Investigación social y estadística

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología / Sociología / Investigación social y estadística (2597)

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Sociología y antropología Eliminar filtro Sociología Eliminar filtro Investigación social y estadística Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    DI ZHU
    This book, set against the background of accounts of globalisation, aims to figure out the consumer orientation of the middle class in contemporary China, in particular how the new elements in consumer orientation operate in the Chinese context. It focuses on the contemporary middle class. Data used in the book are taken from national representative surveys conducted in the rec...

    133,74 €

  • Handbook of Research on Chaos and Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences
    The concept of 'chaos', and chaos theory, though it is a field of study specifically in the field of mathematics with applications in physics, engineering, economics, management, and education, has also recently taken root in the social sciences. As a method of analyzing the way in which the digital age has connected society more than ever, chaos and complexity theory serves as...

    400,09 €

  • Studies In Structural Sociology
    Frank W Young
    This collection of articles and essays embodies a new approach to sociology based on the original meaning of the word. Its central concept is 'community,' which is defined to cover units as small as the household and as large as the nation-state. Individuals are a special case of community. So defined, communities account for almost all the independent social organization of th...

    18,65 €

  • Research That Scales
    Kate Towsey
    Most organizations fail to tap into the game-changing power of research. Research That Scales is the ultimate playbook for transforming your research practice, whatever its size or shape, into an impactful and efficient insight-generating engine. Use it to plan, manage, and scale a research practice that can truly propel businesses forward. Who Should Read This BookIf you’re a ...

    73,11 €

  • Northern Ontario in Historical Statistics, 1871-2021
    David Leadbeater
    Based on original historical tables, Northern Ontario in Historical Statistics, 1871-2021 offers an overview of major long-term population, social composition, employment, and urban concentration trends over 150 years in the region now called 'Northern Ontario' (or 'Nord de l’Ontario'). David Leadbeater and his collaborators compare Northern Ontario relative to Southern Ontario...

    38,96 €

  • a Mad turn
    Phil Smith
    Written by Mad scholars, a Mad Turn explores the field of Mad Studies in theory and practice, and what Mad Studies can bring to academia and to other social institutions. What does it mean to 'do' Mad Studies? What are the field’s intersections with disability justice, Mad justice, and gender and queer studies? This book is a bold step toward the Mad Studies yet-to-come-a Mad S...

    32,46 €

  • Subject Lessons
    John Forrest
    Life histories are a class of oral data distinct from memoirs, autobiography, and conventional history in multiple ways. It is a way to lay out the felt experience of events in people’s everyday lives and not simply the statement of historical facts. As narrated pieces, life histories possess the unique voice of the individuals. Collecting data through life histories enables th...

    184,41 €

  • The User Experience Team of One
    Joe Natoli / Leah Buley
    Whether you’re new to UX or a seasoned practitioner, The User Experience Team of One gives you everything you need to succeed, emphasizing down-to-earth approaches that deliver big impact over time-consuming, needlessly complex techniques. This updated classic remains a comprehensive and essential guide for UX and product designers everywhere--you’ll accomplish a lot more with ...

    73,06 €

  • 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy
    Marvin Cheung
    Why are we stuck here and how do we move forward?Amidst escalating global crises and growing climate anxiety, 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy offers actionable recommendations to aspiring changemakers to close the compliance gap between political commitment and action, and advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The book journeys beyond sustainability which is typically a...

    26,31 €

  • 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy
    Marvin Cheung
    Why are we stuck here and how do we move forward?Amidst escalating global crises and growing climate anxiety, 5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy offers actionable recommendations to aspiring changemakers to close the compliance gap between political commitment and action, and advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The book journeys beyond sustainability which is typically a...

    40,88 €

    Tezera Teshale
    Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die bestehende Beteiligung der Ameya Woreda-Gemeinde an der Erhaltung der Waldressourcen zu bewerten (2013). Zur Erhebung von Primär- und Sekundärdaten wurden Meinungsumfragen, halbstrukturierte Interviews, persönliche Beobachtungen und Fokusgruppendiskussionen eingesetzt. Zur Erhebung der Primärdaten wurden 184 Stichprobenbefragte kontaktiert. Die a...

    61,88 €

    Tezera Teshale
    L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la participation actuelle de la communauté du Woreda d’Ameya à la conservation des ressources forestières (2013). Une enquête d’opinion, un entretien semi-structuré, une observation personnelle et une discussion de groupe ont été utilisés pour obtenir des données primaires et secondaires. 184 échantillons de répondants ont été contactés...

    61,88 €

    Tezera Teshale
    L’obiettivo di questo studio era valutare la partecipazione esistente della comunità di Ameya Woreda alla conservazione delle risorse forestali (2013). Sono stati impiegati sondaggi di opinione, interviste semi-strutturate, osservazioni personali e discussioni di gruppo per ottenere dati primari e secondari. Sono stati contattati 184 campioni di intervistati nel caso in cui si ...

    61,82 €

    Tezera Teshale
    O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a participação existente da comunidade Ameya Woreda na conservação dos recursos florestais (2013). Inquérito de opinião, entrevista semiestruturada, observação pessoal e discussão em grupo focal foram empregues para a obtenção de dados primários e secundários. Foram contactados 184 inquiridos da amostra no caso obtendo dados primários. Os da...

    61,88 €

    Тезера Тешале
    Целью данного исследования была оценка существующего участия общины Амейя Вореда в сохранении лесных ресурсов (2013). Для получения первичных и вторичных данных использовались опрос общественного мнения, полуструктурированное интервью, личное наблюдение и обсуждение в фокус-группе. В случае получения первичных данных были опрошены 184 респондента. Данные, собранные из первичных...

    61,94 €

  • Oscar Lewis in Cuba
    Susan M. Rigdon
    American anthropologist Oscar Lewis secured permission from Fidel Castro to undertake three years of field research on cultural and economic change in Cuba in the decade after the victory of Castro’s M-26 Movement. This book delves into Lewis’ research goals, methods, the training and composition of his field team, and the difficulties of executing the plan in the political cli...

    164,07 €

  • Brasilianer in Irland
    Rubenita Martins de Almeida
    In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung über die Abwanderung von Brasilianern nach Irland vorgestellt. Ziel ist es, die Gründe für diesen Prozess aus einer geografischen Perspektive zu untersuchen, wobei das Territorium als Analysekategorie verwendet wird. In methodischer Hinsicht haben wir für das Forschungsproblem relevante bibliografische Lektüren und Datenbl...

    77,63 €

  • Brazilians in Ireland
    Rubenita Martins de Almeida
    This book presents the results of research into the process of Brazilians leaving for Ireland and aims to investigate the reasons for this process from a geographical perspective, using territory as a category of analysis. From a methodological point of view, we carried out bibliographical readings and fiches pertinent to the research problem, collected data from official organ...

    77,56 €

  • Brésiliens en Irlande
    Rubenita Martins de Almeida
    Ce livre présente les résultats d’une recherche sur le processus de départ des Brésiliens vers l’Irlande et vise à étudier les raisons de ce processus d’un point de vue géographique, en utilisant le territoire comme catégorie d’analyse. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nous avons réalisé des lectures bibliographiques et des fiches pertinentes pour le problème de recherche, rec...

    77,63 €

  • Brasiliani in Irlanda
    Rubenita Martins de Almeida
    Questo libro presenta i risultati di una ricerca sul processo di partenza dei brasiliani verso l’Irlanda e si propone di indagare le ragioni di questo processo da una prospettiva geografica, utilizzando il territorio come categoria di analisi. Da un punto di vista metodologico, abbiamo effettuato letture bibliografiche e schede pertinenti al problema della ricerca, raccolto dat...

    77,56 €

  • Бразильцы в Ирландии
    Ру Мартинс де Алмейда
    В этой книге представлены результаты исследования процесса отъезда бразильцев в Ирландию, цель которого - изучить причины этого процесса с географической точки зрения, используя территорию как категорию анализа. С методологической точки зрения мы провели библиографическое чтение и составили подборку материалов, относящихся к проблеме исследования, собрали данные в официальных о...

    77,69 €

    Лауни Оукаци
    В лабиринте академических исследований в области гуманитарных и социальных наук ориентироваться в огромном количестве методологий, теорий и научных дебатов может стать сложной задачей для докторантов и исследователей. Практическое руководство по успеху в гуманитарных и социальных науках' стало эталоном, предлагающим структурированный подход к анализу и применению исследовательс...

    119,58 €

    Lounis Oukaci
    In den labyrinthischen Korridoren der universitären Forschung in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften kann es für Doktoranden und Forscher eine schwierige Aufgabe sein, sich durch das breite Spektrum an Methoden, Theorien und wissenschaftlichen Debatten zu navigieren. Das Buch 'Guide Pratique pour la Réussite en Sciences Humaines et Sociales' (Praktischer Leitfaden für den Erf...

    119,57 €

    Lounis Oukaci
    Nei labirintici corridoi della ricerca accademica nelle scienze umane e sociali, navigare nella vasta gamma di metodologie, teorie e dibattiti scientifici può essere un compito scoraggiante per dottorandi e ricercatori. La 'Guida pratica al successo nelle scienze umane e sociali' si è affermata come un punto di riferimento, offrendo un approccio strutturato alla disamina e all’...

    119,62 €

    Lounis Oukaci
    Nos corredores labirínticos da investigação académica nas ciências humanas e sociais, navegar pelo vasto leque de metodologias, teorias e debates científicos pode ser uma tarefa assustadora para estudantes de doutoramento e investigadores. O 'Guia Prático para o Sucesso nas Ciências Humanas e Sociais' surgiu como uma referência, oferecendo uma abordagem estruturada para disseca...

    119,62 €

  • A Genealogy of Method
    Sondra L. Hausner
    This volume considers the meaning of culture and anthropology’s role in defining it. Taking up the history of the discipline and the method of ethnography in turn, the book asks if the concept of culture might be productively reclaimed within a context that acknowledges history, change, and diversity. ...

    35,79 €

    Tezera Teshale
    The objective of this study was to assess existing participation of Ameya Woreda community in forest resource conservation (2013). Opinion survey, semi-structured interview, personal observation, and focus group discussion were employed to obtain primary and secondary data. 184 samples respondents were contacted in the case obtaining primary data. The data collected from primar...

    61,76 €

  • Ex-ante-Bewertung der IPM-Forschung und -Bekämpfung von Thripsen in Kenia
    Esther Mujuka
    Das Internationale Zentrum für Insektenphysiologie und -ökologie (icipe) schlägt die Einführung des Integrierten Pflanzenschutzes (IPM) zur Bekämpfung von Pflanzenschädlingen, zur Kostensenkung und zur Einhaltung von Rückstandshöchstmengen vor, um die Exporte der Entwicklungsländer zu steigern. Ist IPM die Lösung für die Schädlinge, die zu hohen Ernteverlusten führen? Welche Ko...

    55,80 €

  • Évaluation ex ante de la recherche et de la vulgarisation en matière de lutte intégrée contre les thrips au Kenya
    Esther Mujuka
    Le Centre international de physiologie et d’écologie des insectes (icipe) propose la mise en place d’une lutte intégrée contre les parasites des cultures, la réduction des coûts et le respect des limites maximales de résidus (LMR) afin de stimuler les exportations des pays en développement. La lutte intégrée contre les parasites est-elle la solution pour lutter contre les paras...

    55,80 €

  • Valutazione ex-ante della ricerca e della diffusione della lotta integrata al tripide in Kenya
    Esther Mujuka
    Il Centro Internazionale di Fisiologia ed Ecologia degli Insetti (icipe) propone l’istituzione della Gestione Integrata dei Parassiti (IPM) per il controllo dei parassiti delle colture, la riduzione dei costi e il rispetto dei Livelli Massimi di Residui (LMR) per incrementare le esportazioni dei Paesi in via di sviluppo. L’IPM è la soluzione ai parassiti che causano elevate per...

    55,73 €