the beginning of human history. Religion contains many issues worth studying, which have the function of mobilizing societies and ...

    62,02 €

  • Egg shell membrane protein modified carbon nano structures
    Dr. Ahmed R. Mahmood / Dr. Mustafa A. Alheety / DrAhmed RMahmood / DrMustafa AAlheety / Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karadag / ProfDrAhmet Karadag
    This mini book contains the novel chemical modification of a natural polymer (soluble eggshell membrane protein) with three different carbon nanostructures (graphene oxide (GO), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and graphene (G)) to prepare novel nano adsorbent materials. These nanoadsorbents were used for preparing three different solid phase extraction columns which appl...

    84,22 €

  • Competing Ideologies in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic
    Ahmet Seyhun
    The second constitutional period of the Ottoman Empire and the early decades of the Turkish republic were a hotbed of new and competing ideas which were to dramatically shape the development of the modern nation that followed. This book includes translations of and introductions to some of the key Turkish writers of the age, including Namik Kemal, Ziya Gökalp, Abdullah Cevdet a...

    154,30 €

  • Anja
    Ahmet Prençi
    Përtej perdes së enigmës dhe misterit, që na ndante në ato çaste mua dhe atë, ai e mbaroi 'rrëfimin' e tij, duke ma lënë si një kandil të ndezur me dritën e mpakur. Me të në dorë po vij drejt jush për të parë së bashku jetën e dy shpirtrave, që dashuria i bashkoi rastësisht dhe koha i ndau padrejtësisht...... Si një formë çlirimi nga guri që më vari në qafë Antoni, fillova të r...

    19,92 €

  • Systemic Earthquake and the Struggle for World Order
    Ahmet Davutoğlu

    46,51 €

  • Frontale analyse in Ligand-Exchange Columns
    Ahmet Ayar
    De toepassingen, waaronder adsorptie en chromatografische scheidingen van verschillende liganden op de ligand-exchange stationaire fasen zijn uitgevoerd door middel van frontale analyse. Gemodificeerd als ligand wisselaar, sporopollenine, PVC en silicagel worden gebruikt als stationaire fase in adsorptie en/of chromatografische toepassingen. Daarnaast is zonder ondersteuning ee...

    73,83 €

  • Sustaining and Enhancing the Scholarly Communications Department
    Ahmet Tmava / Amanda Zerangue / Kris Helge

    97,19 €

  • Farewell, My Beautiful Homeland
    Ahmet Ümit / Rakesh Jobanputra
    ’Farewell, My Beautiful Homeland’ is the story of a man from Salonika on the eve of the First World War who is forced to choose between his love for a woman and his love for his country as the Ottoman Empire is drawn into the war and faces collapse. ...

    19,27 €

  • Silver nanoparticles
    Dr. Ahmed R. Mahmood / Dr. Mustafa A. Alheety / DrAhmed RMahmood / DrMustafa AAlheety / Professor Dr. Ahmet Karadag / Professor DrAhmet Karadag
    Silver nanoparticles meaning that silver particles ranging in size from 1 nm to 100 nm. The rapid and efficient development in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) is due to its wide application in various fields, such as anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal and as a catalyst. This book provides the reader with an updated introduction about nanomaterials and their na...

    102,59 €

  • Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment
    Ahmet T. Kuru / Ahmet TKuru

    41,75 €

  • The Development Of Modern Turkey As Measured By Its Press, Issues 142-145
    Ahmet Emin Yalman
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important ...

    30,48 €

  • Hüseyin Fellah
    Ahmet Mithat
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important ...

    25,73 €

  • Die Türkei
    Ahmet Emin Yalman
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important ...

    31,47 €

  • A Modern Perspective of Islamic Economics and Finance
    Ahmet Suayb Gundogdu
    This book aims to develop a blue print for Islamic economics and finance by starting at the grass roots of trade and commerce. It positions Islamic finance within the economic priorities of Islam while providing a cohesive understanding of Islamic economics and finance in a clear and practical manner. ...

    98,78 €

  • Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment
    Ahmet T. Kuru / Ahmet TKuru

    120,33 €

  • Bati Trakya faciasinin iç yuzu
    Bu sene Balkanlardan s.küldüğümüz 1912 yılının 100. yılıdır. 18 Haziran 1911 Sultan Reşat Kosova’yı ziyaret etmiş. Murat Hudavendigar’ın şehit edildiği Kosova harp meydanında yüzbinlerle ifade edilen Balkan Halklarıyla, Arnavut, Boşnak, Pomak, Begovil, Türk Müslüman ile Cuma namazı kılınmıştır. Rulmeli’de her islam, Türk iken nasıl olmuşta 1912’de ..zülme olmuştur. Ayrışmayı ki...

    29,54 €

  • Economic Dynamics of Global Energy Geopolitics
    Ahmet Salih Ikiz

    196,56 €

  • Modular ESP Course Design
    Ahmet Remzi Uluşan
    Today, learning is recognized as a right and necessity for everyone throughout his life. Attempts to apply this principle are increasingly evident and are often noteworthy even when they remain marginal. However, the great majority of the learners all over the world are still enclosed in a structure based on the principles governing the traditional organization of studies. The ...

    118,04 €

  • Millennial Culture and Communication Pedagogies
    Ahmet Atay
    This book provides valuable insights into the millennial generation and how college students, faculty, and staff can effectively communicate and understand one another. ...

    128,94 €

  • Economic Dynamics of Global Energy Geopolitics
    Ahmet Salih Ikiz
    The dominant powers in world energy geopolitics have radically changed in last couple of decades due to the increased demand for natural energy resources (i.e., coal and oil). Because of these power shifts, the economics of energy has become much more entangled in international relations. Economic Dynamics of Global Energy Geopolitics provides emerging research exploring the th...

    255,88 €

  • The IVF Guide
    Ahmet Ozyigit / Savas Ozyigit
    IVF Treatment is a very personal journey- one with ups and downs. While there might be loads of information on infertility out there, it is very difficult to find the right information that fits your unique needs. Search for the right treatment option begins with the understanding that every patient is unique and standard treatments do not produce the same outcome for everyone....

    34,50 €

    Ahmet Nur ERÖZENCİ
    Geçtiğimiz yıllarda gerek özel hastane, gerekse Vakıf Üniversite’lerinde açılan Tıp Fakülte sayısındaki artış, sağlık alanındaki bilimsel dergi sayısındaki artışı da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bugün ülkemizde özel ve kamu hastanelerinin, devlet ve vakıf üniversitesi tıp fakültelerinin, sağlık meslek yüksekokullarının, hemşirelik okullarının ve uzmanlık dernekler...

    12,62 €

  • 42nd Regiment Gallipoli 1915
    Ahmet Diriker
    This book tells the true story of the Turkish 42nd Regiment in the Battle of Gallipoli of 1915. Positioned at Kerevizdere (Kereves Dere) in the Seddulbahir area of Gallipoli, the regiment fought against the French Expeditionary Corps of the Orient. Based on primary sources such as war diaries of troops, maps and reports, which have hitherto remained largely unpublished in Turki...

    16,38 €

  • Gecmisten Gelecege Emirdag
    Ahmet Urfali
    ''Gecmisten Gelecege Emirdag'' kitabini bir albumun otesinde, tarih ve kultur belgeseli olarak gormek gerektigine inaniyorum. Burada yer alan fotograflar, Emirdag’in gecmisini, gelecege tasiyarak zaman icerisinde daha cok deger kazanacaktir. Emirdag Kaymakami Sayin Akin Agca, uzun bir zamandan beri sivil toplum, resmi kurum ve kuruluslarla temas kurarak pek cok fotograf toplanm...

    40,27 €

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