Sufismo y misticismo islámico

Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Islam / Sufismo y misticismo islámico (549)

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  • Songs In Search Of A Musician
    Abdalhamid David Evans
    Described by one reader as 'sort of like Rumi meets Dylan', this collection of lyric verse brings a new voice to the long tradition of English poetry. Written from the unique perspective of a western convert to Islam in the 70's, Songs In Search of A Musician takes the reader on a journey across an inner landscape of emotion, reflection, insight and spiritual awaken...

    12,51 €

  • Etiquette of Spiritual Companionship
    Mohamed Jedoui / Mohamed Lamine Dhokkar / Ouiam al-Karkari
    It is crucial for those who seek to reach the Divine Presence to carefully study the conditions for embarking on the journey with the divinely connected righteous walī. Through this preparation, one gains insight into their own self and the true aim of their heart when placing their foot in the presence of the Cupbearer (as-Sāqī), i.e., the Shaykh. One should not approach impul...

    14,52 €

  • Guided By The Divine Light
    Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari / Mohamed Wael Draoui
    Embark on an enlightening journey guided by the luminous lectures of Sidi Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari, may Allah sanctify his secret. This book brings together notes from Sidi Shaykh’s illuminating responses to questions posed by his disciples regarding their visions of Light and spiritual experiences.Translated with meticulous care to preserve the essence and authenticity...

    17,56 €

  • Las joyas del Corán
    Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Gazzali
    Este libro aborda las reflexiones de Al-Ga??ali sobre elCorán. La primera parte, compuesta por diecinuevecapítulos, explora las perspectivas de Al-Ga??ali sobrediversas cuestiones amplias relacionadas con el Coránen su conjunto. Esto incluye el método de interpretación,sus objetivos principales, cómo surgen todas las ramasdel aprendizaje islámico a partir de él, el uso de metáf...

    15,08 €

  • Religion of Love
    Cyrus Ali Zargar
    A groundbreaking study of Farid al-Din ʿAṭṭār, one of Persian literature’s greatest poets. ...

    127,10 €

  • A Lover of God
    Dora Zsom
    Collects and interprets the literary legacy of Nūrī, an early Sufi master known for his ecstatic behaviour, eccentric acts, and passionate poems of mystical love. ...

    126,56 €

  • اذكر ربك إذا نسيت
    ابراهيم أعبيدي
    الإنسان، محتاج، إلى ربط الصلة بالذي أوجده لأول مرة، لكن تبقى العقبة الكأداء أمام إعادة ربطها، هي شِباك الأنا التي تجعله لا يرى إلا نفسه وقد أهمته في سفره وحِلِّه، وهو يتصورها غاية في القوة والحرية، دون أن يفطن إلى أنها تحمل، في ثناياها، نقطة ضعفه، حيث تتناسل احتياجاتها، التي يندفع لتلبيها بشكل مُتتال، قصد سدِّ نقصه. ما أن يتوهم سدَّ بعضِها، ويحس بنخوة تحقيق الانتصار على نقصه، ح...

    10,24 €

  • Pathways to the Garden
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    It is a natural human drive to discover and develop the perfect Garden. We long for a state where we have no concerns, anxieties or needs, just living in the Garden in the eternal drift of time. Only a few reach a point of bewilderment when they are not certain whether the Garden is in them or they are in the Garden. Truth is beyond space and time, therefore its apparent confus...

    10,46 €

  • La apertura divina
    Abd al-Qadir al-Yilani / Daniela Maryam Bize al-Yerra?i
    La apertura divina es una colección de sermones y discursosdel renombrado erudito y Santo musulmán, Sheyj ?Abd alQadir al-Yilani, que abarca una amplia gama de temas espiritualesy prácticos. El libro está lleno de sabiduría y consejos prácticospara aquellos que buscan una mayor cercanía a Dios y una vidamás plena.Los discursos abordan temas como la fe, la moralidad, la piedad,l...

    17,16 €

  • The Lights of Guidance from the Knowledge Oceans of the Divine Side
    Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani / Dr. Gibril Fouad Haddad
    'This advice is for this whole universe. It comes from the heart of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, from the heart of Mahdi (as) and from the heart of the Prophet (s). These jewels are not thrown into the hands of the ignorant. You can never find these things in books. All the oceans of knowledge that had been forbidden to previous saints and hidden within the hearts ...

    39,49 €

  • The Qur’an
    Camille Adams Helminski
    This Volume XI, contains fresh English translations of surahs 67 through 114, the shorter surahs of the Qur’an so frequently remembered by heart. Also interspersed are transliterations of key terms and verses, so that the reader may have a sense of the flowing beauty of the Qur’anic language. Saints and the wise across the world have been inspired and guided by these verses for...

    9,39 €

  • Relatos menores de Ibn Abbad de Ronda
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Ibn Abbad ar Rundi
    Componen este libro una serie de cartas o relatos escritos por Ibn Abbad Ar Rundi (Ronda, 1333Fez, 1390) a corresponsales que le consultaron acerca de la religión, las virtudes y las particularidades del camino espiritual. Las respuestas están llenas de sutiles enseñanzas, acompañadas de citas coránicas, de obras clásicas acerca del Din, y palabras y acciones de grandes maestro...

    16,12 €

  • A Spiritual Guide to Fes
    Peter Dziedzic / Sam Jaffe
    From Ibn Khaldun and Leo Africanus to Ibn al-Arabi and Maimonides, Fes has been home to some of history’s greatest intellectuals and religious figures. Known as the 'City of Saints', Fes has one of the richest spiritual legacies in the Muslim world; it is a landscape dotted with mosques, madrasas and the shrines of countless awliya Allah (friends of God).This book is the first ...

    32,14 €

  • The Boy and His Sandcastle
    Zakaria Amara
    Condemned as a terrorist. Transformed by words. A diary of one man’s journey through 17 years of imprisonment...The Boy and His Sandcastle is the inspiring true story of Zakaria Amara, a young man sentenced to life for his role in a foiled terrorist plot in Toronto. After years of despair, he finally discovers the transformative power of words and finds the courage to reshape h...

    24,48 €

  • Textos sobre el ayuno 2ª ed.
    S. Ibn Arabi
    Es la síntesis de toda la enseñanza iniciática de Muhy-I-Dîn Ibn ´Arabî (Murcia, 1165 A.D. -Damasco, 1240 A.D.), verdadera 'Summa esotérica' y auténtica enciclopedia espiritual del autor. Esta impresionante obra consiste en una exposición de todos los conocimientos y ciencias tradicionales del Islam.El autor interpreta la obra del Cheikh al-Akbar ('el más grande de los maestros...

    10,92 €

  • The Qur’an
    Camille Adams Helminski
    Numerous keys are available to us to open the deeper meaning that lives within us; the words of the Holy Qur’an are such keys. Camille Adams Helminski offers in this Volume I, a fresh English translation of the first three surahs of the Quran-Surah al-Fatiha, Surah al-Baqarah, and Surah Al-’Imran, which convey the principles of human ethics, encouraging us to turn again and aga...

    9,59 €

  • Inrushes of the Heart
    Mohammed Rustom
    A comprehensive introduction to the life and thought of one of the Islamic intellectual tradition’s most original and profound authors. ...

    47,06 €

  • Bedeviled
    Dunja Rašić
    A groundbreaking study of jinn doppelgangers and the problem of evil in Akbarian Sufism. ...

    127,13 €

  • El Azufre Rojo XI
    Autores Varios
    NÚMERO XI. OCTUBRE 2023EL AZUFRE ROJO REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE IBN ARABIDIRECCIÓN Y EDICIÓN: Pablo Beneito Arias (UMU).ÍNDICEPOEMA DE INICIO¡Ay palomas en los árboles!(Traducción íntegra de la casida nº 11 de El Intérprete de los deseos) ................................................. 05PAULO BORGESO Tempo do Sonho - Poesia Cósmica e Metamorfose nas Culturas Indígenas ........

    27,56 €

  • Auto-Sufí-Ciencia
    Pedro Burruezo
    Auto-Sufí-Ciencia. Una historia de gnósticos, gitanos, irredentos y otros periféricos es una novela inclasificable. La historia se inicia en mayo del 68 y se prolonga hasta mediados de los 90. Está ambientada en el Empordà catalán, Granada y la ciudad andalusí de Larache (norte de Marruecos). Nos habla de personas que, por motivos espirituales y de diversa índole, han decidido ...

    23,40 €

  • A Treatise Of The Heart
    Hassan Sharif Chakaroun
    When pen leaves the hand and submits itself to the heart, whatever is produced bears very little physicality. Poetry is the language of the soul, hence one could argue that poetry lacking faith and spirit, is not poetry at all. This short treatise carries within it 50 poems along with matching paintings done by the poet. The theme is Mystical Islamic Poetry, and this writer has...

    14,01 €

  • Love Blooms Among the Ruins
    Daniel Jami
    A disciple, fool, and pious heretic, Daniel Jami weaves a map of poems, from separation to union and back again. Inviting the reader into the mythic realm of Love, Lover, and Beloved, this contemporary collection explores traditional motifs of Sufism’s ’school of love,’ through an interspiritual lens, in modern American language. ...

    19,97 €

  • Journey Among Dervishes Between Past and Present
    The present book intends to invite readers on a multi-dimensional and multifaceted journey meeting dervishes in different places and environments of the Muslim world; its peculiarity is to bring together a classical orientalist approach, based on texts and written documents, with the approach typical of Anthropology, Ethnography and Ethnomusicology, based on research in the fie...

    25,59 €

  • A Courteous Approach to Qur’an
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    'The Qur’an addresses most issues that concern human beings with constant references to the ultimate Reality and Truth. Considerable emphasis is given to relative time and human concerns on earth and the connection between the inseparability of the relative and the Absolute. The Qur’an emphasises that anything that exists or happens is due to God and equally emphasises human re...

    7,13 €

  • Candles on the Path
    Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari / Marouen Jedoui
    Candles on the Path by Marouen Jedoui offers a transformative exploration of Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi ­al-Karkari’s teachings, specifically crafted for English-speaking followers. This compelling work skillfully narrows the gap between complex Sufi principles and a Western readership, rendering the Shaykh’s profound insights both comprehensible and engaging. With meticulous care, ...

    18,64 €

  • Seasons of Wisdom
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    Seasons of Wisdom is mostly collated from the closing unscripted talks given by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri at annual conferences held in South Africa.Seasons of Wisdom is mostly collated from the closing unscripted talks given by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri to seal the annual conferences held by the Academy of Self Knowledge in South Africa. It was his love for Qur’an that brought about...

    14,05 €

  • Unlocking the 6 Powers of the Heart - Haqqaiq al Qalb
    Nurjan Mirahmadi
    In the heavenly realm, the heart holds a central and revered position, serving as the locus of divine connection and spiritual enlightenment. Drawing from timeless wisdoms, 'Unlocking the 6 Powers of the Heart' offers insights and guided practices to help individuals purify and awaken the heart towards inner illumination.As a Certified Shaykh in the field of meditation, Shaykh ...

    53,71 €

  • Carta a un discípulo
    Imam Abu Hamid Al-Gazzali
    El Imam Al-Gazali era ya un renombrado catedrático y ulema enBagdad cuando una crisis espiritual lo llevó a dejarlo todo y adoptar durante años la vida de un peregrino solitario, y a encontrar en lavía del sufismo lo que no había hallado en ninguna escuela filosófica desu tiempo.Este breve tratado se originó ostensiblemente en la consulta deun discípulo ilustrado que, preocupad...

    7,80 €

  • Diwan
    Husayn Mansur Al-Hallay
    Presentamos aquí la traducción en español de la reconstrucción del Diwan de Husayn Mansur al-Hallay, quien es uno de los místicos sufíes más célebres y controvertidos, y su obra es una cumbre de la poesía mística de todos los tiempos. Los poemas de Hallay reflejan la experiencia de un amor enteramente espiritual y son la expresión de una mística unitiva que propone la absorción...

    8,84 €

  • The Peace
    Laury Silvers
    'A fitting end for Zaytuna.'Karen Heenan, author of The Tudor Court Series_________________Baghdad, 296 Hijri (909 CE)When an unscrupulous young scholar who claims to possess a controversial Quran manuscript goes missing, most of his colleagues are only too happy to see him gone. Is he merely drunk in one of Baghdad’s gambling houses? Is he hiding while he considers what to do ...

    16,62 €