Química orgánica

Matemáticas y ciencia / Química / Química orgánica (1163)

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  • Applied Theoretical Organic Chemistry
    Dean J Tantillo
    This book provides state-of-the-art information on how studies in applied theoretical organic chemistry are conducted. It highlights the many approaches and tools available to those interested in using computational chemistry to predict and rationalize structures and reactivity of organic molecules. Chapters not only describe theoretical techniques in detail, but also describe ...

    277,44 €

  • Organic Solar Thermal Fuels
    Wei Feng
    Organic Solar Thermal Fuels: Mechanisms, Design, and Applications offers a significant introductory overview of the key properties, mechanisms, applications, and research directions in this emerging field of photothermal conversion materials.This book explores the types, characteristics, preparation, testing, applications, and future trends of small organic molecules, polymers,...

    194,64 €

  • Identification systématique des composés organiques
    Parvin Kumar
    Le livre 'IDENTIFICATION SYSTÉMATIQUE DES COMPOSÉS ORGANIQUES' s’adresse à ceux qui veulent apprendre la chimie organique au cours d’une approche pratique, facile à comprendre et à mémoriser. Le sujet de l’ouvrage a été organisé en sections principales. La première section comprend la séparation des mélanges organiques. La deuxième section comprend l’identification des composés...

    70,13 €

  • Identificazione sistematica dei composti organici
    Parvin Kumar
    Questo libro 'IDENTIFICAZIONE SISTEMATICA DEI COMPOSTI ORGANICI' si rivolge a coloro che desiderano apprendere la chimica organica con un approccio pratico, di facile comprensione e facilmente memorizzabile. L’argomento trattato è stato organizzato in sezioni principali. La prima sezione comprende la separazione di miscele organiche. La seconda sezione comprende l’identificazio...

    70,13 €

  • Identificação Sistemática de Compostos Orgânicos
    Parvin Kumar
    Este livro 'IDENTIFICAÇÃO SISTEMÁTICA DE COMPOSTOS ORGÂNICOS' destina-se a todos os que pretendem aprender química orgânica através de uma abordagem prática, de fácil compreensão e memorização. O tema do livro foi organizado em secções principais. A primeira secção inclui a separação de misturas orgânicas. A secção dois inclui a identificação de compostos orgânicos. A secção tr...

    70,13 €

  • Systematische Identifizierung von organischen Verbindungen
    Parvin Kumar
    Dieses Buch 'SYSTEMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS' richtet sich an diejenigen, die die organische Chemie im Rahmen eines praktischen Ansatzes erlernen wollen, der leicht zu verstehen ist und sich leicht einprägt. Der Stoff des Buches ist in Hauptabschnitte gegliedert. Abschnitt eins umfasst die Trennung organischer Gemische. Abschnitt zwei umfasst die Identifizierung ...

    70,11 €

  • Систематическая идентификация органических соединений
    Парвин Кумар
    Книга 'СИСТЕМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ОРГАНИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ' предназначена для тех, кто хочет изучать органическую химию на основе практического подхода, который легко понять и запомнить. Тематика книги разбита на основные разделы. Первый раздел включает разделение органических смесей. Второй раздел включает идентификацию органических соединений. В третьем разделе рассматривае...

    70,11 €

  • Sintesi e caratterizzazione di derivati aminoacidici con nucleobasi
    Dhaval Bhanotar / Manishbhai Haribhai Chaudhari / Rinkal Patel
    Questo libro è utile per gli studenti che lavorano nel campo dello sviluppo di nuovi farmaci e della modifica di quelli disponibili. Questo libro fornisce un percorso che porta alla sintesi e alla reazione chimica verde. In questo libro vengono discusse anche le informazioni relative ai metodi di modifica dei farmaci attualmente disponibili, la caratterizzazione dei farmaci di ...

    49,74 €

  • Síntese, Caracterização de Derivados de Aminoácidos com Nucleobases
    Dhaval Bhanotar / Manishbhai Haribhai Chaudhari / Rinkal Patel
    Este livro é útil para os estudantes que trabalham na área do desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos e da modificação dos medicamentos disponíveis. Este livro fornece um caminho que conduz à síntese verde e à reação química. Informações relacionadas com o método de modificação dos fármacos atualmente disponíveis, a caraterização dos fármacos recém-sintetizados e a obtenção de um...

    49,74 €

  • Synthèse, caractérisation de dérivés d’acides aminés avec des nucléobases
    Dhaval Bhanotar / Manishbhai Haribhai Chaudhari / Rinkal Patel
    Ce livre est utile pour les étudiants qui travaillent dans le domaine du développement de nouveaux médicaments et de la modification des médicaments existants. Ce livre fournit un chemin qui mène à la synthèse verte et à la réaction chimique. Les informations relatives aux méthodes de modification des médicaments actuellement disponibles, à la caractérisation des médicaments no...

    49,81 €

  • Synthese, Charakterisierung von Aminosäurederivaten mit Nukleobasen
    Dhaval Bhanotar / Manishbhai Haribhai Chaudhari / Rinkal Patel
    Dieses Buch ist nützlich für Studenten, die im Bereich der Entwicklung neuer Medikamente und der Modifizierung vorhandener Medikamente arbeiten. Dieses Buch bietet einen Weg, der zu grüner Synthese und chemischer Reaktion führt. Dieses Buch enthält auch Informationen über Methoden zur Modifizierung von derzeit verfügbaren Medikamenten, die Charakterisierung von neu synthetisier...

    49,81 €

  • Синтез, характеристика производных аминокислот с нуклеобазами
    Дхавал Бханотар / Манишбхай Х Чаудхари / Ринкал Патель
    Эта книга полезна для тех студентов, которые работают в области разработки новых лекарств и модификации существующих препаратов. Книга предлагает путь, ведущий к экологичному синтезу и химическим реакциям. В книге также обсуждается информация, касающаяся методов модификации существующих лекарств, характеристики вновь синтезированных лекарств и достижения более высокой активност...

    49,81 €

  • Visible Light-Driven Fused Indole Synthesis
    Chandra Sekhar
    Visible Light-Driven Fused Indole Synthesis, authored by Chandra Sekhar, is a comprehensive guide on the photochemical construction of fused indole frameworks using visible light photocatalysis. The book covers a wide range of topics related to organic chemistry, including synthetic methods, catalysis, green chemistry, organic photochemistry, and reaction mechanisms.One of the ...

    36,91 €

  • Transition Metal Catalysed C H Bond Alkynylation
    Vinod Landge
    'Transition Metal Catalysed C-H Bond Alkynylation' by Vinod Landge is a comprehensive guide to the cutting-edge field of transition metal catalysis. The book focuses specifically on C-H bond alkynylation, which is a powerful tool for the efficient synthesis of complex organic molecules.Landge begins by introducing the basic principles of transition metal catalysis, including th...

    34,49 €

  • Synthesis of Organic Electron Acceptors for Photovoltaics
    Neelima Kumari
    'Synthesis of Organic Electron Acceptors for Photovoltaics' by Neelima Kumari is an informative and insightful book that focuses on the development and evaluation of novel organic small molecule-based electron acceptors for use in organic photovoltaic applications. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the strategies that have been developed for the synthesis of these m...

    34,74 €

  • Development of Nitrogen-Directed Activation Protocols
    Mohammed Abdul Malik
    'Development of Nitrogen-Directed Activation Protocols' by Dnyaneshwar Nilkanth is an informative and insightful book that focuses on the development of new synthetic methodologies for the preparation of natural products, drugs, and new scaffolds. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the strategies that have been developed for the selective activation of C-H bonds in t...

    36,93 €

  • Vermiwash and Panchagavya for Bean Growth
    'Vermiwash and Panchagavya for Bean Growth' is a research-based book that explores the potential of two organic fertilizers - vermiwash and panchagavya - for improving the growth and productivity of two important bean crops:cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) and lablab bean (Dolichus lablab). The author, V.N. Maheswari, is a renowned agricultural scientist who has extensive...

    24,24 €

  • Biological and Computational Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds
    Irshad Ahamed J
    Biological and Computational Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds' authored by Irshad Ahamed J is a comprehensive guide to the synthesis and characterization of various heterocyclic compounds and their derivatives. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the biological and computational aspects of the synthesis of these compounds, making it an essential read for students and r...

    36,93 €

    Un gruppo di metaboliti secondari delle piante noto come flavonoidi, sostanze chimiche polifenoliche, ha una varietà di proprietà farmacologiche, tra cui quelle antitumorali. Modificando vari enzimi e recettori nelle vie di trasduzione del segnale legate alla proliferazione cellulare, alla differenziazione, all’apoptosi, all’infiammazione, all’angiogenesi, alle metastasi e all’...

    62,87 €

    Eine Gruppe sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe, die als Flavonoide bekannt sind und zu den polyphenolischen Chemikalien gehören, haben eine Vielzahl pharmakologischer Eigenschaften, darunter auch krebshemmende Eigenschaften. Durch die Veränderung verschiedener Enzyme und Rezeptoren in den Signaltransduktionswegen, die mit der zellulären Proliferation, Differenzierung, Apoptose, Entzündu...

    62,94 €

    Un groupe de métabolites végétaux secondaires connus sous le nom de flavonoïdes, qui sont des produits chimiques polyphénoliques, possède une variété de propriétés pharmacologiques, y compris des propriétés anticancéreuses. En modifiant divers enzymes et récepteurs dans les voies de transduction du signal liées à la prolifération cellulaire, à la différenciation, à l’apoptose, ...

    62,94 €

    Um grupo de metabolitos secundários de plantas conhecido como flavonóides, que são substâncias químicas polifenólicas, tem uma variedade de propriedades farmacológicas, incluindo propriedades anticancerígenas. Ao modificarem várias enzimas e receptores nas vias de transdução de sinal relacionadas com a proliferação celular, diferenciação, apoptose, inflamação, angiogénese, metá...

    62,94 €

    Группа вторичных растительных метаболитов, известных как флавоноиды, являющиеся полифенольными химическими веществами, обладает разнообразными фармакологическими свойствами, в том числе противораковыми. Изменения различных ферментов и рецепторов в путях передачи сигналов, связанных с клеточной пролиферацией, дифференцировкой, апоптозом, воспалением, ангиогенезом, метастазирован...

    62,94 €

  • The Big Book of Terps
    Russ Hudson
    The Big Book of Terps is the world’s largest and most comprehensive resource on terpenes and synergy in cannabis, with nearly 450 pages, 1,350+ citations/references, 157,000+ words, 51 quizzes, 1 final exam, dozens of custom molecular images, and an index of key terms. This significant work includes information not previously known to the cannabis industry, as well as several d...

    108,01 €

  • Die Chemie der Amine - eine wichtige Klasse von Stickstoffverbindungen
    Aeysha Sultan
    Amine sind eine wichtige Klasse von Stickstoffverbindungen, die in der Biochemie lebender Organismen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Diese stickstoffhaltigen Verbindungen sind an der Bildung von Aminosäuren, vielen Vitaminen und Neurotransmittern wie Serotonin oder 5-Hydroxytryptamin beteiligt. Neben den Aminen, aus denen der menschliche Körper besteht (Aminosäuren), hat der Mensc...

    54,90 €

  • La chimie des amines - une classe importante de composés azotés
    Aeysha Sultan
    Les amines sont une classe importante de composés azotés qui jouent un rôle important dans la biochimie des organismes vivants. Ces composés azotés sont impliqués dans la création d’acides aminés, de nombreuses vitamines et de neurotransmetteurs tels que la sérotonine ou la 5-hydroxytryptamine. Outre les amines dont le corps humain est composé (acides aminés), l’homme a trouvé ...

    54,90 €

  • La chimica delle ammine
    Aeysha Sultan
    Le ammine sono un’importante classe di composti azotati che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella biochimica degli organismi viventi. Questi composti contenenti azoto sono coinvolti nella creazione di aminoacidi, di molte vitamine e di neutrotrasmettitori come la serotonina o 5-idrossitriptamina. Oltre alle ammine di cui è composto il corpo umano (amminoacidi), l’uomo ha trovato...

    54,90 €

  • A Química das Aminas - Uma importante classe de compostos de azoto
    Aeysha Sultan
    As aminas são uma classe importante de compostos azotados que desempenham um papel importante na bioquímica dos organismos vivos. Estes compostos contendo azoto estão envolvidos na criação de aminoácidos, muitas vitaminas e neutro-transmissores como a serotonina ou 5-hidroxitriptamina. Para além das aminas de que o corpo humano é composto (aminoácidos), o ser humano encontrou u...

    54,90 €

  • Химия аминов - важного класса азотистых соединений
    Аейша Султан
    Амины - важный класс азотистых соединений, играющих важную роль в биохимии живых организмов. Эти азотсодержащие соединения участвуют в образовании аминокислот, многих витаминов и нейротрансмиттеров, таких как серотонин или 5-гидрокситриптамин. Помимо аминов, из которых состоит человеческий организм (аминокислот), люди нашли и другие применения аминам. Лекарства на основе аминов...

    26,17 €

  • Chemistry for Students
    Leonel Travers / Oakridge Press
    The aim of this guide is not to be your teacher. Think of it as a road map. A way to navigate the world of chemistry and enjoy the scenery as you do so. And believe me, there is a lot to see. Atoms, the periodic table, chemical equations, acids, the Arrhenius theory; all these and many other concepts, as well as the minds behind them, are vital to understanding the world we inh...

    18,61 €