Catálogo de libros: victor a

112 Catálogo de libros: victor a

  • Ponder and Pray
    Victor A. Shepherd
    In an age with so many distractions it is not enough to tell Christians they should pray. Most of us need help. Our prayer life needs rails to run on. Our Scripture reading needs to be structured. In Ponder and Pray Victor Shepherd offers us seven weeks of biblical, thought-provoking and relevant devotions. Appropriate for any season of the year, this book is a helpful resourc...

    11,03 €

  • Limas rotativas em odontopediatria
    DR. KUHELI PANJA / Dr. Victor Samuel A.
    As limas rotativas são instrumentos endodônticos especializados que moldam e limpam os canais radiculares durante a terapia endodôntica. As limas rotativas revolucionaram a endodontia pediátrica, tornando os procedimentos mais rápidos, mais eficientes e mais fiáveis. As limas rotativas podem melhorar significativamente os resultados dos tratamentos endodônticos em pacientes jov...

    85,70 €

  • Rotierende Feilen in der Kinderzahnheilkunde
    DR. KUHELI PANJA / Dr. Victor Samuel A.
    Rotationsfeilen sind spezielle endodontische Instrumente, die während der endodontischen Therapie die Wurzelkanäle formen und reinigen. Rotationsfeilen haben die pädiatrische Endodontie revolutioniert, da sie die Verfahren schneller, effizienter und zuverlässiger machen. Rotationsfeilen können die Ergebnisse endodontischer Behandlungen bei jungen Patienten erheblich verbessern ...

    85,68 €

  • Limes rotatives en dentisterie pédiatrique
    DR. KUHELI PANJA / Dr. Victor Samuel A.
    Les limes rotatives sont des instruments endodontiques spécialisés qui façonnent et nettoient les canaux radiculaires pendant le traitement endodontique. Les limes rotatives ont révolutionné l’endodontie pédiatrique en rendant les procédures plus rapides, plus efficaces et plus fiables. Les limes rotatives peuvent considérablement améliorer les résultats des traitements endodon...

    85,68 €

  • Lime rotanti in odontoiatria pediatrica
    DR. KUHELI PANJA / Dr. Victor Samuel A.
    Le lime rotanti sono strumenti endodontici specializzati che modellano e puliscono i canali radicolari durante la terapia endodontica. Le lime rotanti hanno rivoluzionato l’endodonzia pediatrica, rendendo le procedure più rapide, efficienti e affidabili. Le lime rotanti possono migliorare notevolmente i risultati dei trattamenti endodontici nei pazienti giovani, contribuendo a ...

    85,70 €

  • Informationen unter Transgender
    Ally Sornam S / Nandini P / Victor Sorna Prabhu A
    Transgender-Personen - die Gemeinschaft des dritten Geschlechts - sind schon seit Jahrhunderten Teil der indischen Gesellschaft. Vor 400 Jahren wurden sie als Hijras bezeichnet. Sie galten als Menschen, die ihre Identität und ihren Respekt verloren hatten, die verachtet wurden und einen geringeren Status hatten. Heute jedoch hat die indische Regierung durch Gesetze und Rechte d...

    97,55 €

  • L’information chez les transgenres
    Ally Sornam S / Nandini P / Victor Sorna Prabhu A
    Les personnes transgenres - la communauté du troisième sexe - font partie de la société indienne depuis des siècles. Il y a 400 ans, on les appelait les hijras. Elles étaient considérées comme des personnes qui avaient perdu leur identité et le respect, qui étaient méprisées et dont le statut était inférieur. Mais aujourd’hui, le gouvernement indien, par le biais d’actes juridi...

    97,56 €

  • Informazione tra i transgender
    Ally Sornam S / Nandini P / Victor Sorna Prabhu A
    Le persone transgender - la comunità di terzo genere - fanno parte della società indiana da secoli. 400 anni fa venivano chiamate hijras. Erano considerate persone che avevano perso identità e rispetto, disprezzate e considerate di rango inferiore. Ma oggi il governo indiano, attraverso leggi e diritti, ha introdotto l’opzione del terzo genere in tutti i documenti e le document...

    97,57 €

  • Informação entre transgéneros
    Ally Sornam S / Nandini P / Victor Sorna Prabhu A
    Os transexuais - a comunidade do terceiro género - faziam parte da sociedade indiana há séculos. Há 400 anos, eram designadas por hijras. Eram consideradas como pessoas que tinham perdido a identidade e o respeito, que eram desprezadas e consideradas de menor estatuto. Hoje em dia, porém, o Governo da Índia, através de leis e direitos legais, introduz a opção de um terceiro sex...

    97,56 €

  • Analyse de la viabilité du GNC
    Artur S. Rodrigues / Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    Sous la direction du professeur Victor Augusto Nascimento Magalhães, Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes et Artur Saturnino Rodrigues ont rédigé un document visant à analyser le potentiel économique du gaz naturel pour véhicules. Le travail a analysé les connaissances des chauffeurs de taxi de Diamantina MG sur le GNC et la satisfaction des chauffeurs de taxi de Sete Lagoas MG à l’éga...

    55,04 €

  • Analisi della redditività del CNG
    Artur S. Rodrigues / Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    Sotto la guida del Prof. Dr. Victor Augusto Nascimento Magalhães, Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes e Artur Saturnino Rodrigues hanno redatto un documento volto ad analizzare il potenziale economico del gas naturale per autotrazione. Il lavoro ha analizzato le conoscenze dei tassisti di Diamantina MG sul CNG e la soddisfazione dei tassisti di Sete Lagoas MG nei confronti del prodott...

    54,97 €

  • Analyse der Rentabilität von CNG
    Artur S. Rodrigues / Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    Unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Victor Augusto Nascimento Magalhães verfassten Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes und Artur Saturnino Rodrigues eine Arbeit zur Analyse des wirtschaftlichen Potenzials von Erdgas in Fahrzeugen. Die Arbeit analysierte das Wissen der Taxifahrer in Diamantina MG über CNG und die Zufriedenheit der Taxifahrer in Sete Lagoas MG mit dem Produkt. Mit dieser Ar...

    54,97 €

  • CNG feasibility analysis
    Artur S. Rodrigues / Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Victor Augusto Nascimento Magalhães, Izaldir Ângelo Pereira Lopes and Artur Saturnino Rodrigues wrote a paper aimed at analyzing the economic potential of vehicular natural gas. The work analyzed the knowledge of taxi drivers in Diamantina MG about CNG and the satisfaction of taxi drivers in Sete Lagoas MG with the product. With this work, the au...

    54,90 €

  • Motore diesel per l’aumento della coppia con camera di compressione mobile
    Bruno T. de Farias / Lucas Lima Gonçalves / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    L’obiettivo di questo studio è sviluppare un modello computerizzato che migliori i motori a ciclo diesel per ottenere una maggiore coppia. A tal fine, viene proposto un cambiamento tra i tempi del motore in cui la compressione viene allungata di un altro mezzo giro dell’albero motore e a questo punto si verifica il tempo di combustione. Questo cambiamento è reso possibile dall’...

    76,44 €

  • Moteur diesel pour l’augmentation du couple avec chambre de compression mobile
    Bruno T. de Farias / Lucas Lima Gonçalves / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    L’objectif de cette étude est de développer un modèle informatique qui améliore les moteurs à cycle diesel afin d’obtenir plus de couple. Pour ce faire, un changement est proposé entre les temps du moteur où la compression est allongée par un autre demi-tour du vilebrequin et à ce moment-là, le temps de combustion se produit. Ce changement est rendu possible par l’installation ...

    76,44 €

  • Diesel Engine for Torque Gain with Mobile Compression Chamber
    Bruno T. de Farias / Lucas Lima Gonçalves / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    The aim of this study is to develop a computer model that improves diesel cycle engines in order to obtain more torque. To do this, a change is proposed between engine times where compression is lengthened by another half turn of the crankshaft and at this point the combustion time occurs. This change is made possible by the installation of a movable compression piston, which w...

    76,44 €

  • Dieselmotor zur Drehmomentsteigerung mit mobiler Verdichtungskammer
    Bruno T. de Farias / Lucas Lima Gonçalves / Victor A. N. Magalhães
    Ziel dieser Studie ist es, ein Computermodell zu entwickeln, das Dieselmotoren verbessert, um ein höheres Drehmoment zu erzielen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Wechsel zwischen den Motorzeiten vorgeschlagen, bei dem die Verdichtung um eine weitere halbe Kurbelwellenumdrehung verlängert wird und zu diesem Zeitpunkt die Verbrennungszeit stattfindet. Dieser Wechsel wird durch den Einba...

    76,44 €

  • Entraînement physique combiné pour les patients âgés atteints de BPCO
    Alessandro dos S. Pin / Valéria A. P Di Lorenzo / Victor Fernando Couto
    L’ouvrage Combined Physical Training for Elderly Patients with COPD permet d’assimiler toutes les connaissances physiopathologiques, y compris les manifestations locales et systémiques que peuvent présenter les patients âgés atteints de bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO). Outre ces manifestations, ce livre cite et décrit les méthodologies d’évaluation clinique les...

    32,76 €

  • Kombiniertes körperliches Training für ältere Patienten mit COPD
    Alessandro dos S. Pin / Valéria A. P Di Lorenzo / Victor Fernando Couto
    In dem Buch 'Kombiniertes körperliches Training für ältere Patienten mit COPD' werden alle pathophysiologischen Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst, einschließlich der lokalen und systemischen Manifestationen, die bei älteren Patienten mit chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD) auftreten können. Zusätzlich zu diesen Manifestationen werden in diesem Buch die in der brasilianisc...

    32,76 €

  • Allenamento fisico combinato per pazienti anziani con BPCO
    Alessandro dos S. Pin / Valéria A. P Di Lorenzo / Victor Fernando Couto
    In Allenamento fisico combinato per pazienti anziani con BPCO è possibile assorbire tutte le conoscenze fisiopatologiche, comprese le manifestazioni locali e sistemiche che possono presentare i pazienti anziani con broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO). Oltre a queste manifestazioni, questo libro cita e descrive le metodologie di valutazione clinica più raccomandate nella...

    32,70 €

  • Combined physical training for elderly patients with COPD
    Alessandro dos S. Pin / Valéria A. P Di Lorenzo / Victor Fernando Couto
    In Combined Physical Training for Elderly Patients with COPD, it is possible to absorb all the pathophysiological knowledge, including the local and systemic manifestations that elderly patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) may present. In addition to these manifestations, this book cites and describes the clinical assessment methodologies most recommended ...

    32,70 €

    Rotary files are specialized endodontic instruments that shape and clean root canals during endodontic therapy. These files enhance the efficiency and success rates of treatments for young patients. Rotary files have revolutionized pediatric endodontics by making procedures faster, more efficient, and more reliable. Rotary files can greatly enhance the outcomes of endodontic tr...

    85,80 €

  • Information among Transgender
    Ally Sornam. S / Nandini P / Victor Sorna Prabhu. A
    Transgender persons - the third gender community had been part of Indian society for centuries. 400 years ago they were referred to us hijras. They were considered as people who had lost identity and respect, who were despised and considered less in status. But today, Government of India through Legal Acts and Rights brings the option for a third gender in all records and offic...

    97,44 €

  • Advanced Cybersecurity Services Design
    Víctor A. Villagrá
    This Special Issue includes 14 contributions, with 2 review contributions and 12 research contributions. The review contributions provide a survey with an overview of the state of the art in detecting and projecting cyber-attack scenarios, and the review of a specific application area, the safety of autonomous haulage systems in the mining environment related to both cybersecur...

    81,74 €

    Víctor A. Ruiz
    Es la historia de una mujer llamada Ernestina, la cual desde muy joven desarrollo habilidades muy especiales que mas adelante le salvaran la vida y la de su familia. Fue muy religiosa, tuvo un acercamiento con el que fue el papa Benedicto del Vaticano. Amo mucho a su familia, los dejo muy unidos entre ellos con ciertas tacticas que uso, sobre todo ayudandoles en lo que mas pudo...

    12,06 €

  • E Se Não For Deus?
    Victor Luchesi Barlow E Vitor A. M. Diniz
    E se não for Deus? Como construir um novo sentido para a vida é uma viagem existencial marcada pela desconstrução das ideias e dos dogmas que tomamos como verdadeiros até a construção de um novo olhar mais crítico, preciso e embasado para a realidade. O propósito da obra é claro: caso Deus não exista, como podemos compreender a vida, a realidade e, principalmente, criar um sent...

    49,41 €

  • La casa de las memorias rotas
    Víctor. A Agudelo
    Franco y el Burrito conversan en La Casa. Su grupo de teatro amateur se ha presentado esta noche, por primera vez, en el marco del Festival Internacional de Teatro de Manizales y celebran con vino, mientras recuerdan el largo camino que han tenido que recorrer para llegar a este punto. Dos noches serán suficientes para que ambos revivan los dolores y tristezas, éxitos y desenga...

    15,60 €

  • Meat in Due Season
    Dr. Victor A. Kennedy
    We may experience pain, suffering, and trials in our Christian walks through life, but no one has been through more battles on their Christian walk than one man-Jesus Christ. When we are facing difficult challenges and obstacles in our lives, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can show us how to overcome and find victory in the tough times.Meat in Due Season is an inspiring devot...

    8,34 €

  • Mine Shall Be Done
    Apostle Dr. Victor A Adewusi / Apostle Dr. Victor Adewusi
    Certainly, like most other families, we experienced health challenges, financial challenges, social challenges, and spiritual challenges, to name a few. Faith is primarily demonstrated through words and action. This is a book about faith in God and will challenge you to grow your faith in God to a higher level. As you read this book, may the power of the Holy Spirit empower you...

    15,35 €

  • 50 Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Science
    Victor A. Kanke
    The present edition examines the main provisions of modern philosophy of science in the form of short sketches. In particular, the author pays attention to the principle of theoretical representation, the nature of scientific theories, scientific methods, inter-theoretical relations, the structure of modern science, positivistic, critical-rationalistic, analytical, phenomenolog...

    10,22 €

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