Psicología del deporte

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Deportes y recreación al aire libre / Entrenamiento y dirección técnica deportiva / Psicología del deporte (173)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Deportes y recreación al aire libre Eliminar filtro Entrenamiento y dirección técnica deportiva Eliminar filtro Psicología del deporte Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Confident Athlete
    Tami Matheny
    Many athletes have roller coaster confidence.  Their confidence is up when performing well and its down when performing poorly.  The Confident Athlete gives 4 basic building blocks to ensure you start and end each performance with a tank full of confidence.  You will discover simple yet powerful ways to build and maintain confidence.  The book will give you the tools to start e...

    10,97 €

  • Golf
    Ace McCloud
    Are you tired of anger and frustration on the golf course? Do you wish you could play more consistently?Whether you want to (1) learn basic golf techniques, (2) improve your consistency, or (3) master the mental part of the game, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Do missed putts drive you crazy?Stop doing the same thing while expecting different results. If y...

    9,30 €

  • La mente del campeón
    James Afremow
    Entre los deportistas de élite más deslumbrantes, algunos se destacan claramente del resto: son los que se superan a sí mismos en esos momentos claves que deciden un partido o una competencia. Esos atletas prueban que la destreza física natural, por sí sola, no necesariamente se traduce en una performance superior en la cancha o el ring: porque lo más importante es el juego men...

    28,03 €

  • Fear is the Mind Killer
    Kaja Sadowski
    How do we cultivate inner strength?Martial arts and self-defence are about so much more than physical skills. Learning to fight is a catalyst for growth. It makes our students stronger, more confident, and more resilient - at least, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Too often, the students who need that strength the most struggle to find it.Learn how to build a training environ...

    26,96 €

  • Dieta Paleo
    Sandor Aguayo
    Você quer perder peso, construir músculos e viver mais saudável? Você quer levar o seu corpo a sério e se livrar de alimentos processados? Não acha que já é hora de perder peso, ficar mais forte e viver a vida saudável que você sempre quis?A dieta Paleo pode te ajudar a decifrar quais alimentos são mais saudáveis para você e pode encurtar o seu tempo de compras eliminando as co...

    10,46 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Igal Paz
    Este libro es de autoayuda.Con las técnicas enseñadas en este libro dejaras de sabotear tus posibilidades de éxito y comenzaras a atraer cosas positivas a tu vida. Aprenderás a utilizar la Ley de Atracción que te permitirá atraer a tu vida, más de lo que quieres y menos de lo que no quieres. Comprobaras que el pensamiento positivo es una excelente manera de eliminar el diálogo ...

    12,53 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Fulk Vela
    Una perspectiva positiva emocional y mental, enfocándose en el lado bueno de las cosas, es resultado del pensamiento positivo. A punto de darse por vencido en la vida, una persona buena, que nunca le ha deseado mal a nadie, sino que más bien siempre ha ayudado a otros, trata de entender cuál es la razón por la que le pasan estas cosas malas en la vida. Sabe que tiene que haber ...

    8,62 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Jair Puga
    Este libro profundizará las formas óptimas de cambiar tus patrones de pensamiento lo cual te ayudará a desarrollar tu positividad, optimismo y felicidad.Pero gracias a estos métodos, me empoderé y espero que también puedan ofrecerte los mismos beneficios porque todos somos seres humanos y, al final del día, somos los únicos en los que podemos confiar. Nadie más, ni nuestros pad...

    8,51 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Edan Valle
    Este libro ha demostrado estrategias en el pensamiento positivo.Pero ahora sé que nada de eso es verdad, que eran todas mentiras y dudas que había creado en mi mente porque me atemorizaba lo que otros pensaban de mi y cómo me percibían.Simplemente tienes que seguir los pasos dentro de este libro y aprender cómo trabaja el subconsciente porque esto es crítico para como tus aseve...

    11,81 €

  • The Championslip
    Chelsea Hallinan / Claire E. Hallinan
    In daily practice at the gym, young champion-hopefuls physically work hard, but they often struggle with fear and self-doubt. One teenage gymnast’s honest voice encourages her fellow gymnasts to allow mistakes and rise up, no matter what. This simple yet tough attitude is the key to success in gymnastics. The Championslip reveals how building mental strength helps your champion...

    10,72 €

  • This Is How We Roll Sports Guidebook
    Nadia Kyba
    Is conflict preventing your team from moving forward? If your team is struggling to work effectively together, and you’re spending too much time micromanaging disagreement, it’s time for some intervention! Your team will learn to be better together by completing each practical, easy-to-understand section of the This Is How We Roll Guidebook.Build a more successful team through ...

    22,66 €

  • This Is Your Brain on Sports
    Alan Goldberg / David Grand
    THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON SPORTS: Beating Blocks, Slumps and Performance Anxiety for Good! is the ground-breaking book that will change the face of sports performance forever. This book introduces the breakthrough concept of STSD (Sport Traumatic Stress Disorder). Grand and Goldberg have discovered that STSDs are the cause of most significant performance problems. Performance block...

    27,84 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Ciro Alva
    Este libro contiene pasos y estrategias probadas para desarrollar el pensamiento positivo y usar el optimismo para tener éxito en la vida.La forma en que nos sentimos acerca de los tropiezos y confusiones en nuestras vidas proviene de nuestra percepción personal, de lo que está sucediendo en el mundo que nos rodea. El filtro de la percepción son nuestros hábitos de pensamiento....

    11,13 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Fito Roque
    Es posible que no tengan el mismo efecto en usted, que no funcionen en absoluto.Requiere mucho más que repetirse frases motivadoras clichés para que el pensamiento positivo provoque un cambio en su vida. Requiere disciplina, compromiso, y un entendimiento adecuado de lo que optimismo realmente significa en un mundo que está constantemente planteándonos desafíos.Hay días en los ...

    12,11 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Rudy Alva
    Este libro ha demostrado estrategias en el pensamiento positivo.Con las técnicas enseñadas en este libro dejaras de sabotear tus posibilidades de éxito y comenzaras a atraer cosas positivas a tu vida. Aprenderás a utilizar la Ley de Atracción que te permitirá atraer a tu vida, más de lo que quieres y menos de lo que no quieres. Comprobaras que el pensamiento positivo es una exc...

    12,53 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Guy Uribe
    Me gustaría agradecerle y felicitarlo por descargar el libro “Pensamiento positivo: el arte de cambiar su pensamiento de negativo a positivo”.Ignorar el problema e intentar seguir luchando puede hacernos la vida miserable. ¡Sepa que puede contar con ayuda! Este libro ha sido escrito con el solo objetivo de ayudarle a lograr una vida feliz, satisfactoria y que valga la pena vivi...

    10,03 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Goio Cotto
    El pensamiento positivo y la meditación son un camino hacia la iluminación.Nuestros pensamientos pueden ayudarnos o retraernos. Usted es quien decidirá el resultado de muchas de las cosas que suceden en su vida. En cierto modo, creas tu futuro basado en la forma en que piensas en el presente. También le informará de qué se trata el pensamiento positivo y su importancia, benefic...

    11,00 €

  • Pensamiento Positivo
    Licio Romo
    Una perspectiva positiva emocional y mental, enfocándose en el lado bueno de las cosas, es resultado del pensamiento positivo.Muchas personas señalan una necesidad natural de equilibrar las presiones abrumadoras que estamos experimentando en este día y edad. Otros individuos señalan la explosión de la neurociencia en la última década, mostrando que podemos usar nuestra mente pa...

    10,14 €

  • Red Stitches
    LeAnn Sanders Shelton
    The day that changed my life forever, my cousin Jason was operating one of those riding lawnmowers, cutting the grass on the hilly terrain at our grandmother’s house. He was at the bottom of a hill, headed up toward the house as my brother Bobby and I continued to run and play. As I ran around the back corner of the house, Jason had already started up the hill with the motor in...

    20,07 €

  • This Is How We Roll
    Nadia Kyba
    Conflict for the win! Who knew the way to the championship was moving through conflict? It’s what most dread, and it’s the only way for teams to make it, to grow together, to become stronger—and to win. Bring out your inner social worker. In This Is How We Roll, athlete, coach and social worker, Nadia Kyba, brings you easy-to-understand social work concepts and tools that yo...

    22,82 €

  • This Is How We Roll Workbook
    Nadia Kyba
    Conflict for the win!Who knew the way to the championship was moving through conflict? It’s what most dread, and it’s the only way for teams to make it, to grow together, to become stronger—and to win.Bring out your inner social worker.In This Is How We Roll, athlete, coach and social worker, Nadia Kyba, brings you easy-to-understand social work concepts and tools that you can ...

    23,82 €

  • Building an Uncommon Champion
    Jennifer Matras
    Building an Uncommon Champion brings human connection and character to athletics to build highly-skilled human beings. ...

    13,25 €

  • Careers in Sports Science
    Simon Rea
    This book is aimed at students who are currently studying sports science at undergraduate level or studying BTECs in sport or sport and exercise science. The purpose of the book is to answer the big question:What do you do with a sports science degree?It is common that students know that they want to work in sport and work with people but are not sure exactly what they can do. ...

    20,76 €

  • Il Mental Game Del Poker 2
    Jared Tendler / Giada Fang / Marcello Papa
    Immagina il vantaggio che potresti avere se riuscissi costantemente a giocare a poker in zona. Quando giochi in Zona tutte le decisioni che prendi sono corrette, sai istintivamente quando bluffare e perdere una mano ti lascia indifferente. Riesci a dare il massimo e ti senti imbattibile.È incredibile quanti giocatori di poker raggiungano questo stato mentale elusivo per caso. M...

    22,35 €

  • Lessons Learned
    Josh Pauls
    Life constantly changes the shots it throws at us.Do you know what to do when life’s on a breakaway to your open net? Or, do you know how to face a major roadblock in your career? Furthermore, are you looking for gold medal-winning strategies to help you get the edge in your field?Lessons Learned: My Journey to the Podium is the real-life story of three-time gold medal winning...

    29,88 €

  • Lessons Learned
    Josh Pauls
    Life constantly changes the shots it throws at us.Do you know what to do when life’s on a breakaway to your open net? Or, do you know how to face a major roadblock in your career? Furthermore, are you looking for gold medal-winning strategies to help you get the edge in your field?Lessons Learned: My Journey to the Podium is the real-life story of three-time gold medal winning...

    18,81 €

  • Running to Glory
    Sam McManis
    The runners from Eisenhower High School have every justification to fail. They’re from low income families, many of whom are migrant workers. With little time to devote to their passion, they give everything they have to their quest for the Washington State High School Cross Country Championship. Running to Glory is a celebration of grit, perseverance, and the American Dream. I...

    23,35 €

  • Just ACE It!
    Trevor Conner
    What if I told you that the only way to unlock your potential was to give up control?What if I told you that in fact, you were just barely in control right now?I'm just getting started.Have you ever felt that you weren't living up to your full potential? That you've been somehow holding yourself back all your life?Opening this book is like walking into your own pers...

    20,76 €

  • A Moral Theory of Sports
    Richard J. Severson / Richard JSeverson
    The morality of our distant ancestors bears a remarkable resemblance to the moral experiences of modern athletes. This book brings together stories from today’s sports world and the moral practices of hunter-gatherers to shed new light on both sports and morality and offer a unique interpretation of America’s love affair with sports. ...

    129,25 €

  • Athlete for Life
    Omari Faulkner
    As a child, Omari Faulkner had a dream- to be a star basketball player for the world-renowned Georgetown University. When that dream came true, he was sure his promising future would lead to the NBA. But when he found himself unexpectedly off the court midway through his college career, Omari determined that he needed to shift his mindset and redirect the course of his life. Re...

    18,98 €

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