Catálogo de libros: terror

2163 Catálogo de libros: terror

  • Sacred Terror
    Daniel Price

    73,07 €

  • Fairy Rides the Lightning - A Terrorbelle Novel
    Patrick Thomas
    A weekend getaway from New York City goes awry and Terrorbelle winds up in Valhalla where Thor the Norse god of thunder stands accused of murder. It’s up to the gun-toting fairy and fellow Nemesis & Co. agent Rudy to clear the Valkyrie’s father, that is if they can defeat a biker gang, outmaneuver a giant serpent, convince the imprisoned trickster Loki to help them, cool down ...

    17,07 €

  • The Role Of International Law In The Fight Against Aerial Terrorism
    Halle Edward
    Aviation has grown over the years into a huge industry that is an indivisible part of todays economy and a toll of international trade and social interraction.Air transport is intrisically linked to peace and is removed from its antithesis Terrorism that is usually linked with acts of unlawful interference with civil Aviation.Because of their mobility and succeptibility,aircraf...

    123,07 €

  • House of Terrors
    Anthony Giangregorio
    Welcome to the House of Terrors! Monsters, torturers and serial killers abound in this collection of horror stories not for the faint of heart, written by both established and up and coming new authors. In the darkness within us all resides a demon no one can destroy, one that feeds on carnage and mayhem. Though you may try to deny this, you know it's true. Human beings are no ...

    17,05 €

  • Zwischen Geostrategie und War On Terror
    Carsten Koener
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Nach den terroristischen Anschlägen des 11.09.2001 sah sich die ameri­kanische Administration unter Präsident George W. Bush einer neuen Be­drohung ausgesetzt. Das militärische Vorgehen gegen die Taliban und Kräfte der Al Quaida in Afghanistan lenkte die Aufmerksamkeit auf einen alten Ver­bündeten der USA. Pakistan und sein Armee- und Staatsc...

    75,20 €

  • Model for the Eradication of Terrorism
    Litofe Sloj Silika PhD
    Ten years after September 11, 2001, a date that consecrates the day that the United States of America felt victim of the most vicious terrorist attack in its recent history; it becomes increasingly critical to spell out what terrorism is and what it is not. Indeed, in the aftermath of May 1, 2011, a historical date during which President Obama announced to the American people a...

    44,00 €

  • Terror in Shadows
    Lecy McKenzie
    Terror in the Shadows: Sometimes the one thing that frightens you the most is the one thing you have been looking for all your life.The Terror Is Here! Terror in the Shadows, a new suspense thriller by Horror Novelist Lecy McKenzie Pritchett, will keep you riveted and promises to be filled with bone chilling terror and heart stopping surprises until the very end. Four couple...

    19,72 €

  • Terrorism and the United Nations System
    Emeka Thaddues Njoku
    Terrorism is today one of the most serious and visible threats to security of mankind and all efforts of the United Nations (UN) to curb the threat has been anything but successful. Since September 11, 2001 terrorists attack on the United States (US), the United Nations adopted strong measures aimed at reducing the activities of terrorists. However, from 2001 till date, several...

    75,87 €

  • Terror in the Streets
    Rosalia Shaw

    12,58 €

  • Terrorists in Love
    Ken Ballen

    18,02 €

  • Das advokatorische Handeln terroristischer Gruppen
    Franziska Heym
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Der Begriff des ,,Terrorismus' ist heutzutage aus den Medien nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wurden die ersten Anschläge in Deutschland Anfang der 70er Jahre noch als ,,Verirrungen' studentischen Protestes gegen das Staatssystem wahrgenommen, so ist der Terrorismus seit den Anschlägen des 11.09.2001 zu einer omnipräsenten Bedrohung geworden. Doch wel...

    75,25 €

  • The Night Terror
    Timothy JMcSwain
    A park ranger haunted by his past must come to grips with the present. His marriage is crumbling, and his obsession with a previous tragedy engulfs his thoughts. A group of college students decide to go camping together for the first time, but their curiosity propels them into a situation where they find themselves running for their lives. Some travelers stop to relax and have ...

    33,18 €

  • The Night Terror
    Timothy JMcSwain
    A park ranger haunted by his past must come to grips with the present. His marriage is crumbling, and his obsession with a previous tragedy engulfs his thoughts. A group of college students decide to go camping together for the first time, but their curiosity propels them into a situation where they find themselves running for their lives. Some travelers stop to relax and have ...

    16,27 €

  • The Bin Laden Papers--Volume One
    Combating Terrorism Center
    These documents (released by the Combating Terrorism Center) provide a fascinating and chilling look into the minds of the world’s worst terrorist **** These top secret papers captured by US forces during the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad provide a previously unimaginable glimpse into the workings of Al Qaeda and their slain leader. **** This book contains t...

    9,64 €

  • Terrorism and Just War Tradition
    Jason Gatliff
    Revision with unchanged content. Jason Gatliff argues that some types of terrorism are permissible within a Just War framework. When evaluating any use of force, two questions need to be addressed: (1) was it appropriate to use force, and (2) was force used appropriately. It is within the scope of these two questions that most of the objections to terrorism arise. Gatliff argue...

    97,03 €

  • Terrorism and Nationalism
    Ole J. Forsberg / Ole JForsberg
    Revision with unchanged content. This study seeks to determine which factors affect an ethnonational group’s decision to utilize terrorism. Current political theories have proposed several answers, but the theoretical underpinnings of those answers are both dis­parate and weak. Thus, in answering this question, a new model of terro­rism is necessary, one which spans the four pr...

    89,23 €

  • Tales of Terror and Mystery
    Arthur Conan Doyle
    Tales of Terror and Mystery is a collection of Arthur Conan Doyle stories including:Tales of TerrorThe Horror of the HeightsThe Leather FunnelThe New CatacombThe Case of Lady SannoxThe Terror of Blue John GapThe Brazilian CatTales of Mystery The Lost SpecialThe Beetle-HunterThe Man with the WatchesThe Japanned BoxThe Black DoctorThe Jew’s BreastplateSir Arthur Ignatius Conan Do...

    12,12 €

  • Terrorism TV
    Stacy Takacs
    The Fox-TV series 24 might have been in production long before its premier just two months after 9/11, but its storyline--and that of many other television programs--has since become inextricably embedded in the nation’s popular consciousness. This book marks the first comprehensive survey and analysis of War on Terror themes in post-9/11 American television, critiquing those s...

    34,95 €

  • El Paradigma del Terrorismo entre Derecho Interno e Internacional
    Ignácio Nunes Fernandes
    El gran paradigma de los delitos de terrorismo es la inseguridad y la seguridad. El terrorismo tiene como principal objetivo causar el terror entre la sociedad, la búsqueda por combatir este terror por parte del Estado acaba por producir aún más terror con la excusa de estar combatiendo el terror. Por fin la sociedad se ve atrapada entre dos extremos: el terrorista que impone...

    40,79 €

  • The Female of the Species and Other Terror Tales
    Richard Davis
    A collection of eleven horror stories by Richard Davis (1935-2005), famed anthologist whose books include The Year's Best Horror Stories, the Space, Spectre and Tandem Horror series and many others. The author was the story editor for the BBC Late Night Horror series. His short stories appeared in many anthologies in the UK, but this is the first time a collection of his st...

    12,88 €

  • Moderner Terrorismus
    Anthony Hauninger
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. In der Spannung von Freiheit und Gewalt ist Terrorismus als Begriff in das Blickfeld der Philosophie geraten. Die Schwierigkeiten dieses Begriffs versucht der Autor zu durchleuchten und ihn als Form politischer Gewalt auf seinen Inhalt zu untersuchen. Neben einer historischen Einordnung wird versucht, Terrorismus als spezifische Gewalt im...

    56,85 €

  • Somali Piracy and Terrorism in the Horn of Africa
    Christopher Daniels / Christopher L. Daniels / Christopher LDaniels
    The first contribution to Global Flashpoints: A Scarecrow Press Series, Christopher Daniels’ Somali Piracy and Terrorism in the Horn of Africa provides readers with a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the spate of piracy and terrorism plaguing the waters of Somalia and the global threat posed by this activity. Contesting the commonly held perception that the piracy and ter...

    120,78 €

  • Terrorismus
    Sascha B. Storck / Sascha BStorck
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Seit dem erneuten Aufflammen terroristischer Gewalttaten in den letzten Jahr­en, deren vorläufigen spektakulären Höhepunkt die Anschläge des 11. Sep­tember 2001 bildeten, ist das Wort Terrorismus in aller Munde und plötz­lich befindet sich die Welt im Krieg. Gegen wen? Den Terrorismus. Was aber genau versteht man unter Terrorismus? Wer sind ...

    75,24 €

  • Terror Scribes
    Adam Lowe / Chris Kelso
    Terror Scribes is a satisfyingly diverse anthology, furnished with nebulous, original tales guaranteed to set your teeth on edge and give you bouts of gooseflesh. From the home-grown talent of Sue Phillips to prolific US gore-hound Deb Hoag, from the satirists to the psychopaths to the traditionalists, from demonic possession of celebrities to masturbating werewolves, from hair...

    30,99 €

  • Terror unterm Sternenbanner
    Katrin Flückiger
    Inhaltlich unveränderte Neuauflage. Seit dem Anschlag auf das World Trade Center in New York am 11. September 2001 wurde man von den Medien geradezu mit Artikeln über internationalen Terrorismus bombardiert, während gleichzeitig der einheimische Terrorismus in den Vereinigten Staaten thematisch stark vernachlässigt wurde. Mit der Frage, ob inneramerikanischer Terrorismus je...

    75,11 €

  • Russlands Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme des Bekämpfungsansatzes
    Michail Logvinov
    Obwohl Russlands sogenannte „kontraterroristische Operation in Tschetschenien' 2009 für beendet erklärt wurde, kann von einer Entspannung der Lage im Nordkaukasus keine Rede sein. Regelmäßige Sonderoperationen der Polizei, Überfälle von und bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen mit Aufständischen sowie die jüngsten Anschläge in Kernrussland zeugen von weiterhin erheblicher Gewaltbere...

    58,02 €

  • Tank Terror
    Philip Arena
    A collection of World War II Model German Tanks in Color. World War II history in Europe and North Africa is recreated with skillfully built and painted model German tanks. The tanks are carefully retouched digitally into atmospheric scenes that span the entire length of the war, from the invasion of Poland in 1939 to the fall of Berlin in 1945. Over 30 highly detailed World Wa...

    45,56 €

  • The Reign of Terror in America
    Rachel Hope Cleves

    56,54 €

  • Terror and Reconciliation
    Maryse Jayasuriya
    Terror and Reconciliation explores the English language literature that has emerged from Sri Lanka’s quarter-century long ethnic conflict. It examines poetry, short fiction and novels by both diasporic writers and writers resident in Sri Lanka. Its discussion of resident Sri Lankan writers is particularly important because it calls attention to a rich and ambitious body of work...

    132,09 €

  • Terror on Highway 46
    Dana Rowe / Mark RDeaver
    'Terror On Highway 46' Paso Robles, California: the present. A roadhouse has been built to feature Rockabilly bands from all over the country. The ambiance is of the 1950s: the old automobiles, Hot Rods, and the style and dress of Rockabilly.Young fans, basically females’ bodies begin to turn up in dry creek beds, arroyos, and one hanging from the Salinas River Bridge. A Hindu ...

    19,92 €