Paisajismo y Urbanismo

Artes / Arquitectura / Paisajismo y Urbanismo (685)

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  • Permaculture Plants
    Jeff Nugent
    The comprehensive guide to edible  and useful Agaves and Cacti. Productive plants for land rehabilitation. Plants which survive uncertain rainfall. Drought and snow resistant plants. Staples  of  ancient  cultures. Low effort emergency food. Extensively  indexed. Over 400 useful species covered. ...

    26,20 €

  • Enriching Urban Spaces with Ambient Computing, the Internet of Things, and Smart City Design
    In recent years, the presence of ubiquitous computing has increasingly integrated into the lives of people in modern society. As these technologies become more pervasive, new opportunities open for making citizens’ environments more comfortable, convenient, and efficient. Enriching Urban Spaces with Ambient Computing, the Internet of Things, and Smart City Design is a pivotal r...

    287,47 €

  • Creative Urban Regions
    In a knowledge economy urban form and functions are primarily shaped by global market forces rather than urban planning. As the role of knowledge in wealth creation becomes a critical issue in cities, urban administrations and planners need to discover new approaches to harness the considerable opportunities of abstract production for a global order. Creative Urban Regions: Har...

    236,45 €

  • Naturópolis
    Rio de Janeiro: guía al revés; al revés de qué? Primero, del sentido común, de la imagen difundida, del cliché, de la exaltación de las bellezas; del espíritu abierto de la ciudad, que como veremos en el capítulo el carioca, presenta también una contrafase poco abierta, poco cordial contradiciendo el mito sobre Rio. En segundo lugar, el reconocimiento de la ciudad dividida, la...

    22,36 €

  • Cadernos de Arquitetura Paisagista
    Álvaro Santiago Ponce Dentinho
    Cadernos de Arquitetura Paisagista edita e comenta cinco textos estruturantes do pensamento de Álvaro Santiago Ponce Dentinho (1924-2014), pioneiro da arquitetura paisagista em Portugal.No dizer de Guilherme Oliveira Martins, que destaca alguns dos aspetos salientados pelos autores deste livro, no trabalho de Álvaro Ponce Dentinho «há mais para além da criação de um sistema téc...

    18,20 €

  • Invisible City
    Piet de Kock
    When we look up towards the sky we see the galaxy through its visible parts. At night it’s the stars that guide and direct our senses but there’s more than meets the eye because what we don’t see is dark matter. Now imagine the view back down towards earth. Again, we see stars, but of a different kind in the lights of our cities. And there’s dark matter in amongst these lights ...

    78,92 €

  • El origen del jardín moderno en Estados Unidos
    Ana de la Fuente Aznárez
    Hasta mediados del siglo XX, el llamado jardín inglés de carácter paisajista era el único modelo aceptado en el diseño de un jardín en Estados Unidos. Ese paradigma era válido tanto para los espacios públicos como para las viviendas unifamiliares. Durante las primeras décadas de siglo, con influencia de las Vanguardias y de las ideas del Movimiento Moderno, se empezó a plantear...

    50,44 €

  • Habitar Gamarra
    Patricia Díaz
    El libro Habitar Gamarra explora la relación entre la arquitectura del principal emporio textil peruano y las formas en que se habita, dentro de un contexto donde conviven tanto estructuras formales como informales. Esta interacción se manifiesta en un sistema complejo que responde no solo a necesidades comerciales, sino también domésticas. pues en Gamarra no solo se compra o s...

    18,20 €

  • Bop
    Juan Carlos Bamba Vicente
    En Latinoamérica, en el siglo XX, se implementaron programas de desarrollo de barrios obreros públicos, viviendas asequibles de calidad para la población trabajadora, buscando abordar el déficit habitacional y mejorando las condiciones de vida. En Argentina se creó la Comisión Nacional de Casas Baratas en 1915, Venezuela fundó el Banco Obrero en 1928, y en México se ofrecieron ...

    20,80 €

  • Fundamentals of Planning Cities for Healthy Living
    Alexandra Pollock / Avi Friedman
    The proposed book illustrates the decline of community planning for healthy living and outlines measures that can be reintroduced to foster active lifestyles. ...

    50,34 €

    Jaime Correa
    A counterproposal and revision of the ideas of social-utopian Charles Fourier. This colorful project proposes an alternate system of floating phalanxes and phalansteries for the South Florida region in response to the current period of uncertain climate conditions. More than just a project of urban design and architecture, this counterproposal is a conceptual art intervention b...

    27,79 €

  • L’Osservatorio Sassi per la Gestione del sito UNESCO di Matera. Il progetto per l’avvio e il metodo.
    Angela Colonna
    Nel 2013 il sito UNESCO materano de 'i Sassi e il parco delle Chiese rupestri' si è dotato del suo primo Piano di Gestione, a vent’anni dall’iscrizione nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale. Il Piano di Gestione si è andato definendo lungo un percorso articolato e partecipato, e la sua struttura è il risultato di sintesi degli apporti di tutte le fasi del percorso. Il processo pa...

    24,80 €

  • West Swindon
    Angela Atkinson / Frances Bevan / Roger Ogle
    West Swindon is a series of linked suburban centres planned and built from the 1980s to the west of the Wiltshire former railway town. But its story stretches back much further than most people realise. Way before the St. John family hunted on what is now Lydiard Park, Romans lived, made bricks - and died here. Should you think of West Swindon as nothing more than a soulless, t...

    22,53 €

  • Accesibilidad multiescalar a los espacios públicos de Guayaquil
    Ricardo Pozo Urquizo
    En este texto se aborda la problemática de la desigualdad en las ciudades contemporáneas desde el enfoque de la accesibilidad al espacio público en Guayaquil, Ecuador. Se destaca que la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU) reconoce limitaciones significativas en el acceso equitativo a la ciudad, un derecho que no se cumple plenamente en Guayaquil debido a la calidad deficiente de los espa...

    31,72 €

  • Viviendas tradicionales en madera
    Jorge Alberto Vega Verduga / Tanya Pamela Donoso Mogollón
    El patrimonio arquitectónico continuamente se ve amenazado por agentes naturales o por las transformaciones de las ciudades, pero existe interés a través de la investigación por conservar esos valores culturales que se reflejan en la vivienda tradicional.Este libro presenta el estudio de las viviendas tradicionales en madera de la Zona occidental de la provincia de El Oro en el...

    24,96 €

  • Futuros posibles: Bahía
    Filiberto Viteri Chávez / Milagros Jaramillo Barnuevo
    La ciudad de Bahía de Caráquez fue una de las más afectadas por el terremoto del 16 de abril de 2016. Todo aquello que, sin ayuda estatal, se había podido rehacer con el paso de los años, desde el terremoto de 1998, fue destruido nuevamente.Ante una inminente ola de emigración y desfragmentación del tejido social, y frente a un contexto urbano destruido, la gran pregunta ha sid...

    36,92 €

  • Futuros posibles: Pedernales
    Filiberto Viteri Chávez / Gonzalo Robalino Patiño / Milagros Jaramillo Barnuevo
    Pedernales, al norte de la provincia de Manabí, en la zona costera de Ecuador, fue la ciudad más afectada por el terremoto del 16 de abril de 2016. El sismo destruyó gran parte de su infraestructura física y de su tejido social. A raíz de esto, la clase de Diseño Arquitectónico Integrado II, de octavo semestre de la carrera de arquitectura de la Universidad Católica de Santiago...

    26,00 €

    What is the best way to design with greenery? What are the benefits of selecting one species of tree over another, and placing it at Point A instead of Point B? Will it cost more than the benefits it provides? If you have ever asked these questions, this book is for you.Greenery is an integral part of the sustainable planning and design ethos. Besides beautifying the environmen...

    119,93 €

    What is the best way to design with greenery? What are the benefits of selecting one species of tree over another, and placing it at Point A instead of Point B? Will it cost more than the benefits it provides? If you have ever asked these questions, this book is for you.Greenery is an integral part of the sustainable planning and design ethos. Besides beautifying the environmen...

    59,80 €

  • A History of Prestonfield - Edinburgh Local History
    Brian Bourner
    This booklet is an exercise in local history. It is an attempt to bring together and describe the broad sweep of social and political history relating to a small area in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, called Prestonfield. It is illustrated with a number of photographs and extracts from a number of maps. ...

    16,92 €

  • For Palestine
    Ian Parker
    'I am not afraid to look.' - Tom Hurndall, 2003.On the eve of the invasion of Iraq in February 2003, Tom Hurndall, a photography student at Manchester Metropolitan University, travelled from Manchester to the Middle East to witness the horrors in Iraq and then later in Palestine. Tom was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier on 11 April 2003 whilst attempting to rescue two chi...

    55,89 €

  • Harmony, Florida
    Anthony James Catanese
    Harmony, Florida is a very special place. It is a new town built upon the principles of New Urbanism and living with nature and wildlife. It could become a model for new place-making and conservation of endangered lands. It is not only a planning and architectural success; it is also an ecological ideal.This book tells how it was done. It started with a vision supported by scie...

    12,01 €

  • Harmony, Florida
    Anthony James Catanese
    Harmony, Florida is a very special place. It is a new town built upon the principles of New Urbanism and living with nature and wildlife. It could become a model for new place-making and conservation of endangered lands. It is not only a planning and architectural success; it is also an ecological ideal.This book tells how it was done. It started with a vision supported by scie...

    30,15 €

  • Laberintos: Tradición viva
    Fernando Segismundo Alonso Garzón
    Uno de los poquísimos libros publicados en español que muestra el potencial que tienen los laberintos en sus diferentes aspectos.El símbolo del laberinto es casi tan antiguo como la humanidad, y su uso, extendido por todo el planeta, ha abarcado todo tipo de ámbitos.Este libro está pensado para ser -pese a su carácter divulgativo- una guía de iniciación a la historia, usos y, l...

    15,60 €

  • Constructing Gardens, Cultivating the City
    Amanda Shoaf Vincent
    Constructing Gardens, Cultivating the City is the first cultural history of major new parks developed in Paris in the late twentieth century, as part of the city’s program of adaptive reuse of industrial spaces. Thanks to laws that gave the city more political autonomy, Paris’s local government launched a campaign of park creation in the late 1970s that continued to the turn of...

    92,40 €

  • The Complex City
    Caroline Donnellan
    ’The Complex City: Social and Built Approaches and Methods’ explores different ways of understanding the city. The social city approach proceeds from the ground-up, it focuses on human interactions shaped by economic and environmental processes. The built city method looks through a top-down lens, examining policy and planning for buildings and infrastructure, including utiliti...

    61,69 €

  • School Journey as a Third Place
    Zoe Moody
    Journeys to school are important time and space transitions between homes and schools for children worldwide. This book provides insights into children’s experiences of this essential aspect of their lives and schooling experience. From an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, leading international scholars focus on how children from very different contexts travel be...

    160,22 €

  • SMART CITY 2.0
    Almost a century since the idea of creating more humane - more human-centric - cities was brought to the fore, how far has mankind progressed towards creating a true 'city with a heart'? How far off are we, and what can we do to close the gap?The first generation of smart cities showed the limits of top-down planning, in which cities contracted out design and implementation to ...

    182,09 €

  • NO in the USA
    NO in the USA is a photo essay that will change the way you see public signage forever. Observed through the eyes of a foreigner, this book offers a refreshing and playful perspective on the symbols and messages that surround us. From the comical to the thought-provoking, NO in the USA is a must-read for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of American culture and so...

    33,38 €

  • Arquitec-na-tura
    Manuel Fonseca Gallego
    El objeto de este libro, denominado ARQUITEC-NA-TURA (conjugando los dos términos Arquitectura y Naturaleza entre sí de manera que formen un todo no perdiendo ambas raíces), pretende analizar las tendencias arquitectónicas contemporáneas ligadas a la conservación de los entornos naturales para su difusión futura, denominadas NATURARQUITECTURAS o quizás Naturaleza Construida. Es...

    31,72 €