Tratamiento y terapéutica

Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / Tratamiento y terapéutica (539)

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  • Addiction is Addiction Workbook
    Sue Newton
    Addiction is a primary, chronic brain disease. Primary means that it is not caused by anything else and chronic means that it lasts a lifetime. Genetic factors account for more than half the likelihood that an individual will develop Addiction but environment also plays a significant role in its expression. Our goal in writing this workbook is to help you appreciate the princip...

    19,97 €

  • Fear of Missing Out
    Gilroy Grier
    The development of social media addiction has become a phenomenon creating a potentialpublic health crisis. While research has found correlations between the development of socialmedia addiction and rising levels of fear of missing out, there is limited research surrounding theinfluence of smartphone ease of access. This study examined the moderating effects ofsmartphone ease o...

    27,37 €

  • Anorexia and other Eating Disorders
    Eva Musby
    The most effective treatment for eating disorders is family-based, and parents play an essential role. Yet most struggle to know what to do and how to do it.With a wealth of practical examples and tips that have helped many tens of thousands of relieved parents, Eva Musby guides you through each stage of your son or daughter’s recovery. She provides solace and confidence, while...

    31,80 €

  • Breaking Free
    Dominik Rainer
    Brechen Sie jetzt mit dem Rauchen! ’Breaking Free: Die Rauchfrei-Revolution’zeigt Ihnen den Weg! Entdecken Sie eine einzigartige Methode mit professioneller Selbsthypnose in nur 30 Tagen rauchfrei zu werden.Erfahren Sie, wie andere Raucher erfolgreich aufgehört haben. Inspirierende Erfolgsgeschichten zeigen Ihnen, dass es möglich ist.Lassen Sie sich von echten Erfolgsgeschichte...

    30,74 €

  • Unlocking Me
    Inez Sobczak
    Unlocking Me offers an honest, hopeful look at the pain of addiction-and the way out. ...

    15,72 €

  • ALL IN
    Jefferson K. Rogers
    Become the person others emulate. In his early thirties, Jefferson Rogers was broke, addicted, and on the verge of losing everything he had built. Things had to change. He had to change. In ALL IN, Jefferson reveals how he flipped the switch on his addictive tendencies and channeled them toward a life of progress, positivity, and peace of mind. With a roadmap based on the meth...

    16,39 €

  • Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch
    Shaley Howard
    As a young child, in many ways, Shaley didn’t stand a chance. Growing up as a closeted lesbian in the 1970’s, in a dysfunctional family with an often mentally unstable mother, the only thing on her mind was survival. Turning to alcohol and drugs at an early age, she thought she’d found the perfect escape from the shame of being gay and her mother’s erratic emotional roller-coas...

    22,06 €

  • Rise and Fall of Synanon
    Rod Janzen
    The definitive account of Synanon.On a fall day in 1978, Los Angeles attorney Paul Morantz reached into his mailbox to collect his mail and was nearly killed. He was bitten by the four-foot-long rattlesnake that had been put there by members of a cultlike group called Synanon.Chuck Dederich--a former Alcoholics Anonymous member who coined the phrase 'Today is the first day of t...

    31,31 €

  • Sintonizando-se Com A Frequência Do Sucesso
    Erich Smargiassi Calicchio
    Neste livro inspirador e transformador, o autor mergulha no mundo do aperfeiçoamento pessoal, guiando os leitores em uma jornada de autodescoberta e crescimento.O livro oferece uma abordagem prática e acessível para mudar paradigmas, desenvolver habilidades emocionais e mentais, e criar uma nova postura diante da vida.Através de diversos capítulos repletos de exemplos e conteúd...

    11,04 €

  • Connie Armstrong
    Nathan Aguinaga
    Connie has her whole life ahead of her. She has youth, beauty, and popularity in her hometown of Lapeer, Michigan. Putting her athleticism to use, she embarks on an adventure in the Army. She works hard, but she plays hard as well, and her continuous binge-drinking steers her life through complicated twists and turns. She can stop and function when she needs to, but will it be ...

    15,81 €

  • Connie Armstrong
    Nathan Aguinaga
    Connie has her whole life ahead of her. She has youth, beauty, and popularity in her hometown of Lapeer, Michigan. Putting her athleticism to use, she embarks on an adventure in the Army. She works hard, but she plays hard as well, and her continuous binge-drinking steers her life through complicated twists and turns. She can stop and function when she needs to, but will it be ...

    22,76 €

  • Vivendo Um Relacionamento Saudável
    Clecia Santana
    Abordo neste livro todos os aspectos emocionais e práticos da vida cotidiana entre as pessoas que se relacionam ou mesmo que estejam solteiras, para que estruturem a relação de forma saudável. Viver sozinho é um ato de sabedoria e conviver com pessoas exige um pouco mais dela, toda união começa antes mesmo de começar, o maior desfio é primeiro entender a si mesmo, se conhecer p...

    10,09 €

  • Conto De Fadas Da Vida Real
    Nalú Vieira Alves
    Os contos de fadas possuem uma importância muito grande na representatividade do feminino na vida das meninas. Os arquétipos das Princesas geram identificações cruciais para a busca de uma direção de vida que cada mulher vai escolher. A importância de descaracterizar os papéis dos personagens na vida das mulheres se faz urgente, pois nenhuma mulher precisa esperar seu principe ...

    9,31 €

  • Sueños
    Soñar... Un privilegio, un juego, un don: una de las pocas gracias concedidas a todos los seres humanos en la misma medida. A lo largo de los siglos han ido apareciendo en los sueños los mismos temas eternos: la madre, la mujer, el hombre, el fuego, la hierba, el animal.... El sueño es un código, un mensaje cifrado que se apoya en símbolos tan viejos como el mundo, una puerta a...

    16,59 €

  • Dream Book
    Dreaming... A privilege, a game, a gift: one of the few graces granted to all human beings in equal measure. Throughout the centuries the same eternal themes have appeared in dreams: the mother, the woman, the man, the fire, the grass, the animal.... The dream is a code, an encrypted message that is supported by in symbols as old as the world, an open door to an unknown dimensi...

    16,59 €

  • Beyond Sober
    Laura Lee Wright
    'Beyond Sober: You Put Down the Booze, Now What?' is a must-read for anyone who has recently made the decision to stop drinking and is looking for practical tips and strategies to help them stay sober. Written by a woman in recovery who has dedicated over 25,000 hours to researching and speaking with successfully sober people, this book offers a wealth of real-world strategies ...

    29,80 €

  • Recovery from Food and Other Addictions
    Joanne DiCesare
    Joanne starved herself for years to numb her feelings and became anorexic.Then, in an attempt to restore her health, she began compulsive binge eating to fill the overwhelming emptiness in her heart and soul. She binged and purged, which led to obesity and the further decline of her health. Follow her secret three-decade journey of eating disorders that ruined her relationships...

    15,66 €

    The War in The Heaven by Jamaican author Gem C. Collie examines the psychologicaleffects of generational victimization in contemporary times. The book exposes perpetualinherited mistreatment due to the constant battle one goes through to fight for individualityagainst collectivism, social norms, and culture. Through vivid descriptions and powerfulstorytelling, the author takes ...

    36,23 €

  • Crônicas Psicológicas
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    Crônicas Psicológicas - À Luz da Gnose - Vol. 1é uma coletânea envolvente de crônicas que mergulham nas profundezas da psique humana, explorando os caminhos da mente e da consciência desde os primórdios da humanidade. Neste primeiro volume, o autor nos fornece, de forma compendiosa, o início da trajetória da psicologia; permeando cada uma das grandes mentes e épocas que contrib...

    9,71 €

  • Manifesto & Desilusão
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    Manifesto & Desilusão - Ensaios Ontológicosé uma obra fascinante que mergulha profundamente no estudo das questões ontológicas e na complexidade da dualidade. Neste livro, o autor nos conduz por uma jornada intelectual desafiadora, explorando os limites da nossa compreensão da realidade e as implicações da existência de dois aspectos distintos. Através de uma abordagem clara e ...

    8,88 €

  • Loquerías, manicomios y hospitales psiquiátricos de Lima
    Santiago Stucchi Portocarrero
    En los últimos años, se ha desarrollado un renovado interés por la salud mental, así como por la historia de la psiquiatría y los establecimientos psiquiátricos. En el caso particular del Perú, se vienen implementando una serie de medidas que han sido denominadas la reforma de la salud mental. Es en este escenario que el autor presenta una segunda edición de Loquerías, manicomi...

    43,73 €

  • Meu Mundo À Parte
    André Campos
    Este volume ainda é dedicado às experiências da minha tenra infância, cuja narrativa deixará evidente os momentos vividos que contribuíram na construção de quem sou e de quem estou me tornando. Lembrando que somos construídos pela soma de ações que cometemos e das circunstâncias a que somos submetidos.Apesar de um pouco mais alongada essa introdução é imprescindível para melhor...

    11,40 €

  • The Sun Still Shines
    C. Don Jones
    Deciding your life is worth living after losing almost everything can be the greatest challenge in a person’s life. This is the story of someone making that decision. How does life go off the rails for people who devote their lives to the work of God and helping other people meet the challenges of their lives? It is easier than most people imagine. How do people rebuild their l...

    18,63 €

  • The Sun Still Shines
    C. Don Jones
    Deciding your life is worth living after losing almost everything can be the greatest challenge in a person’s life. This is the story of someone making that decision. How does life go off the rails for people who devote their lives to the work of God and helping other people meet the challenges of their lives? It is easier than most people imagine. How do people rebuild their l...

    31,11 €

  • The Chips Are on the Table
    Teddy Assaly
    With unflinching honesty, Teddy Assaly shares his journey from self-destructive behaviours to sobriety and recovery. The eldest of eight children, Teddy grew up feeling the pressure to be perfect. Feeling that no matter what he did, he could never do right, he became reckless and, in his teens, found escape in drugs, sex, and partying. After college and meeting a girl, he decid...

    19,34 €

  • The Chips Are on the Table
    Teddy Assaly
    With unflinching honesty, Teddy Assaly shares his journey from self-destructive behaviours to sobriety and recovery. The eldest of eight children, Teddy grew up feeling the pressure to be perfect. Feeling that no matter what he did, he could never do right, he became reckless and, in his teens, found escape in drugs, sex, and partying. After college and meeting a girl, he decid...

    29,48 €

  • Ações Persuasivas Empresariais
    Jr Miquelin
    Este livro é fruto da dissertação de Mestrado em Administração Ciências da Gestão, o qual traz - em escrita acadêmica - cento e dez ações persuasivas mais comuns feitas pelos líderes no ambiente administrativo, setenta e sete qualidades indispensáveis para o líder persuasor, dez limitadores de desempenho persuasivo e doze leis universais para a persuasão efetiva, sendo resulta...

    20,13 €

  • Espelho Animal
    Antônio Anderson Câncio Mota
    Este livro é sobre como e exercício do cuidado nos humaniza. Sobre como a nossa animalidade, muitas vezes negada, pode nos animar para um viver menos agrilhoado às correntes aprisionadoras da sociedade, que tenta nos bestializar por nossas biografias e biodiversidades. Pois, afinal, o leitor está convidado ao encontro com os animais e consigo a partir de um espelhamento íntimo ...

    20,08 €

  • Terapia Pelo Amor
    Roberto Gaensly
    Terapia pelo Amor em conjunto com Um Curso em Milagres são uma revolução a tudo que até hoje conhecemos em filosofia e espiritualidade.O Cristo nos premiou nos trazendo a Verdade e como nos trabalharmos para incorporar esta Verdade em nossa vida, totalmente em linha com os ensinamentos que nos foram trazidos por Jesus 2020 anos atrás.Mas com uma linguagem que corrige e compleme...

    9,02 €

  • O Que Ninguém Te Contou Sobre O Tarot
    Bruno Cassaro
    O livroO Que Ninguém Te Contou Sobre o Tarôé um guia abrangente que explora os mistérios e segredos por trás da vibração oracular dos arcanos maiores. Escrito por Bruno Cassaro, este livro oferece uma visão aprofundada dos arcanos maiores, levando o leitor a uma jornada de autodescoberta e transformação pessoal.Através de exemplos práticos e fácil de entender, o autor explica c...

    12,59 €