Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

Ficción y temas afines / Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción (4689)

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  • Violence and Women
    Anita S. Chapman / Anita SChapman
    The archetypal story of Medea is a cautionary tale for our era.  Jason and Medea’s marriage, favored by the gods, represents an attempt at a union of opposites very far from each other.  They represent the masculine and feminine principles, covering a wide range of psychological, sociological, and historical aspects.  This synthesis fails. In the myth, as Euripides presents it,...

    44,01 €

  • The Hammer Of The Gods
    Andrew Marc Rowe
    It’s Hammer Time!Pitted against a perverse pantheon of warring deities, Gudleik Sigbjornsson and Rosmerta O’Ceallaigh are two dreamers living worlds apart, hoping to create a better life for themselves by following their dreams. It won’t be easy: Gudleik’s soul is the battleground between two gods of Asgard. And Rosmerta is supposed to do as her parents have done: offer her lif...

    15,82 €

  • Shard of Glass
    Emily Deady
    Once she was a noblewoman.Now she is a palace servant.Ashlin never pictured herself scrubbing floors. But with the family savings depleted and her stepmother crippled by grief, Ashlin selflessly takes a job at the royal palace. She can pursue her dreams of becoming a seamstress someday in the future.However, as she forms an unlikely friendship with the prince, she learns that t...

    15,86 €

  • House of Illusions
    Pippa J. Frost / Pippa JFrost
    A twisted fairy tale. A curse awoken.Winter has come to the remote mountain village, embroiling Valentina in tragedy.A dark energy has arisen, threatening to destroy the peace between dwarves and humans in a rash of violent chaos.In her battle to survive, Valentina finds sanctuary in the most unlikely of places. Even so, she soon discovers she can’t outrun the secrets buried wi...

    14,37 €

  • Cartas de relación
    Hernán Cortés
    Las Cartas de Relación de Hernán Cortés son largos informes oficiales dirigidos al emperador Carlos V para que este sancionara la legalidad de la empresa conquistadora, tratando de ganar la partida contra Velázquez, quien igualmente se dirigía al monarca denunciando la rebeldía de Cortés, que había partido a la conquista de México sin su autorización. Cortés describe las nuevas...

    19,95 €

  • La madre
    Máximo Gorki
    La madre es la novela más conocida de Máximo Gorki, uno de los grandes exponentes del realismo socialista, publicada originalmente en 1907. La trama de la obra arranca con la muerte de un obrero, un hombre que martirizó física y anímicamente a su mujer Pelagia, durante los años que duró su matrimonio. Fruto de este matrimonio es Pavel cuyo carácter se va tornando cada vez más r...

    19,95 €

    Arlene Belmont
    Amaris, the Moon Child is a combination of two books, Happenstance, and Amaris, the Moon Child. Happenstance is a delightful fairy tale about fortune and misfortune. The story beings with the sibling birth of twins, one being St. Nicholas, a.k.a. Santa Claus. Through a twist of fate, the twin siblings are separated at birth. Fortune rests on St. Nicholas as he is raised by his ...

    12,38 €

    Arlene Belmont
    Amaris, the Moon Child is a combination of two books, Happenstance, and Amaris, the Moon Child. Happenstance is a delightful fairy tale about fortune and misfortune. The story beings with the sibling birth of twins, one being St. Nicholas, a.k.a. Santa Claus. Through a twist of fate, the twin siblings are separated at birth. Fortune rests on St. Nicholas as he is raised by his ...

    19,32 €

  • Rainbow Brigade
    J.A. Pitts / J.APitts
    When a rash of suicides strikes Bellingham, Washington, Sarah Beauhall finds herself embroiled in a conspiracy that involves long-dead gods, love-scorned ancients, dragons, witch feuds, and the rediscovery of a mysterious abandoned world.  Can Sarah put together the puzzle pieces before her world comes crashing down around her? ...

    15,22 €

  • Beyond the After
    CM Healy
    An evil presence has returned to Snow White’s kingdom seeking revenge, but now is focused on her teenage daughter. Desperate, Princess Lillian races against time to uncover who is behind the nefarious attacks. But who can be trusted? Servants to the Crown? Friends? Family? Or the mysterious stranger Alexander who seems to know more about Lillian than seemingly possible? As the ...

    16,84 €

  • Cairn and the Unicorn
    Lynda May
    The colt remained stationary transfixed to where he was standing as he noted in his shock, that the horse had no patches of colour on him at all, and was completely white from his head to his rump which included his body and legs, and also his mane, tail and forelock. ...

    38,45 €

  • The Epic of Kings
    Ferdowsi / Helen Zimmern
    'The houses that are the dwelling of today will sink beneath shower and sunshine to decay but storm and rain shall never mar the palace that I have built with my poetry.'-FerdowsiThe Shahnameh, The Epic of Kings, is an epic composed by the Iranian poet Ferdowsi. It tells mainly the mythical and to some extent the historical past of the Persian Empire from the creation of the wo...

    21,38 €

  • The Legend of Old
    Sam Nemri
    In the exhilarating old pentalogy, the author has combined five mysterious tales of adventure into one fascinating book. In this story, danger lies at every forest, mountain, and street corner. ...

    39,44 €

  • Croatian tales of long ago
    Iv. Berlic-Mazuranic
    This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve ...

    11,53 €

  • Cartas Selectas
    Alejandro Dumas
    Antes de mi partida, me habéis exigido palabra de escribiros, no una carta, sino tres o cuatro volúmenes de ellas. Tenéis razón; conocéis mi carácter ardiente y decidido, tratándose de las cosas más importantes, indolente cuando de las leyes se trata, amigo de dar; pero jamás amigo de dar poco.Ofrecí, y ya lo veis; a mi llegada a Bayona, comienzo a cumplir mi promesa.No quiero ...

    19,90 €

  • Comentarios reales
    Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
    Los comentarios reales es un libro de carácter histórico-literario publicado en Lisboa en 1609 que describe la historia, las tradiciones y las costumbres del Perú antiguo, centrándose principalmente en la época de los incas. Está considerada como la primera gran obra de la literatura peruana y una de las más importantes del periodo colonial. Tuvo además mucha influencia en la h...

    21,90 €

  • La feria de las vanidades
    William Makepeace Thackeray
    La feria de las vanidades es una novela del autor inglés William Makepeace Thackeray publicada por vez primera en 184748, satirizando la sociedad del Reino Unido de principios del siglo XIX. El título del libro procede de la historia alegórica de John Bunyan El progreso del peregrino, publicada por vez primera en 1678 y aún leída ampliamente en la época de la novela de Thackera...

    22,98 €

  • La muerte de Arturo
    Thomas Malory
    La muerte de Arturo, publicada en 1485 por William Caxton el primer impresor de Inglaterra, es la versión que hizo sir Thomas Malory sobre la historia del rey Arturo y los caballeros de la Mesa Redonda, compuesta por ideas originales del autor e interpretaciones anteriores de la misma leyenda. La obra de Malory consiste en una amplia reelaboración de los principales textos fran...

    29,58 €

  • The Complete Fairy Tales
    George MacDonald
    The works of George MacDonald, the Scottish author, poet, and minister, have influenced the likes of W. H. Auden, J. R. R. Tolkien, Madeleine L’Engle, C. S. Lewis, and Mark Twain. MacDonald wrote some of the first popular fantasy novels and is best known for his enduring stories, such as “Phantastes”, “The Princess and the Goblin”, “Lilith”, and “At the Back of the North Wind”....

    13,29 €

  • The Fox Spirit of Bluestone Mountain
    Tao Zou / Timothy Gouldthorp
    “When a handsome scholar meets a beautiful girl, things are liable to get out of hand. Not to mention when fox demons are involved.” — Lü Dongbin, Taoist immortal.Jade Fox, a nine-tailed fox spirit who dwells in a cave on Bluestone Mountain, transforms herself into a beautiful woman and seduces Young Master Zhou, a handsome and talented scholar. When their secret liaison comes ...

    25,11 €

  • The Fox Spirit of Bluestone Mountain
    Tao Zou / Timothy Gouldthorp
    “When a handsome scholar meets a beautiful girl, things are liable to get out of hand. Not to mention when fox demons are involved.” — Lü Dongbin, Taoist immortal.Jade Fox, a nine-tailed fox spirit who dwells in a cave on Bluestone Mountain, transforms herself into a beautiful woman and seduces Young Master Zhou, a handsome and talented scholar. When their secret liaison comes ...

    40,97 €

  • The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies
    Robert Kirk
    “The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies” is the famous and mysterious treatise on fairy folklore, witchcraft, second sight, and ghosts by Gaelic scholar and minister, Robert Kirk. Written before he died in 1692, the work was not published until 1815 after many legends had grown around Kirk’s death, which imagined that he was secreted away by the fairies themselves...

    8,05 €

  • Carl’s Quest
    Linda Ballard
    Carl's Quest is a fairy tale adventure for children of all ages, five to one hundred five. Carl is a charismatic commoner who lives in the woods. With the assistance of his woodland friends, he ventures into a fantastic kingdom. There he sees the beautiful vision of his dreams, Princess Charlotte. She is kidnapped by an evil baron. Carl and three knights set off on a crusad...

    13,57 €

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
    Anonymous / Jessie L. Weston / Jessie LWeston
    Arthurian legends have long been the source of countless popular tales. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is one of the best known and most widely read. During King Arthur’s New Year’s celebration, a mysterious knight, with green clothes and horse, arrives with a challenge to the knights of the round table—any one of them may swing at the Green Knight with an axe if he too is w...

    8,96 €

  • El Cuentacuentos
    A. Minghella / AMinghella / Javier David Menéndez Guerra
    Nueve sortilegios de óleo y de pelusas y de raso y de trapo relleno con guata nos llevó a las Antillas, allá por los ochenta y tantos, cierto viejo narigudo, el Cuentacuentos. Por espacio de nueve noches consecutivas, poco antes de la hora en que se nos obligaba a dormir, aparecía detrás de la pantalla del televisor, sentado en su butacón orejero junto a una inmensa chimenea en...

    23,28 €

  • The Moonlit Grove
    Robin Johnson
    A unique tale of the weird where a nocturnal excursion leads to a life-changing encounter with a circle of very unusual trees. ...

    20,89 €

  • El Diablo Cojuelo
    Luis Vélez de Guevara
    Un estudiante saca un diablo de la vasija en que un mago le había encerrado, y este, agradecido, lleva a su libertador por los aires y va enseñándole uno por uno el interior de las casas, cuyos techos levanta como si se tratara de casas de juguete, y así pueden contemplar a sus habitantes en la mayor intimidad, tal como son, con todos sus vicios y cualidades. El diablo Cojuelo ...

    17,95 €

  • 1984
    George Orwell
    1984 es una novela política de ficción distópica publicada en 1949 cuyo personaje principal, Winston Smith, decide rebelarse ante un gobierno totalitario controlado por el Gran Hermano, que vigila todos y cada uno de los movimientos de los ciudadanos y que es capaz de castigar incluso a quien delinque con el pensamiento. Winston Smith trata de escapar de esta tiranía omnipresen...

    18,90 €

  • Cartas de amor a Nora Barnacle
    James Joyce
    En las Cartas a Nora Barnacle corpus que se debe a su mejor biógrafo, Richard Ellmann, fechadas en distintos tiempos en su mayor parte de 1904 y 1909, las hay también del 11 y 20, en Dublín, Trieste, Londres, lugares de la errancia de Joyce, oímos entre idas y vueltas la voz de un escritor que no fue precisamente un cortesano (en la acepción moderna del término), una de esas ex...

    18,90 €

  • El saludo de las brujas
    Emilia Pardo Bazán
    Una historia de amor apasionado e imposible entre Rosario y Felipe en los fastuosos parajes de Ercolani; un príncipe que no ama a su esposa; las calles de París a finales del siglo XIX invadidas de intrigas, conspiraciones y ambiciones Todas estas historias se encuentran en El saludo de las brujas, una novela pubicada en 1898 con el estilo poético característico de Pardo Bazán,...

    17,90 €