
Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Empresa y gestión / Ventas y marketing / Publicidad (640)

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  • Podcast Creation 101
    Clay Clark / Marshall Morris
    Do you have the perfect topic for a podcast, but do not know where to start? Welcome to Podcast 101. Written by Best-seller Marshall Morris and former US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year Clay Clark, these two will have you laughing out loud as they teach you everything you need to know about podcasts, from the ground up. Learn how to launch a po...

    11,22 €

  • Holistic Approaches to Brand Culture and Communication Across Industries
    The world of brands is undergoing a sea of change in the domain of consumer culture and it has become a challenge to cater to the minds of audiences. As such, effective branding has moved from being product- and service-oriented to organizational- and social movement-oriented. Holistic Approaches to Brand Culture and Communication Across Industries is a pivotal reference source...

    294,98 €

  • Visitors Book (Hardback), Guest Book, Visitor Record Book, Guest Sign in Book
    Angelis Publications
    Hardback gloss finish cover. Page size: 8.5 ...

    10,92 €

  • Ron Sukenick’s Tips on Expanding your Business by Building Relationships
    Richard G Lowe Jr
    Do You Want to Know one of the Big Secrets to Success in Your Professional Career?Learn how to build relationships with people throughout your job, market and industry. Become aware of the power of networking with your colleagues and others to help you find business, look for work or build your career to new levels.Are you floundering in your career, never seeming to get anywhe...

    5,70 €

  • Handbook of Research on Effective Advertising Strategies in the Social Media Age
    Nurdan Oncel Taskiran / Recep Yılmaz
    Social media pervades people’s awareness and everyday lives while also influencing societal and cultural patterns. In response to the social media age, advertising agents are creating new strategies that best suit changing consumer relationships. The Handbook of Research on Effective Advertising Strategies in the Social Media Age focuses on the radically evolving field of adver...

    439,46 €

  • Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising
    Media professionals today are facing numerous changes within mass media that will continue to impact the creation and delivery of persuasive messages. The Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption bridges the gap between professional and academic perceptions of advertising in new media environments through defining the evolution o...

    348,80 €

  • Inter-Organizational Trust for Business-To-Business E-Commerce
    Pauline Ratnasingam

    131,38 €

  • The Entrepreneur’s Garden
    Divya Parekh
    The Nine Relationships to Building a Six or Seven-Figure BusinessIs your business sucking the life out of you? Does it now feel like drudgery, all work, and no play? Perhaps you don’t have the time to go out to dinner or treat your family to something fun anymore. Do you catch yourself talking about nothing else in your life but your business? If your entrepreneurial passion an...

    18,95 €

  • Social Media for Direct Selling Leaders
    Karen Clark
    Learn to grow and support your team using the latest in social media tools and strategies from Karen Clark. Having built a large organization herself using a combination of traditional offline and innovative online marketing strategies, she knows what it is like to build, train and coach a team—both nearby and far away—using technology. In this companion book to Social Media fo...

    32,08 €

  • The Magic of Selling
    Dan Hollis
    The Magic of Selling was created to assist those who may be considering, or who are just beginning, a career in sales. The ideas and concepts in this book will shorten your learning curve and give you a head start to a successful and rewarding career. Dan Hollis has spent close to three decades as a successful sales person and his insider tips and secrets will help any sales p...

    18,00 €

  • A Caixa Preta Do Seo
    Helton Sforzin
    Transforme a Visibilidade do Seu Negócio com SEO!Você já se perguntou por que seu site não aparece nas primeiras páginas do Google? Está perdendo clientes por falta de visibilidade online? Este livro é a resposta para empresários e profissionais de marketing que desejam resolver este problema e dominar o SEO de forma simples e prática.Com estratégias claras, você aprenderá como...

    16,12 €

  • Profetisa de la modernidad
    Margarita Ramírez
    'A través del estudio de la publicidad en el Oncenio de Leguía, este libro revisa el concepto de modernidad como movimiento cultural, social e histórico, su rol como impulsor de la comunicación y el consumo, y su relevancia en el proceso de modernización, bajo la influencia de la clase ilustrada europea y los poderes políticos y económicos de los Estados Unidos, así como del pr...

    17,16 €

  • Monkee Business
    Eric Lefcowitz
    The Monkees had everything-a popular TV show, hit records, and adoring fans. Everything but control over their careers. Author Eric Lefcowitz chronicles the kaleidoscopic journey of Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Michael Nesmith and Peter Tork, following each of the four Monkees, together and apart, from 1965 to the present day. A must-read for music fans, 'Monkee Business' is a def...

    15,45 €

  • Contabilidade Tributária I/ii
    Sérgio Luis Lopes De Araújo
    A intenção deste trabalho é colocar à disposição um material didático que seja acessível a compreensão técnica de seu conteúdo, e ao mesmo tempo, que sirva, também, como suporte técnico ao desenvolvimento do trabalho profissional na execução de suas tarefas diárias, em que você poderá travar conhecimento com o embasamento teórico e sua colocação prática para consultas que têm c...

    22,36 €

  • Coletânea De Artigos Sobre Auditoria Operacional
    Luiz Gilberto Mury
    No contexto atual, no qual as expectativas em relação à administração pública são crescentes, é crucial avaliar o desempenho governamental de forma.As Auditorias Operacionais vão além da análise da legalidade e da conformidade do gasto público; elas buscam responder a perguntas como: Os recursos públicos estão sendo utilizados de modo eficiente? Os objetivos estão sendo alcança...

    13,00 €

  • A Guerra Dos Livros: Plr Marketing, Ghostwriter, Copywriter E O Mercado Literário
    Davi Arbelo
    Hoje, você vai ser o vencedor, suas armas serão papel, caneta, notebook, celular e uma granada de Internet MarketingNão precisa ter dúvidas, venha com o que você tiver, NÃO PERMITA QUE OS LIVROS QUE ESTÃO DENTRO DE VOCÊ ACABEM NO CEMITÉRIOO mercado literário trouxe novas possibilidades para escritores independentes, e você não está aproveitando todas elas.Para quem é o Livro A ...

    13,47 €

  • La nueva mezcla de marketing
    Alfonso Osorio Rico
    El objetivo fundamental de este libro es presentar la configuración dela nueva mezcla de marketing, que consiste en añadir, a la tradicionalmezcla de las cuatro Ps (producto, proceso, promoción y plaza),un quinto componente denominado: servicio de apoyo comercial,para así configurar, un nuevo modelo, que se ha denominado,como fundamento de este texto La nueva mezcla de marketin...

    28,08 €

  • Consultoria E Assessoria Na Organização Industrial Da Empresa Zanardo Instrumentação Industrial Ltda. Araçatuba - Sp
    Alexandre joão Marcos Medeiros Scaramelli Violin Garcia
    As organizações têm passado, nos últimos anos, por grandes transformações, devido à necessidade de adotar novas ideias e conceitos, essências para sua continuidade e apesar de ser redundante falar sobre globalização e avanços da tecnologia, são estes os pontos cruciais para a evolução das organizações. Nessa busca por novas ideias, conceitos e tecnologias, residem a diferença e...

    35,88 €

  • Storytelling
    Lirane Rossi Martinez
    As propagandas têm se adaptado para atingir os consumidores, recorrendo a diferentes estratégias para criar e fortalecer uma imagem positiva. Nesse sentido, a formação de um ethos institucional favorável é um dos caminhos encontrados pelas empresas para atrair seus clientes, apoiando-se em narrativas que criam uma identificação dos clientes com a marca apresentada. Neste trabal...

    39,47 €

  • Scientific Advertising
    Claude C. Hopkins / Claude CHopkins
    Claude C. Hopkins (1866–1932) was one of the great advertising pioneers. He believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measured and justified by the results it produced.He worked for various advertisers, including Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company, Swift & Company and Dr. Shoop's patent medicine company. At the age of 41, he was hired by Albert Lasker ow...

    12,02 €

  • Scientific Advertising
    Claude C. Hopkins / Claude CHopkins
    Claude C. Hopkins (1866–1932) was one of the great advertising pioneers. He believed advertising existed only to sell something and should be measured and justified by the results it produced.He worked for various advertisers, including Bissell Carpet Sweeper Company, Swift & Company and Dr. Shoop's patent medicine company. At the age of 41, he was hired by Albert Lasker ow...

    22,09 €

  • Illustration in advertising
    W. Livingston Larned / WLivingston Larned
    This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve ...

    20,74 €

    Dawn Hargrove-Avery
    The main goal of We’re Talking Now is to provide you with tips and information that will help you answer the following questions. What is Voice? What is a Skill or Action? Are you prepared for Voice? and How you can get ready for Voice? We hope that this book will shorten the learning curve for Small businesses and Marketers looking to add Voice to your service offerings. Find...

    30,67 €

  • Marca personal
    Matt Golden
    Si usted quiere descubrir cómo convertirse en su propia marca en línea usando el mercadeo de medios sociales, entonces siga leyendo...Este libro es para cualquiera que esté listo para dominar el arte de la marca personal usando los medios sociales y los muchos beneficios que estos tienen que ofrecer. Si usted está listo para dominar el espacio en línea este año, entonces ¡siga ...

    23,66 €

  • Marca personal
    Matt Golden
    Si usted quiere descubrir cómo convertirse en su propia marca en línea usando el mercadeo de medios sociales, entonces siga leyendo...Este libro es para cualquiera que esté listo para dominar el arte de la marca personal usando los medios sociales y los muchos beneficios que estos tienen que ofrecer. Si usted está listo para dominar el espacio en línea este año, entonces ¡siga ...

    13,79 €

  • Social Media Marketing for Small Business Owners
    Mark Warner
    Do you want to develop a more worry-free and predictable sales process?Have you played around with promoting your business on Social Media, but you don´t see the desired results?Or you just couldn´t find the time to create exposure on Social Media and you´re looking for a step-by-step formula?Then keep reading...As a small business owner, you´re busy all day. You realize you ne...

    21,82 €

  • Instagram Marketing
    Chase Barlow
    If you want to discover why some people fail with Instagram marketing while others see massive success, and you’d like to join the latter group, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of marketing efforts that bring about zero results?Have you tried endless other ways to grow your personal brand or small business, but nothing seems to work long-term?Do you finally want to s...

    23,47 €

  • Social Media Marketing 2020
    Chase Barlow
    If you have always wanted to use social media for your marketing purposes, but have always felt lost, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of not being able to use the world’s most valuable marketing platforms?Do you want to say goodbye to throwing away money in ineffective marketing plans and discover something that works for you?If so, then you’ve come to the right plac...

    27,16 €

  • The Art Of Fresh Advertising - Strategies To Refresh Your Marketing And Sell More Premium Products And Services With Ease
    David Lauber
    How do I sell more of my premium products and services? Does marketing really have to be so complicated? Why is branding so important? How does social media work? And why is copywriting the most important column of advertising? In this book, David Lauber, an international copywriter and author specialising in advertising premium products and services, reveals all the strategies...

    60,18 €

  • Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling, Audience Engagement, and Business Strategies
    As media evolves with technological improvement, communication changes alongside it. In particular, storytelling and narrative structure have adapted to the new digital landscape, allowing creators to weave immersive and enticing experiences that captivate viewers. These experiences have great potential in marketing and advertising, but the medium’s methods are so young that th...

    387,04 €