Pruebas y mediciones psicológicas

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Metodología psicológica / Pruebas y mediciones psicológicas (199)

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Psicología Eliminar filtro Metodología psicológica Eliminar filtro Pruebas y mediciones psicológicas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Mark Watson / Mary McMahon / Wendy Patton
    Career development in the 21st century presents many challenges and opportunities to adults. They must now navigate a complex and rapidly changing world of work influenced by technology, globalisation and fluctuating economic conditions. This book describes the Systems Theory Framework of career development that provides the theoretical background to the MSCI as well as a step-...

    58,88 €

  • Psicología Inversa
    Alexa Murphy
    Imagina tener en tus manos la clave para entender cómo funciona la mente humana desde un ángulo completamente distinto. Mi libro 'Psicología Inversa' es una guía reveladora que te llevará a descubrir el poder oculto que tiene la mente cuando se enfrenta a lo opuesto de lo que espera. En este libro, no solo aprenderás los principios fundamentales de la psicología inversa, sino ...

    10,92 €

  • Did You Know Your Diagnosis Is Bullshit? (a how-to guide to diagnosing with kindness)
    Steven Paglierani
    An Unvarnished Book (what’s in it for you . . . ?)A Few Words From a 'Still Becoming Human' AuthorBased on this book’s title, I imagine, many professionals will pass on it. When I think about them doing this, I feel surprised by my near-total lack of concern. I’ve purposely chosen this title in hopes I’ll pique the interests of people who value being human more than being profe...

    102,84 €

  • Kreativitätsdiagnostik
    Heribert Wienkamp
    Zunächst ein zusammenfassender Überblick über die bisherigen Versuche, Kreativität im Rahmen der Intelligenzforschung, der Schulpädagogik, der betrieblichen Eignungsdiagnostik mittels formaler Verfahren wie Tests festzustellen und zu messen, was zum größten Teil misslang. Nach der Klärung des Konstruktes „Kreativität' und insbesondere Abgrenzung zur Intelligenz und Problemlösef...

    49,67 €

  • Categorical and Nonparametric Data Analysis
    E. Michael Nussbaum
    Now in its second edition, this book provides a comprehensive overview of categorical and nonparametric statistics, offering a conceptual framework for choosing the most appropriate test in various scenarios. Basic statistics and probability are reviewed for those needing a refresher. ...

    245,29 €

  • Diagnostik von Manipulationen
    Heribert Wienkamp
    Manipulationen begegnen uns auf „Schritt und Tritt' und in unzähligen alltäglichen Situationen. Wenn dem so ist, hat das (frühzeitige) Erkennen von Manipulationen absoluten Vorrang.Dies gilt erst recht bei Fachexperten bezüglich ihrer Diagnostik und Analyse. Bei allem, was an verbalen Äußerungen aufgetischt und angeboten wird, steht die versuchsweise Differenzierung zwischen Di...

    48,36 €

  • The Sacred Enneagram Workbook
    Christopher L. Heuertz
    In this power-packed companion to the bestselling The Sacred Enneagram, Chris Heuertz’s The Sacred Enneagram Workbook will guide you through the practical tools and reflective space you need for personal transformation. ...

    19,76 €

  • Psychologische Begutachtung von Familien mit Migrationshintergrund
    Helen A. Castellanos
    Die psychologische Begutachtung von Familiensystemen, die kulturell und sprachlich nicht originär in Deutschland verwurzelt sind, stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Die Immigrationswellen der vergangenen Jahre haben deutlich gemacht, dass zum Teil Erziehungsstrategien mitgebracht werden, die nicht mit den hier geltenden rechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zielen vereinba...

    60,46 €

  • Autismo
    Mariangela Fernandes Vaz
    Não foi a Mariangela Fernandes Vaz que foi demitida da Caixa Econômica Federal, foi suas características deprimidas e autistas. Um desrespeito aos princípios mínimos de cidadania e de empatia. Esse tipo de discriminação tem causado vários prejuízos em termos de vida e dadignidade humana. Esta ação trabalhista foi o gatilho para uma grave depressão, fiquei três anos sem sair de ...

    9,31 €

  • From Darkness to Light
    Book Description: 'From Darkness to Light: A Roadmap for Mental Wellness'In the labyrinth of life’s challenges and uncertainties, 'From Darkness to Light: A Roadmap for Mental Wellness' emerges as a guiding compass, offering a comprehensive and compassionate journey toward psychological well-being. This transformative book is not just a manual; it is an empathetic companion, in...

    40,10 €

  • Beyond IQ Scores
    Lydia Meem
    Gain confidence in creating a neurodiversity-affirming assessment experience with BEYOND IQ SCORES, the essential handbook for clinicians seeking to navigate the complexities of cognitive and developmental evaluations. This comprehensive guide by clinical psychologist Lydia Meem takes you through every stage of the assessment process - from initial engagement with children and ...

    84,97 €

  • Assessment of Social and Emotional Skills in the OECD’s SSES Study
    Dr. Milos Kankaras
    In the world of educational and psychological assessment, few endeavors are as challenging or as rewarding as the development of instruments that accurately measure social and emotional skills. The OECD’s Study on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) represents a monumental step in this field, with the creation of the SSES Inventory - an instrument crafted through a global, multi...

    10,75 €

  • The Sage Handbook of Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience

    209,00 €

  • The Sage Handbook of Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience

    208,97 €

  • National Counselor Examination Blueprint #1 Study Guide For Preparation, Practice Test Questions, Answers and Master the Exam
    Bill T Reese
    This meticulously crafted guide is designed to be your steadfast companion as you navigate the intricate landscape of the National Counselor Exam (NCE). Whether you’re a seasoned counseling professional aiming to enhance your knowledge or a passionate learner stepping into the world of counseling, this guide is your key to mastering the NCE and excelling in the field. This is a...

    36,71 €

  • Um Novo Olhar Sobre Os Pensamentos
    Gleice Corrêa Leite De Aguiar
    Este Livro É Para Familiar Ou Amigo De Pessoa Com Transtorno Mental, Que Muitas Vezes Não Tem Orientação De Como Conduzir O Convívio Saudável, Não Sabe Como Agir Com A Pessoa, Tem Medo De Fazer Ou Falar Algo Que Venha A Causar Agressão Física, Não Consegue Conduzir Um Diálogo Saudável E Harmonioso. Muitas Vezes, Quando Percebe Que A Pessoa Está Na Crise, Mesmo Medicada, Fica Se...

    14,04 €

  • Leitura Das Mãos
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    Aprenda a técnica de leitura das formas das mãos, dos dedos, das linhas principais e secundárias e dos sinais particulares.Com a Quirologia você aprende a ver, pelas mãos, temperamento, qualidades, deficiências, problemas psicológicos e orgânicos.A Quiromancia, por sua vez, vai auxiliá-lo a identificar fatos futuros, ver os sinais de casamentos, filhos, viagens, negócios, relac...

    15,55 €

  • Test Bias in Employment Selection Testing
    Thomas A. Stetz
    This book provides students with a concise introduction to test bias from a psychometric point-of-view without statistics. It uses easy to understand graphs to explain complex technical approaches to test bias giving readers a highly sought-after knowledge enabling them to be better consumers of tests.Studies performed by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) consist...

    85,43 €

  • The Essentials of Mental Disorders
    Alicia Tyler / Paul A Phillips / Paul A. Phillips / Yolla Makhoul
    Did you ever want to know how a mental disorder should be diagnosed? How the common mental disorders or illnesses are different? Or what treatments can work for what disorders? If so, then this is the book for you. It is written in plain English and describes how the most common mental disorders are different from each other, their key features and how they should be accurately...

    33,85 €

  • The Power of the Pen
    This book is an anthology with contributors from around the world, highly respected handwriting analysts and psychologists who bring their years of experience to the page. Essays include personal stories and deep psychology with many illustrations. ...

    19,62 €

  • Neurofeedback - The Neurofeedback Book for Patients and Therapists
    Jean-Maurice Cecilia-Menzel
    Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback, characterized by the ability to consciously control the brain waves. During neurofeedback therapy, the brain waves are recorded using electroencephalography (EEG). The components of the EEG are extracted and demonstrated to the therapy recipients as audio, video, or both. During neurofeedback therapy, therapy recipients are capable of ass...

    13,41 €

  • Explanatory Models, Unit Standards, and Personalized Learning in Educational Measurement
    The papers by Jack Stenner included in this book document the technical details of an art and science of measurement that creates new entrepreneurial business opportunities. Jack brought theory, instruments, and data together in ways that are applicable not only in the context of a given test of reading or mathematics ability, but which more importantly catalyzed literacy and n...

    62,85 €

  • O Livro Dos Canhotos
    Ulisses Ribeiro
    Finalmente, uma exposição corajosa de um dos grupos minoritários mais negligenciados da sociedade.Este livro está repleto de fatos pouco conhecidos sobre canhotos que evitarão que você se sinta um desastrado ou um idiota. Muitas coisas que você não faz bem não têm nada a ver com sua destreza (em si uma palavra destra), mas sim com o design apenas para a mão direita de muitos pr...

    8,27 €

  • Global Perspectives on the Psychology of Terrorism
    Nika Chitadze
    The constant threat of terror leads to the destabilization of the political, economic, and social situation in the state. Lack of confidence in personal safety contributes to the growth of anxiety, fears, and mental stress, which negatively affects psychological health, leading to the development of various psychosomatic disorders among the population. Global Perspectives on th...

    216,22 €

  • Global Perspectives on the Psychology of Terrorism
    Nika Chitadze
    The constant threat of terror leads to the destabilization of the political, economic, and social situation in the state. Lack of confidence in personal safety contributes to the growth of anxiety, fears, and mental stress, which negatively affects psychological health, leading to the development of various psychosomatic disorders among the population. Global Perspectives on th...

    282,07 €

    M.D. James Benvenuti
    With today’s clinicians under such duress to practice evidence-based medicine in the most economical time frame, an Artificial-Intelligence system becomes compulsory. This INDEX to the Neuro-Cognitive Disorders is the foundation of one such system designed to make accurate and rapid neurocognitive assessments possible. Yet there is no substitution for fact-checking which is t...

    42,35 €

  • Online-Self-Assessments zur Studienfachwahl
    Dieses Buch befasst sich praxisnah mit Online Self-Assessments (OSA), die an Hochschulen zur Unterstützung der Studienfachwahl eingesetzt werden. Es beschreibt die einzelnen Schritte im Prozess der OSA-Entwicklung - von der Auftragsklärung über die Identifikation von Anforderungen, Erfolgskriterien und relevanten Personenmerkmalen, die Konzeption der einzelnen OSA-Elemente und ...

    60,31 €

  • Essential Research Methods in Psychology
    This book uses inventive pedagogy to captivate and engage students as they learn to use the essential methods required to be successful in their psychology degree. ...

    196,67 €

  • Essential Research Methods in Psychology
    This book uses inventive pedagogy to captivate and engage students as they learn to use the essential methods required to be successful in their psychology degree. ...

    78,03 €

  • Kriterienorientierte Inhaltsanalyse von Zeugenaussagen
    Jelena Rönspies-Heitmann
    Im Jahr 2014 nahmen Volbert und Steller eine Neuordnung der 19 Kriterien der Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA) vor, welche die Kriterien anhand möglicher zugrundeliegender Prozesse in 1. Charakteristika episodischer autobiographischer Erinnerungen, 2. Schemaabweichungen und Schemairrelevanz indizierende Kriterien und 3. Mit strategischer Selbstpräsentation asssoziierte Kri...

    79,20 €

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