
Lenguas / Lingüistica (31212)

  • Марракеш, город с историей
    Хафид Абуэлькасем
    Эта книга предлагает три точки зрения на 'мировой город' - Марракеш. Во-первых, через роман Мохамеда Недали 'Дом Цицина' мы пытаемся понять город и его обитателей, освещая взаимоотношения между жильцами 'Дар Лурики'. Попытка прочтения города прошлых лет была предпринята нами также через путевой очерк Канетти 'Голоса Марракеша' (Les Voix de Marrakech). Прогулки альтер эго Канетт...

    26,35 €

  • Marrakech, a city with a story
    Hafid Abouelkacem
    This book offers three points of view on a 'world city', Marrakech. First, through Mohamed Nedali’s novel La Maison de Cicine, we attempt to grasp the city and its inhabitants by highlighting the relationships between the tenants of Dar Louriki. Canetti’s travelogue, Les Voix de Marrakech, also offered a glimpse into the city of yesteryear. The strolls of Canetti’s alter ego ga...

    61,51 €

  • Developmental Language Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
    Dimitra V. Katsarou
    The field of language disorders often lacks comprehensive resources that address the diverse range of developmental language disorders and provide insights into effective treatment and special education approaches. Many existing books focus on specific disorders or groups of disorders, leaving a gap in knowledge and understanding for academic scholars and professionals seeking ...

    302,05 €

  • The Language Dynamic
    Gerard O’Grady / Tom Bartlett
    Language is both a socially distributed metastable system, unknowable to any one individual, and an individually embodied biological system. As such it is subject to recursive biological and societal pressures, which enable it to function and change.The Language Dynamic identifies a number of mechanisms that enable the meaning potential of language from the phoneme through gram...

    96,25 €

  • The Language Dynamic
    Gerald O’Grady / Tom Bartlett
    Language is both a socially distributed metastable system, unknowable to any one individual, and an individually embodied biological system. As such it is subject to recursive biological and societal pressures, which enable it to function and change. The Language Dynamic identifies a number of mechanisms that enable the meaning potential of language from the phoneme through gra...

    40,57 €

  • Soziolinguistik
    Flávia Camargo Ramos
    Dieses Buch stellt eine Studie vor, die sich auf soziolinguistische Theorien stützt, die sich mit den Möglichkeiten von Veränderungen im portugiesischen Sprachunterricht befassen. Als Methodik wurde eine bibliographische Untersuchung auf der Grundlage von Primärquellen verwendet. Ziel ist es zu verstehen, wie die Soziolinguistik zu einem weniger vorurteilsbehafteten und ausgren...

    53,73 €

  • Sociolinguistics
    Flávia Camargo Ramos
    This book presents a study subsidised by sociolinguistic theories that deal with the possibilities of changes in Portuguese language teaching. The methodology used was a bibliographical review based on primary sources. The aim is to understand how sociolinguistics can contribute to less prejudiced and exclusionary mother tongue teaching. When a particular language variety is ch...

    53,66 €

  • Социолингвистика
    Флавия Камарго Рамос
    В книге представлено исследование, подкрепленное социолингвистическими теориями, посвященное возможностям изменений в преподавании португальского языка. В качестве методологии использовался библиографический обзор, основанный на первичных источниках. Цель - понять, как социолингвистика может способствовать тому, чтобы преподавание родного языка было менее предвзятым и исключающ...

    26,29 €

  • Sociolinguistique
    Flávia Camargo Ramos
    Ce livre présente une étude étayée par des théories sociolinguistiques qui traitent des possibilités de changement dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise. La méthodologie utilisée est une revue bibliographique basée sur des sources primaires. L’objectif est de comprendre comment la sociolinguistique peut contribuer à un enseignement de la langue maternelle moins empreint d...

    53,73 €

  • Sociolinguistica
    Flávia Camargo Ramos
    Questo libro presenta uno studio sovvenzionato da teorie sociolinguistiche che affrontano le possibilità di cambiamento nell’insegnamento della lingua portoghese. La metodologia utilizzata è stata una rassegna bibliografica basata su fonti primarie. L’obiettivo è capire come la sociolinguistica possa contribuire a un insegnamento della lingua madre meno pregiudizievole ed esclu...

    53,66 €

  • Lavender Linguistics
    Megan Dennis
    'Lavender Linguistics: A Lexicon of Queer Terminology' by Megan Dennis is a concise and comprehensive reference book that provides readers with a valuable resource for understanding the diverse and evolving language of queer identities. This pocket-sized gem consists of an alphabetical listing of queer terms, each accompanied by a brief yet informative definition.Spanning 152 p...

    24,64 €

  • Fórum Do Dia Nuclear
    Osvaldo Matsuda
    Neste romance do Dia Nuclear o Mundo Invisível e o Fórum estão a favor da Paz Nuclear.Um grupo de países tem armas nucleares de destruição em massa. E estão preparados para uma Guerra Nuclear. ...

    12,57 €

  • Madiun’s Literatur
    Ardi Wina Saputra
    Jede Stadt hat ihre eigene Erfolgsbilanz in Sachen Alphabetisierung und Literatur, und Madiun ist da keine Ausnahme. Literatur ist ein Mittel, um Menschen zu kritischem und kreativem Denken zu ermutigen, daher muss die Gemeinschaft der Literatur näher gebracht werden. Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, die Entwicklung und Existenz literarischer Gemeinschaften in Madiun zu untersuche...

    60,20 €

  • Pedogogia da disciplina escolar Inglês
    Dr. Anil Uttam More
    Este livro foi concebido para ajudar os estudantes de B.Ed a compreender melhor o conceito de inglês no curso de B.Ed, de acordo com o último programa de dois anos de B.Ed de todas as universidades, UGC Pattern, e será útil para os estudantes nesta área. Este livro é simplificado através de vários exemplos.Este livro foi concebido para ajudar os estudantes a compreenderem melho...

    59,21 €

  • Pedagogia della materia scolastica inglese
    Dr. Anil Uttam More
    Questo libro è stato progettato per aiutare gli studenti di B.Ed a comprendere meglio il concetto di inglese nel corso di B.Ed secondo l’ultimo Syllabus biennale di B.Ed di tutte le università, UGC Pattern.It sarà utile per gli studenti in questo campo. Questo libro è semplificato da vari esempi.Questo libro è stato progettato per aiutare gli studenti a comprendere meglio i con...

    59,21 €

  • Ilk qadam
    Fotima A’zamqulova
    Bu kitob mening ilk mualiflik kitobim hisoblanadi.Ushbu kitobdan O’zbekistonlik yosh ijodkorlarning ijod namunalari joy olgan. Kitobda ilmiy , publististik maqolalar bilan birgalikda she’r va hikoyalar ham bor.Kitob nomining 'ilk qadam ' deb nomlanishiga sabab ijodkorlar va kitob mualifining antalogiya janridagi ilk qadami hisoblanadi. Ijod namunalari sizga manzur bo’ladi degan...

    34,20 €

  • A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape Studies
    Durk Gorter / Jasone Cenoz
    This book provides an overview of how the field of Linguistic Landscape Studies has emerged and developed over the past 20 years, combined with an in-depth exploration of the theoretical approaches, innovative research methods and major themes that have been central to this dynamic area of research. ...

    75,46 €

  • A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape Studies
    Durk Gorter / Jasone Cenoz
    This book provides an overview of how the field of Linguistic Landscape Studies has emerged and developed over the past 20 years, combined with an in-depth exploration of the theoretical approaches, innovative research methods and major themes that have been central to this dynamic area of research. ...

    197,07 €

  • Voices of Women Writers
    Elena Anna Spagnuolo
    This book investigates the link between migrating, self-translating and identity in migrant narratives, by analysing a corpus of texts written by authors who were born in Italy and them moved to English-speaking countries. ...

    158,66 €

  • Crisoles de Media Noche
    Wuilfran Duque
    Crisoles de media noche tiene en cada letra el olor de su piel, su recuerdo, la necesidad de tenerla, así que cada sangría, que cada milímetro de hoja es por y para ella. La mujer y la patria, que son una sola, una estepa, una estela, una sabana y un llano inmenso, una flor y una hoja de alelí, un río indómito, inescrutable e inexplorable, una Magdalena de Bolívar, un Banco de ...

    36,16 €

  • A Babel do Cabral
    José A. Baço / Sandro Schmid
    O livro reúne crônicas e ilustrações que fazem um jogo de espelhos entre o português falado no Brasil e Portugal. Apesar de ser a mesma língua, há muitas expressões e palavras capazes de provocar confusões, algumas até caricatas. É um livro para divertir, mas que serve também para fazer uma ponte linguística entre os dois lados do Atlântico. ...

    33,27 €

  • Pharao Angola
    Andrea Devia Briceño
    In dieser Arbeit wird der Roman Faraón Angola des Autors Rodrigo Parra Sandoval aus dem Valle del Cauca analysiert. Dabei werden drei Aspekte berücksichtigt. Der erste ist die Erziehung als Befreiungsprojekt für den Menschen durch die archetypische Schule La Paloma. Der zweite ist die Analyse des Gedächtnisses (unter Berücksichtigung der Theorie des französischen Anthropologen ...

    75,37 €

  • Pharaoh Angola
    Andrea Devia Briceño
    This paper analyses the novel Faraón Angola by the Valle del Cauca author Rodrigo Parra Sandoval. Three aspects are taken into account. The first, education as a liberating project for the human being through the archetypal school La Paloma. The second is the analysis of memory (taking into account the theory of the French anthropologist Jöel Candau) based on the process of rei...

    75,26 €

  • Pharaon de l’Angola
    Andrea Devia Briceño
    Cet article analyse le roman Faraón Angola de l’auteur du Valle del Cauca Rodrigo Parra Sandoval. Trois aspects sont pris en compte. Le premier, l’éducation en tant que projet libérateur de l’être humain à travers l’archétype de l’école La Paloma. Le deuxième est l’analyse de la mémoire (en tenant compte de la théorie de l’anthropologue français Jöel Candau) basée sur le proces...

    75,33 €

  • Faraone Angola
    Andrea Devia Briceño
    Il presente lavoro analizza il romanzo Faraón Angola dell’autore della Valle del Cauca Rodrigo Parra Sandoval. Vengono presi in considerazione tre aspetti. Il primo, l’educazione come progetto di liberazione dell’essere umano attraverso l’archetipo della scuola La Paloma. Il secondo è l’analisi della memoria (tenendo conto della teoria dell’antropologo francese Jöel Candau) bas...

    75,26 €

  • Faraó Angola
    Andrea Devia Briceño
    Este artigo analisa o romance Faraón Angola do autor do Valle del Cauca Rodrigo Parra Sandoval. São tidos em conta três aspectos. O primeiro, a educação como projeto libertador do ser humano através do arquétipo da escola La Paloma. O segundo é a análise da memória (tendo em conta a teoria do antropólogo francês Jöel Candau), baseada no processo de reinvenção do passado através...

    75,26 €

  • Фараон Анголы
    Андре Девиа Брисеньо
    В данной статье анализируется роман 'Фараон Ангола' автора из Валье-дель-Каука Родриго Парра Сандоваля. Рассматриваются три аспекта. Первый - образование как проект освобождения человека через архетипическую школу Ла Палома. Второй - анализ памяти (с учетом теории французского антрополога Жоэля Кандау), основанный на процессе переосмысления прошлого через создание историй главн...

    33,56 €

  • Анализ условий адаптации студентов-подростков
    Муны Никдель Теймури
    Американская психиатрическая ассоциация (2010) определяет адаптацию как: 'координация поведения для удовлетворения потребностей окружающей среды, что часто требует модификации импульсов, эмоций или установок'. Социальная адаптация определяется как процесс, в ходе которого отношения между людьми, группами и элементами культуры устанавливаются в удовлетворительном состоянии. Друг...

    33,52 €

  • Analyse des conditions d’adaptation chez les étudiants adolescents
    Moones Nikdel Teymouri
    L’American Psychiatric Association (2010) définit l’adaptation comme suit : 'la coordination du comportement afin de répondre aux besoins de l’environnement, ce qui nécessite souvent la modification des impulsions, des émotions ou des attitudes'. L’adaptation sociale est définie comme un processus par lequel les relations entre les personnes, les groupes et les éléments culture...

    91,03 €

  • Analyse der Anpassungsbedingungen bei Teenagern
    Moones Nikdel Teymouri
    Die American Psychiatric Association (2010) definiert Anpassung als: 'Koordinierung des Verhaltens, um den Bedürfnissen der Umwelt gerecht zu werden, was oft eine Änderung von Impulsen, Emotionen oder Einstellungen erfordert'. Soziale Anpassung wird als ein Prozess definiert, durch den die Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, Gruppen und kulturellen Elementen in einen zufriedenstelle...

    91,01 €