Negocios internacionales

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Empresa y gestión / Negocios internacionales (1998)

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Negocios internacionales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Grow Fast, Grow Global
    Sarah Carroll
    Finalist in the Business Book Awards 2019Do you want more online sales? Seize the opportunity and sell to customers around the world.No business can avoid digital disruption. You either adapt, embrace it and then use it to your advantage, or you will get outpaced by a competitor that does. The time to act is now, so that you won’t get left behind.The internet has opened up the ...

    23,64 €

  • The Financial Modellers VBA Compendium
    Jack Avon
    Financial modelling is a critical and well-respected domain in commerce and business. Todays financial modellers are no longer spreadsheet Jockeys of yesteryear, and tend to be individuals from a professional background such as accounting, engineering, and legal.To provide commercial financial models modellers are well advised to prescribe to a modelling methodology and to deve...

    13,49 €

  • Start-Up Enterprises and Contemporary Innovation Strategies in the Global Marketplace
    In an ever-expanding economic world, the need for new businesses with the ability to create and evolve simultaneously is paramount to ensure success. Hybrid business models are essential to foster growth and promote prosperity. Start-Up Enterprises and Contemporary Innovation Strategies in the Global Marketplace is a critical scholarly resource that examines the relationship be...

    308,25 €

  • Be Your Brand
    Regan Hillyer
    Confused, overwhelmed, or seriously lacking focus when it comes to your personal brand? I was that person too. I could have gone in 20 different directions. Should I be this? Should I create this? Should I launch this? What if it doesn’t work? The questions were endless. The biggest reason was, simply, I didn’t have a personal brand!  Fast forward 60 days and I now sit here ...

    15,24 €

  • Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Business and Political Affairs on the Global Economy
    The growth of global commerce depends on many different factors and strategies in order for multinational corporations to efficiently compete and thrive in the international marketplace. In addition to business strategies, corporations must also be aware of political affairs that may impact their global economic status. The Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Busin...

    308,60 €

  • Business Development Opportunities and Market Entry Challenges in Latin America
    Latin America has long held an important role in international economics and continues to attract attention as the region faces restructuration and implements new business conceptions. As a result, Latin America continues to experience economic growth, which further affirms the region’s great potential for future business endeavors. Business Development Opportunities and Market...

    269,07 €

  • Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    Helen Lawton Smith / João JMFerreira / Luis M Farinha
    As businesses seek to compete on a global stage, they must be constantly aware of pressures from all levels: regional, local, and worldwide. The organizations that can best build advantages in diverse environments achieve the greatest success. The Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship explores the emergence of new ideas and...

    492,67 €

  • Cases on Branding Strategies and Product Development
    Sarmistha Sarma / Sukhvinder Singh
    The process of creating iconic brands varies from product to product and market to market. Effective branding strategies are imperative to success in a competitive marketplace. Cases on Branding Strategies and Product Development: Successes and Pitfalls is a collection of case studies illustrating successful brand management strategies as well as common errors of unsuccessful b...

    256,33 €

  • Publishing Globally
    Infarom Publishing
    Like every other trade nowadays, the book industry is experiencing the process of globalization. For publishers, licensing the translation rights for some titles represents an important direction of development. The traditional way is to find a foreign rights agent or agency to represent the publisher abroad. There are no rules for the process of licensing translation rights...

    18,98 €

  • Handheld Computing for Mobile Commerce
    With the advent of the World Wide Web, electronic commerce has revolutionized traditional commerce, boosting sales and facilitating exchanges of merchandise and information. The emergence of wireless and mobile networks has made possible the introduction of electronic commerce to a new application and research area: mobile commerce. Handheld Computing for Mobile Commerce: Appli...

    236,93 €

  • Outsourcing and Offshoring of Professional Services
    Amar Gupta
    A growing number of companies are opting to perform increasing types of professional services in foreign countries, creating, for some companies, unprecedented opportunities to reduce costs and nucleate strategic relationships, while, for others, representing a major threat to current prosperity. Outsourcing and Offshoring of Professional Services: Business Optimization in a Gl...

    236,63 €

  • Marketing Campaign Development
    Mike Gospe
    This book is a practical, pragmatic 'how to' book designed for hi-tech marketing operations, regional, and corporate marketing leaders at every level. This unique book takes you step-by-step through the disciplined, yet practical, process of architecting truly integrated marketing communications plans that work. In it, you fill find a prescription for building a successful, rep...

    27,98 €

  • Financial Planning for Global Living
    Jennifer A Patterson
    What is financial planning for global living?Whether you are embarking on a short- or long-term overseas assignment, moving for love, are a dual citizen, are considering retiring abroad, or are an advisor to people in any of those situations, Financial Planning for Global Living will give you the insight and practical guidance, and the tools you need, all honed from the trenche...

    14,78 €

  • Corporate Espionage, Geopolitics, and Diplomacy Issues in International Business
    As global business competition continues to accelerate, it is imperative that managers and executives examine all facets of an organization so that it remains successful. Often dynamics such as espionage, diplomacy, and geopolitical atmosphere have a great impact on daily operations of an organization; however, these areas are often overlooked. Corporate Espionage, Geopolitics,...

    275,70 €

  • Global Place Branding Campaigns across Cities, Regions, and Nations
    Place branding has made it possible for international destinations to be able to compete within the global economy. Through the promotion of different cities, natural beauty, and local culture or heritage, many regions have been able to increase their revenue and international appeal by attracting tourists and investments. Global Place Branding Campaigns across Cities, Regions,...

    269,13 €

  • The Reinvention of Marketing
    Deborah Malone
    The marketing industry is undergoing dramatic transformation brought about by technology, globalization, and shifting economics. 'The reinvention of marketing' is becoming a more critical issue as the industry looks to deliver purpose and meaning to brand values in a business world increasingly defined by social media, mobility, analytics, 'big data,' return-on-investment, and ...

    17,93 €

  • J.D. Ponce su Adam Smith
    J.D. Ponce
    Questo appassionante saggio si concentra sulla spiegazione e sull’analisi de La ricchezza delle nazioni di Adam Smith, una delle opere più influenti della storia la cui comprensione, per la sua complessità e profondità, sfugge a una prima lettura.Che abbiate già letto La ricchezza delle nazioni o meno, questo saggio vi permetterà di immergervi in ogni singolo significato, apren...

    20,79 €

  • Modern Insights in International Trade and Commerce
    Modern insights into international trade and commerce reveal new landscapes shaped by technological advancements, shifting economic power, and complex global trade. As the world becomes interconnected, digital transformation, including e-commerce and blockchain technology, is revolutionizing how goods and services are exchanged across borders, streamlining transactions and enha...

    333,94 €

  • Modern Insights in International Trade and Commerce
    Modern insights into international trade and commerce reveal new landscapes shaped by technological advancements, shifting economic power, and complex global trade. As the world becomes interconnected, digital transformation, including e-commerce and blockchain technology, is revolutionizing how goods and services are exchanged across borders, streamlining transactions and enha...

    438,99 €

  • El mundo de las auditorías de los sistemas de gestión antisoborno
    David Caballero
    Una guía dinámica que nos permitirá explorar los inicios de la corrupción en el mundo, en especial en América Latina, su presencia cada vez mayor y las acciones que los distintos Gobiernos han venido tomando para lograr contrarrestarla.En ese sentido, la norma ISO 37001, Sistemas de Gestión Antisoborno, se convierte en una herramienta poderosa para las instituciones públicas y ...

    21,84 €

  • Freiheit in der Psychoanalyse von Sigmund FREUD
    Achoua Arsenio KOUADIO
    Die aktuelle Beschäftigung mit dem Problem der Freiheit durch die Störungen, psychischen Traumata und hysterischen Symptome des Subjekts aufgrund der Zivilisation, die auf der Verdrängung und dem Verzicht auf die eigene Natur beruht, erfordert eine Veränderung auf der Grundlage der Lektüre von Sigmund Freud. Um diese Krise in der modernen Gesellschaft zu beheben, die zwangsläuf...

    148,43 €

  • Freedom in Sigmund FREUD’s Psychoanalysis
    Achoua Arsenio KOUADIO
    Today’s preoccupation with the problem of freedom via disorders, psychic traumas and hysterical symptoms in the subject, due to civilization based on the repression and renunciation of one’s own nature, calls for a mutation based on the reading of Sigmund Freud. So, in order to remedy this crisis in modern society, which inevitably affects the individual’s psychic personality g...

    148,69 €

  • A liberdade na psicanálise de Sigmund Freud
    Achoua Arsenio KOUADIO
    A preocupação atual com o problema da liberdade através de perturbações, traumas psíquicos e sintomas histéricos no sujeito, devido a uma civilização baseada na repressão e na renúncia da sua própria natureza, exige uma mudança baseada na leitura de Sigmund Freud. Assim, para remediar esta crise da sociedade moderna, que afecta inevitavelmente a personalidade psíquica do indiví...

    148,65 €

  • La libertà nella psicoanalisi di Sigmund Freud
    Achoua Arsenio KOUADIO
    L’odierna preoccupazione per il problema della libertà attraverso disturbi, traumi psichici e sintomi isterici nel soggetto, dovuta a una civiltà basata sulla repressione e sulla rinuncia alla propria natura, richiede un cambiamento basato sulla lettura di Sigmund Freud. Quindi, per rimediare a questa crisi della società moderna, che si ripercuote inevitabilmente sulla personal...

    148,66 €

    A insegurança alimentar em África, apesar da vasta terra arável, é agravada pela dependência excessiva das importações de alimentos. O livro explora o potencial da ZCLCA para impulsionar o comércio intra-africano, reduzir a pobreza e promover o crescimento económico. Investiga as razões do fracasso de anteriores comunidades económicas regionais e identifica barreiras subtis que...

    86,94 €

  • AfCFTA
    Trotz riesiger Anbauflächen wird die Ernährungsunsicherheit in Afrika durch die übermäßige Abhängigkeit von Lebensmittelimporten noch verschlimmert. Das Buch untersucht das Potenzial der AfCFTA, den innerafrikanischen Handel anzukurbeln, die Armut zu verringern und das Wirtschaftswachstum zu fördern. Es wird untersucht, warum frühere regionale Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften gescheit...

    86,92 €

  • AfCFTA
    L’insécurité alimentaire en Afrique, malgré l’étendue des terres arables, est aggravée par une dépendance excessive à l’égard des importations de denrées alimentaires. L’ouvrage explore le potentiel de l’AfCFTA pour stimuler le commerce intra-africain, réduire la pauvreté et favoriser la croissance économique. Il examine les raisons de l’échec des précédentes communautés économ...

    86,93 €

  • AfCFTA
    L’insicurezza alimentare dell’Africa, nonostante le vaste terre coltivabili, è aggravata dall’eccessiva dipendenza dalle importazioni alimentari. Il libro esplora il potenziale dell’AfCFTA per incrementare il commercio intra-africano, ridurre la povertà e promuovere la crescita economica. Indaga sui motivi del fallimento delle precedenti comunità economiche regionali e identifi...

    86,95 €

  • AfCFTA
    Олусегун Обасун
    Несмотря на огромные пахотные земли, продовольственная безопасность Африки усугубляется чрезмерной зависимостью от импорта продовольствия. В книге исследуется потенциал AfCFTA для стимулирования внутриафриканской торговли, сокращения бедности и экономического роста. В ней исследуются причины неудач предыдущих региональных экономических сообществ и выявляются тонкие барьеры, пре...

    86,90 €

  • Diversifizierung der angolanischen Exporte - Herausforderungen und Vorteile
    Francisco Miguel Paulo
    In den letzten Jahren haben mehrere Forscher Arbeiten über die Exportkonzentration veröffentlicht, in denen sie die politischen Entscheidungsträger in den unterentwickelten Ländern auffordern, sich um eine Diversifizierung ihrer Exporte zu bemühen, da dies zu einer Steigerung des Pro-Kopf-BIP beitragen kann. Forscher wie Imbs und Wacziarg (2003) und Hesse (2008) fanden eine nic...

    42,54 €